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___________________________________________ Date: _____________________

e-Portfolio Evaluation Rubric

Lower than Average (1-3) Adequate – Average Above Average – Excellent
(4-7) (8-10)
Grammar and There is minimal evidence There is some evidence of There is evidence of
spelling showing that proofreading being proofreading successfully
proofreading was attempted. However, completed. Overall, there
attempted. there were ample are rare mistakes
Score: /10 mistakes that deterred throughout the e-Portfolio.
ease of reading.
Quality of Many, if not, all written Some entries in the e- All, if not, most entries in
writing content entries in the e-Portfolio Portfolio show very little the e-Portfolio show great
show very little concern concern over the quality consideration over the
over the quality of the of the written content. quality of the written
written content. There There are several content. There are only
are many corrections corrections needed on occasional mistakes on the
Score: /10 needed on the the information used. information used.
information used.
Standards of More than half of the A few entries did not All, if not, most entries
writing format(s) entries did not comply comply with the comply with the standards
with the standards and standards and formats and formats given
formats given throughout given throughout the throughout the course(s),
the course(s), based on course(s), based on the based on the textbook(s).
Score: /10 the textbook(s). textbook(s).

Portfolio and/or The submissions did not The submissions did not The submissions meet the
e-portfolio’s meet the required meet the required required amount
submission and minimum amount minimum amount instructed, and were
timing thereof instructed, and/or the instructed, but were very handed in timely, showing
submissions were given close to reaching it, good time management
at a considerably later and/or the submissions and prioritizing on the
time. were given very close to student/writer’s part.
Score: /10 the due date or nearly

Overall mark:

Instructor’s comments:

Prepared by Maria Asuncion

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