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Speak the world

To know a culture is to speak the language. With Malaysia striving
to open borders between countries, multilingualism is essential for
your child to thrive in these promising times.
2 Bright Kids THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018

Breaking out of the shell


IN Malaysia, almost every child who has

gone through the national education system
is bilingual, thanks to the compulsory
learning of Bahasa Malaysia and English.
Although Malaysians are right to see this drives the knowledge-based economy and
as a great asset, they should also realise that can compete in the international arena,”
beyond the confines of our borders live rich, says Fauth.
flourishing societies who speak, read and German, for instance, is spoken by
write a multitude of other languages. hundreds of millions of people across the
If you want your child to access the globe and is one of the few major world
greatest range of opportunities this world languages. Malaysian students’ interest in
offers, then introduce to them the gift of German language classes and study
multilingualism at a young age when programmes in Germany has increased
learning already comes easily. significantly in recent years.
Tim Fauth, head of Language Department “In 2013, there were around 3,000
at Goethe-Institut Malaysia – Germany’s students learning German at 23 Malaysian
cultural institute – reveals, “Whatever plans public schools, but now the count is nearly
children may have in the future, knowledge 10,000 students at 71 schools. Five cohorts of
of foreign languages will increase their German teachers have been trained by the
options. When they learn languages, they International Languages Teacher Training
acquire a range of skills that can improve Institute – a success story,” he adds.
the quality of their work and private French, another one of the major world
life.” languages, is an official language in 29
Fauth explains that international careers countries. Barthoux says that she comes
and global competition on the labour market across many parents in Malaysia who want
require unique qualifications – giving those and encourage their children to speak
with multilingual knowledge an invaluable French, on top of two or three other
edge. languages.
Mélodie Barthoux, course director at We are living in a time where it is hard
Alliance Francaise de Kuala Lumpur, an for the government and parents to ignore
international organisation that aims to the compelling benefits of multilingual skills.
promote French language and culture,
Teaching children multiple languages from a young age can bring about desirable personality
agrees with this comment.
“Nowadays, especially in Malaysia, traits and skills. Speak my words, learn my culture
everyone who has gone to school can speak When learning a foreign language, it does
English, although of course the proficiency markets and contacts that many cannot. collaborate more closely in multicultural and not only mean learning new words – one
level differs from one to the next. The “If you want to sell something, speak the multilingual contexts as well as in bilateral also discovers other perspectives and
question is, how will you stand out from the customer’s language. Studies show that relations. understandings.
other candidates when you apply for jobs? companies operating in foreign markets Currently, Malaysian secondary students “When I was younger, I saw the world
This is where the other languages you speak while using the host country’s language rate at selected boarding and day schools can through a French point of view, but once I
or have mastered come in,” says Barthoux. their situation significantly better than choose between Japanese, Korean, German started to travel, I realised that the French
companies who resorted to English,” shares and French language instruction. The point of view is just one of many. In China, in
Casting a wider net Fauth.
However, knowledge of foreign languages
Education Ministry is aiming to increase
the number of students with multi-language
Peru, they don’t see the world the same way.
What may seem important in one country
Multilingual individuals gain access to is not merely an important tool in modern skills. may be very different elsewhere,” says
information and acquire knowledge over the professional life. “Malaysia has acknowledged the Barthoux.
widest possible range. In a business sense, Fauth illustrates that multilingualism also importance of proficiency in a third
speakers of foreign languages can tap into helps us enhance personal relationships and language to develop human capital that > TURN TO PAGE 4
THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018 Bright Kids 3

Pioneers in early education

AS a premier preschool education
provider, Smart Reader Worldwide
has produced quality, effective
programmes. With great support
from parents and franchisees, the
organisation continues to strive to
improve children’s literacy levels commissioner for Malaysia in through its interactive e-learning
locally and abroad. Melbourne Jamilah Ibrahim, programme that can be accessed
The brand has once again Intellectual Property Corporation from various digital devices while
proven itself as a leading of Malaysia’s Trademark and the Smart Student Management
Malaysian education brand by Geographical Indication Division System allows parents to always
penetrating new international senior director Norainan Abd have access to information
markets. On Aug 26, Smart Reader Latip, and the Domestic Trade regarding their child including live
Worldwide’s chief executive and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s attendance, activities and
director Datuk Seri Dr Richard Franchise Development Division achievements from a mobile
Ong and group executive director senior assistant directors Shahrin application.
Datuk Dr K.H. Wang visited the Ismail and Nurulakmal Md Smart Reader Kids centres in
Smart Reader Kids franchise in Hassan as well as Co-operation Malaysia will be open to the public
Melbourne, Australia, for a fun- Development Division director in conjunction with its nationwide
filled family day. Jafri Embok Taha. open day this Saturday from 2pm
In addition, a momentous The education industry has to 6pm.
event took place that day as the progressed tremendously over (From left) Ong and Chen showing off the master franchise agreement with Parents are welcome to visit any
directors signed a master franchise the years with teaching approaches Dr Ong, Palon and Syed Kamarulzaman. one of the 300 centres and learn
agreement with new partners now involving technology- more about enrolment, facilities
from China – Tim Chen and integrated lessons. Technology education provider Smart Reader progress in school. and Smart Reader Kids’
Datuk Joon Ong. has been shown to play a positive Worldwide has developed tech- These innovative applications international award-winning
Also present at the occasion role in children’s development based applications that will not are the Smart Kinder-Tech programmes.
were consul general for Malaysia and learning when used only transform the teaching and Programme and Smart Student
in Melbourne Westmoreland Palon, effectively. learning process but also improve Management System. n For more information,
Perbadanan Nasional Berhad’s With the help of experienced the management of the centre’s The Smart Kinder-Tech call 03-6279 5555 or the
managing director Datuk Syed academic professionals, the administration to better monitor Programme enables children to SMARTLine at 1300 885 555,
Kamarulzaman, consul trade nation’s leading early childhood students’ safety, well-being and enjoy stimulating, engaging lessons or visit

Fun learning
never stops
ENGLISH is a key language for vocabulary and comprehension
succeeding in today’s global skills while participating in
community. The further your interactive learning activities
children progress in their that are designed around these
learning, the more important the books.
ability to communicate using In addition, they explore
English will become for them. different writing styles of the
Learning to communicate in authors and practise
English can be easier when it is incorporating the techniques
taught by qualified and learnt in their own writing.
experienced teachers who Understanding that laying
understand the educational good foundations for learning
processes involved. This is English must start early, Morris
because they know the small Allen English includes short
steps that each individual can courses for younger students in
cope with and are able to its holiday programme.
support progress at a pace that These include Pre-Nursery
is comfortable to children. and Phonics that are fun,
Morris Allen English uses an interactive and specifically
interactive model that nurtures aimed at developing a love of
the successful learning of learning in younger children.
English for all students. At Morris Allen English,
Its two-week holiday educators mix learning and fun
programme consists of several together so that learning does
10-lesson short courses that not have to stop during the
include fun learning activities school holidays.
based on an interactive Keeping young brains active
approach. The short courses by taking part in the Morris
focus on different English Allen English Holiday
language skills. Programme is a sure way for
Morris Allen English offers children to build stronger
a range of courses that English skills for the start of
incorporates reading of their next school year.
children’s literature and
development of writing skills. n For more details on the
These courses help students holiday programme, visit www.
enjoy reading more as they read or the
some great books together. MorrisAllenEnglishMY Facebook
Children also develop their page. Seats are limited.

Morris Allen English uses an interactive model to make English learning

fun for children.
4 Bright Kids THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018

Multilingualism as
a means to success

Divulging that the way a society structures Speaking several

a language is also its way of thinking, she
explains, “When I was teaching French in languages is a great
China, I found that the way Chinese people
structure argumentative writing is distinct
asset to the cognitive
from the way French people do it. It is a very process. It enhances
different way of organising your mind and
thoughts.” the brain’s executive
Because of this, children who learn
languages tend to be more open-minded.
functions, which include,
They develop an understanding for different among other things,
cultures and become more tolerant.
Correspondingly, language learning makes the ability to focus on
one more aware of the structure of his
language. As German poet Johann-Wolfgang
something and fade out
von Goethe explained, “Wer fremde distractions.
Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von der
eigenen.” (Those who do not know foreign
languages know nothing of their own.)
On top of these, learning a language can Make it meaningful
also be fun. Fauth points out that languages
enhance social skills and open doors for For successful language learning, there
children to participate in international must be successful language teaching.
exchange programmes and youth camps or Explaining the purpose behind a lesson to
find pen pals from abroad. students is essential. If children do not
understand why they need to learn
The multilingual brain something – be it spelling or conjugation –
then the knowledge will not be useful to
Beyond communicating and gaining them.
viewpoints, the act of learning a language Similarly, it is imperative to explain the
brings about desirable personal traits and benefits of learning languages to a child.
skills. Knowing the many prime advantages of
When children put in time and effort to multilingualism, such as the opportunity to
learn, they find that they can achieve work abroad and make many friends, can
something wonderful. This is an important motivate the youth to learn.
realisation that affects their character Making children curious about the culture
development and management of priorities. behind a language can also ignite a desire to
“Some people think learning a language is develop multilingual skills.
only about attending classes, but that’s not Barthoux shares her experience: “When
the case. You have to get involved, review I was a teenager, I studied English but was
lessons before each class and practise not really interested in it. At some point,
outside of class. You have to work,” says however, I discovered that learning it means
Barthoux. This work takes dedication, which understanding all the English songs that
is a highly useful skill to have. were played in France and around the
Speaking several languages is also a great world – songs that I really loved. That was
asset to the cognitive process. It enhances when I put in more effort to learn the
the brain’s executive functions, which language.”
include, among other things, the ability to Fauth emphasises that language is an
focus on something and fade out activity and can only be learnt by doing.
distractions. “If foreign language teaching wishes to meet
Fauth explains that executive functions today’s practical requirements – that is, we
have a major impact on how successful tasks learn a foreign language to communicate in
can be accomplished – not just at school, but it – it must therefore give school pupils
in all kinds of situation. opportunities from the word go to try out
“The characteristics of the multilingual the knowledge they have acquired in
brain make it not only very flexible, but also communicatively meaningful tasks and
resilient. Studies showed that age-related content-related activities.
degradation processes, such as dementia, “This application will not only consolidate
were delayed by four to five years. the knowledge acquired so that it can be
“A study published in 2015 stated that used, it will at the same time create
multilingualism can protect key functions of opportunities to acquire new language
the brain. skills,” he says.
“Researchers examined monolingual and Furthermore, effective teachers
multilingual stroke patients and found that understand that teaching methods and
bilinguals were much less likely to be materials should be adapted to the age and
affected by cognitive impairment than interest of students. Children do not learn
monolinguals,” he shares. the same way at every age, because the
brain and its capacity for abstraction evolve
with growth.
“For example, with young kids, you will
not talk about grammar and conjugation
as they will get bored.
“Learning at this age should
involve more action, play and
repetition of sentences. We
want them to start speaking
and know that it’s fine to
make mistakes,” says
If the right teaching
steps are taken, learning a
language should not be a
tremendously difficult
endeavour. After all,
many people study
foreign languages and
are multilingual. For
what it will be
worth in the
future, today’s
efforts will
surely pay
THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018 Bright Kids 5

WHAT can be done to facilitate

multilingualism in the future
generation? In the case of school
education, Goethe-Institut should therefore
consider what the
Malaysia’s Language Department
head Tim Fauth believes that the
following changes should be
implemented. main objective
l Make foreign language studies
of learning or
l Initiate a new teacher discovering a
qualification programme at the
International Languages Teacher foreign language
Training Institute.
l Seek stronger integration
is. Is it about
of internationally acknowledged making the
examinations into school
curricula. children perfect
Decades prior, learning a
speakers of the
language was about mastering language or is
the grammar and not making
any mistakes, but now there is a it more about
deviation from that – and
justifiably so.
opening their
Mélodie Barthoux, course minds to other

At a macro level
director at Alliance Francaise de
Kuala Lumpur, explains, cultures and
“Language students in previous
generations were maybe perfect
in grammar and writing, but if Mélodie Barthoux
you put them in a shop or
restaurant, it was impossible
for them to ask for bread or afraid to say the wrong thing, so learning a language is all about perfect sentences on paper. making the children perfect
buy anything (in the foreign they would not open their communication. “Schools should therefore speakers of the language or is it
language). mouths.” “When we learn a language, it’s consider what the main objective more about opening their minds
“Since it was seen as forbidden It is different nowadays, at least because we want to communicate, of learning or discovering a to other cultures and realities?”
to make mistakes, people were in Europe, where teaching and not because we want to make foreign language is. Is it about she asks.

How can I
help my kid?
BEING a parent is not easy, but follow and assist the learning
you are there as an important process.
guide, supporter and role model l Clearly signal interest in
for your child. If you want to your child’s foreign language
help your child enjoy and learning by enquiring,
succeed in language learning, encouraging, praising in
there are ways to go about it. response to successes and
Alliance Francaise de Kuala initiating discussion. Any
Lumpur’s course director prompting of the child to
Mélodie Barthoux says, demonstrate learning
“Children are usually happy achievements should be solely
enough to stay at home and to convey genuine interest,
watch television or play video never for assessment purposes.
games if not given more l Do not attempt to
opportunities to discover what influence your children’s
they like or want. learning process by correcting
“As parents, I think it is our their work. Correction of errors
responsibility to give them a should be the prerogative and
wider picture of what they can responsibility of practitioners
do in this world. You can and teachers, who will
encourage your kids to learn a introduce corrections only in a
language. If your child is very precisely targeted approach and
reluctant and does not like it, with restraint, so as not to
then you should try to see why.” undermine the child’s
Tim Fauth, head of Language confidence and disrupt the
Department at Goethe-Institut fluency of spoken delivery.
Malaysia’s, has a few l Take up, whenever
suggestions for parents who possible, any opportunities to
wish to make their child’s cooperate (such as parent
learning a success. evenings, briefing events or
l Inform yourself about the school celebrations).
aims and content of foreign Voluntarily seek cooperation
language learning and about with teaching staff – subject,
the underlying principles of however, to the obligation on
learning psychology. each side to respect the
This is essential if parents are responsibilities and
to adequately understand, prerogatives of the other.
6 Bright Kids THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018

For quality
Fair returns to Johor and Penang
sleep and brain
and Penang have become well-known
international school hubs.
MOST international schools in Malaysia are
concentrated in the Klang Valley, but Johor
In addition, Stonyhurst International
School Penang will open in the residential
area of Seri Tanjung Pinang. The British
curriculum is quite popular and offered by
There are 17 international schools in seven schools, including Straits International MOST kids have busy lives, especially with However, a 2013 Malaysian study titled
Johor, including Marlborough College School. examinations around the corner. Parents Sleep pattern and sleep disorders among a
Malaysia, Raffles American School and Fairview International School and Tenby plan various daily activities for their sample of Malaysian children published in
Shattuck-St Mary’s Forest City International Schools both have branches in Penang and children to maximise the children’s Sleep and Biological Rhythms found that
School. Johor. intellectual potential and help them rise to 41.5% of children aged six to 12 did not get
Nine international schools were Mint Communications has been the top of their classes. enough sleep. Without enough quality rest
established in Johor between 2011 and 2016, connecting parents and their children with From early in the morning, kids spend each night, children may start to experience
including Excelsior International School, international schools since 2012 through the hours paying attention to their studies and unhealthy consequences.
which opened in 2013. Crescendo-HELP Private & International School Fair. teachers in school. After school, they attend New preliminary data from The DOLAB
International School and Sunway According to co-founder and director of various tuition classes or co-curricular Study shared by Prof Paul Montgomery at
International School, Sunway Iskandar Mint Communications Nickie Yew, “It is very activities. Thus, getting enough sleep at night the Royal College of Surgeons in 2013
Campus were established last year. important for parents to be informed of the is important for children to be ready for the showed that omega-3 DHA can help improve
Several English-medium private schools in various options in international education next day’s challenges. quality of sleep in children. The children
Johor such as Austin Heights Private & that are available to them. We need docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to involved in this study were asked to wear
International School offer international “We hope that visitors who attend the ensure healthy nerve growth in our brains. wristwatch-style sensors that measure
curricula. upcoming Private & International School The more well-developed the nerves in our sleep.
Up north, Penang plays host to 11 Fair in Johor and Penang find the best brains are, the better we perform. The children who were given omega-3
international schools. International School of education options for their children.” A 2012 study titled Docosahexaenoic Acid DHA showed marked improvement in their
Penang (Uplands) was established in 1955 The 7th Private & International School for Reading, Cognition and Behaviour in sleep quality and blood levels of omega-3
and is considered the oldest school in the Fair will be held this Saturday at Hotel Jen Children aged 7-9 years (The DOLAB Study) DHA and were awake for less time
state and Malaysia. Puteri Harbour in Iskandar Puteri, Johor, published in PLOS-One Journal showed that throughout the night.
Since then, eight international schools and on Oct 14 at Olive Tree Hotel in Bayan giving seven- to nine-year-old children Some dietary sources of DHA are oily fish
have opened in various Penang townships Lepas, Penang. For the complete list of 600mg of omega-3 DHA every day for 16 such as tuna, salmon, mackerel and trout.
such as Georgetown and Tanjung Bungah. exhibitors, visit Admission is weeks helped improve their reading and According to a 2010 report titled Fats and
GEMS International School Pearl City is the free. behaviour. The children fatty acids in human nutrition: Report
only international school located in In addition to speaking to international involved in the study were of an expert consultation
mainland Penang. school representatives, visitors will be able underperforming published in the FAO Food
Hua Xia International School and Wesley to purchase the 2018/2019 edition of students from and Nutrition Paper, the
Methodist School Penang (International) Education Destination Malaysia – a mainstream recommended combined
were established earlier this year and Prince comprehensive guide to private and primary schools. intake of EPA and DHA is
of Wales Island International School will be international schools in the country. Senior researcher 200mg to 250mg for
opening its primary school branch in Penang at University of children aged six to 10.
next year. n For more information, visit Oxford Dr Alexandra Not all omega-3 fish oil
Richardson, who was with DHA supplements for
involved in the study, children are the same. Parents
says, “The results (from should look for a product that:
The DOLAB Study) showed l Has omega-3 fish oil with
that taking daily supplements optimal levels of DHA (an ideal
of omega-3 DHA improved reading product should have 133mg of DHA per
performance among the poorest readers and burstlet).
helped these children to catch up with their l Has chewable burstlets with pleasantly
peers.” flavoured contents so that children have fun
Sleep is as important for children as chewing and swallowing the supplement.
nutrition and exercise. The National Sleep l Tastes great with no fishy aftertaste,
Foundation in the United States recommends increasing acceptance of the product.
that schoolchildren get an average of about l Is safe and free from traces of mercury
nine to 11 hours of sleep per night. and heavy metals.
Getting enough quality sleep helps in
cognitive restitution, memory consolidation, This article is brought to you by Nature’s
learning, decision making and processing, Way.
according to a 2007 study titled Consequences
of Sleep Loss or Sleep Disruption in Children n Look out for the advertisement in this
published in Sleep Medicine Clinics. StarSpecial.
THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018 Bright Kids 7

Striving for better purpose

THROUGHOUT my career, I have always
been fascinated by the question, “What is the
purpose of education?” Having worked in
several different countries, completed a
Masters in Educational Management and
inspected schools around the world for
around 20 years, I have been fortunate to
have had many opportunities to consider
possible answers to this important question.
Pupils’ positive
From the perspective of parents, the contributions come
through a multitude of
purpose of education is to enable their
children to grow into the best version of
themselves, make lifelong friends, achieve
success to the best of their ability and be opportunities in schools
fully equipped for a successful and happy
such as leading clubs
It is a big ask – one that educational and societies, organising
systems around the world have been
struggling to deliver. That struggle is evident charities or charity events,
from the declining levels of pupil well-being.
Clearly, the pressures on young people
establishing or contributing
today are significantly more complex. The to community services or
consequences are evident in worrying trends
in teenage welfare with the alarming simply being good, active
increase in mental health problems among
young people, including self-harm,
citizens and friends.
heightened anxiety, sleep deprivation and Magnus Cowie
eating disorders.
Education policymakers need to reflect on
the purpose the current systems are serving At Marlborough College Malaysia, pupils have the opportunity to benefit from the "positive l The school because it delivers happiness
and their wider outcomes for young people. education" approach practised at the school. well-being and high achievement.
It is with this in mind that I believe schools l Individuals because they lead
within developed and developing worlds convinced that the principles of positive compassion are critical components of such meaningful, fulfilling lives.
need to look towards “positive education” as education, if embraced by a school, will a cultural shift and key features of life at l Society because the school and all
an approach that is sensitive to the pressures enable pupils and staff to flourish in school Marlborough College Malaysia. within the school’s community make
on young people and aims at enabling them and life. My research included visiting a host Pupils’ positive contributions come constructive contribution.
to flourish. of schools worldwide, most notably Geelong through a multitude of opportunities in
Studies done around the world into the Grammar School near Melbourne, Australia schools such as leading clubs and societies, Schools that manage this would certainly
well-being of young people make for – the pioneering school in the positive organising charities or charity events, be delivering a purposeful education
alarming reading. Australia was early to education movement. establishing or contributing to community regardless of the inspection criteria used to
recognise this worrying trend and that The school has worked closely with services, or simply being good, active citizens pass judgement.
something needs to change. University of Pennsylvania’s Positive and friends. We look forward with confidence and
The United States, Canada, Finland and the Psychology Center where the positive Groundwork needs to be laid to educate excitement to incorporating the science of
United Kingdom also identified the same education movement was founded. young people about the strength of character positive education to further improve the
declining level of pupil well-being and The research was fascinating and needed for compassionate response and how educational experience and outcomes for
acknowledged the need for a realignment in convinced me that schools must be creative such habits are wonderful investments for our pupils, secure in the knowledge that we
the purpose of education. in taking responsibility for teenage well- later life. We are striving to show that have an extremely strong foundation on
Having extensively researched various being and nurturing a cooperative positive education can play a significant part which to build. – By Magnus Cowie, deputy
educational models that were designed to environment in which pupils thrive. in cultivating environments that can bring head pastoral at Marlborough College
address the decline in pupil well-being, I am Companionship, conversation and out the best in individuals. This serves: Malaysia

Polishing hidden gems

ALTHOUGH awareness and new methods of individual and be prepared for a change of
working with children with special needs plans according to his needs. What might
have boomed over the past decades, work with one child might not work with the
Malaysia still lacks the training and facilities other.
to support these new discoveries. Bring those previous steps of observing
How should Malaysian parents and and interacting to good use by either slowing
caregivers give children with special needs down or speeding up your child’s learning
the right form of care and opportunities they modules for a good developmental transition
deserve? into maturity.
Here are five simple steps to help you
nurture your special ones at home when l Be consistent – If you say it, do it.
trained carers and new-fangled facilities are Consistency is key in many aspects of human
not readily available. life, be it in the workplace, relationships or
l Observe – The simplest way to know parenting. When you are consistent in your
your child’s needs is to observe his instructions and actions, your child will have
behavioural patterns. Your child’s behaviour something to expect and will not be nervous
is a form of communication. Armed with the when facing difficult situations.
knowledge that he is conveying to you, you
can customise his learning and be aware of l Be positive – Positivity is the most
any changes in his behaviour to ensure the valuable thing a person can have when
best learning environment for him. working with special needs children.
Negative assumptions can hinder the
l Interact – After you have done your learning curve of your child, while positive
observations, it is now time to interact with ones help him flourish.
your child. Show him that he exists and Your child can instinctually sense when
matters in this world as a human being, and you are feeling positive, which makes him
interact with him according to his special less prone to worry and be nervous when
needs. trying out new things. This is because he can
When interacting, always bring yourself trust you to be his greatest support along this
down to his level, maintain eye contact and journey.
be clear in your intentions to them if you are
going to do an activity with them. Being a parent or guardian of a child with
special needs can be daunting and
l Be flexible – Every human is different, exhausting. Therefore, a good support
and so is your precious one. system is always crucial in balancing your
Therefore, treat him as an work, social and family life.
A parent’s mental and physical condition
affects the developments of the child. Do
not be afraid to seek help from family in
helping you care for your child, for it takes
a village to raise a child, and yours is no
For further support, you can look for
social gatherings of other parents of special
needs children to back each other up with
physical, intellectual and emotional support.
If there is not one in your area, you can start
8 Bright Kids THE STAR, TUESDAY 2 OCTOBER 2018

Incorporation of Ontario’s 6Cs

“WHEN the school is organised to focus on a l Critical thinking
small number of shared goals and when This aspect drives students to solve
professional learning is targeted to those problems and critically design and manage
goals and is a collective enterprise, the projects. This leads students to be effective
evidence is overwhelming that teachers can decision makers who know how to take full
do dramatically better by way of student advantage of the resources available to
achievement,” wrote Michael Fullan in his them.
book The Principal: Three Keys to Maximizing Daily lessons at SIS encourage critical
Impact. thinking by pushing students out of their
Fullan is a respected leader in education comfort zones and challenging them to think
research and former dean of the Ontario outside the box.
Institute for Studies in Education at
University of Toronto, Canada. l Collaboration
He champions the Ontario curriculum and This cluster revolves around effective
recognises its focus, consistency and teamwork, which is stressed through the
collective capacity as its core strengths that many team-based activities that SIS teachers
let it look to the future for continued growth, facilitate. Students are prepared to learn
development and success. Fullan focuses on from and contribute to the learning of others
what is practical to test what works and as well as develop empathy when working
spread effective practices. within a diverse community.
He developed the 6Cs – six interrelated
clusters that provide rich learning l Creativity
experiences for students to develop valuable A quality that is evident in teaching and
skills and dispositions sought by employers learning at SIS, our dedicated teaching staff
worldwide. The 6Cs comprise character offer many activities that inspire students to
education, citizenship, communication, become economic and social entrepreneurs,
critical thinking, collaboration and take initiative, assume leadership roles and
creativity. Each cluster is applied in various pursue novel ideas.
ways to the Ontario curriculum, be it in the
courses of study, extracurricular activities or SIS employs the best of the Ontario curriculum to develop well-rounded, respectful global Fullan’s leadership is evident in SIS, from
school culture. citizens. our mission statement of “Nurturing Minds,
Fullan’s vision and influence are Building Character” to the daily interactions
immediately apparent in Sunway such as tolerance and perseverance and how advantage of Malaysia’s strategic location to between staff and students.
International School (SIS), the only school in to apply these traits to their academic and present diverse perspectives, foster respect This multilevel approach and application
Malaysia that offers Ontario’s rich, professional lives. and motivate students to be world changers. of the 6Cs could explain why so many
competitive curriculum at its campuses in students love SIS and move on to be
Sunway City and Sunway Iskandar. l Citizenship l Communication successful global citizens in an evolving
At SIS, we stress the importance of global SIS students are constantly sharing their digital landscape. – By Michael Owen,
l Character education knowledge, which includes developing ideas via oral presentations and written academic coordinator at SIS
As soon as students enter the school, they sensitivity and respect for other cultures and lessons and assessments. We are proud of
see our monthly theme hung prominently at encouraging active involvement on a global how we take full advantage of the Internet n SIS welcomes parents and prospective
the entrance. This banner primes students scale. Our international student body as students learn to communicate through students to its Open Day on Oct 27. For
for ongoing activities that engage and enable enables a rich sharing of cultures, ideas and many digital tools including the powerful details, call 03-7491 8070/07-533 8070 or
them to reflect on the importance of traits understanding. The teachers at SIS take G Suite for Education by Google. visit

Focus on holistic growth

ACMAR Schools is a group of private l Cooking & Culinary – Participants will
co-educational institutions established in learn about healthy eating habits and
1997. It recently expanded into international creating original recipes.
education with the newly opened Acmar l Sports & Swimming – Professional
International School. coaches will teach participants about water
Acmar Schools comprises Sekolah Sri safety and how to swim. Besides that,
Acmar (private primary school), Sekolah Sri students can look forward to enjoying the
Acmar Secondary (private secondary school) Basketball & Gymnastics activity during this
and Acmar International School. Acmar programme.
Schools believes in providing a holistic l Art & Craft – Participants will be taught
education to students – one where their to paint, different styles of drawing and
social, emotional, personal, physical and creative design.
spiritual well-being are as important as other l Dance, Music & Drama – With years of
aspects of learning. expertise, a talented, richly experienced
Acmar International School is accredited teacher will cover dance, music and drama
to offer the International Primary with participants using the new facilities and
Curriculum, International Early Years equipment at AcmarTunes – Acmar
Curriculum and Cambridge Assessment International School’s music room.
International Education programmes. l STEAM Education – This programme
Sekolah Sri Acmar and Sekolah Sri Acmar will use science, mathematics, technology,
Secondary offer the national syllabus. The engineering and the arts to help students
Government has acknowledged the develop critical and experiential thinking
implementation of the Dual Language and thoughtful risk-taking in a fun way.
Programme in both schools. Acmar Schools’
Life Skills Holiday Camp is a two-week Prospective students are invited to register
programme that was created by a group of for Acmar Schools programmes by Nov 10.
teachers who spent countless hours deciding Slots are limited.
on the best activities and experiences to offer Acmar Schools’ Information Day will be
to students within the camp’s short time held this Sunday and on Nov 18.
The camp will be held from Nov 26 to n For more information, call 03-3344 3634
Dec 7 (on weekdays only). Besides its English (Sekolah Sri Acmar), 03-3344 8045 (Sekolah
activity where participants will learn to read, Sri Acmar Secondary) or 03-3358 3777/03-
listen, write and speak, camp programmes 3362 4333 (Acmar International School), or
include: send a WhatsApp message to 016-968 8402.

Being enrolled in
Acmar Schools
means that
the learning
emphasises the
most important
thing – fun.

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