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“Heaven’s Light is Our Guide”


Pre-Stressed Concrete
 Pre-Stressed Concrete:
1. What is the principle of prestressing? 13
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of pre-stressed concrete over reinforced
concrete? 14,13
3. Compare prestressed concrete with reinforced concrete in terms of their serviceability,
safety and economy. 10
4. Discuss different concepts to explain and analyze the basic behavior of pre-stressed
concrete. 14
5. Distinguish between:
 Pre-tensioned and post-tensioned members. 15,14,13
 Partial prestress and fully prestress. 15
6. Explain why high strength concrete and high tensile steel is necessary for pre-stressing.
7. Derive an expression for the balancing force of a prestressed beam subjected to UDL.
8. Discuss the factors influencing deflections of prestressed concrete elements. 13
9. Explain the following:
 Precast, cast-in-situ, composite construction, composite section. 10,09
 Elastic shortening & relaxation of steel. 09,08
 Partially and fully prestressed section. 09
 Bonded and unbonded tendon. 08

 Theory:
1. What is pressure or Thrust line? Explain its significance with sketches. 14,09
2. Deduce an expression for finding the average stress in steel of an unbonded post-
tensioned beam. 15,14,13,08
3. Derive an expression for ultimate moment capacity of an under reinforced flange section.
4. What do you mean by bonded and unbonded tendons? 15,09
5. Discuss in brief the variation of steel stress in bonded and unbonded members.
6. What are the different ways of improving the shear resistance of structural concrete
members by prestressing techniques? 15

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7. Explain with sketch the variation of stress distribution over depth for different position of
compressive force in a section. 13,10
8. Discuss in short different stages of loading. 10
9. What are the major factors influencing the deflection of prestressed concrete members?
Explain in brief. 10
10.Explain how intensity of diagonal tensile stresses is reduced in prestressed concrete
beams at service load. 09

 Pre-Stress Loss:
1. Discuss in brief the different types of losses in pre-stress concrete. What are the factors
influencing the loss of stress due to creep of concrete? 15,14,10
2. Deduce an expression of the loss of prestress due to elastic shortening. 15,13,10,08
3. Derive an expression for loss of prestress due to friction in a curved tendon. 09
 Cracking Moment:
1. Derive and expression for cracking moment. 15,10
2. “After cracking the prestressed concrete beam beahaves essentially like an ordinary
reinforced concrete beam” – justify the statement. 09


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