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Successful on the micro stakes in 60 minutes (handout)

The Preflop Play

If there are less than 10 players at the table, the early positions are left out.
We only have MP2 to BB at a table with 6 players.

Which hands should you play preflop?

Under the Gun, UTG+2, UTG+3, MP1, MP2: Middle Position 3, Cutoff:

Raise to 4BB Raise to 3BB

Button, Small Blind: Big Blind:

Button raise to 2BB – Small Blind raise to 3BB

Green Hands Blue Hands

You raise, if no other player has entered the hand before You raise, if no other player has entered the hand before
you. you.
You fold, if there is a raise behind you. You raise to 5 big blinds, if a player before you has
entered the hand by limping.
You add one big blind to your raise for any additional
You fold, if there is a raise behind you.

Red Hands Yellow Hands

You raise, if no other player has entered the hand before You call yellow hands against open raises from CO to SB.
you. You fold these hands if there was more than one raise
You raise to 5 big blinds, if a player before you has before you or if the raiser was sitting in UTG to MP3.
entered the hand by limping. In the big blind you play yellow-blue hands like yellow
You re-raise to 3.5 times the open raise, if a player has hands, if there was a raise before you.
raised before you. If this open raise has already been called,
you add one open raise to your re-raise for every caller.
You go all-in with a red hand if you get re-raised after your
open raise.
If there was a raise and a re-raise before you, you go all-in
with AA and KK and fold QQ and AK.

You can limp pairs, if one or more players have entered the hand by limping before you. You can call a raise with your
pairs, if you and your opponent have more than 20 times the amount to call in your stack. This rule only applies when the
charts indicate that you should not play the respective pair.

After open raising you can call min-raises with green and blue hands. With all red hands you should re-raise to 3.5 times the
amount of the min-raise.
Successful on the micro stakes in 60 minutes (handout)

The Postflop Play

Step 1: Determine your hand category on the flop

You have to find out which category your hand belongs to on the flop. There are the following fundamental

Made hands: Top Top Pair or overpairs with 88 to JJ

A J on J 9 3 Special
Monster: Overpairs with QQ to AA and all two pairs, three of a kind, straights, flushes etc. Rule
A K on 4 3 Q If we are playing a
Strong draws: All flush draws or open-ended straight draws belong to this category 3-bet pot, any top
A Q on 2 3 K / J 9 on 4 8 T pair and any
overpair should be
played like a

Step 2: Determine how to player hour hand

Step 2.1: You have raised before the flop

You have to find out which category your hand belongs to on the flop. There are the following fundamental

Made hands: You bet 2/3 of the pot on the flop, turn and river. If your opponent raises, you should fold.

Monster: You bet 2/3 of the pot on the flop, turn and river. If your opponent raises, you reraise to 3.5
times the amount and go all-in if your opponent continues.

Strong draws: You bet the flop as a bluff and fold to any raise from your opponent.

Special Rule

Your opponent bets first (donk bet):

If your opponent bets less than 2BB, you act as if he hadn't bet at all. If he bets more than 2BB, you only continue
with your monster hands by raising to 3.5 times the amount and fold all other hands.

Nobody has raised before the flop: Play your hand according to your hand category.

Step 2.2: You have only called before the flop

Made hands: You check and call on the flop against a bet of at most ¾ pot size. Should your opponent check
the flop, you bet 2/3 pot size. The same applies to the turn and the river.

Monster: You bet the flop, turn and the river with 2/3 pot size. You re-raise to 3.5 times the amount if
there is another raise behind you and go all-in to any other raise.

Strong draws: You check the flop and turn and call against a bet of at most ½ pot size. You give up your hand
on the river if you did not hit your draw. Check and fold to any bet from your opponent.

Worthless hands: Check the flop and fold to any bet.

Special Rule Your opponent checks the flop:

If your opponent has raised preflop and checks the flop with you two being the only players still
left in the hand, you bet 2/3 pot size with any hand. If you get called you continue to play your
hand according to your hand category.
Successful on the micro stakes in 60 minutes (handout)


The micros are the lowest stakes with blinds of $0.01/$0.02 (also called NL2), $0.02/$0.05 (NL5) and $0.05/$0.10 (NL10).

Positions at the poker table:

• UTG stands for "Under The Gun"
• MP stands for "Middle Position"
• CO stands for "Cutoff"
• BTN stands for "Button"
• SB stands for "Small Blind"
• BB stands for "Big Blind"
A bet is one of the options a player has when not being faced with a wager of an opponent. Betting means wagering a certain
amount when no one has put money in the pot in the respective betting round. If another player has already put money in the
pot, you have the option to raise this bet.
A check is one of the options a player has when not being faced with a bet of an opponent. Checking means not taking any
action and relay to the next player without betting. You can only check if there was no bet before you.
A call is when you match a bet or raise. If the amount to call equals the big blind the action is called a limp.
A player folds hís hand when he discards his hand and forfeits his interest in the current pot. All the money he has already put
into the pot remains there and he cannot re-enter the hand.
A raise is one of the options a player has when being faced with a bet of an opponent. Raising means increasing an existing
bet in the same betting round. According to the house rules the number of raises per betting round may be limited to three,
four or sometimes five raises. Raising the bet of an opponent is also called a re-raise.
Open Raise
If the hand is being opened by a raise in the first betting round, we call this an open raise. If all players fold to the cutoff who
raises instead of just calling the big blind he open raises since no other player has entered the hand before him.
A re-raise is a raise after another raise. If a player bets and gets raised by another player who gets raised by a third player, the
last wager is a re-raise.
A player limps when he calls the amount of the big blind in the first betting round instead of raising.
A 3-bet is a re-raise after a bet and a raise and is therefore the third wager in the respective betting round. Posting the big
blind preflop counts as the first wager, so that re-raising a raise is a 3-bet.
A min-raise is the smallest possible raise a player can make.
All-in means having bet all one's chips in the current hand.

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