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Disorder/impairment Difficulties Strategies

Austism Spectrum Disorder Understanding instructions, Use visuals for instruction, scaffold the delivery of the task, keep consistent routine in the
grasping new concepts, task delivery of tasks, If possible pre-expose students to the concepts being taught in the
focus, cooperatively working classroom, find numerous ways to introduce new concepts, incorporate the use of graphic
with peers organizers and sequencing tools, use visual strategy for turn taking in group work, allow
varied methods of presentation of work, utilise apps noted for story telling that can
incorporate photos and pictures.
Speech and Language Disorder Understanding verbal Use visuals for instruction, scaffold the delivery of the task, partner the student with
instructions, using verbal others of mixed abilities, If possible pre-expose students to the concepts being taught in
communication the classroom, incorporate the use of graphic organizers and sequencing tools, allow
students to draw or demonstrate visually their understanding, utilise apps noted for
story telling that can incorporate photos and pictures.
Dysgraphia Hand writing and fine motor Within this unit I have incorporated varied learning tasks, when implementing reduce
activities writing required in tasks, allow students to demonstrate their understanding verbally or
utilise apps for photo taking and voice recording of stories.
Vision Impairment Difficulties with following With this unit we have consider how real activities, objects, places, and people can be
written instructions, incorporated. Make learning experiences as concrete, interactive, and multi-sensory as
understanding new concepts, possible. Implement this by using real things, when possible, so the students can use all of
following or completing new their other senses to supplement their loss of vision. When presenting objects to the
and unfamiliar tasks student, be sure to provide plenty of time and physical guidance to gently explore the

Hearing impairment Understanding verbal Ensure student is visual & you have their attention when delivering instruction, scaffold
instruction, the introduction the delivery of instruction, pre-teach concepts, use visuals, use a buddy student for
of new concepts support, check for understanding, allow student to use visuals for presentation of work.

Intellectual Disability/ Task focus, learning new Pre-Teach new concepts, scaffold the delivery of instruction, use visuals, review the
Global Developmental Delay concepts, understanding curriculum from the year below to modify set work, use cooperative learning strategies,
verbal instruction explicitly teach and model the required outcomes, utilise apps and technology to vary the
culminitive task.

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