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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions

Answers and Solutions

1. (a) Time is a scalar quantity. (b) Displacement is a vector quantity. (c) Velocity is a vector quantity. (d) Speed is a
scalar quantity.

2. An inspection of the lengths, or magnitudes, or the vectors in the figure leads to the ranking, B < C < A < D.

3. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question to Guided Example 4.2. At a local ski resort you take a rope tow to
the top of the bunny slope. Your displacement vector for this trip has a length of 190 m and points at an angle of 26°
above the horizontal.
Strategy: Decreasing the angle of the chair lift would make the displacement vector more horizontal. Use the cosine
function to determine the new horizontal distance dx when the angle is decreased.
Solution: 1. (a) Decreasing the angle of the chair lift makes the displacement vector more horizontal, increasing dx and
decreasing dy. We conclude that if the angle of the chair lift is decreased, the horizontal distance dx will increase.
2. (b) Use the cosine function to find dx: d x = d cos θ = (190 m ) cos (15° ) = 184 m 180 m
Insight: As expected, dx increased from 171 m (rounded to 170 m in the example because d = 190 m has only two
significant figures) when θ = 26° to 184 m when θ = 15°.

4. (a) An inspection of the two vectors reveals that vector B points more horizontally than vector A, and thus has the
greater x component. (b) An inspection of the two vectors reveals that vector A points more vertically than vector B,
and thus has the greater y component.

5. Picture the Problem: A position vector has a given magnitude and angle relative to the x axis.
Strategy: Use the cosine and sine functions to determine the x and y components, respectively.

Solution: 1. (a) Use the cosine function to find rx: rx = r cos θ = ( 75.0 m ) cos (35° ) = 61.4 m

2. Use the sine function to find ry: ry = r sin θ = ( 75.0 m ) sin (35°) = 43.0 m

3. (b) Use the cosine function to find rx: rx = r cos θ = ( 75.0 m ) cos ( 65°) = 31.7 m

4. Use the sine function to find ry: ry = r sin θ = ( 75.0 m ) sin ( 65° ) = 68.0 m
Insight: In part (a) the 35° angle means the vector points more horizontally than vertically, and we see that the
x component is greater than the y component. In part (b) the 65° angle means the vector points more vertically than
horizontally, so that the y component is greater than the x component.

6. Picture the Problem: A press box is 9.75 m above second base and an
unknown horizontal distance away. x
Strategy: Use the tangent function to determine the horizontal distance. 15.0°
9.75 m
Solution: Use the tangent y 9.75 m
x= = = 36.4 m
function to find x: tan θ tan15.0°
Insight: Alternatively, you could use the sine function to find the total distance (the hypotenuse of the triangle) is
d = (9.75 m ) sin15.0° = 37.7 m , and then use the cosine function to find x = (37.7 m ) cos15.0° = 36.4 m .

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

7. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question to Guided Example 4.3. A piece of plywood is cut to make a
skateboard ramp that covers a horizontal distance of 1.33 m and rises a vertical distance of 0.380 m.
Strategy: Use the relationship among the angle, the horizontal distance, and the vertical distance to answer the question
about how the angle changes when the horizontal distance is doubled and the vertical rise remains the same.
Solution: 1. (a) Use a sketch to find that the angle θ will decrease if the horizontal distance is doubled but the vertical
rise remains the same.
æ d y ö÷ æ 0.380 m ÷ö
2. (b) Use the tangent function to find θ: θ = tan -1 ççç ÷ = tan -1 çç
÷ ÷ = 8.13°
çè d x ÷ø èç 2.66 m ÷ø
Insight: Note that the angle was nearly, but not quite, cut in half from the 15.9° found in Guided Example 4.3. If it had
been cut exactly in half we would have found θ = 7.97°. It was not cut exactly in half because the tangent function is a
nonlinear function.

8. Picture the Problem: The Lewiston grade road gains 6 ft in altitude for
every 100 ft it spans in the horizontal direction. 6 ft
Strategy: Use the tangent function to find the angle.
100 ft
y æ 6 ft ö÷
Solution: Apply the tangent function: tan θ = θ = tan ççç
÷ = 3
x è100 ft ø÷
Insight: There is only one significant figure in the given information. If we knew the road was a 6.00 percent uphill
grade, we could find the angle is 3.43°.

9. Picture the Problem: You slide a box up the ramp that is depicted
at right. 3.7 m
1.1 m
Strategy: Use the inverse sine function to find the angle using the θ
pertinent sides of the triangle.
opposite y
Solution: 1. Write the definition of the sine function: sin θ = =
hypotenuse r
æ 1.1 m ö÷
θ = sin -1 çç = 17°
çè 3.7 m ÷÷ø
2. Use the inverse sine function to find the angle:

Insight: Finding a right triangle in any physics problem allows you to use the arsenal of trigonometric tools to find
various other quantities of interest. Learn to find them!

10. Vectors are distinguished from scalars because they have a specific direction associated with them, whereas scalars
do not.

11. The magnitude of a vector refers to its length.

12. The magnitude of a vector can be found by adding its components in quadrature. That is, the sum of the squares of the
components is the square of the vector’s magnitude. In equation form, r 2 = rx2 + ry2 .

13. To resolve a vector is to find the two vectors that represent the components of the original vector. The sum of the
component vectors is identical to the original vector. The vector components are the lengths of the original vector
along specified directions.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

14. Picture the Problem: Each component of a vector is doubled in magnitude.

Strategy: Note the relationship between the components of a vector and its magnitude and direction to answer the
conceptual question.
Solution: 1. (a) Doubling each of the components of a vector will increase its magnitude by a multiplicative factor of 2.
You can picture this in your head or confirm it mathematically with a calculation like the following:

(2 Ax )2 + ( 2 Ay ) ( )
A= Ax2 + Ay2 = 4 Ax2 + Ay2 = 2 Ax2 + Ay2 = 2 A

2. (b) Doubling each component of a vector will not change its direction at all; the direction angle will stay the same.
You can picture this in your head or confirm it mathematically with a calculation like the following:

θ = tan −1 Ay Ax ) ( )
tan −1 2 Ay 2 Ax = tan −1 Ay Ax = θ ( )
Insight: You can change a vector’s direction only by changing the relative magnitudes of its components. In this
exercise each component was changed by the same multiplicative factor, so the relative magnitudes were unchanged.

15. Picture the Problem: An airplane drops a vertical distance of 24 m and moves dx = 320 m
forward a horizontal distance of 320 m. θ

dy = 24 m
Strategy: Use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the total distance.

Solution: Use the Pythag- d = d x2 + d y2

orean theorem to find d:
= (320 m)2 + ( 24 m)2 = 321 m

Insight: Note that during this gentle descent (the angle θ = tan −1 ( 24 m 320 m ) = 4.3° ) the total distance traveled is
nearly identical to the horizontal distance.

16. Picture the Problem: A d = 2.4-km-long inclined road rises dy = 160 m in

Strategy: Use the sine function to determine the angle θ.
Solution: Use the sine func- dy
tion to find θ, noting that 2.4 sin θ =
km × 1000 m/km = 2400 m: 160 m
θ = sin −1 = 3.8°
2400 m
Insight: For small angles like this one, the horizontal distance is nearly equal to the total distance. If the total distance
were exactly 2400 m in this problem, the horizontal distance would be 2395 m.

17. Picture the Problem: The length and direction of a displacement vector are given. y

Strategy: Resolve d into its x and y components by using the sine and cosine 
functions. In this problem the x direction is east, the y direction is north, and θ d
in the diagram represents the angle north of east that is given in the problem.
Solution: 1. Find dx: d x = ( 760 m ) cos 35° = 620 m dx

2. Find dy: d y = ( 760 m ) sin 35° = 440 m

Insight: Any vector can be resolved into two components. The ability to convert a vector to and from its components is
an essential skill for solving many physics problems.

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portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

18. Picture the Problem: The horizontal and vertical components of a displacement y
vector are given.
 
Strategy: Use the x and y components of d to find the direction angle θ. In this d
problem the x direction is horizontal and the y direction is vertically upward.
æd ö x
Solution: Use the tangent æ 4.8 m ÷ö dx
θ = tan -1 ççç y ÷÷÷ = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 12°
function to find θ: çè d ÷ø
è 22 m ø÷

Insight: Any vector can be resolved into two components. The ability to convert a vector to and from its components is
an essential skill for solving many physics problems.

 
19. Picture the Problem: Consider the two vectors A and B depicted in the figure.
Strategy: Remember the rules of adding and subtracting vectors. Vectors are
always added head-to-tail. To subtract vectors, reverse the direction of the
negative vector and add it head-to-tail to the positive vector.
  
Solution: 1. (a) To subtract A − B we must reverse the direction of B and move
it so that its tail is on the head of A . The resultant vector starts at the tail of
  
A and ends at the head of −B so it points down and to the right like vector D .
   
2. (b) To subtract A − D we must reverse D (so that it points up and to the left) and add it head-to-tail to A . The

resultant vector points up and to the right, but is fairly short because the leftward component of − D brings the resultant
  
closer to its starting point. However, to subtract A − E we must reverse E (so that it points down and to the right) and
add it head-to-tail to A . The resultant vector points down and to the right, and is fairly long because the rightward
  
component of −E brings the resultant farther from its starting point. We conclude that the magnitude of A − D is
 
less than the magnitude of A − E .
  
Insight: In the figure the vector F points in a similar direction to − A − B .

20. In order to correctly add two vectors you must place the tail of one vector on the head of the other. The resultant vector
is the same no matter in which order the two vectors are added.

21. In order to correctly add two vectors using their components, you must add the two x components together and add the
two y components together. These sums give you the x and y components, respectively, of the resultant vector.

 
22. Picture the Problem: Consider the two vectors A and B depicted in the figure.
Strategy: Remember the rules of adding and subtracting vectors. Vectors are
always added head-to-tail. To subtract vectors, reverse the direction of the
negative vector and add it head-to-tail to the positive vector.
   
Solution: To add A + D we must add D head-to-tail to A . The resultant vector
points down and to the right, and is fairly long because the rightward component
  
of D brings the resultant farther from its starting point. To add A + E we must
 
add E head-to-tail to A . The resultant vector points up and to the right, but is

fairly short because the leftward component of E brings the resultant closer to its starting point. We conclude that the
   
magnitude of A + D is greater than the magnitude of A + E .
  
Insight: In the figure the vector F points in a similar direction to − A − B .

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portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

 
23. Picture the Problem: Consider the two vectors A and B depicted in the figure.
Strategy: Remember the rules of adding and subtracting vectors. Vectors are
always added head-to-tail. To subtract vectors, reverse the direction of the
negative vector and add it head-to-tail to the positive vector.
  
Solution: To subtract B − C we must reverse C (so that it points down and to the

left) and add it head-to-tail to B . The resultant vector points to the left, but is

fairly short because the downward component of −C brings the resultant closer
  
to its starting point. However, to subtract B − F we must reverse F (so that it

points up and to the right) and add it head-to-tail to B . The resultant vector points up and to the right, and is fairly

long because the upward component of −F brings the resultant farther from its starting point. We conclude that the
   
magnitude of B − C is less than the magnitude of B − F .
  
Insight: In the figure the vector F points in a similar direction to − A − B .

24. Picture the Problem: Vectors are sketched to show that two vectors of unequal magnitude 10
cannot add to zero, but that three vectors of unequal magnitude can.
Strategy: Use a vector diagram to show how vectors of different magnitudes can be added
head-to-tail. 10

Solution: The two diagrams at the right illustrate the addition of vectors of different 37
magnitude. In the top diagram there is a vector of magnitude 10 units that points to the right,
and a vector of magnitude 7 units that points toward the left. Even if we add the vectors in opposite directions, a
7-vector can never cancel out a 10-vector, and the resultant will always have a nonzero magnitude. The bottom
diagram shows a vector of magnitude 10 units that points to the right, and vectors of magnitude 7 and 3 units,
respectively, that point toward the left. When they are arranged in this fashion the three vectors sum to zero.
Insight: If the vectors all had the same length, two of them would sum to zero if you added them in opposite directions,
and three of them would sum to zero if you formed them into the sides of an equilateral triangle and they all pointed
clockwise or all pointed counterclockwise.

 
25. Picture the Problem: The two vectors A (length 27 m) and B (length 35 m) y
are drawn at right. 
  A 55°
Strategy: Add vectors A and B using the vector diagram method. 
 B
Solution: A sketch of the vectors and their sum is shown at right. When A x
   
and B are added head-to-tail, the resultant C = A + B points toward the right
 
and down. It is somewhat longer than B so we estimate its length is 45 m and C
it points about 20° below the x axis.
Insight: Using a ruler and protractor to add the vectors graphically is not as accurate as the component method,
but it helps you to better picture the situation. It is the preferred method when you first learn how to add vectors.

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portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

 
26. Picture the Problem: The two vectors A (length 27 m) and B (length 35 m) y
are drawn at right. 
  A 55°
Strategy: Add vectors A and B using the vector component method. 
Solution: 1. Find the components Ax = ( 27 m ) cos 32° = 22.9 m 32°
 
of A and B : Ay = ( 27 m ) sin 32° = 14.3 m

Bx = (35 m ) cos ( −55° ) = 20.1 m C
By = (35 m ) sin ( −55°) = −28.7 m

2. Add the x components: Cx = Ax + Bx = 22.9 + 20.1 m = 43.0 m

3. Add the y components: C y = Ay + By = 14.3 − 28.7 m = −14.4 m

4. Find the magnitude of C : C = Cx2 + C y2 = ( 43.0 m)2 + ( −14.4 m)2 = 45 m

 æ C y ö÷ æ 14.4 m ÷ö
5. Find the direction of C : θC = tan -1 ççç ÷÷ = tan -1 çç
çè 43.0 m ÷÷ø
= -19 or 19° below the x axis.
èç Cx ø÷

Insight: Resolving vectors into components takes a little bit of extra effort, but you can get much more accurate
answers using this approach than by using a ruler and protractor to add the vectors graphically.

27. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in the problem are
depicted at the right.
   
Strategy: Use the vector component method of addition and A+B A−B

subtraction to determine the components of each combination 12 A
 
of A and B . Once the components are known, the length and 
direction of each combination can be determined fairly easily.
θ A + B θ A − B
−33 θ B − A O

 

   
Solution: 1. (a) Determine the components of A + B : (
A + B = (12 m ) ˆj + ( −33 m ) iˆ = −33 iˆ + 12 ˆj m )
   
2. Find the magnitude of A + B : A+B = (12 m)2 + ( −33 m )2 = 35 m
 
3. Determine the direction of A + B , measured æ12 m ÷ö
θ A +B = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 20 cw from - x axis or 160
counterclockwise from the positive x axis. è 33 m ÷ø
   
4. (b) Determine the components of A − B : (
A − B = (12 m ) ˆj − ( −33 m ) iˆ = 33 iˆ + 12 ˆj m )
   
5. Find the magnitude of A − B : A−B = ( −33 m)2 + (12 m )2 = 35 m
 
6. Determine the direction of A − B , measured æ12 m ÷ö
θ A -B = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 20 ccw from + x axis
counterclockwise from the positive x axis. è 33 m ÷ø
   
7. (c) Determine the components of B − A : (
B − A = ( −33 m ) iˆ − (12 m ) ˆj − = −33 iˆ − 12 ˆj m )
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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

   
8. Find the magnitude of B − A : B−A = ( −33 m )2 + (12 m )2 = 35 m
 
9. Determine the direction of B − A , measured æ12 m ö÷
θB -A = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 20 ccw from - x axis
counterclockwise from the positive x axis. è 33 m ø÷
= 200 ccw from +x axis
 
Insight: This problem is simplified by the fact that A and B have only one component each, but a similar approach
will work even with more complicated vectors. Notice that you must have a picture of the vectors in your head (or on
paper) in order to correctly interpret the directions in steps 3, 6, and 9.

28. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question to Guided Example 4.8. You
are riding in a boat whose speed relative to the water is 6.1 m/s. The boat points at
an angle of 25° upstream on a river flowing at 4.5 m/s.
Strategy: To find the velocity of the boat relative to the ground we use
  
v bg = v bw + v wg , with b referring to the boat, w referring to the water, and
g referring to the ground. The diagram illustrates how the vectors add.
as needed to correctly interpret the solution.
Solution: 1. (a) Find the x and y components of vwg, x = 0
the velocity of the water relative to the ground: vwg, y = − 4.5 m/s
2. Find the x and y components of the velocity of vbw, x = ( 6.1 m/s ) cos 25° = 5.5 m/s
the boat relative to the water: vbw, y = ( 6.1 m/s ) sin 25° = 2.6 m /s
 
3. Add the components of v bw and v wg to find the vbg, x = 5.5 + 0 m/s = 5.5 m/s

components of v bg : vbg, y = 2.6 − 4.5 m/s = −1.9 m/s

4. Find the magnitude of v bg from its components:
vbg = vbg, 2
x + vbg, y = (5.5 m/s )2 + ( −1.9 m/s)2 = 5.8 m/s
æ vbw, y ö÷ æ ö
÷÷ = tan -1 çç -1.9 m/s ÷÷ = -19°

5. Find the angle of v bg from its components: θ = tan -1 ççç
çè vbw, x ø÷ è 5.5 m/s ÷ø
or 19° below the + x axis.
Insight: Even though the boat is pointed upstream, the current is so strong that it is being carried downstream.

29. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right.

 
Strategy: Let v pg = velocity of the plane relative to the ground, v pa = velocity

of the plane relative to the air, and v ag = velocity of the air relative to the
ground. The drawing at right depicts the vectors added according to the
  
equation, v pg = v pa + v ag . Determine the angle of the triangle from the inverse
sine function.

æ vag ö÷ æ ö
Solution: 1. Use the inverse sine function to find θ: θ = sin -1 ççç ÷÷ = sin -1 çç 65 km/h ÷÷ = 11 east of north
çè vpa ÷÷ø çè 340 km/h ÷ø

2. The angle 11° east of north is the same as 90° − 11° = 79° north of east.
Insight: If the plane’s speed were to be reduced to 240 km/h, the required angle would become 16° east of north.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

30. The captain of the boat in Guided Example 4.8 should decrease its speed until the y component of the boat’s velocity
 
relative to the water v bw is equal and opposite to the 1.4 m/s velocity of the water v wg . In that case there will be no y

component to the velocity of the boat relative to the ground v bg , and the boat will move straight across the river,
parallel to the x axis.

31. The addition of velocities is used to find relative motion, so that if the velocity of object 1 relative to object 2 is v12,
and the velocity of object 2 relative to object 3 is v23, then the velocity of object 1 relative to object 3 is v13 = v12 + v23 .

32. The wind speed relative to your body is greatest when you run against the wind and least when you run with the
wind. For instance, if you run at 4 m/s (relative to the ground) on a day when the wind is 7 m/s relative to the ground,
the wind speed relative to your body is 11 m/s when you run into the wind and 3 m/s when you run with the wind.

33. In Guided Example 4.8 the boat is pointed 25° upstream, but only moves in a direction that is 12° upstream, because
the river current moves the boat in a direction (downward in the figure) that decreases the angle of its path with respect
to the ground. If there were no current the boat would move in a direction 25° relative to the x axis.

34. Picture the Problem: A person walks east on a ferry as the ferry moves north. The vectors v pf
involved in this problem are depicted at right.
  N
Strategy: Let v pf = the passenger’s velocity relative to the ferry, v fd = the ferry’s velocity
 
relative to the dock, and v pd = the person’s velocity relative to the dock. By the addition of v fd E
  
velocities we can see that v pd = v pf + v fd . 
v pd

  
Solution: 1. Add the velocity vectors: v pd = v pf + v fd
= (1.1 m/s ) iˆ + ( 6.2 m/s ) ˆj

2. Find the magnitude of v pd : vpd = (1.1 m/s)2 + (6.2 m/s)2 = 6.3 m/s

Insight: If the person were to walk even faster with respect to the ferry, then v pd would be longer and point more in the
easterly direction.

35. Picture the Problem: A person walks north on a cruise ship as the ship moves east. v sw
The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right.  θ
  vps 
Strategy: Let v p s = the passenger’s velocity relative to the ship, v sw = the ship’s θ v pw
 N
velocity relative to the water, and v pw = the person’s velocity relative to the water.
  
By the addition of velocities we can see that v pw = v p s + v sw . E
  
Solution: 1. Add the velocity vectors: v pw = v p s + v sw
= (3.8 m/s ) ˆj + (12 m/s ) iˆ
æ vpw, y ö÷ æ ö
2. Use the tangent function to find θ: θ = tan -1 ççç ÷÷ = tan -1 çç 3.8 m/s ÷÷ = 18° north of east.
÷ ç
è 12 m/s ø ÷
èç vpw, x ø÷

Insight: If the person were to run even faster with respect to the ferry, then v pw would be longer and point more in the
northerly direction, so that θ would increase.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

36. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question to Active

Example 4.9. A person skateboarding with a constant speed of
1.30 m/s releases a ball from a height of 1.25 m above the ground.

Strategy: The time required for the ball to reach the ground is
exactly the same as the fall time if it were dropped from rest,
because the horizontal and vertical motions are independent.
Solution: 1. Write the vertical position
yf = yi + 0 − 12 g t 2
equation for the ball, noting v y , i = 0:

2. Solve the expression for t: yf − yi = − 12 g t 2

−2 ( yf − yi )
= t2
−2 ( yf − yi ) −2 ( 0 − 1.25 m )
=t= = 0.505 s
g 9.81 m s 2
Insight: If the person were to double his horizontal speed to 2.60 m/s, the fall time for the ball would remain exactly
the same because from the standpoint of the vertical motion, the ball still falls from rest a distance of 1.25 m.

37. Picture the Problem: An arrow falls below the target center as it
flies from the bow to the target. 
0.52 m
Strategy: Treat the vertical and horizontal motions separately.
Find the time required for the arrow to drop straight down 52 cm
from rest.

Solution: Find the time to drop 52 cm: yf = yi + 0 − 12 g t 2

−2 ( yf − yi )
= t2
−2 ( yf − yi ) −2 ( 0 − 0.52 m )
t= = = 0.33 s
g 9.81 m/s 2

Insight: Note that the 15-m distance to the target does not factor into the time required for the arrow to fall 0.52 m.
However, we could use the distance to find the initial speed: vi = Δ x t = (15 m ) (0.33 s ) = 45 m/s.

38. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question for Quick

Example 4.10. You throw a baseball from the roof of a house
to a friend with an initial velocity of 12.0 m/s in the horizontal
Strategy: Find the speed of the ball by separately determining the
horizontal and vertical components of the ball’s velocity. Then
add the components using the Pythagorean theorem to find the
speed of the ball at t = 1.00 s.
Solution: 1. The horizontal velocity remains vx = 12.0 m/s
the same throughout the flight because there is
no acceleration along that direction:
2. The vertical velocity is a result v y , f = v y ,i − g t
of the acceleration of gravity:
( )
= 0 − 9.81 m s 2 (1.00 s ) = − 9.81 m/s

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

3. The speed is v = vx2 + v y2 : v = vx2 + v y2 = (12.0 m/s)2 + ( − 9.81 m/s)2 = 15.5 m/s

Insight: The vertical speed will continue to increase at 9.81 m/s2 but the horizontal speed will remain constant
(in the absence of external forces such as air friction) throughout the flight.

39. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question for Quick

Example 4.10. You throw a baseball from the roof of a house to a
friend with an initial velocity of 12.0 m/s in the horizontal

Strategy: Find the direction of the ball by separately determining

the horizontal and vertical components of the ball’s velocity.
Then use the inverse tangent function to find the direction of the
ball’s travel at t = 1.00 s

Solution: 1. The horizontal velocity vx = 12.0 m/s

remains the same throughout the flight:
2. The vertical velocity is a result v y , f = v y ,i − g t
of the acceleration of gravity:
( )
= 0 − 9.81 m s 2 (1.00 s ) = − 9.81 m/s

vy − 9.81 m/s
3. The direction is θ = tan −1 v y vx :) θ = tan −1
= tan −1
12.0 m/s
= − 39.3°

or 39.3° below the horizontal.

Insight: The vertical speed will continue to increase at 9.81 m/s2 but the horizontal speed will remain constant
(in the absence of external forces such as air friction) throughout the flight. This means that θ will continue to increase.

40. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question for Guided

Example 4.12. A golfer sends the ball over a 3.00 m-high tree that
is 14.0 m away. The ball passes directly over the tree at t = 1.76 s.

Strategy: Use the given time at which the ball is directly above
the tree to find the horizontal and vertical components of the
ball’s velocity at that instant. Add the components using the
Pythagorean theorem to find the speed of the ball. The initial
velocity was determined to be 13.5 m/s in Guided Example 4.12.

Solution: 1. The horizontal velocity vx = vi cos θ = (13.5 m/s ) cos 54.0° = 7.935 m/s
remains the same throughout the flight:
2. The vertical velocity is a result v y , f = vi sin θ − g t
of the acceleration of gravity:
( )
= (13.5 m/s ) sin 54.0° − 9.81 m s 2 (1.76 s ) = − 6.344 m/s

3. The speed is v = vx2 + v y2 : v = vx2 + v y2 = (7.935 m/s)2 + ( −6.344 m/s)2 = 10.2 m/s

Insight: You can use the velocity components to find the angle of the velocity at the instant that the ball clears the tree
æ vy ö æ -6.344 m/s ö÷
is θ = tan -1 ççç ÷÷÷ = tan -1 çç = -38.6° or 38.6° below the horizontal. It appears greater than that angle in
èç vx ø÷ çè 7.935 m/s ÷÷ø
the figure because the horizontal and vertical scales are different.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

41. Picture the Problem: A soccer ball is kicked from level ground and
travels along a parabolic trajectory.
Strategy: Use the position-time equations for projectiles launched at an
angle θ in order to find the x and y positions of the soccer ball at a given
Solution: 1. The horizontal xf = xi + ( vi cos θ ) t
velocity remains the same
throughout the flight: = 0 + (12 m/s ) cos 32 (0.50 s)
xf = 5.1 m
2. The vertical position yf = yi + ( vi sin θ ) t − 12 g t 2
is affected by the
acceleration of gravity: = 0 + (12 m/s ) sin 32 (0.50 s) 1
2 (9.81 m s ) (0.50 s)
2 2
2.0 m

Insight: The ball will arrive at the peak of its flight at t = vi sin θ g = 0.648 s , so the ball has not yet reached the peak.
It’s peak height will be ymax = 2.06 m when its downfield position is x = 6.60 m.

42. Picture the Problem: A soccer ball is kicked from level ground and
travels along a parabolic trajectory.
Strategy: Use the velocity-time equations for projectiles launched at an
angle θ in order to find the x and y components of the soccer ball’s velocity
at a given time.
Solution: 1. The horizontal vx , f = vi cos θ
velocity remains the same
throughout the flight: = (12 m/s ) cos 32° = 10 m/s

2. The vertical velocity is affected v y , f = vi sin θ − g t

by the acceleration of gravity:
( )
= (12 m/s ) sin 32° − 9.81 m s 2 ( 0.50 s ) = 1.5 m/s
Insight: The ball will arrive at the peak of its flight at t = vi sin θ g = 0.648 s , so the ball has not yet reached the peak.
Its velocity at the peak will by 10 m/s in the horizontal direction, and its acceleration at that instant will be 9.81 m/s2 in
the downward direction, just as it is throughout the entire flight.

43. The shape of the path of a projectile is a parabola.

( )
44. The range of a projectile is given by the range equation, R = vi2 g sin 2θ . In the absence of air friction the range is a
maximum when the launch angle θ = 45° .

45. A projectile is any object whose motion is determined solely by the influence of gravity. In this case, both Janet and
Jennifer’s bowling balls are projectiles, and each are accelerated the same amount, 9.81 m/s2 downward. We conclude
that the acceleration of Jennifer’s bowling ball is equal to the acceleration of Janet’s bowling ball.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

46. Picture the Problem: Three projectiles A, B, and C are launched with the
same initial speed and follow the indicated paths.
Strategy: Separately consider the x and y motions of each projectile in order
to answer the conceptual question.
Solution: 1. (a) Because vx , f = vi cos θ and cos θ decreases to zero as θ
approaches 90°, the projectile with the largest launch angle has the smallest
horizontal component of its initial velocity. The ranking of these projectiles
in order of increasing horizontal component of initial velocity is A < B < C

2. (b) The flight time is longest for projectiles that have the highest vertical component of the initial velocity. Therefore,
the ranking of these projectiles in order of increasing time of flight is C < B < A.
Insight: Projectile B combines a medium horizontal speed with a medium time of flight to achieve the longest range.
Note that projectiles A and C have the same range, but arrive there at different times, with C arriving first.

47. Picture the Problem: This is a follow up question for Guided

Example 4.12. A golfer sends the ball over a 3.00 m-high tree that
is 14.0 m away. The ball passes directly over the tree at t = 1.76 s.

Strategy: Use the range equation to find the maximum range of

the golf ball in Guided Example 4.12. The initial velocity was
determined to be 13.5 m/s in Guided Example 4.12. The ball will
achieve its maximum range if it is launched at 45.0° instead of 45.0°

Solution: The maximum range occurs æ v2 ö (13.5 m/s)
R = ççç i ÷÷÷ sin 2θ = sin (2´ 45°) = 18.6 m
when the launch angle is 45.0°: çè g ø÷ 9.81 m s 2

Insight: This maximum range is a little bit longer than the 17.8 m range achieved in Guided Example 4.12 when the
launch angle was 54.0°.

48. Picture the Problem: A snowball is thrown with known horizontal and
vertical velocities.
Strategy: Use the vertical velocity-time equation for projectiles in order to
find the time required for the snowball to reach its highest point, at which
time its vertical velocity is zero.

Solution: Solve the vertical vy, f = vy, i − g t

velocity-time equation for t: vy, f − vy, f 0 − 8.2 m/s
t= =
−g −9.81 m s 2
= 0.84 s
Insight: The snowball will require an additional 0.84 s to return to the vertical height from which it was thrown, for a
total time of flight of 1.68 s. If it were launched over level ground, the snowball will land ( 7.5 m/s )(1.68 s ) = 12.6 m
downfield, a distance of about 41 feet.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

49. Picture the Problem: A softball is thrown with known speed and direction
above a horizontal surface.
Strategy: Use the position-time equations for projectiles launched at an
angle θ in order to find the x and y positions of the softball at a given time.

Solution: 1. (a) The horizontal xf = xi + (vi cos θ ) t

velocity remains the same
throughout the flight: = 0 + éë(18 m/s) cos 35°ùû (0.50 s)
xf = 7.4 m
2. The vertical position is affected yf = yi + (vi sin q ) t - 12 g t 2
by the acceleration of gravity:
= 0 + éë(18 m/s) sin 35°ùû (0.50 s) - 12 (9.81 m s 2 )(0.50 s)

yf = 3.9 m

3. Repeat these calculations at t (s) x (m) y (m)

different times to find the positions: 1.0 15 5.4
1.5 22 4.5
2.0 29 1.0

4. (b) A plot of the softball’s path is depicted above. The positions at t = 0.50 s, t = 1.0 s, t = 1.5 s, and t = 2.0 s are
depicted with the large circles.
Insight: If the softball were launched above level ground, it would land 31 m (102 ft) downfield after t = 2.10 s.

50. Picture the Problem: A diver runs horizontally off a diving board (the
diagram instead shows a cliff) and falls down along a parabolic arc,
maintaining her horizontal velocity but gaining vertical speed as she falls.

Strategy: First find the time it takes for the diver to enter the water by using
the vertical position-time equation for an ideal projectile. Use the time to find
the vertical component of the diver’s velocity the instant she enters the water.
The horizontal component of the diver’s velocity will remain 1.85 m/s
throughout the flight. The diver’s speed will be a combination of the vertical
and horizontal components of her velocity.

Solution: 1. Use the vertical position- yf = yi + v y ,i t − 12 g t 2

time equation to find the landing time: 2
0 = yi + 0 − 12 g tland

2 2 yi 2 (3.00 m )
2 g tland = yi tland = = = 0.782 s
g 9.81 m s 2

2. Use the landing time to find v y , f : ( )

v y , f = v y , i − g t = 0 − 9.81 m s 2 ( 0.782 s ) = −7.67 m/s

3. Find the final speed from vx , f and v y , f : v = vx2, f + v y2, f = (1.85 m/s)2 + (7.89 m/s )2 = 7.89 m/s

Insight: Projectile problems are often solved by first considering the vertical motion, which determines the time of
flight and the vertical speed, and then considering the horizontal motion.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

51. Two vectors are equal if their magnitudes and directions are identical.
  
By inspection of the figure you can see that vectors A , G , and J are
 
all equal to one another. In addition, vector I is the same as vector L .
 
52. (a) In order for two vectors A and B to cancel each other so that
 
A + B = 0, they must have equal magnitudes and opposite directions.
 
We conclude that the magnitude of B is equal to the magnitude of A .
 
(b) The direction of B must be opposite the direction of A .

53. No. The component and the magnitude can be equal if the vector has only a single component. If the vector has more
than one nonzero component, however, its magnitude will always be greater than either of its components.

54. No. If a vector has a nonzero component, the smallest magnitude it can have is the magnitude of the component.

55. Picture the Problem: The base runner travels from C (home plate)
to first base, then to A (second base), then to B (third base), and
finally back to C (home plate). The base distance of 90 ft (as labeled
in the diagram) is equivalent to 27.4 m. 

Strategy: The displacement vector Δr is the same as the position

vector r if we take home plate to be the origin of our coordinate
system (as it is drawn). The displacement vector for a runner who θ
has just hit a double is drawn. The direction angle is measured
counter-clockwise from the positive x axis.
Solution: 1. (a) Find the magnitude of the 
displacement vector from C to A:
r = rx2 + ry2 = ( 27.4 m)2 + ( 27.4 m)2 = 38.7 m

2. Find the direction angle ry ær ö æ 27.4 m ö÷

of the vector from C to A: tan θ = θ = tan -1 ççç y ÷÷÷ = tan -1 ççç ÷÷ = 45°
rx çè rx ÷ø è 27.4 m ø
3. (b) Find the magnitude of the 
displacement vector from C to B:
r = rx2 + ry2 = (0 m)2 + ( 27.4 m)2 = 27.4 m

4. Find the direction angle ry ær ö æ 27.4 m ö÷

tan θ = θ = tan -1 ççç y ÷÷÷ = tan -1 ççç ÷÷ = 90°
of the vector from C to B: rx èç rx ø÷ è 0m ø

3. (c) For a home run the displacement is zero: r = 0 m , θ = 0°
Insight: The displacement is always zero when the object (or person) returns to its original position. In part (c) the
direction angle is technically undefined, as it is impossible to discern the direction of a vector that has zero magnitude.

56. Picture the Problem: The given vector components correspond to the vector r as drawn at y
Strategy: Use the inverse tangent function to determine the angle θ. Then use the Pythagorean
 14 m
theorem to determine the magnitude of r . x
æ -9.5 ö÷  −9.5 m
Solution: 1. (a) Use the inverse tangent θ = tan -1 ççç ÷ = -34 or 34° below r
function to find the distance angle θ : è 14 ÷ø
the +x axis

2. (b) Use the Pythagorean theorem to

 r = rx2 + ry2 = (14 m)2 + ( −9.5 m )2
determine the magnitude of r :
r = 17 m

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

æ -9.5´ 2 ö÷
3. (c) If both rx and ry are doubled, the θ = tan -1 ççç ÷ = -34
è 14´ 2 ø÷
direction will remain the same but the
2 2
magnitude will double: r = (28 m) + (-19 m) = 34 m

Insight: Any vector can be resolved into two components. The ability to convert a vector to and from its components is
an essential skill for solving many physics problems.

57. Picture the Problem: The trip takes you toward the east first and then 
toward the north. The vector is depicted at right. r 340 m
Strategy: Use the Pythagorean theorem to determine the magnitude and θ
the inverse tangent function to determine the angle. 680 m

Solution: 1. (a) Find the magnitude of r : r= (680 m ) + (340 m )
2 2
= 760 m

2. (b) The angle is about 30°, as estimated by the sketch above.

æ 340 m ö÷
3. (c) Use the inverse tangent function to find θ: θ = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 27 north of east
è 680 m ø÷
Insight: Good familiarity with the trigonometric functions sine, cosine, and tangent can help you to quickly solve
problems that involve vector components.
 
58. Picture the Problem: The two vectors A (length 50 km) and B (length 120 km) are drawn y
at right.
 
Strategy: Resolve B into its x and y components to answer the questions. A
Solution: 1. (a) Find Bx: Bx = (120 km ) cos 70° = 41 km 70°

2. Because the vector A points entirely in the x direction, we can see that Ax = 50 units and that

vector A has the greater x component. 
3. (b) Find By: By = (120 km ) sin 70° = 113 km
 
4. The vector A has no y component, so it is clear that vector B has the greater y component, at least in terms

of magnitude. Alternatively, you could argue that B has a negative y component, and zero is greater than a negative

number, and therefore conclude that vector A has the greater y component.
Insight: Any vector can be resolved into two components. The ability to convert a vector to and from its components is
an essential skill for solving many physics problems.

59. Picture the Problem: The four possible locations of the treasure are A C
labeled A, B, C, and D in the figure at right. The position vector for 22.0 m 22.0 m
location A is also drawn. North is up and east is to the right.  5.00 m
A θA 15.0 m D
Strategy: Use the vector components to find the magnitude and direction
of each vector. palm tree

Solution: 1. Find the magnitude of A : A= ( −22.0 m)2 + (15.0 + 5.00 m)2 = 29.7 m
 æ 22.0 m ö÷
2. Find the direction (from north) of A : θ A = tan -1 çç = 47.7 west of north
çè15.0 + 5.00 m ÷÷ø

3. Find the magnitude of B : B= ( −22.0 m)2 + (15.0 − 5.00 m)2 = 24.2 m

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

 æ 22.0 m ö÷
4. Find the direction (from north) of B : θ B = tan -1 çç = 65.6 west of north
çè15.0 - 5.00 m ø÷÷

5. Find the magnitude of C : C= ( 22.0 m)2 + (15.0 + 5.00 m)2 = 29.7 m
 æ 22.0 m ö÷
6. Find the direction (from north) of C : θC = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 47.7 east of north
è15.0 + 5.00 m ÷ø

7. Find the magnitude of D : D= ( 22.0 m )2 + (15.0 − 5.00 m )2 = 24.2 m
 æ 22.0 m ö÷
8. Find the direction (from north) of D : θ D = tan -1 çç = 65.6 east of north
çè15.0 - 5.00 m ø÷÷
Insight: If you ever find a treasure map like this one, you’ll be glad you mastered vectors in physics!

60. Picture the Problem: The whale dives along a straight line tilted 20.0°
below horizontal for 150 m as shown in the figure.
Strategy: Resolve the whale’s displacement vector into horizontal and
vertical components in order to find its depth ry and its horizontal travel
distance rx.

Solution: 1. (a) The depth is given by ry: ry = r sin θ = (150 m ) sin ( 20.0° ) = 51 m

2. (b) The horizontal travel distance is given by rx: rx = r cos θ = (150 m ) cos ( 20.0° ) = 140 m = 0.14 km

Insight: Note that both answers are limited to two significant figures, because although “20.0°” has three, “150 m” has
only two significant figures.

61. Yes. The two vectors with equal magnitudes will sum to zero if their directions are opposite.

 
62. The two vectors A and B must be perpendicular to each other. Otherwise their magnitudes would be related by the law
 
of cosines C 2 = A2 + B 2 − 2 A B cos θ , where θ is the angle between A and B .

 
63. The vectors A and B must point in the same direction in order for their magnitudes to sum to the magnitude of C.

 
64. Picture the Problem: The two vectors A (length 40.0 m) and B (length 75.0 m) are y  
drawn at right.
     
Strategy: Add vectors A and B to find C = A + B . 50.0° C
Solution: 1. (a) A sketch (not to scale) of the vectors and their sum is shown at right. The
 
vector A is moved in the diagram to show how it adds head-to-tail to B . We could also
 
have moved B so that its tail was on the head of A and found the same result, because
it does not matter in which order that you add vectors.
Insight: A detailed analysis of the vector sum reveals that Cx = 85.8 m and Cy = 43.8 m, so that C has a magnitude of
96.3 m and points 27.0° above the x axis.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

65. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in the problem are depicted at right.

Strategy: Deduce the x and y components of B from the information given about
  
A and C . Use the known components to estimate the length and direction of B
as well as calculate them precisely.
Solution: 1. (a) A sketch of the vectors is shown at the right.

2. (b) The vector B must have an x component of −75 m so that when it is added

to A the x components will cancel out. It must also have a y component of 95 m
 
because that is the length of C and A has no y component to contribute. Therefore
  
B must be longer than either A or C and it must have an angle of greater than
90°. Its length is about 120 m and it points at about 120° counter-clockwise from
the positive x axis.
 
Insight: Here the length and direction of B are determined by its x and y components, which are determined from A
 
and C . A detailed analysis reveals that B has a length of 121 m and points 128° counterclockwise from the +x axis.

66. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in the problem are depicted y
at right.  

Strategy: Use the vector component method of addition and subtraction 

  O θ B − A B
to determine the components of each combination of A and B . Once x
θ A − B 15 θ A + B
the components are known, the length and direction of each combination
can be determined fairly easily.   
  A A+B
A−B 5
   
Solution: 1. (a) Determine the components of A + B : A + B = ( –5 km ) + (15 km ) = (10 – 5) km
   
2. Find the magnitude of A + B : A+B = (15 km)2 + ( −5 km)2 = 16 km
   
3. (b) Determine the components of A − B : A − B = ( –5 km ) − (15 km ) = ( −15 – 5) km
   
4. Find the magnitude of A − B : A−B = ( −15)2 + ( −5)2 = 16 km
   
5. (c) Determine the components of B − A : B − A = (15 km ) − ( –5 km ) − = (10 + 5) km
   
6. Find the magnitude of B − A : B−A = (15 km)2 + (5 km)2 = 16 km
 
Insight: This problem is simplified by the fact that A and B have only one component each, but a similar approach
will work even with more complicated vectors.

67. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in the problem are depicted at
right. The control tower (CT) is at the origin and north is up in the diagram.
 
Strategy: Subtract vector B from A using the vector component method.

Solution: 1. (a) A sketch of the vectors and their difference is shown at right.

2. (b) Subtract the x components: Dx = Ax − Bx = ( 220 km ) cos (180 − 32°) − (140 km ) cos (90 − 65° ) = −310 km

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

3. Subtract the y components: Dy = Ay − By = ( 220 km ) sin (180 − 32° ) − (140 km ) sin (90 − 65°) = 57 km

4. Find the magnitude of D: D = Dx2 + Dy2 = (310 km )2 + (57 km)2 = 320 km = 3.2 × 105 m

æ Dy ö÷ æ 57 km ö÷
5. Find the direction of D: θ D = tan -1 ççç ÷÷ = tan-1 çç ÷ = -10 + 180 = 170 or 10 north of west
èç Dx ø÷ èç -310 km ÷ø
Insight: Resolving vectors into components takes a little bit of extra effort, but the answers are more accurate by using
this approach than by adding the vectors graphically. Notice, however, that when your calculator returns −10° as the
angle in step 5, you must have a picture of the vectors in your head (or on paper) to correctly determine the direction.

68. Picture the Problem: The vectors depicting a basketball player’s y 

displacement are shown at the right. B 30° 
   C
Strategy: Add the vectors using the component method in order to θ
find the components of the vector sum. Use the components to find
the magnitude and the direction of the vector sum.

A 45°

Solution: 1. (a) Make estimates   

A + B + C ≈ 20 m θ ≈ 2°
from the drawing:
  
2. (b) Add the vector components: A+B+C = 0 ( 20.0 m ) cos 45 (7.0 m ) cos ( 30 )
( 10.0 m) ( 20.0 m ) sin 45 (7.0 m) sin ( 30 ) yˆ
  
A + B + C = ( 20.2 m ) + ( 0.64 m )
  
3. Use the components to find the magnitude: A+B+C = ( 20.2 m)2 + (0.64 m)2 = 20.2 m
æ 0.64 m ÷ö
4. Use the components to find the angle: θ = tan -1 çç = 1.8
çè 20.2 m ÷ø÷
Insight: Resolving vectors into components takes a little bit of extra effort, but you can get much more accurate
answers using this approach than by adding the vectors graphically. Notice, however, that when your calculator returns
the angle of 1.8° in step 4, you must have a picture of the vectors in your head (or on paper) to correctly determine the

69. From your perspective the path of the raindrops will be angled opposite the direction you are running. It will be similar
to the case where you are standing still but a wind is blowing the rain toward your face. Tilt the umbrella forward to
intercept the rain drops that would otherwise follow an angled path under your umbrella and hit your body.

70. When sailing upwind, your speed relative to the air is greater than the speed of the wind itself. If you sail downwind,
however, you move with the wind, and its speed relative to you is decreased.

71. Picture the Problem: The photo shows two airplanes flying together during a midair refueling operation.
Strategy: Take note of the fact that if the two aircraft have different velocities they could not remain joined together for
more than an instant.
Solution: 1. (a) The aircraft being refueled must have the same velocity as the KC-10A, or 125 m/s due east.
2. (b) The aircraft being refueled must have zero velocity relative to the KC-10A.
Insight: As the aircraft being refueled approaches the KC-10A it must have a slightly higher speed than the KC-10A,
and then needs a slightly lower speed in order to pull away from the KC-10A after refueling.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

 
72. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right. v ag v ap
 
Strategy: Let v pg = plane’s velocity with respect to the ground, v ap = attendant’s

velocity with respect to the plane, and add the vectors according to the relative v pg

motion equation to find v ag = attendant’s velocity with respect to the ground.
  
Solution: Apply the relative v ag = v ap + v pg = ( −1.22 m/s ) + (16.5 m/s ) = (15.3 m/s )
motion equation:
vag = 15.3 m/s
Insight: If the attendant were walking toward the front of the plane, her speed relative to the ground would be
17.7 m/s, slightly faster than the airplane’s speed.

73. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right.  
v yw v wg
 
Strategy: Let v yw = your velocity with respect to the walkway, let v wg = the
walkway’s velocity with respect to the ground, and add the vectors according to the 
 v yg
relative motion equation to find v yg = your velocity with respect to the ground.
Then find the time it takes you to travel the 85-m distance.
Solution: 1. Find your velocity  æ Dx ö æ 85 m ÷ö
v yw = çç ÷÷÷ = çç ÷ = (1.25 m/s)
with respect to the walkway: èç Dt ø çè 68 s ÷ø
2. Apply the relative motion   
equation to find your velocity v yg = v yw + v wg = (1.25 m/s ) + ( 2.2 m/s ) = (3.45 m/s )
with respect to the ground:
Δx 85 m
3. Now find the time of travel: t= = = 25 s
vyg 3.45 m/s
Insight: The moving walkway slashed your time of travel from 68 s to 25 s, a factor of 2.7! Note that we bent the

significant figures rules a little bit by not rounding v yw to 1.3 m/s. This helped us avoid rounding error.

74. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right. va g
 
Strategy: Let v r a = the robin’s velocity with respect to the air, let v a g = the air velocity
with respect to the ground, and add the vectors according to the relative motion equation to 
 vr a
find v r g = the robin’s velocity with respect to the ground. 
vr g
Solution: 1. Apply the relative   
motion equation to find the robin’s v r g = v r a + v a g = (12 m/s )+ ( 6.1 m/s )
velocity with respect to the ground:

2. Now find the magnitude of v r g : vr g = (12 m/s)2 + (6.1 m/s)2 = 13 m/s

Insight: You can verify that the robin’s velocity relative to the ground is 13 m/s at 27° east of north.

75. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right. N
  
Strategy: Let v pf = the passenger’s velocity relative to the ferry, v pw = the v fw
 E
passenger’s velocity relative to the water, and v fw = the ferry’s velocity relative to the
 
water. Use the relative motion equation to solve for v fw . Once the components of v fw θ

are known, its magnitude and direction θ can be determined. v pw
  
Solution: 1. Find the ferry’s v pw = v pf + v fw 30° 
   v pf
velocity relative to the water: v fw = v pw − v pf

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

 
2. Determine the components of v fw : v fw = éë-(4.50 m/s) sin 30 + (4.50 m/s) cos 30 ùû - (1.50 m/s )

v fw = (-2.25 m/s) + (2.40 m/s)

æv ö÷

3. Find the direction of v fw : ç fw, x
θ = tan -1 çç ÷÷ = tan -1 æç 2.25 m/s ÷÷ö = 43 west of north
÷ çç
çç v
è fw, y ÷ø è 2.40 m/s ÷ø

4. Find the magnitude of v fw :
vfw = vfw, 2
x + vfw, y = ( −2.25 m/s)2 + ( 2.40 m/s)2 = 3.29 m/s

Insight: If the person were to walk even faster with respect to the ferry, then v fw would have to be shorter and point
more in the westerly direction.

76. Picture the Problem: The vectors involved in this problem are depicted at right. 
v a g = 36 km/h
 
Strategy: Let v p g = the plane’s velocity with respect to the ground, v a g = air
 
velocity with respect to the ground, and v p a = the plane’s velocity with respect to vpg
   
the air. Use the relative motion equation, v pg = v pa + v ag to construct the right v p a = 350 km/h
triangle shown in the diagram, and then use trigonometry to find the angle θ.

æ vag ö÷ æ ö
Solution: 1. (a) Use the inverse sine function to find θ : θ = sin -1 ççç ÷÷ = sin -1 çç 36 km/h ÷÷ = 5.9 east of north
çè vpa ø÷÷ çè 350 km/h ÷ø

2. (b) The drawing above depicts the vector diagram.

3. (c) If the plane reduces its speed but the wind velocity remains the same, the angle found in part (a) should be
increased in order for the plane to continue flying due north.
Insight: If the plane’s speed were to be reduced to 250 km/h, the required angle would become 8.3°.

77. Picture the Problem: The situation is similar to that depicted in the figure at
right, except the boat is supposed to be a jet ski.
Strategy: Place the x-axis perpendicular to the flow of the river, such that the

river is flowing in the negative y-direction. Let v bw = the jet ski’s velocity

relative to the water, v bg = the jet ski’s velocity relative to the ground, and

v wg = the water’s velocity relative to the ground. Use the relative motion

equation to find the vector v bw , and then determine its magnitude.
      
Solution: 1. Solve for v bw : v bg = v bw + v wg v bw = v bg − v wg
 
2. Find the components of v bg : v bg = (9.5 m/s ) cos 20.0° + (9.5 m/s ) sin 20.0°
= (8.9 m/s ) + (3.2 m/s )
   
3. Subtract to find v bw : v bw = v bg - v wg = ëé(8.9 m/s) + (3.2 m/s) ûù - (-2.8 m/s)
= (8.9 m/s) + (6.0 m/s)

4. Find the magnitude of v bw : vbw = (8.9 m/s)2 + (6.0 m/s)2 = 11 m/s

Insight: Note that the 35° angle is extraneous information for this problem. If we work backwards to find the angle

from the components of v bw we get θ = tan −1 ( 6.0 8.9) = 34° , not exactly 35° due to rounding errors.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

78. Picture the Problem: A projectile is launched with known horizontal and
vertical velocities.
Strategy: The horizontal component of the velocity of a projectile remains
the same throughout its flight because there is no acceleration in the
horizontal direction (in the absence of air friction). Meanwhile, the vertical
component of the velocity decreases to zero at the peak of its flight, then
increases to its initial value, only headed downward instead of upward.
Solution: 1. (a) The horizontal component vx , f = vx , i = 5.0 m/s
of the projectile’s velocity never changes:

2. (b) The vertical component of the projectile’s velocity is zero at the highest point of its flight.
Insight: If the projectile were launched over level ground so that its flight is symmetric, at the instant it lands
the velocity of the projectile would be 5 m/s to the right and 6 m/s downward.

79. (a) Both the scoop of ice cream and the child have the same horizontal velocity as the horse. Relative to the child the
scoop of ice cream falls straight downward . (b) To the parents the scoop of ice cream follows a parabolic trajectory
because it has an initial horizontal component of its velocity.

80. A projectile is any object whose motion is determined solely by the influence of gravity. Therefore, a projectile always
has the same acceleration, 9.81 m/s2 downward , from the instant of launch to the instant of landing.

81. Picture the Problem: Three projectiles A, B, and C are launched

with different initial speeds and angles and follow the indicated paths.
Strategy: Separately consider the x and y motions of each projectile
in order to answer the conceptual question.
Solution: 1. (a) Since each projectile achieves the same maximum
height, which is determined by the initial vertical velocity, we
conclude that all three projectiles have the same initial vertical
velocity. That means the larger the horizontal velocity, the larger the
total initial velocity. The largest initial speed will therefore correspond
with the longest range. The ranking is thus A < B < C.
2. (b) The flight time is longest for projectiles that have the highest
vertical component of the initial velocity. In this case each projectile
has the same maximum altitude and therefore the same initial vertical
speed. That means they all have the same time of flight and the
ranking is thus A = B = C.
Insight: Projectile C travels the farthest distance in the same amount of time because it has the highest speed.

82. Picture the Problem: A projectile that is launched at an angle above horizontal follows a parabolic path.
Strategy: The projectile is accelerated only by gravity, so it maintains its horizontal velocity while its vertical velocity
is reduced from a large positive value (at launch) to zero (at the peak of its flight). Therefore the speed of the projectile
at the peak of its flight is equal to its horizontal speed at launch. Use this fact to determine the launch angle.
æv ö æ 6 m/s ÷ö
Solution: Set vpeak = vx and solve for θ: vpeak = vx = vi cos θ θ = cos-1 ççç x ÷÷÷ = cos-1 ççç ÷÷ = 60°
èç vi ø÷ è12 m/s ø

Insight: If the launch angle were 45° the speed at the peak would be vi cos 45° = (12 m/s ) cos 45° = 8.5 m/s.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

83. Picture the Problem: The ball moves along a parabolic arc,
traveling horizontally at first and then in a more downward
direction before landing 1.95 m from the point at which
it left the racket.

Strategy: The ball’s time of flight can be determined from its

horizontal motion because the horizontal distance traveled and
the horizontal velocity are each known. Then find the distance a
ball would drop from rest during the time of flight. That must be
the original height of the ball when it left the racket.
x 1.95 m
Solution: 1. Find the time of flight: x = vx , i t t= = = 0.4004 s
vx , i 4.87 m/s

2. Find the distance the ball would yf = yi + v y , i t − 12 g t 2

fall in that amount of time:
0 = yi + 0 − 12 g t 2
2 g t 2 = yi = 1
2 (9.81 m s ) (0.4004 s)
2 2
= 0.786 m
Insight: The horizontal speed (4.87 m/s = 11 mph) and range (1.95 m = 6.40 ft) indicate this ball is not hit very hard.

84. Picture the Problem: The water of Victoria Falls follows a parabolic arc, maintaining its horizontal velocity but
gaining vertical speed as it falls.
Strategy: Find the vertical speed of the water after falling 108 m by using the velocity-position equation. The horizontal
velocity remains constant throughout the fall. Then find the magnitude of the velocity from the horizontal and vertical
Solution: 1. Use the velocity-
position equation to find v y :
( )
v y2, f = v y2, i − 2 g Δy = 0 − 2 9.81 m/s 2 ( 0 m –108 m ) = 2120 m 2 /s 2

2. Use the components of v to find the speed: v = vx2 + v y2 = (3.60 m/s )2 + 2120 m 2 /s 2 = 46.2 m s

Insight: Projectile problems are often solved by first considering the vertical motion, which determines the time of
flight and the vertical speed, and then considering the horizontal motion.

85. Picture the Problem: The baseball is launched horizontally

and follows a parabolic trajectory like that pictured at right.
Strategy: Use the equations of motion for an ideal projectile
to find the horizontal distance the ball traveled in the given
amount of time, assuming the ball’s horizontal velocity
remained unchanged during the flight. Then calculate the
vertical distance it fell during the flight.
Solution: 1. (a) Find the horizontal
x = vx , i t = ( 22 m/s )(0.45 s ) = 9.9 m
distance the ball traveled:

2. (b) Find the vertical drop during the time of flight: Δ y = 12 gt 2 = 1

2 (9.81 m/s ) (0.45 s)
2 2
= 0.99 m

Insight: The drop distance could cause the second baseman to miss. A good shortstop will compensate by throwing the
ball slightly upwards, so that it reaches the second basement at chest level.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

86. Picture the Problem: A crow drops a clam that follows the trajectory shown in
the figure at the right.
Strategy: Use the equations of motion for an ideal projectile to find the horizontal
and vertical velocities of the clam after it has been dropped by the crow.
Solution: 1. (a) The horizontal velocity remains constant at 2.70 m/s .

2. (b) The vertical speed ( )

v y , f = − g t = − 9.81 m/s 2 ( 2.10 s )
increases due to the
acceleration of gravity: = –20.6 m/s

Insight: The speed of the crow determines vx and the acceleration of gravity determines v y . As in most of the
problems in this chapter, the answers are accurate as long as we neglect the effects of air friction.

87. Picture the Problem: A pumpkin follows a parabolic trajectory after it is

launched from the top of a tall tower.
Strategy: First find the time required for the pumpkin to drop 9.0 m, then use that
time to figure out the horizontal launch velocity (which will not change
throughout the flight) that will land the pumpkin on the target.

Solution: 1. Use the vertical yf = yi + v y , i t − 12 g t 2

position-time equation to
yf − yi = 0 − 12 g t 2
find the time of flight:
2 ( yf − yi ) 2 ( 0 − 9.0 m )
=t= = 1.355 s
−g (
− 9.81 m s 2 )
2. Use the horizontal position- xf = xi + vx , i t
time equation to find the
xf − xi 3.5 − 0 m
launch velocity: = vx , i = = 2.6 m/s
t 1.355 s
Insight: It is often the case that the vertical portion of a projectile’s motion is used to determine time information about
the trajectory, and the horizontal portion is used to find distance information.

88. Picture the Problem: A pumpkin is launched over level ground during a contest and travels along a parabolic arc.
Strategy: Assume the given range corresponds to a launch angle of 45° and use the range equation to find the initial
speed of the pumpkin.
æ v2 ö æ v2 ö v2
Solution: Solve the range equation for vi : R = ççç i ÷÷÷ sin 2q = ççç i ÷÷÷ sin (2´ 45°) = i
èç g ø÷ èç g ø÷ g

v0 = gR = (9.81 m s 2 )(1245 m) = 111 m/s = 247 mi/h

Insight: The maximum range will occur at θ =45° only in the absence of air resistance. In the presence of the
atmosphere you must launch the pumpkin at a lower angle than that in order to maximize the downrange distance.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

89. Picture the Problem: A diver runs horizontally off a diving board and
falls down along a parabolic arc, maintaining her horizontal velocity but
gaining vertical speed as she falls.
Strategy: Use the equations of motion for an ideal projectile in order to
find the x and y positions of the diver at a given time.
Solution: 1. (a) The horizontal velocity xf = xi + vx , i t
remains the same throughout the flight:
= 0 + (1.8 m/s )( 0.25 s )
xf = 0.45 m
2. The vertical position is affected yf = yi + v y ,i t − 12 g t 2
by the acceleration of gravity:
= 3.0 + 0 − 12 9.81 m s 2 ( 0.25 s ) ) 2

yf = 2.7 m

3. Repeat these calculations at t (s) x (m) y (m)

different times to find the positions: 0.25 0.45 2.7
0.50 0.90 1.8
2.0 1.35 0.24

4. (b) A plot of the diver’s path is depicted above. The positions at t = 0.25 s, t = 0.50 s, and t = 0.75 s are depicted with
the large circles.

Insight: The diver will land at time t = 2 yi g = (6.0 m) (9.81 m s ) = 0.78 s.


90. Picture the Problem: The stuffed animal’s trajectory is depicted in the figure at

Strategy: Determine the average speed of the riders on the Ferris wheel by dividing
the circumference of the wheel by the time to complete a revolution. This becomes
the initial speed of the stuffed animal that is launched horizontally. Use the
equations of motion for an ideal projectile, together with the initial speed and
height of the stuffed animal, to determine the location it lands.

Solution: 1. (a) Find the circumference C = 2π r = 2π (5.00 m ) = 31.4 m

of the Ferris wheel:

C 31.416 m
2. Find the average speed of a rider: v= = = 0.982 m/s
Δt 32.0 s

3. (b) Use the vertical position-time yf = yi + v y , i t − 12 g t 2

equation to find the time of flight. yf − yi = 0 − 12 g t 2
The height of the stuffed animal
when it is dropped is 2 ( yf − yi ) 2 ( 0 − 11.75 m )
=t= = 1.55 s
2×5.00 m + 1.75 m = 11.75 m: −g (
− 9.81 m s 2 )
4. Use t to find the horizontal distance: x = vx , i t = ( 0.982 m/s )(1.55 s ) = 1.52 m

Insight: In real life a light stuffed animal will follow a trajectory that is greatly affected by air resistance.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

91. Picture the Problem: A golf ball travels along a parabolic arc, landing at the same level from which it was launched.
Strategy: The maximum range of a projectile launched from level ground occurs when the launch angle is 45°. Use
the range equation to predict the range of the golf ball when launched at 45°. The minimum speed of the ball will occur
when the ball reaches the peak of its flight. At that point the vertical component of the velocity is zero and the speed
equals the horizontal component of the velocity, which remains unchanged throughout the flight.

æ v02 ö÷ é (34.4 m/s)2 ù

Solution: 1. (a) Find the range of the ball ç ê ú sin 90 = 121 m
R = çç ÷÷ sin 2θ = ê 2 ú
when it is launched at 45°: çè g ÷ø êë 9.81 m/s úû

2. (b) Find the x component of the ball’s

velocity, which corresponds to the minimum v0 x = v0 cos θ = (34.4 m/s ) cos 45° = 24.3 m/s
speed during the flight:
Insight: The maximum range will occur at θ = 45° only in the absence of air resistance. In the presence of the
atmosphere you must launch the ball at a lower angle than that in order to maximize the range of the ball.

92. Picture the Problem: A football travels along a parabolic arc, landing at the same level from which it was launched.
Strategy: The time of flight of a projectile that lands at the same level it is launched is determined by the time it takes
the acceleration of gravity to slow down the vertical component of the initial velocity to zero and then speed it up again
back to its original value. Thus upon landing the speed of the ball is v y , f = v y ,i = vi sin θ . Use these facts to determine
the time of flight and then solve for vi .

vy, f − vy, i − vi sin θ − vi sin θ 2vi sin θ

Solution: 1. Find the time of flight: t= = =
−g −g g

2. Solve for vi : vi =
9.81 m/s 2 ( 4.50 s ) )
= 24.8 m/s
2sin θ 2sin 63.0°
Insight: The flight of the football would not be perfectly symmetric if air resistance were present or if it were caught at
a different level from which it was kicked.

93. (a) No. The acceleration is always vertically downward, but the fly ball is always moving at an angle to the vertical,
never straight down. Therefore, its velocity is never vertical and is never parallel to the acceleration. (b) Yes. A
projectile at the top of its trajectory has a velocity that is horizontal, while at the same time its acceleration is vertical.

94. Picture the Problem: Two snowballs are thrown simultaneously from the top of a roof. One snowball is thrown
horizontally and one is thrown straight down.
Strategy: Once each snowball is released from the child’s hand the only force (neglecting air friction) is the force of
gravity. Each snowball is therefore considered a projectile.

Solution: All projectiles are subject only to the force of gravity and accelerate at 9.81 m/s2 downward. Therefore, the
acceleration of snowball 2 is equal to the acceleration of snowball 1.
Insight: If air friction were not neglected, the snowball with the higher speed would be subject to the larger force of air
friction. We would conclude that snowball 2 has the higher speed and therefore the smaller acceleration.

95. Picture the Problem: A penguin launches itself up above the water’s surface and lands on an ice floe.
Strategy: The penguin can be considered a projectile because the only force acting on it (neglecting air friction) is the
force of gravity.
Solution: The speed of a projectile is less than its launch speed whenever it is at a higher altitude than the launch.
Since the top of the ice floe is above the top of the water’s surface, we conclude that the speed of the penguin just
before it lands is less than its speed when it emerged from the water.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

Insight: If the top of the ice floe were at the same level as the water’s surface, the speed of the penguin just before
landing would be equal to its launch speed, unless air friction were taken into account.

96. Picture the Problem: You walk briskly down the street while tossing a ball in the air and catching it again.
Strategy: Use a separate analysis of the horizontal and vertical motions of the ball to answer the conceptual question.
Solution: 1. (a) As long as air friction is neglected there is no acceleration of the ball in the horizontal direction.
The ball will continue moving horizontally with the same speed as your walking speed. Therefore, you need
to launch the ball straight upward relative to yourself in order for it to land back in your hand.
2. (b) The best explanation (see above) is C. The ball moves in the forward direction with your walking speed at all
times. Statements A and B are false because they ignore the inertia of the ball in the horizontal direction.
Insight: If air friction is taken into account you must launch the ball in the forward direction a little bit. While it is in
the air the friction will slow the ball horizontally so that it lands back in your hand.

97. Picture the Problem: Two divers run horizontally off the edge of a low cliff.
Strategy: Use a separate analysis of the horizontal and vertical motions of the divers to answer the conceptual question.
Solution: 1. (a) As long as air friction is neglected there is no acceleration of either diver in the horizontal direction.
The divers will continue moving horizontally at the same speed with which they left the cliff. However, the time of
flight for each diver will be identical because they fall the same vertical distance. Therefore, diver 2 will travel twice as
much horizontal distance as diver 1.
2. (b) The best explanation (see above) is A. The drop time is the same for both divers. Statement B is true but not
relevant. Statement C is false because the total distance covered depends upon the horizontal speed.
Insight: If air friction is taken into account diver 2 will travel less than twice the horizontal distance as diver 1. This is
because air friction is proportional to speed, so diver 2, traveling at a higher speed, will experience a larger force.

98. Picture the Problem: The two vectors involved in this problem are
depicted in the figure at right.
Strategy: Use the checkerboard squares as a coordinate grid to write
vectors 1 and 2 in component form. Then use the components to
determine the magnitude and direction of each vector.

Solution: 1. (a) Because each vector has components of length 3.5 cm

and 7.0 cm, the magnitude of displacement 1 will be equal to the
magnitude of displacement 2.

2. (b) Find the components of each vector: Δr1 = ( −7.0 cm ) + (3.5 cm )

Δr2 = (3.5 cm ) + ( 7.0 cm )
2 2
3. Use the components to find the magnitude and Δr1 = (-7.0 cm ) + (3.5 cm) = 7.8 cm
direction of displacement 1: æ 3.5 cm ö÷
θ1 = tan -1 ççç ÷ = -27 + 180 = 153
è -7.0 cm ø÷
2 2
4. Use the components to find the magnitude and Δr2 = (3.5 cm) + (7.0 cm) = 7.8 cm
direction of displacement 2: æ 7.0 cm ö÷
θ 2 = tan -1 ççç ÷ = 63
è 3.5 cm ÷ø
Insight: Because the magnitude of a vector depends upon the squares of the components, it does not matter that the x
component of displacement 1 is negative; the displacements still have equal magnitudes.

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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

99. Picture the Problem: The trajectories of two footballs are shown at right.

Strategy: The symmetry of the trajectory of the lob pass can be used to
find the angle of the throw by using the equations of motion for ideal
projectiles. The range equation can be used to find the initial speed of
the bullet pass. The downfield range of the bullet pass, together with
the horizontal component of its velocity, can be used to find the time
of flight.

Solution: 1. (a) Use the projectile equations of v y , f = − vi sin θ = vi sin θ − g t g t = 2vi sin θ
motion and the fact that v y = − v0 y = − v0 sin θ upon é (9.81 m/s )(3.97 s)ù
é gt ù
landing to find the launch angle of the lob pass: θ = sin -1 êê ú = sin -1 êê ú = 64.9
2v ú ê 2 ( 21.5 m/s ) úû
ë û i
æ v2 ö
2. (b) Use the range equation to find R = ççç 0 ÷÷÷ sin 2θ
çè g ÷ø
the initial speed of the bullet pass:
Rg (35 m)(9.81 m/s 2 )
v0 = = = 21 m/s
sin 2θ sin 50.0
3. (c) Find the time of flight of the bullet pass x 35 m
t= = = 1.8 s
from its horizontal motion: vi cos θ ( 21 m/s ) cos 25.0°

( )
Insight: The range equation R = v02 g sin 2θ could also be used to find the launch angle of the lob pass, but reading
the range of 35 m from the graph is limited to two significant digits, so an alternate route was chosen to take advantage
of the precisely known time of flight. Note that the initial speeds of the two passes are similar, but not their times of

100. Answers will vary. Reports should mention that a launch angle of less than 45° gives the best range when launching
from a high altitude to a lower altitude, and that a launch angle of less than 45° achieves maximum range in the
presence of air resistance.

101. As long as you keep walking, both you and your keys will have the same horizontal motion because the horizontal and
vertical motions of a projectile are independent. Therefore, the keys will land right at your feet. If the keys do not have
any initial vertical motion, but are simply dropped, the drop time depends only on the initial height, and not on your
forward motion. The keys are accelerated vertically at −9.81 m/s2 regardless of any horizontal motion.

102. Picture the Problem: A Mars rover rebounds from the surface and travels along a parabolic arc before bouncing off the
surface again.
Strategy: Use the given velocity and angle information along with the velocity-time equations for projectiles launched
at the angle θ to find the time of flight between the first and second bounces. Assume the trajectory is symmetric, that
is, it lands with the same vertical speed that it had immediately after the first bounce.
v y , f − vi sin θ ( −vi sin θ ) − vi sin θ = 2vi sin θ
Solution: Find the time of flight. The calculated t = =
−g −g g
result is choice C.
2 (9.92 m/s )(sin 75.0°)
= = 5.15 s
3.72 m/s 2
Insight: You could also solve this problem by finding the time it takes for the rover to reach its maximum altitude,
at which point its vertical speed is zero. You could then exploit the symmetry of the trajectory and state that it takes
the same amount of time for the rover to hit the ground again.

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
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Chapter 4: Motion in Two Dimensions Pearson Physics by James S. Walker

103. Picture the Problem: A Mars rover rebounds from the surface and travels along a parabolic arc before bouncing off the
surface again.
Strategy: Use the given velocity and angle information along with the range equation to find the downfield range of the
rover between the first and second bounces.
æ vi2 ö÷ (9.92 m/s)
Solution: Find the downfield range. ç ÷
R = çç ÷ sin 2θ = sin (150.0) = 13.2 m
çè g ÷ø 3.72 m/s 2
The calculated result is choice A.
Insight: This downfield range is equivalent to about 43 feet, less than the length of a semi-trailer truck.

104. Picture the Problem: A Mars rover rebounds from the surface and travels along a parabolic arc before bouncing off the
surface again.
Strategy: Use the time between bounces discovered earlier, together with the acceleration of gravity, to find out how
far the rover would fall in half the time between bounces. That distance is equal to the maximum height of the bounce.

Solution: Find the maximum height. The

ymax = 12 g t 2 = 1
2 (3.72 m/s ) (
2 1
2 5.15 s ) = 12.3 m

calculated result is choice C.

Insight: This altitude is equivalent to over 40 feet! Note that the rover was released from an altitude of 16.7 m (55 ft).

Copyright © 2014 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved. This material is protected under all copyright laws as they currently exist. No
portion of this material may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher.
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