Academic CV - Harun Al Rasyid

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Home: Jalan Watumujur I No.25 University: Department of Public Health

Malang, East Java 65145 Faculty of Medicine
Indonesia Universitas Brawijaya
Mobile: +62 8123351659 Jalan Veteran Malang
East Java, Indonesia 65145
Ph/Fax: +62 341 575848

My current research interest is related to health promotion, nutrition, and behavioral change in the
prevention of non-communicable diseases

Master of Public 2006-2008 School of Public Health, Curtin University, Western Australia
Health (MPH)
Medical Doctor 2001-2004 Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya
Bachelor of 1997-2001 Faculty of Medicine, University of Brawijaya

Lecturer in Public Health Departement Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (2005 – now)
Head of Public Health Department Faculty of Medicine Universitas Brawijaya (2012 – now)

Member of the Indonesian Physician of Community Medicine and Public Health Association
(Perhimpunan Dokter Kedokteran Komunitas dan Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia /PDK3MI) from
2009 until now. I have also been a Vice Secretary General of the national committee (2011-2016)

2017 Individual characteristics, knowledge, attitude, motivation, and behavior of
students of Universitas Brawijaya in snack consumption
2014-2016 COPCORD study in Malang
I was involved in the research team of Rheumatology Division Internal
Medicine Department at Dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital to identify the prevalence
of musculoskeletal diseases (low back pain, rheumatoid arthritis, gout
artritis, SLE, and risk factors of the diseases in Malang region using COPCORD
instrument. At least 2067 people participated in the study. My responsibility
was in the development of research method and data analysis
2014-2015 Nutritional contents of East Java traditional food
2013-2014 The effect of Vitamin D supplementation on IL-10, IL-17, MDA, ACT score,
and level of severity of asthma among asthma bronchiale patients with
Vitamin D deficiency in dr. Saiful Anwar Hospital Malang.

- Santosaningsih, D, Santoso, S, Setijowati, N, Rasyid HA, Budayanti NS, Suata K, Widhyatmoko

DB, Purwono PB, Kuntaman K, Damayanti D, Prakoeswa CRS, Laurens M, Nierop JWI,
Nanninga GL, Oudenes N, Regt M, Snijders SV, Verbrugh HA, Severin JA (2018) Prevalence
and characterisation of Staphylococcus aureus causing community‐acquired skin and soft
tissue infections on Java and Bali, Indonesia, Tropical Medicine & International Health; 23(1),

- Susanto DP, Rasyid HA, Hakim L (2017) Pemberian Media Photonovela Meningkatkan
Pemahaman Isi Informed Consent Pada Pasien Sectio Caesaria di RSIA HST Trenggalek, Jurnal
Medicoeticolegal dan Manajemen Rumah Sakit 6 (2), 91-96

- Satiti, YR, Hakim, L, Al Rasyid, H (2017) The influence of doctor’s communication skill and
patient characteristics on patient comprehension of caesarean section in RSIA Puri Bunda
Malang, Journal of Applied Management; 15(2), 213-218

- Hidayati, DYN, Putra, NPP, Al Rasyid, H (2017) Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection from
dust and water sample in house of BTA (+) lung tuberculosis patient through Polymerase
Chain Reaction Method in Malang, Asian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and
Environmental Sciences; 19(3)

- Retnaningtyas, S, Hariyanti, T, Al Rasyid, H (2017) Consumer’s consideration in choosing

hospital, Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen; 15 (3), 546-551

- Rezkiah, F, Hariyanti, T, Al Rasyid, H (2017) Brand awareness influences behavior Teja

Members Member Club (TMJ) on the selection of medical services in hospitals, Journal of
Applied Management; 15(1), 63-67

- Tae, VH, Hariyanti, T, Al Rasyid, H (2017) Segmentasi Geografi dan Perilaku Berpengaruh
terhadap Keputusan Memilih Layanan Rawat Inap di Rumah Sakit [Geographical and
Behavioral Segmentations Affect the Decision to Choose Inpatient Service at Hospital], Jurnal
Kedokteran Brawijaya; 29(3), 255-260

- Al Rasyid, H (2016) Sodium, Fat and Cholesterol Contents in East Java Traditional Food.
Conference Proceeding in the International Conference of Public Health, Solo, Indonesia.

- Lihawa, C, Noermijati, Al Rasyid, H (2016) Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Dokter
dalam Kelengkapan Pengisian Rekam Medis dengan di Moderasi Karakteristik Individu (Studi
di Rumah Sakit Islam Unisma Malang), Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen; 14(2), 300-308

- Kurniawan, SN, Husna, M, Al Rasyid, H, Bilqis, NE (2016) Hubungan antara gejala klinis carpal
tunnel syndrome dan hasil pemeriksaan elektroneuromiografi di RSSA Malang [the
Relationship of carpal tunnel syndrome clinical symptomps and electroneuromyography
results in RSSA Malang], Malang Neurology Journal; 2(1), 23-28

- Emizola, F, Sugiri, YJ, Sartono, TR, Al Rasyid, H (2015) Kadar Interleukin 10 dan Interleukin 17
Selama 6 Bulan Terapi Antituberkulosis Oral pada Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru serta
Hubungannya dengan Keberhasilan Terapi, J Respir Indo; 35(1), 12-18

- Kartikaningsih, D, Djajalaksana, S, Ridwan, M, Al Rasyid, H (2015) Meningkatnya Kadar

Malondialdehid Serum Setelah Dilakukan Rehabilitasi Paru Menurunkan Depresi Serta
Meningkatkan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Penyakit Paru Obstruktif Kronik , J Respir Indo; 35(4):
- Munir, B, Al Rasyid, H, Rosita, R (2015) Hubungan antara kadar glukosa acak pada saat
masuk Instalasi Gawat Darurat dengan hasil keluaran klinis penderita stroke iskemik fase
akut [Relationship between the random blood glucose levels during admission at emergency
room with clinical output in acute ischemic stroke patients], Malang Neurology Journal; 1(2):

- Rokhmah, FD, Handayani, D, Al Rasyid, H (2015) Korelasi lingkar pinggang dan rasio lingkar
pinggang-panggul terhadap kadar glukosa plasma menggunakan tes toleransi glukosa oral
[Correlation between waist circumference (WC) and waist-hip ratio (WHR) with plasma
glucose levels using oral glucose tolerance test method], Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia;

- Indyanty, E, Al Rasyid, H, Thoyib, A (2015) Pengaruh Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Perilaku

Perawat tentang Flebotomi terhadap Kualitas Spesimen Laboratorium [The influence of
nurse’s knowledge, attitude, and behavior over phlebotomy on laboratory specimen quality],
Jurnal Kedokteran Brawijaya;28(3), 258-262

- Kandowangko, JW, Djajalaksana, S & Al Rasyid, H. (2014). Depresi pada Penyakit Paru
Obstruktif Kronik terhadap Kadar Interleukin (IL)-6 dan Kualitas Hidup [Depression in
obstructive pulmonary disease population and correlation with serum level Interleukin (IL)-6
and quality of life]. J Respir Indo;34(1), 46-52

- Lestari, R, Djajalaksana, S & Al Rasyid, H. (2013). Association Between Vitamin D Level with
Asthma Control Level, Lung Function, Interleukin-10 and Interleukin-17 in Persistent
Bronchial Asthma Patients. J Respir Indo;33(3), 155-162

- Water drinking behaviour among medical student in an academic examination period

(presented in a national seminar The Role of Water in Human Life, 2012)

- Alrasyid, H, McManus, A, Mallon, D, & Nicholson, C. (2008). Elevated body mass index is
associated with severity of allergic rhinitis. AMJ;1(2), 1-20


- ‘Accelerating the achievement of sustainable development goals for the improvement and
equitable distribution of population health’, the International Conference on Public Health,
Indonesia, September 2016 (participant & oral presentation)
- 1st Biostatistic in Clinical Research workshop, University of Muhammadiyah Malang,
Indonesia, July 2016 (participant)
- Workshop “Teknik Komunikasi, Pemberian Infromasi dan Edukasi pada Layanan Primer”,
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia, November 2015 (speaker)
- Training “Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA)’, Arena Statistics Learning
Center, Indonesia, October 2014 (participant)
- Regional Training on Research Methodology on Food, Nutrition and Health: Project Proposal
and Publication, SouthEast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Centre for
Food and Nutrition/SEAMEO RECFON, Indonesia, December 2013 (Participant)
- ‘The role of water in human life’, a national seminar, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia,
October 2012 (speaker)

IT : Microsoft office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint), Internet explorer
Statistics : SPSS, AMOS, GSCA
Graphic : CorelDraw, Photoshop
Prof Alexandra McManus
Health Sciences Dean Research Department
Faculty of Health Sciences
Curtin University

Dr. dr. Sri Andarini, M.Kes

Dean of Faculty of Medicine
Universitas Brawijaya
Ph. +62 341 569117
Fax +62 341 564755

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