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Unit of work: Prepare Salvation topic: Advent Human person Topic:

Wondering at the experience of
Year Level: 1 Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
Key Understanding: situations/previous lessons/Units)
A1: Wondering at experiences of preparing.
This is the introductory lesson for this RE Unit.
Learning Point(s):
A1.1: Identifies ways in which people prepare for
special times.

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right choices eg Right eg Inner strength eg Moderation eg Prayer eg Reconciliation eg Service
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Literacy Numeracy ICT competence Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
creative thinking behaviour Social understanding

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Identify special time that people prepare for.
 Creating a visual representation of a time they have had to prepare for.
 Explain the ways in which they have had to prepare for a special time.
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Provision for student diversity:
(include Teacher Witness) Learning difficulty
- Research into the time of Advent in the Church - Carefully explain what the activity requires
(e.g. what each candle stands for) of them.
- Gather Advent Wreath, purple cloth and battery - When the students return to their desks
operated candles. ask the student to explain what they need
- Gather drawing equipment such as coloured to do back to you.
pencils and crayons - Assist with writing and sounding out words.
- Set up a space for painting
- Print out preparing for a special time sheet for
each student on A3 paper. ADHD
- Sit close to the child to help keep them
focused during the lesson. Give
manipulatives to fiddle with during the mat
session to avoid distracting others
- During the activity seat the child next to
more focused peers to model the work.
Use the traffic light system to tell what
noise level is appropriate.

LESSON DELIVERY attach worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction:
Align these with the segment
- Gather children on the mat and sit down on the floor with where they will be
them. introduced.
- Relate the idea of preparing for a special time to an event
that the class has done, for example an excursion. Ask
children to recall;
10  What they had to do to prepare for the excursion?
 What they felt like while waiting, did you feel
excited, maybe a little nervous?
- Ask children to think for a few seconds about times in their
life where they have had to wait for something.
- Ask children a series of questions, all children think and
some children share responses;
 Have you ever had had to wait for something
 What did you wait for?
 How did you feel when you were waiting?
 What did you/your family do to prepare for the
things you were waiting for?

Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key

- Ask students if they know what special time people are
preparing for at the moment.
- Ask children to think about the ways in which they prepare
for the celebration of Christmas.
30 - Talk about the different ways in which people prepare for
minutes Christmas;
 Tell the class some of the ways that you prepare for
Christmas such as going to church, setting up the
Christmas trees, decorating etc.
 Ask children to share the ways in which their
families prepare for Christmas.
- Talk about the ways in which people in the Catholic church
celebrate Jesus’ birthday through the time of Advent;
 Children can be asked how they celebrate Advent
(e.g. Advent calendars)
 Children can be asked if they know what people in
the church do to celebrate Advent and prepare for
Jesus’ birth (e.g. Advent Wreath)
 Show class an Advent wreath, have 5 battery Advent Wreath and battery lit
operated candles. Explain to children that the four
red candles around the wreath remind us of the
special time we are preparing for – Jesus’ Birth-
and a new on is lit with each Sunday of the month.
The last candle which is white and in the centre of
the Wreath is lit on Christmas day and reminds us
of Jesus’ birthday.
 This Wreath will be place on the prayer table and
remind children of the special time that is coming.
- Children are to return to their seat and to create (paint or Appendix 1
draw) a picture of the way they have been preparing for the
time of Christmas in their house. They will also be required
to write the ways in which they prepared for this special

- To conclude the lesson children, gather back on the mat
and are asked a series of Wonder Questions including;
 I wonder why people prepare for special times?
 I wonder what makes these times special?
 I wonder how people feel when they prepare to
celebrate special times?
 What are some of your favourite special times?
5 - Invite children to join in prayer, start by making the sign of
the cross and say each line and children repeat.
 Sometimes when I’m waiting
For a very long time,
I begin to feel wobbly
And quite funny inside.
I get all excited to see,
What very special things,
This special time will be.
Thank you, my God;
I am so happy,
For these wonderful feelings
Inside of me.

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

- After this lesson, the children have lunch time.
- Children will be dismissed and get their hats and exit the

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will they be

- This lesson will be assessed using a checklist using the Appendix 2
wok sample the children would have created during the
- Assessment will be completed against whether the child
has outlined a time in which they have prepared for,
highlighted the ways in which they prepared and have
created a visual representation of this in the form or a
drawing or painting.
Appendix 1

Preparing for special times

I prepared for…
Appendix 2


Student name Comment

Explain the ways in
Identify special Creating a visual
which they have
time that people representation of a
had to prepare for
prepare for. time they have had
a special time.
to prepare for.


Excellent (E) Good (G) Satisfactory (S) Unsatisfactory/limited (U)

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