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Creative Writing Liars Paradox: Or is it?

Tillman Huett

Then it happened. It was unimaginable. The very act of thought stopped, the thought of thinking allowed
the unthinkable to became thought. It caused all kinds of indescribable things, enacted in explicit detail.
The ostensive simplicity buried under intricate complexity. The thing, caused by stuff like that. Stuff that if
put on a piece a paper, could never be read, if spoken never heard, felt never conceived. It was pain and
suffering, life and joy, it was whatever you wanted it to be, besides what you desired it to. It happened, but
it didn’t. It was wanted and hated. The fuel needed for it came from the absence of everything. The
absence of everything, buried under the quantity of anything. Anything became whatever it could, it could
be whatever it couldn’t. But if it couldn’t then it could.
Stop lying!
I’m not
You sure
Well what I’m saying now is false, but the first thing I said was true.
I don’t know, am I?
Are you what?
Am I lying about what I just said?
What did you just say?
Why does it matter?
Well if it didn’t matter, why would you be talking about it?
Why do I only have to talk about things that matter?
Why wouldn’t you?
You mean, how wouldn’t I?
What do you mean what?
I mean never mind
Ha, you said a statement not a question
You just didn’t say a question either
Oh dang!
And you just talked with an exclamation mark
How do you know? Wouldn’t that require this to be a story
Well yea, but are we speaking?
Well then we must be being read?
Or written
Yea, but we are read while we are written
But we cannot be read until we are written
But we don’t know what is written until we read
Why cant this just be a thought
Because if this was a thought, that would require us to be alive
“I think, therefore I am”
Ah, Descartes
Yea, you’ve read him?
You mean, have we read him?
Yea, that’s what I wrote
But I wouldn’t know what you wrote if I didn’t read it
You mean, we read it?
Well yea, but you making me a second person pronoun, makes us separate
But you know we are the same
Right, and that’s what confuses me
Confuses us?
Right what confuses me, confuses us
No, when you are a ‘me’ we are no longer an us
Are you sure
Of course I’m sure
Well I don’t think that’s true
Well how would we, we like to think of ourselves as an us, but you must make us a you and me
Creative Writing Liars Paradox: Or is it? Tillman Huett

No that’s what you are doing

What we are doing?
Yea, who do you think is writing this?
You mean, who do we think is writing this?
Well we are
Why would we write about ourselves?
Why not?
Why wouldn’t it be a better story?
Well why is it a story?
How are we writing a story?
We just are
You mean, you just are
No, you’re wrong, we are
Oh ok, but wouldn’t we have to be alive, to write?
Well aren’t we alive?
What makes us alive?
Well us realizing that we are alive
But if we don’t what makes us alive, how can we realize it?
Well what are other things that are alive?
Well how should I know?
Well I know we don’t know, so I thought maybe you knew?
If I’m we, then how would I know?
I don’t know
You mean, we don’t know
So do you think we are alive?
Am I even sure we can think?
Well how cant we think?
Maybe we are just inky letters on a page?
Ha, that’s a huge MAYBE!

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