Antonio Pigafet

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Antonio Pigafetta's "The First Voyage around the World" was remarkably detailed collection of accounts

about the first expedition of General Captain Ferdinand Magellan'slll exploration around the world in
search for the Moluccas which also known as" Spice Island". The spices were considered as the most
valuable merchandise during Magellan's time. Since the atmospheric conditions of the European
countries were not applicable for cultivating spices. They thought that the quickest solution to discover
the spice island was by means of exploring the sea route. The competition in search for moluccas island
were control and led by Portugal and Spain because the people of both countries were composed
experience sailor and navigator. At that time Magellan was the only determined person to explore the
world in the westward sea route. Magellan's voyage was majorly sponsored by the young future king of
Spain, King Charles V because the Spain empire desperately needs to explore another commercial route
to Asia as the Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 made it impossible for them to traveled at Eastward direction.
This treaty was a settlement between Spain and Portugal which divides the trading and colonizing rights
of all newly discovered lands. The lands from the eastward location is belong to Portugal while the
westward land belongs to Spain.

Furthermore,the reason why Magellan was in the Spain even though he was Portuguese was because
the King of Portugal have repeatedly rejected his proposal of West Sea route voyage. When this
expedition was approved by the future king of Spain, he was recognized as a traitor for serving another
country by Portugal's king. The King Charles V provided five ship fleets and approximately 270
multinational soldiers. As they traveled along their journey, some of his crew started a munity which
involved the three out of his five ship captains. Magellan quickly killed one of the captain and leaving
one mutinous captain in the coast. While according to Pigafetta, the last captain and other mutineers
we're excuted. Before arriving in the Asia the crew and Magellan faced many obstacles such as terrible
storm, munity, and etc.

Antonio Pigafetta was an Italian navigator and one of the few people that completed the entire journey
around the world. Pigafetta was a key player of one of the most amazing world exploration trips where
he able to accomplish a detailed description about Magellan's voyage around the world. His manuscript
was translated in English language by revered Lord Hon. Henry Edward John Stanley which it precisely
narrate and describe the events that happened during the exploration.

According to my opinion regarding to the tragedy of Isla Lardrones which Magellan and his crew called it
as "the island of thief". The native people of these island thought that they were the only people in the
world and everything in their island belongs to them, therfore they diligently took some of Magellan's
items and a small boat. This shows how the native people of ladrones were clueless about the world.

In summary of what I learned from their journey in the Philippines are that our ancestors were originally
hospitable and friendly towards other race. Then there is already an existing structured government
regined by a datu before the Spaniards came in the Philippines. Based on the accounts of Pigafetta, our
country were abundant in natural resources such fish, coconut, rice and wweven gold's was already

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