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Diamond to

By Cody Burge
Diamond Brought to Found and
Formation Surface Gathered
The diamonds are then
transferred to the surface by
Most commercial diamonds volcanic a specific magma
are found in the earth's called kimberlite and a rare
mantle. The mantle is a eruption called diatreme. The Once a The diamond is on
prime place for diamond magma with the diamonds in it the crust of the earth they
production. Diamonds need will bubble and increase in can now be found and
extreme heat and pressure to pressure over time. Once the mined. The diamonds will be
form and the mantle has volcano has hit its limit for the found inside of specific
both. The pressure and heat pressure it will erupt and the mines and parks.
diamonds and magma will be
compresses trapped carbon
brought to the crust of the earth
and creates a diamond

To the Cut to
Store Perfection
Once the diamonds are
located they are they are in a
The diamonds are then
natural form and will have to
shipped to buyer and either
be cut to the desired shape.
kept as a treasure or turned
The diamonds are cut using
into a priceless jewelry piece
cleaving or saw/laser

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