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Barachiel F. Vedua, Krystyl Dawn Dispo, Afril A. Cumayas, Christine Aspe, Farrah
Mae Yacapin, Gerard B. Albatera, Gauviel Cortes, Julius Monleon, Karl Clyde
Yacapin, Jayvee Anobling, Khyle Mondejar Postrano, Dave Clint Valmores,
Maria Legarte
Department of Computer Engineering, University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines, 9000
Date performed: August 22, 2018 · Date submitted: August 29, 2018

The purpose of this experiment was to understand the basic concept of what is matter. We
understand what really is the classification of matter when we identified that types of it. In the first
objective based on the data in the experiment, there are 2 matter that is element, 8 matter that is a
compound and 3 matter that is a mixture. In the second and last objective of the experiment, we
learned the two types of change: chemical and physical change.

The overall purpose of this experiment is to identify every classifications of a matter based on their
properties and to determine whether it has a chemical reaction or changes that is either physical or
chemical. In this experiment, we will learn what is matter, and what exactly is pure substance and
how is it different from a mixture.
Matter is anything that has a mass and occupies space. It can have many forms. We will commonly
divide matter into three phases: solid, liquid and gas. A solid has fixed shape and volume, and the
particles are touching and do not move. A liquid has fixed volume but do not have a fixed shape.
It will mold to its container. The particles are still touching but they do move fluidly. A gas has no
fixed volume or fixed shape. It will completely fill its container. The particles are far apart moving
freely and seldom touch. Matter will frequently change forms and describing these changes is at
the heart of the chemistry (Farina, 2015).
A physical change is one in which the chemical composition of the substance is unchanged. When
ice melts, water is going from the solid phase to the liquid phase. The way the water molecules are
arranged changes but they are still water molecules. A chemical change is one in which the
chemical composition of the substance does change. Chemical bonds between atoms must break
and form to generate completely new substances.
A pure substance is one that cannot be separated into other materials by any physical process.
Water, whether you boil or freeze it will still be water. It is a type of molecule which is just multiple
connected atoms. An element can’t be broken down into smaller parts by physical or chemical
means. For example, water is not an element, it’s a compound because it is made up of two or more
A mixture is made of two or more pure substances and these can be separated by physical processes.
If you boil salt water, the water will evaporate and the salt won’t. The substances will have
separated. A mixture can be homogeneous, meaning all the substances are distributed evenly and
every section looks the same, like sugar and water. Or, they can be heterogeneous, meaning they
are not disturbed evenly and zooming in on different sections would look differently like oil and
Sulfur is a chemical element with a symbol S and atomic number 16. It is abundant, multivalent,
and nonmetallic. The physical and chemical properties of Sulfur is an odorless, tasteless, light
yellow solid. It is a reactive element that given a favorable circumstance combines with all element
except gases, gold, and platinum. The rhombic structure is the most commonly found sulfur from
Magnesium ribbon, it is a light, silvery, white moderately hard metallic element that in ribbon or
powder from burns with a brilliant white flame. The physical and chemical properties are
characteristics of a substance like magnesium, which distinguishes it from any substances.
Magnesium powder (flash powder) was used for subject illumination in the early days of
photography. Later, magnesium filament was used in electrically ignited single-use photography
flashbulbs. Magnesium powder is used in fireworks and marine flares where a brilliant white light
is required.
Iron filling is magnetic, just like iron and the two not which means a magnet could be used to attract
the iron fillings out of mixture, leaving the salt and sand. Salt is water soluble, while sand is not.
This means the two can be mixed and stirred. The salt will dissolve and the sand will not. Sodium

bicarbonate is an odorless, white crystalline solid or fire powder. It has a slightly alkaline taste.
Sodium bicarbonate also known as baking soda, is used to relieve heartburn, sour stomach, or acid
indigestion by neutralizing excess stomach acid. Hydrochloric acid is a clear, colorless solution
and has a highly pungent color. It is available in many different concentrations in water, thus its
exact physical properties (boiling point, melting point, and density) vary accordingly. Hydrochloric
acid also used in the production of batteries, photoflash bulbs, and fireworks. It’s even used to
process sugar and make gelatin. Salt is odorless white, cubic crystal with salty taste. Salt is
hygroscopic in nature. Sand is used to provide bulk, strength, and other properties to construction
materials like asphalt, and concrete. The grain size and distribution influence many sand properties
such as permeability, flowability, surface fineness and strength.

It presents the analysis of the data and interprets the data using actual statements of observations,
including tables. The findings relate to the experiment objectives that will guide this report.

A. Identify every classifications of a matter based on their properties.

The table below shows the given matters categorized whether it is an element, compound or
mixture. If it is a mixture, whether it is a homogeneous or heterogeneous.
Table 1. Classifications of a given matter.
Matter Element/Compound/Mixture
Magnesium Ribbon Element
Heated Magnesium Compound
Heated magnesium w/ hydrochloric acid Compound
Magnesium ribbon w/ hydrochloric acid Compound
Sodium Bicarbonate Compound
Hydrochloric Acid Compound
Sodium Bicarbonate +Hydrochloric Acid Compound
Gas Produce Compound
Salt Compound
Sand Heterogeneous mixture
Salt + Sand Heterogeneous mixture
Iron Fillings w/ Chalk Dust Heterogeneous mixture
Powder that attract to the magnet Element

Based on the result presented in table 1, there are 2 (two) matters that is an element, 8 (eight)
matters that is a compound, and 3 (three) matters that is a mixture which is a heterogeneous mixture.

B. Determine the changes whether physical or chemical change.

I. Pure Substance
The magnesium ribbon that shown in next page tells us what would happen when it is burned. At
this data below, we can identify whether it is physical change or chemical change.

Table 2. Shows the type of change when the magnesium ribbon was burned.
Matter Types of Changes: Physical or Chemical
Burned Magnesium Ribbon Chemical Change

When the magnesium ribbon was burned, it creates a bright light and turned into ashes. The bright
light occurred because this reaction produces a lot of heat. After it burns, the white power (often
we called ashes) forms into a magnesium oxide. At this state, we can conclude that when the
magnesium ribbon is burned, it creates new substance and this type of change is a chemical change.

After we burned the magnesium ribbon and we acquired a new substance called magnesium oxide,
we try to put an 8 drops of 6 M hydrochloric acid to the test tube containing the burned magnesium
at it. In the table below, it shows the type of change occur during the process of the experiment.

Table 3. The distribution of type of change when we added a hydrochloric acid.

Matter Drops of 6 M Hydrochloric Types of Change: Physical
Acid or Chemical
Burned Magnesium Ribbon 8 drops Chemical Change

Based on the result above, it shows that when we put a hydrochloric acid into a burned magnesium
ribbon, it reacts to it and produces bubble of hydrogen gas. There is also a slight change of the
temperature inside the test tube. At this state, there is a chemical change that has happened when
we put 8 drops of hydrochloric acid to a burned magnesium ribbon.

The table below shows the distribution of type of change when we added hydrochloric acid to our
magnesium ribbon.
Table 4. Shows what type of change occurred at this experiment.
Matter Drops of 6 M Hydrochloric Types of Change: Physical
Acid or Chemical
Magnesium Ribbon 8 drops Chemical Change
When we put 8 drops of 6 M Hydrochloric acid, it reacts to it and it also produces bubbles of
hydrogen gas and the hydrochloric acid changes its color. There is also changes of temperature
(rising) and evolution of hydroxide gas. When these types of reactions occurred, it is basically
categorized to chemical change.

II. Mixtures
Sodium bicarbonate mixed with hydrochloric acid shows reaction to it. At the table below, it well
tells us what are the type of change in the experiment.

Table 5. Shows the type of change when sodium bicarbonate mixed with hydrochloric acid.
Matter Weight of Sodium Bicarbonate Volume of Type of Change:
6M Physical or
Hydrochloric Chemical
Sodium 0.03 g 1 ml Chemical Change

As what we observe during the experiment, the sodium bicarbonate reacts to the hydrochloric acid
and produces hydrogen gas in a form of bubbles. It also dissolves to the hydrochloric acid in a
couple of minutes. This tells us that when this type of reaction happen, we can considered it already
as a chemical change.

Table 6. Show they type of change and observation when sand and salt mixed.
Matter Types of Change:
Filtration Evaporation
Physical or Chemical

Salt Water-salt
dissolved; solution are being
Salt & Sand mixture Turns into a separated. Salt Physical change
water-salt turns back its
solution. appearance.
Sand are Water evaporated

This table presents salt and sand mixture that undergoes basic techniques of separation of mixture.
During filtration process, the sand were filtered and the salt were dissolved making the mixture as
solution. In the evaporation process, the salt turns back into its physical appearance as the water
evaporated. Furthermore, the types of change occurs during the process is physical change.

Table 7. Showing the reaction of iron filling and chalk dust when mixed.
Matter Reaction:

Iron filling-chalk dust mixture Attract Repel No reaction

Iron filling
chalk Dust

It shows that in the iron filling-chalk dust mixture ,only the iron filling attracts to the magnet while
the chalk dust don’t react to the magnet as it passes. The two substances differences in terms of
reaction, is that iron filling consist of magnetic properties that cause the attraction to the magnet.
Contrary to the chalk dust, it does not react to the magnet for it don’t have its magnetic properties.

Separation of a Mixture.
conclusion.html. Retrieved August 28, 2018.

Quora: What is the Reaction between Magnesium Oxide and Hydrochloric Acid.
Retrieved August 28, 2018.

E notes: In Detail, Exactly What Happens When Mg reacts with HCl.
559047. Retrieved August 28, 2018.


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