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Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 11 (1993) 105-112

@ 1993 Society for Industrial Microbiology 0169-4146/93/$06.00 105

Published by Elsevier

SIM 00459

Inhibitory effect of dihydroxyacetone on Gluconobacter oxydans:

Kinetic aspects and expression by mathematical equations
C. Claret a, A. B o r i e s a a n d P. S o u c a i l l e b
ainstitut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement des IAA, Narbonne, France and
bD~partement de Gdnie Biochimique et Alimentaire, Institut National des Sciences Appliqu~es, Toulouse, France
(Received 6 April 1992; revision received 11 November 1992; accepted 13 November 1992)

Key words: Dihydroxyacetone; DHA; Inhibition; Gluconobacter oxydans; Glycerol conversion; Kinetic


Microbialconversionof glycerolinto dihydroxyacetone(DHA) by Gluconobacteroxydans was subjectedto inhibitionby excess substrate. Comparison
of cultures containingincreasinginitial DHA contents (0 to 100 g 1 1) demonstrated that DHA also inhibitedthis fermentationprocess. The first effectwas
on bacterial growth (cellular development stopped when DHA concentration reached 67 g I-1), and then on oxidation of glycerol (DHA synthesis only
occurred when the DHA concentration in the culture medium was lower than 85 g 1-1). Productivity,specificrates and, to a lesser extent, conversionyields
decreased as initial concentrations of DHA increased. The changes in the specificparameters accordingto increasinginitial DHA contents were described
by general equations. These formulae satisfactorilyexpress the concave aspect of the curves and the reduction in biologicalactivitywhen the cells were in
contact with DHA concentrations of up to 96 g 1-1.

INTRODUCTION growth and oxidation of glycerol ceased when the D H A

concentration in the medium reached 61 g 1-1 and 110 g
The microbial conversion of glycerol results in various 1-1, respectively.
metabolites of industrial importance: dihydroxyacetone, In the literature, there is little information on inhibition
1,3-propanediol [ 5 ], hydroxypropionaldehyde [ 9 ], etc. U p by D H A in micro-organisms. Nevertheless, a negative ef-
until today, the only fermentation process to be developed fect of D H A has been reported on bacterial growth [4]
on an industrial level is D H A production. In Glucono- and the stability of glycerol dehydrogenase [ 8], the enzyme
bacter oxydans, an inhibitory effect linked to glycerol con- responsible for the conversion of glycerol.
centration affects the kinetic parameters but not the D H A The present study concentrated on kinetic characteri-
yields [3]. However, the drop in glycerol-to-DHA conver- sation and expression by mathematical equations of
sion yields observed by several authors (e.g., Refs. 10, 11) D H A - d e p e n d e n t inhibition of glycerol oxidation in Glu-
in cultures of high initial substrate concentration could not eonobacter oxydans.
be ascribed to a direct effect of glycerol on cellular activ-
ity, and suggests other inhibitory factors may be involved. MATERIALS AND METHODS
In our earlier papers [2,3], we postulated an inhibitory
effect linked to D H A . We demonstrated that bacterial Experimental organism
Gluconobacter oxydans strain A T C C 621 was used. It
was maintained on agar slants containing 20 g 1-1 glycerol,
Correspondence to: C, Claret, Institut National de La Recherche 10 g 1-1 yeast extract, and 20 g 1-1 agar, and transferred
Agronomique, Laboratoire de Biotechnologie de l'Environnement to new slants every month.
des IAA, Boulevard Gtntral de Gaulle, 11100 Narbonne, France.
Abbreviations: X, S, P, biomass, substrate, product concentra-
tions; rx, rs, rp, rates of growth, consumption and production; #,
q~, qp, specific rates of growth, glycerol consumption and DHA Inocula (200 ml) were prepared in 500-ml flasks, and
production; Yx/s, Yp/s, conversion yields of substrate into bio- placed on an orbital shaker (130 rpm) in a thermostated
mass and product; K,, constant of affinity of cells to the substrate; room (28 ~ for 1 day. The growth medium containing
Kip, product inhibition constant; Pro, threshold concentration of 50 g 1-1 glycerol, and 10 g 1-1 Difco Yeast Extract.
DHA in substrate. A concentrated D H A solution (200 ml) was added after

sterilisation of the medium, since the compound reacts ters were determined from cultures of varying D H A con-
strongly with the yeast extract protein. tent (0, 13.9, 26, 37.6, 47.7, 68.7 and 100 g 1 l) and iden-
The cultures were made up in 2-1itre LSL Biolafitte tical glycerol concentration, i.e., 50 g 1 1 (Figs. 1 and 2).
bioreactors initially containing 1.5 litres of growth me- In general, the presence of D H A at the beginning of the
dium. Inoculation was carried out by adding 100 or 200 ml culture resulted in increased duration of fermentation: the
of precultures. time required by the micro-organisms to oxidise 47.7 g 1-1
The pH was adjusted to 6 (addition of 2 M NaOH) and glycerol was 3-times greater for the culture containing
the temperature to 28 ~C. Agitation (800 rpm) and aera- 47.7 g 1-1 D H A than the control (i.e., without initial ad-
tion (1 air volume/reactor volume/minute (vvm)) ensured dition of DHA).
that the partial pressure of oxygen remained at a level In cultures where the initial D H A content was lower
greater than 10 ~ saturation during all experiments. Foam than 47.7 g 1-1, the 50 g 1-1 glycerol was consumed en-
formation was prevented by adding Sigma Silicone Emul- tirely. On the other hand, when the culture started off at
sion diluted to one-tenth. 68.7 g 1-1 DHA, only 19.5 g 1-t glycerol were consumed
after 60 h. Comparison of the characteristic parameters of
Analytical methods each experiment (Table 1) showed that the increased du-
Estimation of biomass concentration. Optical density ration of fermentation was linked to an inhibitory effect of
(OD) was measured at 620 nm with a Varian spectropho- D H A on the kinetics of bacterial growth and glycerol
tometer. Centrifuged samples (20 000 rpm, 5 ~C, 10 rain) oxidation, and on biomass and D H A production.
were used as controls and for dilutions. It was found that Inhibition of production kinetics. The effect of D H A on
one OD unit corresponded to 450 mg 1-1 dry weight. bacterial conversion of glycerol became first apparent on
To determine dry weight of the organisms, 40-ml sam- the level of kinetics. When fermentation occurred at an
ples were taken from the culture, centrifuged, washed twice initial D H A content of 26 g 1-1, maximum productivities
with distilled water and dried to constant weight at 105 ~C. and specific rates represented 57~o and 70~o of the cor-
Determination of metabolites. Glycerol and D H A con- responding parameters obtained in the control culture (i.e.,
tents were determined by HPLC after filtration and dilu- no initial DHA). When the initial D H A level was 68.7 g
tion of samples, using a Brownlee Polypore Calcium col- 1-t, these parameters reached a maximum of 4~o and 20~o
umn thermostated at 86 ~ and eluted by a continuous of these same reference values. A similar decrease was
flow (0.4 ml min -1 with a Shimadzu L6A pump) of bi- observed for all parameters studied: specific growth rate,
distilled, filtered and de-aerated water. Compounds were specific rate of glycerol consumption, and specific rate of
detected with a Waters refractometer and their concen- D H A production (Table 1). The kinetic parameters
trations evaluated using a Shimadzu Integrator CR 3A. reached their optimum: level at an early stage of the cul-
ture (between the 3rd and 5th h for specific growth rate,
RESULTS and between the 5th and 15th for specific rates for gly-
cerol consumption and D H A production). Thencefor-
Inhibitory effect of DHA ward, their values continued to decrease at varying speeds
The effect of D H A on glycerol conversion by Glucono- according to initial D H A concentration (Fig. 2).
bacter oxydans was analysed by comparing cultures ini- These results demonstrated that low initial D H A con-
tially containing 50 g 1-1 substrate and increasing concen- tents ( < 13 g 1-1) restricted cellular activity right from the
trations of D H A (from 0 to 100 g 1-1). beginning of fermentation. Increasing initial D H A con-
The first inoculation ratio to be tested was 5.9~o v/v centrations (supplied or produced) accentuated this.
(the same as that used to study the inhibitory effect of Effects of DHA on bacterial growth. For an identical
glycerol). Under these conditions, bacterial growth and quantity of glycerol consumed (50 g 1-1), as initial D H A
glycerol oxidation occurred only when the initial D H A content increased, the concentration of synthesised bio-
content was lower than 30 g 1-1. D H A had a very pro- mass decreased; this was expressed by decreased conver-
nounced inhibitory effect on cellular activity since a level sion of substrate into biomass (Table 1).
of 30 g 1-1 at the beginning of culture (inoculated at 5.9~ Concerning cultures of initial D H A content greater
v/v) was lethal to G. oxydans. The inoculation ratio was than 26 g 1-1, a simultaneous analysis of D H A production
then increased to 10.8~o v/v. At this level, the critical and biomass synthesis (Fig. 1), revealed that growth
initial D H A concentration for biological activity was about stopped when the D H A concentration in the cultured me-
100 g 1-1. These same experimental conditions were used dium reached a threshold value of about 67 g 1-1.
for studying DHA-dependent inhibition of glycerol oxida- Under these conditions, unlike the control, although a
tion in G. oxydans. certain amount of glycerol remained in the culture medium
The integral (X, S, P) and specific (#, qs, qp) parame- and D H A production continued, microbial growth ceased.

BIOMASS g l - ' ph-'

2.5 .0,35
i.5 0.2


0.5 ~c
0I 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

TIME hours TIME hours

GLYCEROL gl- ' qs g. g-1. h.-1
50 b 10
40 8

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

TIME hours TIME hours

DHA gl- I qP g. g-l.h-1

80 c

4.0 , ~ i 3
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 30 40 50 60

TIME hours TIME hours

Fig. 1. Changes in the biomass (a), glycerol (b) and DHA (c) Fig. 2. Changes in the specific ~owth rates (a), the specific rates
concentrations in cultures of Gluconobacter oxydans on glycerol of glycerol-consumption (b) and the specific rates of DHA for-
50 g 1-1 performed with increasing initial DHA concentrations. mation (c) in cultures of Gluconobacter oxydans performed with
0 (A), 13.9 (~), 26 ( 9 37.6 (V), 47.7 ([3), 68.7 ('~t') and 100 increasing initial DHA concentrations. 0 (A), 13.9 (~), 26 (O),
(O) g 1-1 DHA. 37.6 (V), 47.7 (rq), 68.7 (}lk,-)and 100 ( 0 ) g 1-x DHA.

Determination of characteristic parameters of G. oxydans cultures performed with increasing levels of initial D H A content

Initial D H A content (g 1 1) 0 13.9 26 37,5 47.7 68.7 100

Duration (h) 20 24 30 36 55 60 -
Biomass producted (g 1-1) 2.0 1,8 1.6 1.2 0.6 0,1 0.06
Glycerol consumed (g I - 1) 47.4 46 46.9 45.8 45.8 19.5 0
D H A produced (g 1-1) 41.9 39,3 40.6 39.4 36.2 8.7 0

Yx/s (%) 4.3 4,0 3.5 2.7 1.3 0,5 -

Yp/s (~o) 88.4 85.4 86.6 86.0 79.0 47.7 0

rx ( g l - l h -1) 0.16 0.11 0.09 0.08 0.02 0.01 -

rs (g 1- 1 h - l) 5.08 3.44 2.94 2.29 1.53 0.02 -
rp (g 1- 1 h - 1) 5.03 3.23 2.75 2.09 1.26 0.20 -
/~ (g 1 1 h - I)
- 0.33 0.27 0.22 0.17 0.14 0.06 -
qs (g 1- 1 h 1) 7.78 6.65 5.74 4.59 3.43 1.56 -
qp (g 1- 1 h - 1) 7.00 5.82 4.69 3.89 2.79 1.40 -

These two biological activities (cellular development and Inverse and exponential models. The model of Bazua
D H A formation) were thus distinct. This suggested that et al. must be considered as different to other formulae
D H A had a selective effect on the biological system's dy- since its constants k and b have no biological signification.
namic behaviour: synthesis of biomass was sensitive to The correlation coefficients, expressing the difference be-
D H A concentrations (67 g 1-1) lower than those at which tween the experimental data and the theoretical curves
oxidation of glycerol ceased (85 g 1-1). This could explain obtained by this model, demonstrated that the equation
the decrease ofbiomass production under increasing D H A did not fit the phenomenon observed especially in the case
concentrations. of D H A production (Figs. 4 and 5).
Effect of DHA on DHA production. Conversion of sub- Comparison of the theoretical curves obtained by the
strate into D H A was also affected by the presence of inverse (Egamberdiev) or exponential (A~ba) models and
DHA, although to a lesser extent (Table 1, Fig. 3). It was the experimental data showed that these formulae only
constant for initial D H A concentrations of 0 to 37 g 1-1, described the experiments satisfactorily for D H A concen-
then decreased substantially as concentration increased
(Fig. 3). Here, the reduction in yield may be ascribed to
increased exploitation of the substrate by the cells to en-
Y• (%) Y,P/s (%)
sure the production of energy, as well as survival in an . 100
increasingly hostile environment.
There was a distinct difference between the threshold 80
concentration at which conversion of substrate into bio-
mass was affected ( < 13.9 g 1-i), and that affecting con-
3 60
version of substrate into D H A (37 g 1-1). Given the greater
effect on growth than on D H A synthesis, this phenome-
non would seem to confirm the selective effect of DHA, 2

Expression by mathematical equations of DHA inhibition of 1

the kinetics of bacterial growth and DHA production
Most of the models expressing DHA's inhibitory ef-
fects listed in the references [ 6,7] were tested for purposes
0 20 40 60 80 100
of modelisation (Tables 2 and 3). Given the non-limiting
glycerol concentration (50 g 1-1) used in the present study, DHA gl- '
the low value of constant Ks, (affinity of cells to the sub- Fig. 3. Effect of initial D H A concentration on conversion yields
strate), assessed at 4 g 1-1 [3] enabled the term S/(K s + S) of substrate into biomass ([]) and product ( ~ ) by Gluconobacter
to be omitted. oxydans.

Modelisation of the inhibitory effect of DHA on bacterial growth

Model equation Simplified expression Constant Correlation

calculation coefficient

Ghose et al.'s model

S /2 = # . . . . (1 - P/em) em= 86.0
/2=/2 . . S. + . Ks. "(1 P/Pm) /2max= 0.328 0.992

Egamberdiev's model
/2 =/2. . . . S Kip /2 =/2max. Kip Kip = 72.12
S + K s P + Kip p + Kip pmax = 0.328 0.966

Bazua's model
S /2 =/2max (1 -- k'P/(b - P)) k = 3.01
/2 =/2. . . . . (1 k ' P / ( b - P))
S + K s" b = 272.7 0.992

AYba's model
/2= # . . . . S /2 = #m~. exp ( - P/Kip) Kip = 78.4
S + K s 'exp ( -P/Kip ) #rnax= 0.328 0.989

Luong's model
S /2 = # . . . . (1 - (P/Pm)~) #max = 0.328
/2 = # . . S. +. K.s" (1 P/Pm) Pm = 83.9 0.995
= 0.984

Levenspiel's model
S # = ~ . . . . (1 - (P/em)) ~ #m~x = 0.328
# = # . . . . . (1 e/em)
S + K S' Pm = 87.0 0.997
= 1.09

Calculation of the characteristic constants given in several models proposed in the literature. Application to experimental results.

trations between 0 and 26 g 1-1 (Figs. 4 and 5). Above this no biological activity occurred), coefficient (expressing the
upper value, the curves deviate from the experimental data. curvature of the curves # = f(P) and qp = f(P) (x = 1 in the
Similarly, the values of Kip (the product inhibition con- linear model)), and the maximum specific parameter de-
stant) determined for both biological activities investigated termined in the absence of inhibitory product (#max,
(bacterial growth and D H A production) by the inverse or qpaX).
exponential models were between 70 and 80 g 1-1. Con- By means of the constant, Pm, linear or general formu-
sequently, these results disagreed with the experimental lae take into account the absence of microbial activity
d a t a because, (a) the constant Kip theoretically represents beyond a threshold of initial D H A concentration. They
the product concentration for which specific rates were 2- thus described the phenomenon satisfactorily; this was
or 2.7-times lower (inverse and exponential models, re- corroborated by the agreement between theoretical curves
spectively) than the maximum specific rate (obtained in the and experimental results (Figs. 4 and 5).
absence of the inhibitory product) and (b)because be- The satisfactory correlation coefficient indicated that
tween 70 and 80 g 1-1, the biological activity experimen- the general models fitted the experimental results well.
tally observed was practically zero. The inverse and ex- However, comparing the model's curves with those of the
ponential mathematical equations were thus unsuitable for experiment drmonstrated that, at high initial D H A con-
modelling growth inhibition and glycerol conversion by tents, the model of Levenspiel described the decrease of
G. oxydans. specific parameters best, especially the specific rate of
Linear and general models. Linear (Ghose et al.) and D H A production, qp (Figs. 4 and 5).
general (Levenspiel, Luong) models [7] involve the use of The equations selected to express D H A ' s dual inhibi-
the threshold concentration of D H A , Pm (beyond which tory effect on bacterial growth and glycerol oxidation were:

Modelisation of the inhibitory effect of DHA on DHA formation

Model equation Simplified expression Constant Correlation

calculation coefficient

Ghose et al.'s model

m~. S K ' (1 - P/Pm) qP = qp (1 - P/Pm) Pm = 82.4
qP = qP S + qp~ x _- 0.328 0.988

Egamberdiev's model
S Kip Kip Kip =68.5
qp = q~aX. S + K s ' P + K i p qp = q ~ X ' p + Ki p qp~X= 7 0.971

Bazua's model
..... S 9(1 - k'P/(b - P)) qp = q~aX. (1 - k" P/(b - P)) k = 3.29
qP - qP S + Ks b = 285.7 0.936

Aiba's model
..... S 9exp ( - P/Kip ) qp = q~aX. exp ( - P/Kip ) Kip = 75.3
qP - qP S + K~-"-~ q~aX = 7 0.996

Luong's model
.... S . (1 - (P/Pm)) qp = qpaX. (1 -- (P/Pm)~) qpaX = 7
qP -- qP S + Ks Pm = 87.1 0.997
a = 0.9465

Levenspiel's model
.... S "(1 - (P/Pm)) qP .--. .qp
.. (1 - (P/Pm)). . . . qp =7
qP = qP S + K~ Pm= 96.0 0.998
= 1.205

Calculation of the characteristic constants given in several models proposed in the literature. Application to experimental results.

# = 0.378 (1 - (P/87.1)) 1~ overall yields of D H A production were affected by initial

qp = 7(1 - (P/96.0)) L2~ D H A concentrations lower ( < 13.9g 1-1) t h a n that at
which the yield of glycerol conversion into D H A decreased
The values of coefficients, expressing change of slope (37 g 1 1).
in curves # = f(P) and qp = f(P), were greater t h a n 1 (Ta- The effect of D H A o n the kinetics of bacterial growth
bles 2 and 3). Hence, within a range of low product con- a n d glycerol oxidation b e c a m e apparent by changes in the
centrations, an increase in D H A c o n t e n t resulted in a m a x i m u m values of the kinetics parameters (a drop of
greater decrease in specific parameters t h a n within a range 8 0 ~ for the specific rate o f D H A production a n d 82~o for
of high D H A contents (concave shape of the curves). the specific growth rate when the D H A c o n c e n t r a t i o n rose
from 0 to 68.7 g 1 1) a n d in their variation with time in the
The specific parameters (#, qs, qp) reached their opti-
The inhibitory effect of D H A on glycerol conversion m u m level at the start of culture; following this, their val-
occurring a different levels of cellular activity in G. oxy- ues decreased in a c o n t i n u o u s m a n n e r . The cells were thus
dans was determined and quantified. u n a b l e to express their growth a n d glycerol-oxidation po-
In terms of the d y n a m i c behaviour of cultm'es, we dem- tentials in the presence of D H A . W e therefore propose the
onstrated that bacterial growth a n d D H A production were following m o d e of action for D H A on the bacteria's en-
stopped when the D H A c o n c e n t r a t i o n in the m e d i u m zyme system: D H A binds directly a n d irreversibly to the
reached 67 and 85 g 1-1, respectively. D H A acted selec- active sites of enzymes involved in growth and of glycerol
tively o n the culture's dynamics, a n d h a d a greater effect dehydrogenase (responsible for oxidising glycerol into
o n bacterial growth t h a n glycerol conversion. Similarly, D H A ) a n d / o r blocks the synthesis of these proteins. The

,U h -I qp g. g.-1.h-1
0.35 8 a








0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

DHA gl-' DHA # - '

,u h -1 qp g. g-1. h-1

b 8


0.2 , ~

3 ?7" ..............

21 ~'"""
I i I i .L
0 i i i I ', ~, I

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 0 20 40 60 80 100 120

DHA gl-' DHA gl-'

Fig. 4. Modelisation of changes in the specific growth rates with Fig. 5. Modelisation of changes in the specific rates of DHA
increasing initial DHA contents. Comparison of the models pro- production with increasing initial DHA contents. Comparison of
posed in the literature and the experimental data. (a) ( a ) Exper- the models proposed in the literature and the experimental data.
imental data; (--) Luong's equation; (--) Levenspiel's equation. (a) (A) Experimental data; (--) Luong's equation; (--) Leven-
(b) (a)Experimental results; (...) Linear equation; (--) Inverse spiel's equation. (b)(a)Experimental results; (--) Linear equa-
equation; (--) Bazua's equation; ( - - ) Exponential equation. tion; (--) Bazua's equation; (...) Inverse equation; ( - - ) Expo-
nential equation.

work of Nabe et al. [8], demonstrating the reduced sta- duction by both the substrate and the product has in-
bility of glycerol dehydrogenase in the presence of D H A , creased the understanding of this widely used industrial
and the well-known reactivity of D H A with the amines of fermentation process. For example, several hitherto unex-
proteins (formation of SchitFs base with glycin), would plained problems encountered in cultures, such as reduc-
confirm this hypothesis. tion of yield and productivity with increased initial sub-
These formulations enabled the experimental phenom- strate content, have been attributed to the negative effects
enon to be quantified. We have decided to use the general of glycerol and D H A on cellular activity, and solved by
model of Levenspiel: # = 0 . 3 2 8 ( 1 - (P/87.1)) 1"~ and new fermentation procedures enabling these phenomena
qp = 7(1 - (P/96)) m~ to be diminished and production optimised: i.e., the bi-
Unlike inverse or exponential equations where curves phasic and fed-batch processes [2].
tend asymptotically towards the x-axis (O,P), this model
takes into account the lack of biological activity beyond a REFERENCES
threshold D H A concentration. It also expresses, by the x
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