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Laura-Edythe S.

Researcher &Lecturer


Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University, Krieger School of Arts & Sciences, Advanced Academic Programs,
Museums Studies

I develop and deliver online asynchronous graduate level courses in museum studies. I am responsible for
all aspects of preparation and grading of assignments. I teach two courses:
460.609.81 Museums in the Global Perspective
Graduate Asynchronous Online Course via Blackboard
460.611.81 History & Philosophy of Museums
Graduate Asynchronous Online Course via Blackboard

Florida State University

Florida State University, School of Information

Adjunct Faculty,
I develop and deliver online synchronous, in-person, and hybrid graduate and undergraduate level
courses in library and information studies, information communication technologies, and information
technology. I teach four courses:
LIS 5787 Information Architecture
Graduate Synchronous Online Course via Canvas & Collaborate
LIS 5203 Assessing Information Needs
Graduate In-Person Course & Hybrid Online Course
Graduate Synchronous Online Course via Canvas & Collaborate
LIS 5405 Leadership in Technology
Graduate Synchronous Online Course via Canvas & Collaborate
LIS 4208 Perspectives in Information Technology
Undergraduate In-Person Course
Oklahoma University
Oklahoma University, College of Liberal Studies

Adjunct Faculty,
(2018- Present)
I design, develop, and deliver online asynchronous graduate level courses in museum studies. I am
responsible for all aspects of preparation and grading of assignments. I teach one courses:
LSMS 5423Controversy and the World of the Museum
Graduate Asynchronous Online Course

Adjunct Faculty in Instructional Development,

Attended required continuing education and training to become an Instructional Developer in Museum
Studies. Currently re-developing the course:
LSMS 5423Controversy and the World of the Museum

School of Arts and Sciences,

Tallahassee, Florida

Teacher, Computer Science,

At the conclusion of my doctoral program, I took an entire year to teach Computer Science in a local
middle school - working with students, teachers, parents, and administrators to incorporate digital literacies
into daily curriculum. I designed and developed modules on logic, programming, networking, hardware,
software, and human-computer interaction.

Florida State University

Graduate Teaching Assistant,
As a graduate teaching assistant, I graded assignments, assisted students with technology, instructed
lab portions of courses, and maintained course websites.
Usability Analysis and Design, Project Management for Information Technology, Excel for Business,
Introduction to Information Technologies, Network Administration Linux and PHP


College of Communication and Information, Florida State University

Help Desk Analyst,
As a Help Desk Analyst, I offered technical support for the Florida State University College of
Communication and Information. I provided service in an Enterprise environment for 130+ Faculty and
Staff and all CCI students through local & remote help desk assistance. I was responsible for technical
documentation creation, hardware/software/network upgrades. I supervised undergraduate and graduate IT
students in a fast-paced help desk climate.
Information Institute, Florida State University
Research Assistant,
As a Research Assistant, I was responsible for data collection (quantitative and qualitative), research
design, website design, and grant writing activities. I participated in several successful grant proposals and
gained both field and office research skills.
Professional Boards
Board Member, International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of Victims of Public
Crimes (ICMEMO)(2017-Present)
Board Member, Education, Cincinnati Museum Center (2004-2006)
Professional Review Activities
Manuscript Reviewer, International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of Victims of
Public Crimes (ICMEMO)
Associate Editor, The International Journal of the Image (2016)
Manuscript Reviewer, The International Journal of the Image (2016)
Manuscript Reviewer, The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum (2014-2018) Contributing Editor,
The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum (2014)
University and Departmental Service
Thesis Committee Member, College of Liberal Studies, Oklahoma University (2018-Present)
Student Representative, College of Communication and Information, Florida State University, Technology
Services Committee (2013-2015)
Departmental Representative, Graduate Assistant, Union United Faculty of Florida (2013-2016)
Professional Affiliations
American Alliance of Museums (AAM)
American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T)
Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE)
American Library Association (ALA)
Beta Phi Mu (BPM)
United States Committee of the Blue Shield
International Council of Museums – US (ICOM_US)
International Committee of Memorial Museums in Remembrance of Victims of Public Crimes (ICMEMO)
11th International Inclusive Museum Conference Emerging Scholar Award (2018) Grenada, Spain.
American Alliance of Museums Volunteer Grant (2018). Phoenix, AZ.
International Council on Museums – United States ICOM-US Travel Grant Award (2016). Milan, Italy.
American Alliance of Museums Volunteer Grant (2016). Washington, DC.
ALISE Jean Tague-Sutcliffe Doctoral Student Research Poster Competition, Awarded 3rd Place, (2016)
Boston, MA
7th International Inclusive Museum Conference Graduate Scholar Award (2014) Los Angeles, CA.
American Society for Information Science and Technology ASIS&T Volunteer Grant (2014), Seattle, WA.
School of Information, Lewis-Marxsen Fellowship Endowment (2014)
School of Information, Departmental Scholarship Liz Cropper Award (2013)
School of Information, Professors’ Choice Scholarship Dr. Alphonse Trezza Award (2013)
Museum of Florida History, Presidential Volunteer Service Award: Translation of La Florida
Bibliography, (2012) Tallahassee, FL

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