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for seafarers
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A Publication of the MARINA STCW Office

OIC - NW: COMPETENCE 13 - Maintain Seaworthiness of the Ship
No Question Choice A Choice B Choice C Choice D

A vessel freely floating in the water will behave as if all of its weight center of gravity center of buoyancy center of flotation metacenter
is acting downward through a point called:

A continual worsening of the list or trim of any floating vessel negative GM progressive flooding structure failure an immediate need to
indicates: counterflood

A direction at right angles to the centerline of the ship or an item of Transverse Longitudinal Vertical Amidships
structure in this position is called a/an:

A horizontal line drawn along the top edge of the keel from midship Amidship Camber Rise of floor Baseline

A large GM will result in the vessel being: stiff tender subjected to a long roll good with transverse

A limit on the range of residual dynamic stability which can be angle of maximum whichever is the least 40 degrees the angle of flooding
considered effective is defined by which of the following? difference between among the selection
ordinates of the
righting arm curve and
6 heeling arm curve

A measurement of the tendency of a ship to return to the upright if Statical ability Heel Trim List
inclined by external force:

A metal cover for a glass porthole. fashion plate cover plate deadlight port cover

A metal pin secured to the rudder, which is hooked downward into Skeg Boss Propeller Aperture Pintle
the gudgeons on the stern post, and affords an axis of oscillation as
the rudder is moved from side to side for steering.

A method of solving for damage stability where water which enters Added weight method Deballasting Damage control Downflooding angle
the vessel is considered an added weight.


A motion of a vessel in waves about the vessel's longitudinal axis. pitching yawing heaving Rolling

A negative metacentric height: will always cause a should always be always results from off- All of the above are
vessel to capsize immediately corrected center weights correct


A partially full tank causes a virtual rise in the height of the: Center of gravity Center of buoyancy center of floatation Metacenter


A plate used vertically in the bottom of a ship running athwartship floor intercostals plates double bottom frames
from bilged usually on every frame to:


A provision that is not allowed to utilize and submerge any of the Ballasting Fresh Water Allowance Transfer of Fuel Transfer of Cargo
applicable marks accordingly for a vessel loading in the Great Lakes. Loaded

A quick and rapid motion of a vessel in a seaway indicates: a large GZ a high center of gravity a low center of gravity a small GZ


A ship has a quick hard roll. The ship's stability is: Tender Large GM Small righting moment Top heavy


A ship's forward draft is 22'-04" and its after draft is 24'-00". The at the bow in the lower holds amidships at the ends
draft amidships is 23'-04". This indicates a concentration of weight:


A slow and easy motion of a vessel in a seaway is an indication of a: small GM low center of gravity stiff vessel large GZ

A stress called compression is being placed on the sheer strakes if Sagging hogging under shearing force inclined
the vessel is:


A symbol indicating the height of vessel's center of gravity. KG GM KM GZ


A synchronous rolling motion will occur when the encounter wave natural pitching period natural rolling period rolling period any of the above
period is nearly equal to ship's:


A tank which carries liquid is dangerous to the stability of a ship Completely full Low in the ship Completely empty Slack
when it is:

A tank which is NOT completely full or empty is called: pressed slack inertial elemental


A term called ceiling of a vessel. fashion plate Deckhead deadlight crows nest


A term used for draft calculation and correction to determine the Length Between Density Correction Non-Cargo Weights Lightship correction
quartermean draft. Perpendicular correction


A transverse measurements of a piece of timber on board a log ship. Scarf Scantlings Scend Scantlings

A vertical shift of weight to a position above the vessel's center of increase reserve decrease the righting decrease KG increase KM
gravity will: buoyancy moments


A vessel aground may have negative GM since the: decrease in KM is virtual rise of G is displacement lost acts lost buoyancy method
equal to the lose of directly proportional at the point where the is used to calculate
draft to the remaining draft ship is aground KM, and KB is reduced


A vessel center of gravity is lowered when the: reserve buoyancy freeboard is increased tanks are ballasted trim increased


A vessel continually lists to one side and has a normal rolling period. The vessel has The center of gravity is The list can be The vessel has
Which statement is TRUE? negative Gm on the center line. corrected by reducing asymmetrical weight
KM. distribution.

A vessel has how many degrees of freedom? three five four six


A vessel has what type of stability, when the center of gravity is stable neutral stability unstable negative
lower than the metacentric height?


A vessel having continuous closely spaced transverse strength longitudinally framed cellular framed web framed transversely framed
members is:


A vessel is “listed” due to the following conditions? inclined due to an off- have negative GM trimmed by the head inclined due to effect
center weight of the wind

A vessel is inclined at an angle of loll. In the absence of external positive negative zero vertical
forces, the righting arm (GZ) is:


A vessel is subjected to 'hogging' when it: has its main deck has its bottom plating is supported on a wave is supported on a wave
under compressive under tensile stress whose crests are at whose crest is
stress the bow and stern amidships


A vessel list and trims from its: Center of floatation Center of gravity Center of buoyancy Center of underwater


A vessel should normally behave as if all of its weight is acting keel center of buoyancy tipping center amidships section
downward through the center of gravity and all of its support is
acting upward through the:

A vessel subject to sagging has what condition? Bottom plating under Main deck under Transverse bending Superstructure under
tensile stress tensile stress tensile stress


A vessel trimmed down by the bow has: a greater draft forward zero trim a low mean draft a greater draft aft than
than aft forward


A vessel which is subjected to "hogging": has its main deck has its main deck has its bottom plate has its bottom plating
under compressive plating under tensile under tensile stress under ductile stress
stress stress


A vessel which is subjected to "sagging": is supported on a wave has its main deck in has its bottom plating is said to be under a
whose crest is tensile stress under tensile stress form of transverse
amidship bending

A vessel with a large GM will: have a small amplitude tend to ship water on be subject to severe be less likely to have
of roll in heavy deck in heavy weather racking stresses cargo shift


A vessel with a small GM will: be more subject to have a short rolling provide an have a smaller
synchronous rolling period uncomfortable ride for amplitude of roll in
personnel heavy weather


A vessel with large metacentric height will: be less likely to have tend to shift water on be subject to severe have small amplitude
cargo shift deck in heavy weather racking stress of roll in heavy


A vessel's KG is determined by: dividing the total dividing the total multiplying the MT1 by subtracting LCF from
longitudinal moment vertical moment the longitudinal LCB
summation by summation by moments
displacement displacement
A virtual rise in the center of gravity of a vessel may be caused by: filling a partially filled using an on board emptying a partially transferring pipe from
tank crane to lift a freely filled tank the setback area to
swinging heavy object


A virtual rise in the center of gravity of a vessel may be caused by: filling a partially filled transferring pipe from using fuel from a emptying a partially
tank the setback area to the pressed fuel tank filled tank
pipe rack


A watertight longitudinal division at right angles to the keel running intercoastal girder asymmetrical girder symmetrical girder center girder
at centerline is called:


Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the longitudinal moments by inclining moments righting moments vertical moments longitudinal position of
the total weight yields the vessel's: the center of gravity

Aboard a vessel, dividing the sum of the transverse moments by the transverse position of vertical moments inclining moments righting moments
total weight yields the vessel's: the center of gravity


Aboard a vessel, multiplying a load's weight by the distance of the TCG transverse moment righting moment transverse free surface
load's center of gravity from the centerline results in the load's: moment


Adding the FSCL to KG yields: KM GM KGT KGL


Addition of weight to a vessel will always: reduce reserve increase righting increase GM All of the above
buoyancy moments

After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You raising the KG and increasing GM and increasing the righting causing the vessel to
find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. Raising the increasing the draft causing a fast roll arm on the high side yaw when underway
flooded leg further would adversely affect the boats stability by: which may put you in
an unsafe operating
56 condition

After jacking down your liftboat you have an unexpected list. You get underway with the proceed with all legs pump out all ballast to jack back up and
find that the only cause of this list must be a flooded leg. To keep flooded leg ONLY half half raised to lower KG increase reserve ballast the vessel's
adequate stability you should: raised to reduce KG buoyancy high side as necessary


After transferring a weight forward on a vessel, the draft at the change, depending on increase decrease remain constant
center of flotation will: the location of the LCG


Although KG for a vessel in lightweight is relatively high, the vessel is KM is small KM is high BL is small KB is large
stiff because:

Among the choices, which does not affect the correction of the free Tank width Tank length Specific gravity of the Tonnage
surface? fluid


An empty compartment has a permeability of how many percent? 100% 80-85% 30-60% 0%


An inclined vessel with a very short rolling period about a constant an off-center TCG an LCG greater than a negative GM excessive free surfaces
angle of list is likely to have: level vessel LCB


An increase in Breadth of the vessel will increase "BM". This in turn GM KG KM GZ


An upright vessel has negative GM. GM becomes positive at the free surface effects are KG is reduced as the effective beam is underwater volume of
angle of loll because the: reduced due to vessel seeks the angle increased causing BM the hull is increased
pocketing of loll to increase


These are "angle irons" used to strengthen a bulkhead. bulwark coaming air holes bulkhead stiffeners


As a rough estimate ___________ occurs at the maximum deck edge angle of heel vanishing angle angle of loll maximum angle


As the displacement of a vessel increases, the detrimental effect of increases decreases remains the same may increase or
free surface: decrease depending
on the fineness of the
vessel's form
At all angles of inclination, the metacenter is: vertically above the vertically above the at the intersection of at the geometric
center of buoyancy center of gravity the upright vertical center of the
centerline and the line underwater volume
of action of the
68 buoyant force

At an angle of loll, the capsizing moment is: maximum negative positive zero


At intermediate frame without beams, the stringer is support by a keel strake duct keels side keels beam knee
___________ of half its depth.


Bilge keels are fitted on ships to: assists in drydock improve the vessel's protect from slamming reduce the rolling of
alignment stability against piers the vessel

Buoyancy is a measure of the ship's: ability to float deadweight freeboard midships strength


By definitions, a “Spar Deck" is the: lower most continuous upper or weather deck after most weather deck of light
deck broken by water above the main deck above the main construction below the
tight strength deck strength deck main or strength deck


Concerning the use of a stabilogauge, which of the following cannot deadweight trim mean draft displacement
be found?


Corresponding approximately to the angle of deck edge immersion. Angle of maximum Angle of maximum list Angle of dangerous roll Angle of dangerous list

Deballasting a double bottom has what affect on KG? KG is increased KG is decreased KG is not affected KG increases at light
drafts and decreases
at deep drafts


Decreasing the free surfaces within a vessel, reduces the: natural roll period metacentric height waterplane area metacenter


Difference between the starboard and port drafts due to wind or List Flotation Trim Heel
seas is termed:


Dividing the total longitudinal moments summations by Vessel’s LCB Vessel’s LCF Vessel’s LBP Vessel’s LCG
displacement will determine the:

Dividing the total vertical moment summations by displacement is KM LCF BM KG
to determine the ___________ of a vessel.


Draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the _______, for Freeboard plimsoll mark waterline amidship section
an upright vessel.


During cargo operations, your vessel develops a list due to the shift weight to the high shift weight to the add weight in the remove weight from
center of gravity rising above the transverse metacenter. To correct side centerline lower holds or double the lower holds or
the list, you should: bottoms double bottoms


During counterflooding, to correct a severe list or trim aggravated Deballast from the low Continue Continue Immediately stop
by off-center load, what will be your course of action if a vessel side counterflooding in the counterflooding, but in counterflooding
suddenly takes a list or trim to the opposite side? same direction the opposite direction

Fighting a rig fire in the ballast pumproom with hoses would increasing the reduction of drill water a list caused by water a reduced KG caused
adversely affect the stability of the rig most by: permeability of the from the storage tanks filling the by water filling the
pumproom compartment compartment


For a given displacement, the righting arm has its maximum value KG is minimum Angle of inclination is a Small-angle stability KM is a minimum
when: maximum applies


For a vessel to be in neutral equilibrium, her GM must be: 100 50% Zero 0.3


For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel waterline freeboard deck Plimsoll mark amidships section
and the:

Forces within a vessel have caused a difference between the list heel trim flotation
starboard and port drafts. This difference is called:


Free communication will adversely affect transverse stability only off-center on the centerline completely flooded open to the sea above
when the flooded space is: and below the


GM cannot be used as an indicator of stability at all angles of M is not fixed at large there is no M at large G is not fixed at large there is no G at large
inclination because: angles angles angles angles


Heave is the motion of a vessel along the: longitudinal axis transverse axis vertical axis centerline axis

How do you describe a vessel with a large metacentric height and a Tender Ship Unstable Stable Stiff Ship
low center of gravity?


How would you make the rolling of a stiff vessel comfortable? Ballast the after peak Add weight in the Move weights lower Concentrate the
tanks center line of the weight on upper wing
lower hold tween deck


If a vessel is sagging, which kind of stress is placed on the sheer Compression Racking Tension Thrust


If a vessel loses its reserve buoyancy, it will: float upright with the capsize and float on its remain unaffected if most likely sink
main deck awash side the hull remains intact

If the cause of severe list or trim is off-center ballast, increase the righting increase the righting increase list or trim decrease list or trim
counterflooding into empty tanks will: moment arm


If the metacentric height is small, a vessel will: be tender have a quick and rapid be stiff have large angles of
motion roll


If the result loading a vessel is an increase in the height of the center metacentric height righting arm righting moments vertical moments
of gravity there will always be an increase in the:


If the ship is hogging, the pillars will be under which of the following Sheer Tensile Compression Twisting

If the ship takes a sudden severe list or trim from an unknown determine the cause assume the shift is due counterflood on the assume the cause is
cause, the first action is to: before taking to off center loading side opposite the list environmental forces
countermeasures or trim


If the VCG of the ship rises 1.7 feet, the GZ for the various angles of increase decrease be changed by the remain unchanged
inclination will: amount of GG’ X
cosine of the angle


If the vertical center of gravity (VCG) of a ship rises, the righting arm decrease increase remain unchanged be changed by the
(GZ) for the various angles of inclination will: amount of GG' x
cosine of the angle


If you are going to transfer weights from upper tween deck to the Metacentric height will the rolling period will make the vessel more make the vessel more
lower hold, what will happen? decrease increase tender stiffer

If you subtract KG from KM, the result is: height of the righting metacentric height height of the height of the center
arm metacenter gravity


If your vessel has a list to port due to negative GM and off-center move port-side main- fill the starboard pump water from the pump water from the
weight, the first corrective measure you should take is to: deck cargo to the double-bottom port double-bottom to port double-bottom
starboard side the starboard double- over the side

In observing rig motion while under tow, the period of roll is the zero inclination to full full inclination on one full inclination on one zero inclination to the
time difference between: inclination on one side side to full inclination side to the next full next zero inclination
on the other side inclination on the
same side

In order to determine the weight capacity of a deck in a cargo hold, General arrangement Deadweight scale Deck capacity plan Cubic capacity tables
you must refer to the:

In plugging submerged holes, rags, wedges and other materials reduce the water reduce the possibility prevent progressive reduce the water
should be used in conjunction with plugs to: leaking around the of stress fractures flooding pressure on the hull


In small angle stability theory, the metacenter is located at the G F B K

intersection of the inclined vertical centerline and a vertical line


In small-angle stability, when external forces exist, the buoyant center of gravity center of flotation metacenter metacentric height
force is assumed to act vertically upwards through the center of
buoyancy and through the:


In the absence of external forces, the center of buoyancy of an center of gravity center of the center of floatation amidship station
inclined vessel is vertically aligned directly below the: waterplane area

In the absence of external forces, the center of gravity of a floating metacenter amidships center of flotation geometric center of
vessel is located directly in line with the: the displaced volume


In the presence of external forces, the center of buoyancy of an Center of gravity Metacenter Center of floatation Keel
inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the:


In the ship's superstructure, the vertical divisions arrange are Bulkheads Decks Floors Peaks
known as:


Increasing free surface has the effect of raising the: uncorrected KG metacenter virtual height of the metacentric height
center of gravity

Initial stability is indicated by: GM KM Deck load Maximum allowed


Initial stability of a vessel may be improved by: Any of the above Removing loose water Adding weight low in Closing crossover
the vessel valves between partly
filled double bottom

Initial stability refers to stability: at small angles of when loaded with when at transit draft when GZ is zero
inclination minimum deck load


It is a design modification of an anchor chain which prevents kenter link detachable link stud link connecting link

It is a disk with horizontal line through its center equivalent to the maximum allowable tonnage mark deadrise mark plimsoll mark
summer load line. draft mark


It is a type of joint formed when an edge of one plate is laid over the Strap Joint Thread Joint Lap joint Grip joint
edge of the plate to which it is riveted is called:


It is the measure of the internal capacity of the ship. Gross tonnage Net tonnage Tonnage measurement Compensated tonnage


It is the strake of side plating nearest to the deck. Seam strake Side strake Sheer strake Butt strake

It means a log which is "slab-cut" or ripped lengthwise so that the Poles Pulpwood Cant Lumber
resulting thick pieces have two opposing, parallel flat sides.


Jettisoning weight from topside: returns the vessel to reduces free surface lowers the center of raises the center of
an even keel effect gravity buoyancy


Loadline markings are set by what authority? Classification societies International Maritime Flag states Port states


Mathematically speaking a couple requires: any two forces acting two equal forces two equal forces none of the answer
on a body at right acting on a body in acting on a body at
angles of each other opposite directions right angles in
and along parallel opposite directions.
127 lines.
Molded depth is measured from the: Top of the garboard Outside of the cell Top of the center Inside of the shell
strake vertical keel


Panting frames are located in what part of the vessel? fore and after peak forward double after double bottom centerline tanks or
tanks bottoms tanks tanks tankers


Progressive flooding may be indicated by: a continual worsening ballast control alarms excessive draft excessive list or trim
of list or trim


Reducing the free surfaces within a vessel, reduces the: metacentric height natural roll period waterplane area uncorrected height of
the center of gravity

Repairing damage to the hull at or above the waterline reduces the Continued progressive Free surface effects Wind overturning Capsizing the vessel
threat of: flooding moments


Reserve buoyancy is the: unoccupied space difference between excess of the buoyant volume of intact space
below the waterline buoyancy in salt and force over above the waterline
fresh waters gravitational force


Strong single post for taking mooring ropes. mast cleats bollard bitts


The abbreviation 'GM' is used to represent the: height of the righting arm righting moment metacentric height

The average of the observed drafts is known as: mean draft mean of the calculated true mean draft draft at the center of
drafts flotation


The beam of a vessel refers to the: Molded depth of the Width of the vessel Depth between decks Internal cubic capacity


The center of underwater volume of a floating vessel is the: uncorrected center of center of buoyancy center of floatation center of gravity
gravity corrected for free
surface effect


The difference between the height of the metacenter and the height of the center of height of the center of righting arm metacentric radius
metacentric height is termed: buoyancy gravity

The distance between B and M. Metacentric Radius Metacentric height Metacenter Righting Arm


The draft is called ___________ when the vessel is complete with light draft initial draft minimum draft maximum draft
water in boilers but without crew, bunkers, fresh water, stores and
other load.


The effect of free surface on initial stability depend upon the location of the tank in weight of the free volume of liquid in the dimensions of the
volume of displacement of the vessel and the: the vessel liquids tank surface of the free


The effects of free surface on initial stability depend upon the Volume and Volume of liquid in the Location of the tank in Height of the center of
dimensions of the surface of the free liquids and the: displacement of the tank the vessel gravity of the vessel

The garboard strake is the strake next to the: keel keelson sheer deadrise


The immersed body of the ship's forward of the parallel middle Entrance Run Flare Rake
body is called:


The important stability parameter "KG" is defined as the: height of the center of metacentric height height of the height of the center of
gravity above the keel metacenter above the buoyancy above the
keel keel


The joint formed when two steel plates are placed end-to-end is Butt Bevel Seam Bond
called a:

The largest dynamic forces affecting a ship construction is in the Middle body Aft All along the hull Bow
______ area.


The location of the center of gravity and the center of buoyancy are center of flotation center of forces dynamical stability stability
the principal factors in determining the ship's:


The measurement is made by comparing height of deck at the capstan ceiling camber cells
center of the vessel to height of deck at the side of the vessel called:


The original equilibrium position is stable when: Metacentric radius is Metacentric height is KG exceeds maximum Free surface are
positive positive allowable limits excessive

The outward curvature of the ship's hull above the waterline is stem flare camber deadrise


The result of large GM is the vessel being: stiff tender subjected to a long roll good with transverse


The strength of a deck will be increased by adding: camber deck beam brackets hatch beams sheer


The timber deck cargo should be secured throughout its length, the length of the timber size of the timber load weight of the timber maximum height of
maximum spacing of the lashings should be determined by the: load load the timber

The upward slope of a ship’s bottom from the keel to the bilge is camber slope deadrise keel height
known as:


The values of the height of the metacenter (KM) at any draft may be Hydrostatic Properties Building plans of the Trim Tables Stability letter
taken from the: Table ships


The vertical measurement from keel to waterline is called the: free board depth draft height


The vertical plate of the vessel’s girder is called: Knee Flanged Bracke Web

The vessel stability can be adversely affected by: increasing the free decreasing ballast on ballasting the fore ballasting the aft peak
surface effect loaded passage peak tank tank


The weld used to attached stiffeners to a plate are known as: place welds seam welds butt welds fillet welds


These are steel plates of various sizes, which when joined together Margin plate Shell plating Stealer plate Bulkheads
from the sides of the ship hull.


This provides a method for estimating the additional draft or Deadweight scale Tonnage scale Freeboard scale Displacement scale
determining the extra load that can be taken on board when a
vessel is being loaded in water of less than that of salt water.

To “shore up” the main deck for the stowage of deck cargo means package the cargo in weld pad eyes on deck strengthen the main distribute the weight
to: wooden crates so it in proper position to deck by placing pillars of the cargo by placing
will not damage the secure the cargo underneath it in the the fore-and-aft planks
deck tween-decks on the main deck

To sink due to loss of reserve buoyancy. Founder Beaching Overloading Unseaworthy


Vertical moments are obtained by multiplying a vessel's weight and LCB VCG or KG LCG TCG


What are the horizontal lines marked 21 inches to the right of the Load lines Load waterline summer load line load line
disc that are 9 inches in length and 1 inch in breadth, all marked at
right angle to a vertical line that is about 21inches from the center
of the disc?
What form the foundation for the decks, they are situated garboard strake deck beams deck beam brackets girders
athwartship from side to side of the vessel?


What is the ability of a vessel to return to her initial position after Metacentric stability Righting lever Stability Righting moment
being forcibly inclined?


What is the measure of the turning effect of the force about a Moment of force Couple Resultant of force Force


What is the principal danger of a tank half filled with liquid on board Loss of stability from Corrosion from shifting Rupturing the Holing of the tank
a vessel? free surface effects liquids bulkheads from bottom from the
shifting liquids weight of shifting
What is the ship’s broad profile which gives all data relating to the Body plan Stowage plan Capacity plan Expansion plan
capacity of the cargo spaces, tanks, bunkers, storerooms and
location of the center of gravity of each?


What term generally used to designate one of the transverse ribs Frame Keel Shell plating Strakes
that make up the skeleton of a ship?


What will be observed of a ship that navigated from open sea with a Draft will increase Draft will decrease Ship will list Ship will heel
high water density when it enters a river with a low water density?


What will be the result of removing deck-stowed containers? KG will increase Reserve buoyancy will Metacentric height will KB will increase
decrease increase

When a ship sags, what kind of stresses are set up on deck? Sheering Compressive Tensile Bending


When a vessel is floating upright, the distance from the keel to the KM height of the baseline righting arm GM
meta center is the:


When a weight is shifted down, which of the following takes place? The height of CG The height of CB None of the choices Metacentric height
increases increases increases


When displacement increases, the free surface corrections for slacks Increase Are directly Decrease Remain unchanged
tanks: proportional

When height of the metacenter is less than the height of the center Unstable Stable Negative Positive
of gravity, a vessel has what type of stability?


When initial stability applies, the height of the center of gravity plus Corrected height of Righting arm Free surface moments Height of the
the metacentric height equals the: the center of gravity metacenter


When liquid is free to move transversely in a tank, the effect is negative GM free density free communication free surface


When the height of the metacenter is the same as the height of the the height of the the height of the the same as half the zero
center of gravity, the metacentric height is equal to: metacenter center of gravity height of the

Which among the theory proves that the weight of a floating vessel Newton's theory Archimedes principle Law of gravity Law of water level
is equal to the weight of the displaced water?


Which curve is created when GZ is plotted in a base of displacement Sets of curves Curves of statistical Cross curves of Heel correction curves
for constant angles of heel? Stability stability


Which does not affect the value of the free surface correction? Specific gravity of the Length of the tank Registered tonnage Width of the tank
liquid in the tank


Which is part of the ground tackle? Charlie noble Devil's claw Gooseneck Rat's tail

Which of the following decreases ship's stability because it reduces topside icing scattered container uneven log deck load heavy shipping seas on
initial stability and is usually off center? deck cargo deck


Which of the following weld faults can only be detected by a undercut lack of reinforcement overlap lack of penetration
method that examines the internal structure of a weld:


Which of the following will improve stability? Closing watertight Consume fuel oil from Loading additional Pumping the bilges
doors a full tank cargo on deck


Which of the listed is used as an indicator of initial stability? Righting moment Metacentric radius Righting arm Metacentric height

Which statement concerning the lashing of containers with solid bar Stack heights maybe Stack weights should Stack heights should Solid bars should be
or wire rope lashing is TRUE? increased when using be less when using a be reduced when using used for lashing the
a solid bar lashing solid bar lashing as a solid bar lashing first tie only, with wire
compared to a wire lashings on the higher
192 lashing tier(s

Which technique could be used to give a more comfortable roll to a Ballast the peak tanks Concentrate weights in Add weight near the Move weights lower in
stiff ship? the upper tween deck centerline of the lower the ship
wings hold


Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel’s structural strength? The Management Master The Flag state The Classification
company Administration Society


With no environmental forces acting on the vessel, the center of metacenter longitudinal centerline center of flotation original vertical
gravity of an inclined vessel is vertically aligned with the: centerline

You must shore up a bulkhead due to flooding. The bulkhead approximately one approximate halfway at the bottom of the evenly over the
approximate a rectangle. The center of pressure of the shores on third of the way up the up the bulkhead bulkhead surface of the
the bulkhead should be located: bulkhead bulkhead


Your vessel damaged and listing to port. There is a short rolling fill an empty centerline pump out a marine press up a slack double jettison the anchors
period around the angle of list. The port side freeboard is reduced to double bottom tank portable tank located bottom tank on the and anchor cables
1 foot. There is no trim. Which action should you take first? on the port side port side

Your vessel is damaged and is listing to port. The rolling period is jettison outside press up any slack flood any empty shift any off center
short. There is sufficient freeboard so deck edge submersion is not a weights to reduced KG double bottom tanks double bottom tanks weights from port to
problem. What corrective action should be taken first in regards to and KB to add weight low to add weight low starboard
the vessel’s stability? down down

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