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Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50

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Research brief

Antiprotozoal drug nitazoxanide enhances parasitemia, tissue lesions

and mortality caused by Trypanosoma cruzi in murine model
Juan Salvador Valle-Reyes a, b, Valery Melnikov a, *, Oxana Dobrovinskaya b,
Alejandrina Rodriguez-Herna ndez a, Cristina Wookee-Zea a, Víctor Pimientel-Rodrigez a,
Gabriela Rueda-Valdovinos , Iva n Delgado-Enciso a, Uriel A. Lo
 pez-Lemus a, c,
Francisco Espinoza-Go mez a

School of Medicine, University of Colima, Colima, Colima, Mexico
Center for Biomedical Research, University of Colima, Colima, Colima, Mexico
Center for Gene Therapy, Hematologic Malignancies & Stem Cell, Transplantation Institute, City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA

h i g h l i g h t s g r a p h i c a l a b s t r a c t

 Oral Nitazoxanide caused high mor-

tality in acute T.cruzi infection in
 High dose nitazoxanide didn't cause
mortality nor tissues damage in
healthy mice.
 Both, parasitemia and tissue damage
were higher in nitazoxanide treated
 Parasitemia and tissues damage are
directly related to nitazoxanide dose.
 Nifurtimox and nitozaxonide combi-
nation was less effective than nifur-
timox only.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Chagas' disease is caused by unicellular parasite Trypanosoma cruzi (T. cruzi). It is endemic throughout
Received 21 May 2016 Latin America, but nowadays has become a global challenge due to tourism and migration. Non-treated
Received in revised form infection may result in health-threatening complications and lead to death. Current medications for this
15 December 2016
infection are nifurtimox (NFT) and benznidazol. Both drugs may cause side effects and are ineffective in
Accepted 18 December 2016
Available online 21 December 2016
the chronic phase. Therefore, new antichagasic compounds are urgently required. Nitazoxanide (NTZ) is a
broad spectrum antiparasitic drug, proposed recently as a potential candidate to be added to the list of
essential medicines for integrated neglected tropical disease control and elimination. Although the effect
Trypanosoma cruzy
of NTZ against T. cruzi epimastigotes in vitro was reported, the corresponding experiments in animal
Nitazoxanide models of T. cruzi infection have never been undertaken. The present work was designed to fill this gap
Mortality and evaluate the effect of NTZ on experimental murine trypanosomiasis, in comparison with classical
antichagasic agent NFT. Highly sensitive to T. cruzi BALB/c mice were infected using Albarrada T. cruzi
strain, recently isolated in Mexico. Experimental groups were either left untreated, or otherwise treated
with NFT, NTZ (100 and 1000 mg/kg), or with both drugs simultaneously. The severity of the infection
was estimated based on criteria such as parasitemia, lesions in target tissues (heart, muscles and lungs)
and mortality. Despite the expected protective effect, NTZ drastically aggravates the course of T. cruzi
infection. Namely, parasitemia, tissue lesions and mortality caused by T. cruzi infection were significantly

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (V. Melnikov).
0014-4894/© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
J.S. Valle-Reyes et al. / Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50 45

higher in NTZ-treated mice groups, even in comparison with untreated infected animals. NTZ by itself no
produced mortality o tissue damage, and NFT showed an expected protective effect. Our results indicate
that NTZ cannot be considered for Chagas’ disease treatment. Moreover, NTZ should be used with caution
in patients positive for T. cruzi infection.
© 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction of a glutamate-gated chloride ion channel known for its role in

ivermectin susceptibility against nematodes and nitro-reduction
Chagas' disease, or American trypanosomiasis, is a tropical among with free radical production (Adagu et al., 2002;
parasitic disease caused by the protozoan hemoflagellate T.cruzi Somvanshi et al., 2014). Despite the widespread use of NTZ as an
(Chagas, 1909) and transmitted mostly by insects belonging to antiparasitic drug, and considering its wide therapeutic window
Triatominae subfamily (Chagas, 1909). Because the triatominae and accessibility to the population, we have found only a single
vectors are mainly found and widespread in South and Central report concerning its effect on T.cruzi. In this regard, Chan-Bacab
America, Chagas’ disease is considered endemic to these regions, and coworkers (2009) have demonstrated that NTZ inhibits the
but significant number of cases attributed to immigrants is also in vitro growth of kinetoplastid parasites such as Leishmania mex-
reported in the United States, Europe and Australia (WHO., 2016). icana and T.cruzi; even more, against T.cruzi it was more effective
In recent years, by applying various programs aimed at vector than benznidazole (Chan-Bacab et al., 2009). However, the effect
control and at preventing transmission by blood transfusions, was proven only against epimastigotes, the morphologic form that
impressive progress has been attained in reducing Chagas’ disease is present in triatomine vector. The question about its effectiveness
(WHO., 2016). However, T.cruzi infection still remains a serious against morphological forms of T.cruzi found in the mammalian
threat to public health in many regions of the Americas (WHO., host, namely extracellular trypomastigotes in the bloodstream
2016). The World Health Organization has estimated that 6 to 7 (parasitemia) and intracellular amastigotes in the tissues (parasite
million new cases occur annually, and about 100 million people are burden), was not addressed yet. On the other hand, it is mandatory
at risk of infection (WHO., 2016). Given this situation, there is a to test drug activity against these two forms. NTZ have been safely
need to develop protocols for effective pharmacological treatment employed for the long term treatment (3e24 month) of the
of these already infected people. Effective diagnostics and phar- disseminated cystic Echinococcosis in human patients (Pe rez-
macological treatment in the early stages of infection are required Molina et al., 2011), the fact what proves the safe administration
to prevent the progression of the disease to severe and irreversible of NTZ for more than one week and its effectiveness in dissemi-
stages, and to reduce transmission (WHO., 2016). Only two drugs of nated parasitosis. In this concern, the side effects displayed by NTZ
limited efficacy at the chronic T.cruzi infection are actually available, are not so common (<10%) and are less severe ( Know
namely NFT and benznidazol (WHO., 2016). Both drugs are effective more. Be sure, 2000) compared to the both actual antichagasic
in the acute phase and act through the formation of free radicals drugs, so NTZ is potentially eligible for replacing them. Considering
and/or electrophilic metabolites (Mitelman et al., 2013). Although that the NTZ's mechanism of antiparasitic effect is somehow similar
T.cruzi possesses various mechanisms to detoxify free radicals and to that of benznidazole, it is logic to hypothesize that NTZ in the
their metabolites (Piacenza et al., 2013), they are not effective same manner hardly could be effective in chronic Chagas disease.
enough to avoid the oxidative stress produced by aforementioned Therefore, the main aim of the present study was to explore the
antichagasic drugs that results in parasite death. However, effectiveness of NTZ against T.cruzi acute infection in the murine
damaging effect of these radicals on healthy organs and tissues may model.
be also significant (Mitelman et al., 2013). Indeed, even at the
therapeutic doses both drugs cause numerous side effects (in up to
2. Materials and methods
40% of all treated patients) (WHO., 2016), such as anorexia,
insomnia, nausea, headache, dizziness, asthenia, peripheral
Male BALB/c mice of six-to eight-week old were obtained from
neuritis, exfoliative dermatitis, thrombocytopenia, allergic purpura,
HARLAN LABORATORIES, S.A. DE C.V., and housed in 12/12 h dark/
nervousness, hallucinations and convulsions; and as a conse-
light cycle with controlled temperature conditions (22e24  C), with
quence, forcing treatment withdrawal (Molina et al., 2015; Forsyth
water and aliments ad libitum. Before the experiment, they were
et al., 2016). Furthermore, many strains of T.cruzi were recently
allowed to acclimate for seven days. T.cruzi strain TPAP/MX/2002/
reported to demonstrate drug resistance (Caldas et al., 2014)
Albarrada used in this study was isolated in the state of Colima,
Summing up, current antichagasic medication is costly and asso-
Me xico and belongs to TcI group (Melnikov et al., 2013) according to
ciated with the risk of severe side effects; in many endemic coun-
the New Consensus for Trypanosoma cruzi intraspecific nomencla-
tries, the access to these drugs is limited. Undoubtedly, new
ture (Zingales et al., 2012). Mice were infected by intraperitoneal
effective and inexpensive antichagasic compounds are urgently
injection with 1  105/mice of T.cruzi bloodstream trypomastigotes
previously obtained by cardiac puncture from previously infected
A broad-spectrum antiparasitic drug NTZ is used to treat a wide
BALB/c mice.
range of intestinal infections caused by helminthes, protozoa and
NFT (Bayer®) and NTZ (Daxon®) were used in this study. The
bacteria (Rossignol, 2014). In particular, it is often prescribed to
drugs were dispersed in deionized water, and administrated orally.
patients who have been diagnosed with cryptosporidiosis and/or
NFT was administrated in the dosage of 200 mg/kg during first four
giardiasis. In the last years there are a growing number of reports
days, and then 50 mg/kg during next 16 days, as was reported
about the antiviral activity of this compound (Adagu et al., 2002).
elsewhere (Z arate et al., 1980).
Antiparasitic effect was shown to be due to selectively inhibition of
Two experimental series were undertaken: in the first series, the
pyruvateferredoxinoxidoreductase, an enzyme essential for energy
animals were monitored for 21 day, until the peak of parasitemia
metabolism of all intracellular parasites (Rossignol, 2014), blockade
was reached; in the second series, animals were monitored during
46 J.S. Valle-Reyes et al. / Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50

50 days post-infection, until the parasitemia level was almost un- laboratory animals). All experimental procedures were reviewed
detectable. All animals of first series and surviving mice of second and approved by the Committee for Bioethics and Biosafety of the
series were euthanized for histopathological studies. In both series, University of Colima (Permit number: 2012e17).
the animals were allocated to 7 experimental groups, 5 (first series)
or 10 (second series) animals each, by simple aleatorization, 3. Results and discussion
applying EPIDAT 3.1 software developed by the Department of
Public Health and Health Council of Spain (2006). The groups were Efforts of various researchers around the world are now focused
the following: 1) uninfected mice; 2) uninfected mice treated with on the search of safe and effective antichagasic compounds (Urbina,
NTZ (1000 mg/kg); 3) mice infected with T.cruzi, without any 2010). NTZ, a low cost antiprotozoal, antibacterial and antiviral
pharmacological treatment; 4) mice infected with T.cruzi, treated drug has been shown to be effective against T.cruzi epi-
with NFT; 5) mice infected with T.cruzi, treated with NTZ (100 mg/ mastigotes in vitro (Chan-Bacab et al., 2009). In the present work,
kg); 6) mice infected with T.cruzi, treated with NTZ (1000 mg/kg); the effect of NTZ on the course of T. cruzi infection was studied in
7) mice infected with T.cruzi, treated with both NTZ (100 mg/kg) the murine model.
and NFT. In groups 4,5,6 and 7 both drugs were administered for 20 Contrary to expectations, the results presented here suggest that
days since the first day of T.cruzi parasitemia (3rd day after T.cruzi NTZ drastically aggravates T.cruzi infection in mammalian host,
inoculation). NTZ was administered orally daily, as previously enhancing mortality, parasitemia, tissue parasitism and
described (Caldas et al., 2014). When both drugs were used (group damage.
No. 7), they were administered with 30 min interval. Infected experimental groups were either left untreated, or
The level of parasitemia was monitored by counting trypomas- otherwise treated with NFT, NTZ (100 and 1000 mg/kg), or with
tigotes in the blood samples collected from the tail vein. Hemocy- both drugs simultaneously. Both the evolution of parasitemia and
tometer was used to determinate the numbers of parasites per mm survival in different experimental groups were monitored during a
of blood (Zarate et al., 1980). At the end of the experiments the PCR period of 50 days post-infection (Figs. 1 and 2). The level of para-
method published by Moser et al. (1989) was employed in order to sitemia reached in infected group without treatment was similar to
detect the parasitemia in all cases with parasites undetectable by that reported earlier for BALB/c infected with TPAP/MX/2002/
microscopic blood observation. Albarrada strain (Melnikov et al., 2005). At 16 days post-infection,
Hearts, muscles and lungs were collected from the animals NFT treatment completely suppressed parasitemia in both infec-
euthanized with an overdose of sodium pentobarbital at 21st or ted groups (Fig. 1A). Accordingly, TPAP/MX/2002/Albarrada strain is
50th day of post-infection, fixed in 10% buffered formalin solution highly susceptible to NFT, similar to various T.cruzi strains reported
for 3 days, and processed in routine for paraffin embedding. Lungs earlier (Andrade et al., 1985). Interestingly, in the group with
sampling is based on our previous report (Melnikov et al., 2005) combined treatment (NTZ þ NFT), the parasitemia profile was
where damage in lungs parenchyma was shown in the acute similar to that obtained in animals treated with NFT alone except
infection with strain TPAP/MX/2002/Albarrada in mice. Three mme for the slight reactivation of parasitemia 2 days after the conclusion
thick tissue sections were cut, stained with hematoxyline eosin of drug treatment (Fig. 1A). Surprisingly, both experimental groups
and analyzed by optical microscopy using digital imaging (Micro- treated with different concentrations of NTZ showed a worse
scope Axioscop Carl Zeiss, Digital Camara MR5 Carl Zeiss, Software evolution of the infection when compared to NFT group, and even
Axiovision 4.1). Pathologic damage and immune cells infiltrations to untreated mice. In the first place, a drastic enhancement of
in muscles and hearts in different experimental groups were parasitemia was observed (Fig. 1A).
compared applying Dallas scale designed for the semiquantitative The area under the curve of parasitemia is a criterion commonly
analysis of myocarditis and myositis (Aretz, 1987). In every sample used to evaluate both the parasitemia level and its persistence
three parameters were quantified: inflammatory infiltration (Becker et al., 2011). This value was significantly lower in the groups
severity (from 0 to 3 where the 3 is the most severe infiltration), treated with NFT as monotherapy, or in combination with NTZ, as
inflammatory infiltrate distribution (four grades from absent to compared with untreated animals. In contrast, it was drastically
diffuse) and necrosis (absent/present) (Brasso et al., 2013). elevated in the group treated with the high dose of NTZ, whereas in
the group treated with lower dose of NTZ, this value did not differ
2.1. Statistical analysis from those obtained in untreated group (Fig. 1B).
The criterion of accumulated mortality is used routinely in
Data were expressed as mean ± SEM and analyzed using murine models to determine T.cruzi strains’ virulence. TPAP/MX/
descriptive statistics for each variable, through analysis of means 2002/Albarrada strain is of mild virulence in BALB/c murine model,
and variances assuming a normal distribution. For comparisons of so that 90% (9/10) of infected mice had survived the 50-day period
groups and possible interactions between them, the two-way of acute infection (Fig. 2). However, infected animals treated with
ANOVA with posthoc analysis according to 2  2 factorial design NTZ not only exhibited significantly higher parasitemia, almost all
was used. p-values less than or equal to 0.02 were considered of them succumbed between days 15 and 50. Two different doses of
statistically significant, based on the Bonferroni adjustment for NTZ were used in our study, and the higher dose (1000 mg/kg) was
posthoc tests. SPSS19.0 software (IBM, Armonk, NY, USA) was used. lower but close to those (1400 mg/kg) reported as lethal dose 50%
Program MedCalc 15.8.was used to analyze mortality and area (Murphy and Friedmann, 1985; Malesuik et al., 2012). But NTZ itself
under the parasitemia curve. Logistics univariate correlation was (experimental group 2) even at the highest dose did not cause
used to associate the level of parasite and mortality, and Sperman's mortality or tissue damage in uninfected treated animals. This
rank correlation coefficient - to evaluate risk factor of each observation rules out the hypothesis about the possible toxic effect
treatment. of NTZ as a cause of mortality not related to infection in the groups
of mice injected with T.cruzi.
2.2. Ethics statement Summing up, NTZ treatment significantly increased the para-
sitemia level, persistence of bloodstream forms and overall mor-
This study was carried out in accordance with the recommen- tality of infected animals. According Spearman rank correlation
dations in the Mexican Official Standard NOM-062-ZOO-1999 test, the NFT group showed the lowest risk, followed by a positive
(Technical specifications for the production, care and use of (untreated) control, then group treated with NTZ 100 mg/kg and
J.S. Valle-Reyes et al. / Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50 47

Fig. 1. Treatment with NTZ enhances parasitemia in T. cruzi-infected mice. Male BALB/c mice were infected by intraperitoneal injection with 1  105/mice of bloodstream T.cruzi
trypomastigotes (TPAP/MX/2002/Albarrada strain). All medicamental treatments were initiated at the first day of parasitemia (3rd day postinfection) and finished 20 days after. A)
Parasites were counted by light microscopy in samples of peripheral blood during 50 days post infection, and parasitemia was calculated by Brenner method. Data are present as
(mean ± SEM)x105 of parasite/ml. Comparisons of parasitemia values in groups treated with NTZ or NFT regarding to untreated group were performed at 21st day post-infection
using two-way ANOVA 2  2, Tuckey post-test. Protective effect of NFT was observed, whereas NTZ alone caused enhanced parasitemia. *p ¼ 0.02;***p ¼ 0.001. B) Area under the
parasitemia curve was calculated by using MedCalc program. Comparisons were performed between untreated group and drug-treated groups (*), and between group treated with
NFT (standard treatment) and others groups (þ). **p ¼ 0.01; þp ¼ 0.019, þþþp ¼ 0.001.

finally, as the highest risk, the group treated with 1000 mg/kg, 3.1. T.cruzi-infected mice treated with NTZ present severe tissue
being significant (r2 ¼ 0.22, p ¼ 0.000001). However, logistics lesions when compared with untreated animals
univariate correlation analysis did not reveal the association be-
tween enhanced parasitemia level and mortality in NTZ treated For pathological studies, two series of experiments were un-
groups (OR ¼ 1.2, 95% CI: 0.87e2.1). The correlation seems to be dertaken. No tissue lesions (both, infiltration nor necrosis were
more complex, and include additional factors such as tissue lesions found) were observed in both uninfected control groups, either
in target organs considered to be the factor of primary importance untreated or treated with NTZ. In regard to the T.cruzi infected mice,
in disease progression and prognosis. all animals were euthanized at 21 days post-infection when the
peak of parasitemia was reached (Fig. 3), and at 51 days post-
infection when parasitemia in animals surviving the acute phase
48 J.S. Valle-Reyes et al. / Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50

Fig. 2. Treatment with NTZ enhances mortality in T. cruzi-infected mice. Male BALB/c mice were infected by intraperitoneal injection with 1  105/mice of bloodstream T.cruzi
trypomastigotes (TPAP/MX/2002/Albarrada strain). All medicamental treatments were initiated at the first day of parasitemia (3rd day postinfection) and finished 20 days after.
Mortality was followed during 50 days post-infection and subjected to statistical analysis by Kruskal-Wallis and Langley post-test represents difference between T.cruzi group and
groups treated with NTZ,###p ¼ 0.001.

was almost undetectable by microscopic observation. Lesions of rapid autolysis.

characteristic of experimental trypanosomiasis (Melnikov et al., Different hypotheses may be proposed to explain the enhanced
2013) were found in the group of infected mice that were left un- level of parasitemia in mice treated with NTZ. According to the
treated. In particular, amastigotic nests were present in myocar- earlier reports the virulence and parasitemia levels directly depend
dium and skeletal muscles. Myocarditis, moderate to severe on the internalization of the metacyclic trypomastigotes in a
according to Dallas criteria, with myocytes destruction, mono- membrane-bounded vacuole in the host cells (Romano et al., 2012).
nuclear and fibroblastic infiltration was observed in the heart. Light, This process was shown to be dependent on energetic status of the
moderate and severe myositis with mononuclear and fibroblastic host cell governed by mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR).
infiltrations was present in equal proportion in the skeletal mus- Invasion by tissue culture trypomastigotes may be increased upon
cles. Mild inflammatory infiltrate and scarce parasites were found host cell pre-starvation or mTOR inhibition by rapamycine
in lungs. The blood of all animals was positive for T.cruzi on 21st and (Miyazawa et al., 2012). On the other hand, NTZ was shown to
on 50th day of infection, according to PCR analysis. inhibit mTORC1 signaling (Lam et al., 2012), and then may cause
Tissue parasitism was not found in the T. cruzi infected mice increased invasion with consequent increased liberation of para-
treated with NFT, tissue lesions were significantly less pronounced: sites into the bloodstream.
namely, light, if any, focal mononuclear infiltration in the heart and Cellular immunity is another crucial factor capable to control
striated muscles were detected. Although the blood of all mice was T.cruzi infection (Machado et al., 2012). mTOR plays a crucial role in
T.cruzi positive on 21st day, only 30% were positive on 50th day. the adaptive immunity, maintaining the balance between T cell
On the other hand, parasites were present in myocardium and in activation and quiescence. Antigen recognition by naïve T cells
the striated muscles, but not in lungs of mice treated with NTZ and leads to mTOR activation and promotes the differentiation of these
NFT. Mild and focal myocarditis according to Dallas criteria was cells into effector T cells (revised in (Chi, 2012; Saleiro and Platanias,
detected in 100% of cases. Eighty percent of animals presented light 2015)). Rapamicine, an mTOR inhibitor, is widely considered as an
inflammatory changes in the striated muscles and 20% of animals immunosuppressor, and is prescribed to prevent graft rejection or
had moderate and confluent (gravity 1 and extension 2 according to to treat autoimmune diseases (Dobashi et al., 2011). While NTZ is
Dallas criteria) mononuclear infiltrations in this tissue. In the ani- capable to inhibit mTOR, it may demonstrate significant immuno-
mals subjected to the combined treatment and euthanized at the suppressive effect and decrease specific immune response to T.cruzi
day 51 post-infection, scarce parasitism and bigger proportion of infection.
moderate inflammatory changes were found in the same tissues Although it was performed on a murine model, our study has
(moderate confluent infiltrations alongside with necrosis). At this revealed a phenomenon of important clinical relevance. NTZ,
point, our observations suggest a reactivation of the infection due originally developed and commercialized as an antiprotozoal agent
to NZT, even in NFT-treated animals. (Rossignol and Maisonneuve, 1984; Gilles and Hoffman, 2002), later
In contrast to the NFT-treated groups, the mice infected with was recognized as a broad-spectrum antibacterial and antiviral
T.cruzi and treated with different concentrations of NTZ showed drug; so it has been inclusively repurposed for the treatment of
even more severe grade of tissue damage compared to the un- influenza (Rossignol, 2014). Considered to be very safe, it has been
treated infected mice. Accordingly, in the groups treated with NTZ used for treating of a broad spectrum of intestinal parasitic in-
only, the number of animals was limited, due to high mortality. But fections in the Latin America countries endemic for Chagas' disease.
it was impossible to undertake post mortem tissue analysis because Recently NTZ was proposed as a potential candidate to be added to
J.S. Valle-Reyes et al. / Experimental Parasitology 172 (2017) 44e50 49

Fig. 3. Histopathological findings in tissues of T. cruzi-infected mice on 21stday of post-infection. Representative hematoxylin & eosin stained sections demonstrating heart,
muscle and lung histological lesions. Top panel: untreated animals; middle panel: NFT-treated animals; bottom panel: NTZ-treated (100 mg/kg) animals. Arrows indicate in-
flammatory infiltrates. Amastigotic nests are delimited by squares. A: alveoli; B: bronchi; V: vessels.

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