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x – 0.025x = 341.


Multiplying and dividing Left hand side by x

x – 0.025x = 341.25
x - 0.025 x = 341.25
�x - 0.025 x �
x� �= 341.25
� x �
�x 0.025 x �
x� - �= 341.25
�x x �
x ( 1 - 0.025 ) = 341.25


x =341.25+0.025x

First of all understand that always like terms are added or subtracted. For example you
are asked to add three books(say 3b) and other five books (say 5b) then you ‘ll not
hesitate to say its collection is eight books(3b + 5b = 8b). But if you are asked to add
three books(3b) and five pens (say 5p) then what you ‘ll say the output either eight books
(8b) or eight pens(8p)? Of course neither 8b nor 5p. It ‘ll remain 3b+5p !! Means to say
that similar things are combined with similar things. That’s’ why in the above equation
0.025x on right hand side is combined with x on left hand side. While doing this we
subtract 0.025x on both sides.

x – 0.025x = 341.25+0.025x – 0.025x

0.975x = 341.25 +0x

0.975x = 341.25

To free x from left hand side, we have to divide 0.975 on both sides


x – 0.025x = 341.25

Multiplying and dividing Left hand side by x

x – 0.025x = 341.25
x - 0.025 x = 341.25
�x - 0.025 x �
x� �= 341.25
� x �
�x 0.025 x �
x� - �= 341.25
�x x �
x ( 1 - 0.025 ) = 341.25

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