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Determining the Nature of Radio Galactic Center Source N3

R.A. Dunnagan
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D.A. Ludovici , K.M. Colledge
N.O. Butterfield2, C.C. Lang3, A.G. Ginsburg2, R.L. Mutel3, M.R. Morris4, N. Jones3, D. Pare3

Motivation Spectral Lines

Spectral Line Data
Throughout the past 30 years, the Radio Arc region of the Galactic
center has remained a mystery. One interesting feature is N3, a In the X band data (8-10 GHz), we also observed an
Though the spectral lines observed alongside the
bright radio point source located in the line of sight to a bright emission maser line from HC3N at 9.098 GHz along the line
continuum data were not our focus, their detection has
region in the Radio Arc. Past observations have been dedicated to of sight to N3. This is a particularly rare molecule to
revealed new information about N3’s location and about
determining the nature of N3, through they were not conclusive. In observe, as it has only been detected as a maser in one
the cloud itself. In the C band observations (4-8 GHz), we
this study of the region in the A Array of the VLA, we looked for other case — the supermassive molecular cloud Sgr B2. It
detected CH3OH_M absorption at 6.668 GHz as expected.
short-term and long-term variability in the source as well as appeared in the F=2-1 hyperfine transition, but was not
However, we also observed an H2CO absorption line at
combined continuum and spectral line imaging. detectable in the F=0-1 or F=1-1 hyperfine transitions. This
4.829 GHz. This line shows that N3 lies completely behind
points toward cloud densities between 103 and 104 cm-3,
the molecular cloud in its line of sight.
which is rather dense considering how small the cloud in
the line of sight to N3 is.

Above: We have a spectral line profile for the HC3N maser detection. Throughout the
Above: An elliptical region profile shows the absorption line of methanol (CH 3OH) data cube this detection lasts for about 4 km/s before fading away completely. The
Above: Very Large Array radio interferometer arrangement. Photo Credit: NRAO
versus the absorption line of H2CO. While the methanol absorption line is only in one emission line becomes strongest around 7km/s in the J=1-0 F=2-1 transition. In the
part of the cloud (which ranges from –30km/s to 30km/s), the H2CO line spans a great other hyperfine transitions, there was not enough information to claim a detection of
portion of the cloud’s known size, proving that N3 lies somewhere behind the cloud. the 1-1 and 0-1 hyperfine transitions.
Observing N3
Over the course of about a month and a half, we used the VLA to Variability in N3
gather a total of an hour and a half of on-source observation time in
Variability studies are currently ongoing. A rough first look at the data shows variability in N3 of around 15% through our
twelve minute increments to study the variability of the source. We
observations and the variability in our calibrator sources of around 3%. This is indicative of potential variability in N3 over
also included nine potential spectral line frequency windows in our
the timescale of our observations. However, the variability plots from this initial analysis of the data shows the calibrator
continuum observation that were higher resolution to detect any
sources and N3 following similar patterns in variance. This calls into question the variability of N3, and further, more
absorption or emission lines along the line of sight or nearby to N3.
detailed analysis is required to conclusively state the variability of N3 on short time scales.
In D. A. Ludovici et al 2016 ApJ 826 218, Ludovici rules out
numerous explanations of N3, leaving two distinct possibilities: a
micro-blazar and an Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). Short term
Top Right: An initial plot of the rough
variability in the intensity of the source would indicate a strong variability measurements of N3 over
chance that N3 is a micro-blazar in the galactic center. the observing period. It is noted that
N3 experienced a significant change in
Radio Arc flux between observations 2 and 3.
Right: MeerKAT Sgr A*

radio image of the

galactic center Bottom right: An initial plot of the
region. Photo credit: rough variability of the polarization
SARAO calibrator over the observing period. It
Insert: Radio Arc should be noted that the calibrator
region containing variability follows a very similar
N3. Photo credit: pattern to N3’s variability in the last 5
Ludovici et al. 2016 observations
Fig 1

Conclusions and Future Work

From the current analysis, we have determined that N3 is located behind the adjacent compact molecular cloud along its line of sight, rather than inside of it as previous thought. The
3 4 -3
approximate density of the compact molecular cloud, from Wernli et al. (2007) is between 10 and 10 cm , making it remarkably dense for how small it is. Variability studies are ongoing but
thus far inconclusive due to the possibility of instrumentation effects affecting the variability pattern of the calibrator sources and N3. Consequently, the nature of N3 cannot be definitively
concluded from our current analysis.

Future work includes finishing the variability studies to conclusively identify the variability time scale of N3 as well as potential further observations of the compact molecular cloud along the
line of sight to N3.

References and Acknowledgments

We would like to thank the National Radio Astronomy Observatory for the use of the Very Large Array to take this data.
We would like to thank Dr. Allison Costa from University of Virginia for assistance and the use of some her Python programs.

Wenli et al. “Rotational excitation of HC3N by H2 and He at low temperatures” 2006
Hunt et al. “High-resolution observations of the J=1-0 transition of cyanoacetylene in Sgr B2” 1999
Ludovici et al. “The Unusual Galactic Center Radio Source N3” 2016

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