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Total Number of Pages: 128

Text Number of Pages: 88


3. Type of Document : Thesis

4. Type of Publications : Unpublished

5. Host/Accrediting Institution:

Saint Louis University (Private)

Bonifacio Street, Baguio City
CHED, Baguio



7. Abstract:

7.1 Summary: The research dealt with the CRM determination of

the City Government of Baguio in terms of information
technology profile, reviewing of existing CRM technology and
the CRM needs of the City Government of Baguio.
Accordingly, the study dealt with the development of a plan
for a Customer Relationship Management for the City
Government of Baguio.

7.2 Findings: The overall information technology investment of

the City Government was geared towards development of
various systems for the computerization projects of city hall.
This was evident on the existence of several systems that
were developed like the Real Property Tax Assessment and
Geographic Information System. Customer Relationship
Management (CRM) is not yet integrated in the information
management systems of the City Government of Baguio
although a common CRM-related program was being
practiced like the presence of the Public Assistance Desk in
City Hall.

7.3 Conclusions: Several conclusions were drawn this study: (a)

Based on the present information technology profile of the
City Government, the IT infrastructure is deemed adequate
for CRM requirement of the offices involved in revenue
generation of the City Government of Baguio. (b) The local
area network (LAN) is deemed adequate however a wide
area network (WAN) is deemed necessary to interconnect all
offices to city hall. (c) The ICT manpower is inadequate to
properly maintain the Customer Relationship Management.
(d) Based on the process and the workflow there are several
segments of customers that the City Government of Baguio
has to service that involves Government-to-Citizen,
Government-to-Business, Government-to-Government and
Government-to-Employee. (e) The present CRM-related
programs of the City Government of Baguio are adequate to
be called a real CRM system that would cater to the needs of
the customers. (f) It is deemed important that the CRM
components are mapped against the CRM readiness of the
City Government of Baguio. (g) A CRM plan for the City
Government of Baguio is deemed important to properly
implement the CRM system.

7.4 Recommendations: The following recommendations were

drawn from the study. (a) The City Government of Baguio
must adopt the Customer Relationship Management which is
based on eGovernment strategy and within the framework of
information management systems of the City Government of
Baguio. (b) To implement the CRM plan, a CRM vision and
strategy shall be conducted in a top-to-bottom approach. (c)
The City Government shall invest significantly on additional
hardware, software, network, VOIP and the CRM solution; (d)
The City Government of Baguio has to increase the internet
bandwidth to accommodate applications like CRM. (e) For the
CRM to be effective, the wide area network (WAN) shall be in
place to interconnect all the offices of the City Government of
Baguio specially the remote offices (f) Cleansing of data is
required for the CRM implementation to avoid the problem of
garbage-in, garbage-out. (g) The CRM Solution of the City
Government of Baguio shall be an integral part of a
Multichannel Contact Center. (h) Additional IT staffs shall be
employed to reinforce the existing staff of the MITD. (i)
Training shall be provided for the IT staffs as well as the staff
to be assigned in the Customer Contact Center to use the
CRM. (j) Pilot and phrase approach shall be adopted to
implement the CRM of the City Government of Baguio to
reduce the likelihood of failure. (k) When evaluating CRM
solution, the MIS committee shall adopt a multi-weighed
scoring technique. (l) The ideal and flexible computing
scheme for a CRM shall include the CRM components like
investment Customization, Technology, Network Support,
Development Tool, Security and Unique Features and must
adopt with the existing ICT environment, development
platforms and customization capabilities.

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