My Leaf Animal

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Laura Tzunun

MED 6317
Vincent Bates
June 2, 2014

Domain: Science and Visual Arts

Activity Name: My Leaf Animal
Grade: Third
Objectives: 1. Students will be able to classify leafs into
different groups. They will be able to identify
similarities and differences.
2. Students will be able to create an animal using
only leafs. Students will be encouraged to be
creative and use as many different types of
leaves as they can.
3. Students will write the name of each leaf on a
spate paper.
Science Standard 2: Students will understand that organisms depend on
living and nonliving things within their environment.
Objective 1: b. Identify characteristics of living things (i.e.,
growth, movement, reproduction).
c. Classify living and nonliving things in an
Visual Arts Standard 4: Recognize the connection of visual arts to all
Objective 3: learning.
a. Use a visual arts form as a help in expressing
an idea in a nonart subject; e.g., a science
project, the writing of a poem, a social studies
Materials:  A variety of different types of leaves. ( Leaves
can be collected the day before in school yard
or at home for home work)
 Science Journals, and crayons
 Construction paper, glue and markers
1. Classify: Students will take out their leaves that they collected from the
day before and lay them on the table. The teacher will instruct the
students to try to group their leaves. Tell them to look for things they
have in common and put them in the same group.

2. Deep knowledge: On an overhead projector the teacher will show

students a simple leaf. The teacher will ask the students to describe the
traits of the leaf. Then the students will look in their pile of leaves and
find a simple leaf. They will make a rubbing of the leaf using a crayon.
They will label it as a simple leaf. The teacher will follow the same
procedures for the following leaf types: Compound leaf, pinnate,
palmate, shape, and edge.

3. Create: The teacher will then tell the students that they will be making
animals using their leaves! They can use as many different kinds of
leaves as they want to make whatever animal they chose. Encourage
students to be creative; the animals do not need to be exactly like they
are in real life. The teacher will show some examples of other creations
of leaf animals to give students ideas. Students will glue their leaves
down to construction paper.
4. Connect back to lesson: After finishing their animal students will take a
separate piece of construction paper and make a rubbing of the animal.
They will label with a marker the name of the animal and each type of
leaf (simple, compound, pinnate, palmate, shape and edge).
5. Share: Students can share their art work with the rest of the class.
Students can discuss what their favorite type of leaf is. Leaf animals will
be displayed in the class room.

Leaf animal: The leaf animal should be made from multiple types of leaves. It
should be arranged in to a recognizable animal. The leaf rubbing of the animal
should be labeled with the correct leaf types.

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