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Basic Metal Lab Safety

Ethan Zelico 9-7-18

Safety Glasses and Proper Clothing
- Safety glasses are required in the shop at all times, no exceptions

- No open-toed shoes inside the shop

- No loose, baggy, or hanging clothes

- No headphones while operating machinery

- Pants recommended rather than shorts

• Know where emergency stop buttons are located

• Know were first aid kit is locate

Know where exits and fire extinguishers are located

Secure your parts
• Whenever working with a machine with a table or a hand tool and a vise:

• Ensure part is secured in table or vise

• Vises on a machines table must also be clamped onto the table

- DO NOT operate machinery alone

- Do not talk or distract anyone while they’re working

- Always have someone working with you when using machinery

- Machine specific safety is required before using any machinery

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