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J Neurosurg Spine 13:451–460, 2010

Normal anatomical variations of the V3 segment of the

vertebral artery: surgical implications

Laboratory investigation
Arthur J. Ulm, M.D.,1 Monica Quiroga, M.D., 3 Antonino Russo, M.D., 2
Vittorio M. Russo, M.D.,1,2 Francesca Graziano, M.D.,1,2 Angel Velasquez, M.D., 4
and Erminia Albanese, M.D. 2

Department of Neurosurgery, Louisiana State University, New Orleans, Louisiana; 2Department of


Neurosurgery, University of Catania, Italy; 3Department of Neurosurgery, University of Costa Rica, San José,
Costa Rica; and 4Department of Neurosurgery, M. Catarino Rivas Hospital, San Pedro Sula, Honduras

Object. The authors undertook this cadaveric and angiographic study to examine the microsurgical anatomy of
the V3 segment of the vertebral artery (VA) and its relationship to osseous landmarks. A detailed knowledge of these
variations is important when performing common neurosurgical procedures such as the suboccipital craniotomy and
the far-lateral approach and when placing atlantoaxial instrumentation.
Methods. A total of 30 adult cadaveric specimens (59 sides) were studied using magnification × 3 to × 40 after
perfusion of the arteries and veins with colored silicone. Seventy-three vertebral angiograms were also analyzed. The
morphological detail of the V3 segment was described and measured in both the cadavers and angiograms. Transar-
ticular screws were placed into 2 cadavers and the relationship of the trajectory to the V3 segment was analyzed.
Results. The authors identified 4 sites along the V3 segment that are anatomically the most likely to be injured
during surgical approaches to the craniovertebral junction. In 35% of the cadaveric specimens the vertical portion of
V3 formed a posteriorly oriented loop that could be injured during surgical exposures of the dorsal surface of C-2. The
mean distance from the midline to the most posteromedial edge of the loop was 25.6 ± 3.5 mm (range 20–35 mm) on
the left side and 30.4 ± 3.8 mm (range 23–36 mm) on the right side. On lateral angiograms, this loop projected poste-
riorly, with a mean distance of 9.8 ± 3.5 mm (range 0–15.7 mm) on the right side and 11.7 ± 1.2 mm (range 10–13.6
mm) on the left side. The horizontal segment of V3 can be injured when exposing the lower lateral occipital bone and
when the C-1 arch is exposed. The mean distance from the inferior border of the occipital bone to the superior surface
of the horizontal segment of V3 was 6 ± 2.8 mm on the right side and 5.6 ± 2.3 mm on the left. In 12% of cases the
authors found no space between the horizontal portion of V3 and the occipital bone. The medial edge of the horizontal
segment of V3 was located 23 ± 5.5 mm (range 10–30 mm) from the midline on the right side and 24 ± 5.7 mm (range
15–32 mm) on the left side. The transition between the V2–V3 segments after exiting the C-2 vertebral foramen is the
most likely site of injury when placing C1–2 transarticular screws or C-2 pars screws.
Conclusions. The normal variation of the V3 segment of the VA has been described with quantitative measure-
ments. An awareness of the anatomical variations and the relationships to the surrounding bony anatomy will aid in
reducing VA injury during suboccipital approaches, exposure of the dorsal surfaces of C-1 and C-2, and when placing
atlantoaxial spinal instrumentation. (DOI: 10.3171/2010.4.SPINE09824)

Key Words      •      vertebral artery      •      V3 segment      •      microsurgical anatomy      •     

atlantoaxial complex      •      craniovertebral junction      •      vertebral artery injury

natomically, the VA has been described as having cess to the artery’s entry through the dura mater. Finally,
4 segments.2,10,11 The first segment (V1) extends the fourth segment (V4) is formed by the intradural part
from its origin to the C-6 transverse process. The of the artery up to its confluence with the basilar artery
second segment (V2) includes the part of the artery that (Figs. 1 and 2). The V3 or suboccipital segment can be
courses through the C-6 to C-2 transverse processes. The further subdivided into 3 parts.12 The vertical part is lo-
third segment (V3) extends from the C-2 transverse pro- cated between the C-2 and C-1 transverse processes and
contains a proximal loop. The horizontal part is formed
Abbreviations used in this paper: PICA = posterior inferior cer- by the segment of the artery that occupies the groove of
ebellar artery; VA = vertebral artery. the posterior arch of the atlas, and it projects superome-

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Fig. 1.  Cadaveric dissection of the VA in different angles of view. Anatomically, the VA has been described as having 4 seg-
ments. The first segment extends from its origin to the C-6 transverse process. The second segment includes the part of the
artery that courses through the C-6 to C-2 transverse processes. The third segment extends from the C-2 transverse process to
the artery’s entry through the dura mater. Finally, the fourth segment is formed by the intradural part of the VA up to its confluence
with the basilar artery.   A: Cadaveric dissection of anterior cervical spine and craniovertebral junction. The vertical segment
of V3 of both VAs extended superiorly from the C-2 transverse process, through the C-1 transverse process. When the VA exits
the C-2 transverse foramen, the artery courses within a groove formed along the lateral and inferior aspect of the C-2 pars. At
this point, the artery forms a bend prior to exiting the groove (dashed line). After exiting the C-2 groove, the artery projects later-
ally a variable distance and forms a proximal loop.   B: Cadaveric dissection (lateral view) of cervical spine and craniovertebral
junction. The V2 is shown with its entry point into the C-2 transverse foramen. The vertical part of V3 is located between the C-2
and C-1 transverse processes and contains a proximal loop. The horizontal part of V3 is formed by the segment of the artery
that occupies the groove of the posterior arch of the atlas and projects superomedially from the C-1 arch en route to the dura
mater.   C: Cadaveric dissection of the right side of craniovertebral junction (posterior view). In a few cases (5 of 34 cadaveric
dissections) the horizontal segment of V3 coursed dorsally through a medial bony foramen (foramen arcuale).   D: Cadaveric
dissection (oblique view) of craniovertebral junction. The proximal loop is shown with its lateral extension away from the level of
the C1–2 facet articulation. The distal loop travels over the C-1 lamina and is in close proximity to the inferior border of the oc-
cipital bone. The vertical red dotted line, parallel or slightly medial to the occipitomastoid suture, represents a surgical incision for
retrosigmoid and far-lateral approaches and the horizontal black dotted line coincides with a tangent line to the foramen magnum.
The 2 lines’ intersection point corresponds to the site of potential injury of the V3 horizontal segment. A. = artery; Atl. = atlanto;
Br. = branch; Digast. = digastric; Dist. = distal; Dors. = dorsal; Ext. = external; For. = foramen; Junct. = junction; L. = loop; Musc.
= muscular; Occip. = occipital; Occipitomast. = occipitomastoid; Parietomast. = parietomastoid; Plex. = plexus; Proc. = process;
Prot. = protuberance; Prox. = proximal; Sup. = superior; Trans. = transverse; Vent. = ventral; Vert. = vertebral.

452 J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010

The V3 segment of the vertebral artery

Fig. 2.  Cadaveric dissection of the V3 segment of a left VA in different angles of view. The V3 or suboccipital segment can
be subdivided into 3 parts. The vertical part is located between the C-2 and C-1 transverse processes and contains a proximal
loop. The horizontal part is formed by the segment of the artery that occupies the groove of the posterior arch of the atlas, and
the oblique part extends up to the point where the artery pierces the dura mater. The horizontal segment extending over the C-1
arch forms the distal loop.   Left: Posterior view. The ventral and dorsal ramus of C-2 have been cut. The horizontal segment of
V3 courses dorsally and medially over the lamina of C-1 after exiting the C-1 transverse process. The distal loop of the horizontal
segment wraps around the occipital condyle and projects above the C-1 arch prior to coursing anterior, superior and medially
as the oblique segment en route to the dura mater. The C-2 ganglion is located just below the inferior border of the C-1 lamina
at the level of the C1–2 facet joint. The internal carotid artery and the internal jugular vein are located anterior and lateral to the
vertical part of V3.   Right: Oblique view. The V2–V3 junction lies between the exit of the artery from the C-2 transverse foramen
and the exit at the lateral border of the C-2 groove. This transition segment runs along a groove in the inferolateral border of the
C-2 pars or isthmus. There is great variability of this segment depending on the size and tortuosity of the vessel. Car. = carotid;
For. = foramen; Gang. = ganglion; Int. = internal; Jug. = jugular; V. = vein.

dially from the C-1 arch en route to the dura mater. The line. In 13 additional specimens (25 sides) the distance
horizontal segment of V3 forms a distal horizontal loop and angle of lateral projection of the proximal loop were
(Fig. 2). measured from the transverse foramen of C-2 to the most
Iatrogenic injury to the third segment can occur dur- lateral position of the loop between the C-1 and C-2 trans-
ing surgical procedures that involve the occipitoatlanto- verse processes. Also the relationship of the V2-V3 junc-
axial region.1,13,22,24,28,31,32,34,37 The risk of injury can be re- tion to the C-2 pars was quantified, including the presence
duced with the aid of preoperative imaging that includes and degree of angle of the transition segment.
the evaluation of osseous cervical structures and vascu- The angiographic anatomy of V3 was also analyzed.
lar anatomy.14,28,35,37 However, these imaging techniques The results of consecutive vertebral angiographic exami-
are not routinely performed for all approaches and are nations, performed by the senior author (A.J.U.) between
not available at all institutions or in emergent situations. 2007 and 2008 on a biplanar angiography system (Axiom
Therefore, the surgeon must possess detailed knowledge Artis, Siemens), were studied using the hospital’s radiologi-
of the anatomy and variability of the V3 segment of the cal electronic database. The angiograms were obtained for
VA to reduce the risk of complications related to surgical routine clinical indications, including aneurysm, vascular
approaches and procedures involving the posterior cran- malformations, transient ischemic attacks, or acute stroke.
iovertebral junction. Angiograms obtained in patients with vascular pathology
The purpose of this study is to anatomically describe in the vertebrobasilar system or patients younger than 18
the V3 segment of the VA and to highlight the potential years of age were excluded from this study. Forty digitally
sites of injury that can occur during common neurosurgi- subtracted angiograms that included the entire V3 segment
cal procedures involving this region. were incorporated into the study. The angiography was
performed with the patients’ heads in neutral position. On
lateral view angiograms, the distance of the proximal loop
was measured from its most posterior margin on a perpen-
A total of 30 adult cadaveric specimens (59 sides) dicular line that intersects a line extending from the caudal
whose arteries and veins were infused with colored sili- to the rostral bases of the loop. On the anteroposterior view
cone were used in this study. Using × 3 to × 40 magnifica- angiograms, the length of the lateral extension of the proxi-
tion, the V3 segments of the VA were dissected on each mal loop was measured. Additionally, 72 unsubtracted VA
side. In 17 specimens (34 sides) the following quantita- angiograms (obtained in 48 patients) were used to calculate
tive anatomical measurements were made: the diameter the diameter of the VA, measured from the intimal sur-
of the VA measured from the outer surface, the distance face, and the distance between the superior border of the
between the occipital bone and the horizontal part of V3, horizontal segment of V3 and the inferior border of the oc-
and the distance between the most posteromedial edge cipital bone.
of the horizontal and vertical VA and the posterior mid- The mean, range, and SD were calculated for all of

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the cadaveric and angiographic measurements. The statis- 12.5% formed an obtuse bend inside the groove. After
tical analysis was performed by the analysis of variance. exiting the C-2 groove, the artery projects laterally a vari-
Probability values < 0.05 were considered significant and able distance before ascending toward the C-1 transverse
those < 0.01 were considered highly significant. foramen. The segment between the C-1 and C-2 trans-
verse foramina forms a proximal loop (Figs. 1 and 2). The
average length of the lateral projection of the proximal
Results loop from its exit from the C-2 transverse groove was 16
In the 30 cadaveric specimens, all the V3 segments of ± 2.0 mm.
the right and left VAs extended superiorly from the C-2 In 25 V3 dissections we looked specifically at the
transverse process, through the C-1 transverse process, proximal loop, which is tethered between the bony C-1
and then proceeded dorsally over the vertebral groove, and C-2 foramina (Figs. 1A and 2A). The proximal loop
finally passing through the dura between the foramen projected posteriorly in 12 cases (48%) and directly later-
magnum and the posterior arch of C-1 (Figs. 1 and 2). ally in 5 cases (20%); in 8 cases (32%) there was little or
No V3 segment anomalies such as a fenestrated VA or a no loop present and the artery coursed in a straight line
persistent first intersegmental artery were found in our between C-1 and C-2. There was no case in which the
specimens. One extradural origin of the PICA was found proximal loop projected medially or anteriorly. The mean
in the 59 cadaveric dissections and in 1 of the 43 angio- distance from the most medial edge of the loop, along the
graphic examinations. The range, mean, and SDs for each lamina of C-2, to the dorsal midline was 25.6 ± 3.5 mm
anatomical parameter measured are presented in Table 1. (range 20–35 mm) on the left and 30.4 ± 3.8 mm (range
The angiographic results are displayed in Table 2. 23–36 mm) on the right.
The Vertical Portion of V3 Angiographic Study. Forty vertebral angiograms that
included the V3 segment were reviewed. On the lateral
Anatomical Study. After passing through the C-2 views, all but one of the studies demonstrated a bend ori-
transverse foramen, the VA first ascends and then makes ented posteriorly at the vertical portion of V3. The dis-
a lateral bend before ascending en route to the C-1 trans- tance of this bend from its most posterior margin on a
verse foramen. When the VA exits the C-2 transverse fo- perpendicular line that intersects a line extending from
ramen, the artery courses within a groove formed along the caudal to the rostral bases of the loop ranged from
the lateral and inferior aspect of the C-2 pars.17 At this 0 to 15.7 mm (mean 9.8 ± 3.5 mm) on the right side and
point, the artery forms a bend prior to exiting the groove from 10 to 13.6 mm (mean 11.7 ± 1.2) on the left side.
(Figs. 1 and 2). Half of the VA specimens presented a The specimen that did not have a posterior angiographic
90° bend, 37.5% made a slightly more acute angle, and bend was one in which the bend extended laterally with-

TABLE 1: Anatomical measurements

Right (mm) Left (mm)

Measurement Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range

distance from most medial edge of proximal 30.4 ± 3.8 23–36 25.6 ± 3.5 20–35
loop to dorsal midline

diameter of the horizontal loop of the V3 4.6 ± 1.4 1–7 5.1 ± 1.5 2–8
distance btwn horizontal VA & occipital bone 6 ± 2.8 0–10 5.6 ± 2.3 0–10

distance btwn most medial edge of distal 23 ± 5.5 10–30 24 ± 5.7 15–32
loop & dorsal midline

454 J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010

The V3 segment of the vertebral artery
TABLE 2: Angiographic measurements*

Right (mm) Left (mm)

Measurement Mean ± SD Range Mean ± SD Range

A 9.8 ± 3.5 0–15.7 11.7 ± 1.2 10–13.6

B 4.0 ± 1.3 2.6–8.1 4.1 ± 1.0 1.4–6

C 6.4 ± 3.9 0–13.9 8.3 ± 2.9 0–13.9

*  The measurements A, B, and C, as illustrated here on lateral-view unsubtracted VA angiograms (red letters), are defined as
follows. A: The length of the proximal loop at the vertical segment (right end of double-headed arrow), measured as the distance
from its most posterior margin on a perpendicular line that intersects a line extending from the caudal to the rostral bases of the
loop. B: The diameter of the VA. C: The distance between the most rostral border of the horizontal segment of the VA and the
inferior border of the occipital bone.

out an anterior or posterior deviation (Fig. 3A). On the AP a fully foramen-shaped arterial groove25 in 5 specimens
angiograms, the vertical segment extended laterally 13.3 (4 left sides, 1 right) (Fig. 1C). The mean distance from
± 3.2 mm (range 9.5–18.1 mm) before turning rostrally the most medial edge of the VA on its groove, along the
toward C-1. lamina of the atlas, to the dorsal midline was 24 ± 5.7 mm
(range 15–32 mm) on the left, and 23 ± 5.5 mm (range
The Horizontal and Oblique Portions of V3 10–30 mm) on the right.
Anatomical Study. The V3 segment enters the trans- Angiographic Study. The mean diameter of the VA
verse foramen of C-1 and turns medially, coursing over was 4.0 ± 1.3 mm (range 2.6–8.1 mm) on the right side
the superior surface of C-1 for a variable distance before and 4.1 ± 0.1 mm (range 1.4–6 mm) on the left side. The
coursing anteromedially and superiorly toward its entry mean distance between the occipital bone and the supe-
into the dura mater (Figs. 1 and 2). The mean diameter of rior border of the horizontal VA was 6.4 ± 3.9 mm (range
the horizontal segment was 4.6 ± 1.4 mm (range 1–7 mm) 0–13.9 mm) on the right and 8.3 ± 2.9 mm (range 0–13.9
for the right VA and 5.1 ± 1.5 mm (range 2–8 mm) for the mm) on the left. In 6.9% of the specimens (4 right sides,
left. There was no statistically significant difference be- 1 left) we found no space between the occipital bone and
tween the mean diameters of the right and left VAs. The the VA (Fig. 3D). In 2.7%, a unilateral extradural origin
mean distance between the occipital bone and the superior of the PICA was found (Fig. 3C).
border of the horizontal part of V3 was 6 ± 2.8 mm (range
0–10 mm) on the right and 5.6 ± 2.3 mm (range 0–10 Discussion
mm) on the left. In 4 of the 34 sides studied (3 right sides,
1 left) we found no space between the occipital bone and Surgical approaches to the posterolateral craniover-
the horizontal segment. The VA coursed dorsally through tebral junction entail working in close proximity to the V3

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Fig. 3.  A: Right VA angiogram (anteroposterior view). The VA projects laterally from its exit from the C-2 groove, ascends
between C-1 and C-2 prior to traversing the C-1 transverse foramen. After exiting the C-1 transverse process, the artery courses
medially over the C-1 arch before turning anteriorly, medially, and superiorly as the oblique segment that enters the lateral dorsal
surface of the spinal dura.  B: Right VA angiogram (lateral view). The proximal loop projected posteriorly in all but one direct
lateral angiogram.  C: Left VA angiogram (lateral view) showing the PICA originating off the extradural horizontal segment
of V3. In 2.7% of VA angiograms, the PICA had an extradural origin.  D: Left VA angiogram (lateral view) demonstrating the
relationship of the horizontal segment/distal loop to the lower occipital bone. In 12% of sides and 6.9% of lateral angiograms
demonstrated no space between the lower occiput and the upper surface of the horizontal segment.  E: Left VA angiogram
(lateral view). Demonstrates pseudoaneurysm caused by iatrogenic injury to the distal loop during a far-lateral approach. The
injury was the result of unipolar cautery used off midline while exposing the C-1 arch. B. = basilar; Horiz. = horizontal; Pseudoan.
= pseudoaneurysm; Segm. = segment.

segment of the VA. This segment may be injured during fenestrated VA or a persistent first intersegmental artery
approaches or procedures that involve fusion or decom- were found in our specimens. An incidence rate of 5.4%
pression of the craniovertebral junction, or while expos- of V3 segment anomalies has been previously described
ing the V3 segment when treating vascular pathology and based on CT angiography.14
tumors.4,7,13,15,17,32,33,37 Injury to the VA, especially when Preoperative planning using high-resolution CT scan-
the dominant artery is involved, may result in serious ning and imaging of the VA is important in preventing
complications such as VA occlusion, formation of an ar- VA injury.13,14,18,19,23 However, a detailed knowledge of VA
teriovenous fistula, a pseudoaneurysm, or massive bleed- anatomy, the normal variants of the VA, and its relation-
ing that could result in stroke or even death.6,22,26,27 When ship to nearby osseous structures is critical when expos-
VA injury occurs and ligation is mandatory, the risk of ing the lateral craniovertebral junction, when performing
ischemia-related neurological injury depends on, among procedures requiring exposure of the V3 segment, and
other factors, the size of the contralateral artery and its when placing C-2 spinal instrumentation.
compensatory flow capability. Not only is VA asymmetry The anatomy of the V3 segment is complex. The seg-
a normal variant, but it can also accompany congenital ment extends from the C-2 VA foramen to the dura mater.
skeletal anomalies such as anomalies of the craniover- The V3 segment consists of a vertical portion between C-2
tebral junction.29,30,36 No V3 segment anomalies such as a and C-1, a horizontal portion that courses over the con-

456 J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010

The V3 segment of the vertebral artery

dyle and the upper surface of the C-1 arch, and an oblique
portion that ascends from the C-1 arch to penetrate the
dura. The V3 segment has redundancy that results in loops
and bends in the artery, which accommodate the mobility
of the head with rotation. The vertical and horizontal seg-
ments contain, respectively, a proximal and a distal loop.
These loops have the potential to bring the V3 segment
into close proximity to the occipital bone, the posterior
surface of the C-2 vertebral body, and the midline along
the C-1 arch (Figs. 1 and 2). In addition, the relationship
of the V2–V3 junction to the pars of C-2 impacts the safety
of C-2 instrumentation (Fig. 4). The purpose of this study
was to characterize the normal anatomical variations of
the V3 segment with paying particular attention to the ef-
fect these loops may have on common surgical approach-
es to the region.
Sites of Potential Injury
There are 4 sites along the normal course of the V3
segment that anatomically constitute the points of great-
est risk of iatrogenic injury during surgery involving the
craniovertebral junction (Figs. 4 and 5).
Medial Edge of the Horizontal V3 Segment Along the C-1
The horizontal portion of the V3 segment begins
as the artery exits the C-1 transverse foramen and ends
where the artery penetrates the dura. In between, the ar-
tery courses along the superior aspect of the posterior C-1
arch. The distal horizontal loop lies between the exit of
the V3 segment from the C-1 transverse foramen and the
point where it courses anteriorly, medially, and superiorly
toward the dura mater. The medial border of the distal Fig. 4.  The V2–V3 transition zone occurs above the C-2 transverse
horizontal loop can be injured when exposing the C-1 foramen and medial to the exit of the V3 segment lateral to the C-2 body.
In between, the artery lies adjacent to the C-2 groove, which is infero-
arch (Fig. 5). In 29 of 34 cadaveric dissections, the hori- lateral to the C-2 pars or isthmus. The V2–V3 transition zone (asterisk)
zontal loop coursed within a groove on C-1, while in the coincides with the fourth site along the V3 segment prone to iatrogenic
other 5 dissections the artery coursed through a medial injury.   A: Ideal screw trajectory in a normal VA. The relationship be-
bony foramen (Fig. 1C). The medial edge of the distal tween the C-2 isthmus and the screw trajectory is shown.   B: Slightly
horizontal loop was found 23 ± 5.5 mm from midline on inferolateral trajectory combined with a “high-riding” VA. The V2–V3
the right and 24 ± 5.7 mm from midline on the left, with junction above the C-2 transverse foramen is the site of VA injury when
a range between 10 and 32 mm. This medial border of the placing C-2 pars or C1–2 transarticular screws.
distal loop can be injured when exposing the posterior ment (Fig. 3D). The superior border is at greatest risk with
arch of C-1 during midline procedures such as Chiari de- paramedian incisions carried out to expose the foramen
compression and C1–2 spinal surgery and when exposing magnum or lower cerebellopontine angle (Figs. 1D and
the midline occiput (Fig. 5).8,9 Care must be taken when 6A).8,31,32 The VAs of elderly patients and dominant VAs
exposing the C-1 lamina from medial to lateral, espe- have the tendency to be ectatic, to bulge out from the C-1
cially when using unipolar cautery (Fig. 3E). Any lateral groove, and therefore to be at greater risk during lateral
exposure of the craniovertebral junction also places this exposure of the posterior skull base. Commonly, the ret-
point on the artery at risk of injury. rosigmoid approach requires dissection down to the level
Superior Border of the Horizontal V3 Segment Along the of the foramen magnum. Two common instances include
C-1 Arch retrosigmoid craniotomies for microvascular decompres-
sion of the seventh cranial nerve and for large tumors such
The superior surface of the horizontal segment is in as acoustic neuromas (Fig. 6A).32 In these instances, care
close proximity to the lower lateral surface of the occipi- must be taken to avoid unipolar cautery when approach-
tal bone (Figs. 3D and 6B and C). On average, we found ing the C-1 arch. The horizontal segment lies along a line
the superior surface of this segment 6 ± 3 mm beneath that runs parallel and lateral to the foramen magnum and
the occipital bone. Surprisingly, in 12% of cadaveric dis- inferior and medial to the mastooccipital suture (Fig. 1D).
sections (4/39) and in 7% of direct lateral angiograms, To minimize the risk of VA injury during the retrosig-
we found no separation between the lower surface of the moid approach, we meticulously dissect the muscular
occiput and the superior surface of the horizontal V3 seg- layers using bipolar cautery and Metzenbaum scissors in

J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010 457

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a layer-by-layer fashion when approaching the foramen

magnum and craniovertebral junction. The far-lateral ap-
proach is often performed using a paramedian incision,
and care must likewise be taken when performing the mus-
cle dissection at the level of the craniovertebral junction
to avoid injuring the VA along the C-1 groove (Fig. 6C).
Patient positioning can minimize the risk to the horizontal
segment. It is important to open up the interval between the
artery and the occipital bone with adequate neck flexion,
head rotation, and dropping the vertex of the head toward
the floor. These maneuvers displace the superior surface of
the horizontal segment away from the lower occiput.5,11,16
Medial Surface of the Vertical Segment Lateral to the
Dorsal Surface of C-2
The V3 segment begins as the artery exits the groove
along the medial border of the C-2 pars (Fig. 2). We found
a proximal loop in the artery between C-1 and C-2 in 70%
of cadaveric dissections. The proximal loop is tethered
between the exit from the C-2 groove and the entrance
Fig. 5.  Three of 4 sites along the V3 segment at greatest risk of iatro- into the C-1 transverse foramen. The proximal loop was
genic injury during surgical approaches to the craniovertebral junction found to course posteriorly toward the dorsal surface of
(each indicated by an asterisk): 1) Medial border of the distal horizontal C-2 in approximately half of the cadaveric specimens. In
loop. Exposure of the C-1 arch places this site at risk. Particular care cases of large, tortuous arteries, the posterior bend pro-
must be used when using unipolar cautery as the dissection proceeds jected to the level of the dorsal surface of C-2 (35% of the
from medial to lateral along C-1. 2) Superior surface of the distal hori- cadaveric specimens, 48% of the angiograms). Exposure
zontal loop. Injury can occur to this segment while performing soft-
tissue dissection during the exposure of the lateral suboccipital region. of the lateral dorsal surface of C-2, particularly when us-
The segment often bulges posteriorly into the suboccipital muscular tri- ing unipolar cautery, places this segment at risk for iatro-
angle and is particularly prone to injury when extending exposure down genic injury. Care must be taken when extending expo-
to the level of the foramen magnum. 3) Medial border of the proximal sure beyond the lateral dorsal surface of C-2 to prevent
vertical loop. It projects posteriorly toward the dorsal surface of C-2 in injury to this segment (Fig. 5).
more than two-thirds of cases. Injury can occur during the exposure
of the lateral dorsal surface of C-2, particularly when the exposure ex- Transition of V2–V3 at the Level of the C-2 Transverse
tends beyond the lateral border of C-2. Foramen
The VA transitions between the V2 and V3 segments

Fig. 6.  A: Superficial anatomical dissection of the suboccipital region. The superficial muscular layer (sternocleidomastoid,
trapezium, semispinalis, splenius capitis major, and longissimus capitis muscles) has been removed. The horizontal part of the
V3 segment of the VA and the C-1 arch are visible through the suboccipital muscular triangle. The latter is formed superiorly and
medially by the rectus capitis posterior major muscle, superiorly, and laterally by the superior oblique muscle, and inferiorly by
the inferior oblique muscle. The rectus capitis posterior major and the inferior oblique muscles attach at the midline to the C-2
spinous process, while both oblique muscles attach laterally to the C-1 transverse process. The asterisk shows the site of poten-
tial iatrogenic injury to the horizontal V3 segment while performing the ideal surgical incision for retrosigmoid and far-lateral ap-
proaches (black dotted line).   B: The suboccipital muscles have been removed to show the V3 segment, the surrounding venous
plexus, and the C-2 nerve exiting between the C-1 and C-2 laminae. Note the proximity of the artery to the occipital bone.   C:
Far-lateral craniotomy with removal of the C-1 posterior arch. The V3 horizontal distal loop wraps around the posterior occipital
condyle. The C-1 transverse foramen has been unroofed, which allows mobilization of the VA, improving access to the condyle
for removal. Cap. = capitis; Inf. = inferior; Lat. = lateral; Lev. = levator; M. = muscle; Maj. = major; Min. = minor; Musc. = muscular;
Obl. = oblique; Post. = posterior; Rec. = rectus; Scap. = scapula; Sig. = sigmoid.

458 J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010

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460 J Neurosurg: Spine / Volume 13 / October 2010

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