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Learning objectives

Outline the layers of the earth and describe the movement of material from the mantle to
the crust during volcanic activity.

Describe the process of diamond formation

Learning Tasks
Learn about each layer of the earth and will make a bullet point graph showing what each layer
contains. I will learn this by looking on seg wiki

Learn how mantle is moved to earth's crust by looking a national geographic, wikipedia and
weather wiz to find the information. I want to make a google doc full of notes. I would like it be
done by september 7th

Learn about diamond production by reading articles from I will right a small
paragraph of how diamonds are created. I want to finish this by Sep 10


Layers of the earth

● oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium
Rock types
● igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
● oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, and calcium
● Materials can be moulton
● Nickel, Iron

The mantle is the second of 3 main layers of the earth. The mantle layer is the source of magma
for volcanoes. Magma is formed when there is a reduction in overlying pressure or
decompression which will allow the rock to melt down to magma. The magma will bubble and
will add more and more pressure. The pressure eventually increases and pushes on the vulnerable
points of the earth to make the volcano erupt.

How Diamonds form

Most commercial diamonds are made in the earth's mantle and moved to the surface by
volcanoes. The Mantle is a prime area for diamond production because of the high temperatures
of 1050 degrees Celsius and the high pressure. The diamond is composed of carbon. The carbon
is trapped in the mantle and combined with the heat and pressure produces a diamond

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