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Good afternoon miss and classmates, today I'm going to present my project It's about my life project

To focus my project, I divided my goals into two: short-term goals and long-term goals.

The short term: within a year I must complete high school along with my intermediate English classes
that I carry out in the icpna, the following year I have to complete advanced English along with high
school to university.

Once in college, I will strive to finish my studies in 5 years, following the career of human medicine,
then I will do the boarding school, and later the SERUM and at the end I will specialize in pediatrics. My
long-term goals will be met by my decision. Successive to do a doctorate abroad, if given the
opportunity to do the doctorate in the country of Cuba, since the medicine in Cuba is fully developed.

As a professional my aspirations are to have a pediatric clinic, and become a health minister, to legislate
laws in favor of children's health.

Other of my long-term goals are projected in the family as forming companies or consortia that involve
my cousins or nephews who have affinity to my proposals.

I would also like to visit other countries of the ancient world especially Jerusalem because I have read
that Jesus Christ lived there and I find interesting another serious Egypt to be close to the pyramids of
which various legends are told.

I think that in order to achieve all my goals I must strive to study a lot then work valuing every minute
of my time.

My objective to enter the university as a first option I will presant to the MAJOR UNIVERSITY OF SAN
MARCOS that is in the city of Lima and the second option in the UNIVERSITY OF THE CENTER in the
city of Huancayo, since both universities have the medical faculty Human, and my vocation is precisely
this, because I like to help my neighbors in their needs and even more I would like to discover new
medicines that help to heal the sick. Since years ago I have been interested in the health professions and
especially everything related to children.

We could affirm that in Peru the laws concerning health do not apply to the reality in which we live, so
in Peru children have anemia and malnutrition and hence my interest to go abroad to bring other
experiments both in Medicine and law.

In some journals on alternative and complementary medicine, such as the scorpion venom that is
helping cancer prevention and other endless natural medicines.

This is my life project which will continue to exercise to be able to reach more goals in my life.

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