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ComposicaD™ CPV for Tanks & Pressure Vessels (Silver Package)

What makes ComposicaD the best software for producing pressure vessels? Let’s take a look…

The laminate table – Menu: Laminate / Laminate…

ComposicaD works with the whole part at once. Each layer is specified in a table to produce the total laminate
profile. The table shows each layer (lamina), the lamina type, the thickness, the weight, the time to wind it, and
the cost. It also shows the totals for the whole part. This makes it easy to estimate production times and costs.
The standard maximum laminate table size is 50 lamina, but can be expanded up to any size needed. The
laminate table can be copied and pasted into other software (such as a spreadsheet or word processor) for
documentation purposes.

This sequence of laminas, along with the material and liner properties (more on these later), completely defines
the composite material for your pressure vessel. This table is easy to build by inserting the desired lamina type.
You can also copy sections and cut and paste the sections to quickly build the desired lamina sequence.

Each entry in the laminate table can be one of four types – a helical winding, a circumferential (circ or hoop)
winding, a connector (or transition) winding or another type (liner, metal fittings, cores, fabrics, etc.). Each type
of lamina has a set of parameters that specify the winding path or other material properties.

Helical Winding - button

The Helical Dialog shows the parameters that are

used to specify the exact nature of the helical
winding path. The major parameters for a helical
winding on a pressure vessel are the two pole
opening diameters and the winding angle.

If the vessel (or this layer) is symmetric then, the

Symmetric check box makes both ends of the
vessel the same. If not symmetric, then each end
can be specified individually. ComposicaD
calculates the natural or geodesic winding angle
given each pole opening size and the diameter of
the main cylinder. If the two pole sizes are
unequal, then it calculates a geometric mean of the
two angles, which would produce the least amount
of needed friction.

If the Use Geodesic angle check box is checked,

then ComposicaD uses the mean angle as the
winding angle in the cylindrical section. If not, you
can specify the desired winding angle in the
cylinder and ComposicaD will calculate the
required slip potential and highlight if it is over the
maximum slip potential that was specified for the material being used.

If you specify a winding angle, then ComposicaD calculates the pole opening size for a geodesic path. If you
check the Use Geodesic Diameter check box, ComposicaD will use this diameter for the pole diameter. This
diameter requires the least amount of friction.
The user has complete control over the number of circuits used for coverage. ComposicaD calculates the
minimum number of circuits required for complete coverage (at least 100%). If the Use calculated circuits check
box is checked, then this number of circuits is used. If not, you can enter the desired number of circuits.

A number of layers can also be specified. Normally this is only used for a few layers, because the thickness
buildup of each layer alters the mandrel shape and a new winding pattern should be used as the thickness

ComposicaD calculates the possible pattern

repeats and then if the Use closest pattern repeat
check box is checked it uses the closest repeat
based on a set of rules that are specified by the

ComposicaD defaults to the most common

approach used for helical winding. The rules dialog
can also be used to specify how each layer in the
laminate will change the pole opening size.

The Repeat menu also shows pertinent information about the winding pattern, such as, the deviation from the
natural path, the adjusted winding angle, and the adjusted percent coverage. Additional dwell can also be added
to the headstock or tailstock pole, if desired.

Pattern repeat is the way a helical pattern closes on a part. A single circuit pattern (repeat of +1 or -1) lays each
fiber beside the previous fiber. A three circuit pattern (repeat of +3 or -3) would lay the fourth fiber band beside
the first and so on.

The repeat produces a “Star” of the number of points in the repeat on each end of the mandrel around the pole.
It also changes the look of the winding in the cylinder section. Some people like the look of low repeat numbers
better than a high repeat number. Typically it is better to have a higher repeat number, because it distributes
the material buildup better around the dome.

A single circuit pattern A three circuit pattern

The starting position of each helical winding can also be specified. Normally the winding is started at the
headstock pole. But in certain situations it may be advantageous to start on the tailstock pole or at some other
point on the mandrel.

Path starting at the headstock pole

Path starting in the middle of the cylinder

It is useful to change the starting positions to minimize the length of the connector paths. This is done for highly
optimized windings.

Circumferential Winding - button

Whereas helical winding is typically lower than 54
degrees, circumferential or hoop winding is typically
done at an angle close to 90 degrees. Helical winding
always has two layers – a plus ply and a minus ply.
Circumferential winding can be a single ply of almost
90 degree winding.

ComposicaD specifies the hoop starting and ending

points parametrically – i.e. in relation to the cylinder
starting and ending point. The hoop starting and
ending points are then specified as an offset to the
cylinder starting and ending points. This is a key
feature that allows easy changes to the part geometry.
More on that later.

For hoop winding the key parameter is the band

advance. ComposicaD allows for several methods of
selecting the band advance. The simplest is to just use
the fiber band width by checking the Use Band Width
box. This lays each band beside the previous band. This works fine for small band widths relative to the
part diameter. If you are laying a wide tape then it is
better to use the Effective Band Advance which takes
into account the actual winding angle.

The band advance can also just be entered. This allows

for the option of overlapping the bands which is
sometimes used to achieve a specific thickness required.

Connector (or transition) Winding - button

The third type of winding is a connector or transition
winding. In aerospace or other high performance
windings, the fiber band is typically cut and restarted
between each kind of winding. In commercial winding it
is too time consuming to use this method, so a transition
path is used instead. It is normally used to connect
between the circumferential windings and the helical
windings and vice versa. This path gradually uses the allowed slip potential to deviate the path from
the geodesic to move from one winding angle to the next.

The parameters are the allowed slip potential and a slip potential multiplier used in the dome regions.
Sometimes it is nice to use more or less friction in the domes, so you can specify a multiplier to
increase or decrease the pattern change in the domes.

A diagram showing a helical winding (blue –

only one circuit shown), the connector winding
(yellow) and a circumferential winding (red –
band advanced exaggerated for clarity).

Materials - button
ComposicaD uses a material database. Up to 10
materials can be specified in the standard version. Each
of the winding patterns uses a material in the database.
If you need to change a material for some reason, then
it is easy to recalculate all of the windings (laminas)
based on the new material. Each material has a

bandwidth, band thickness fiber properties, resin

properties, and fiber / resin fraction either by weight or
volume. Also the maximum slip potential allowed for the
material is specified. Additional parameters can be
specified in the Parameters tab, such as Young’s Modulus,
Poison’s ratio and other material properties which are
used by other functions in ComposicaD such as the FEA
option. Materials can be Rovings, Prepregs, Tape or Other
Material. Each type of material has parameters that are common for that type of material so it is easy to specify.

The liner (mandrel) geometry - Menu: Part / Tank or Vessel…

A typical pressure vessel consists of two domes connected by a cylindrical section (cylinder). The geometry of
the domes is typically chosen based on several factors.
Two common types of dome geometries are an
“isotensoid” or an elliptical (or almost elliptical) shape.
ComposicaD supports both types of dome geometries.
An opening in the dome or a pole is typical.

Many vessels are symmetric, but some are not, with

different dome geomtries and pole openings.
ComposicaD makes it easy to select either symmetric or
non-symmetric shapes.

In addition a shaft can be specified on either or both

ends. This shaft does not enter into the winding
calculations but is used to verify part clearances in the
Simulation option and to provide for a realistic display.

The number of seqments in the domes, the cylindrical

section and radially around the part are specified too.
Using more segments typically provides a more
accurate path generation at the cost of bigger files and
longer computation times.

Mandrel geometries can also be entered via a mandrel

file, which also for the exact dome shapes to be specified for the FEA analysis. A new feature in ComposicaD is
the Design Tab, which allows the designer to make a preliminary design of the vessel using netting analysis.
More on this later in the paper.

Handling the thickness buildup - Output Options

Each layer that we put onto the mandrel (liner) increases the
diameter of the mandrel and changes its shape. Typically the
thickness of each lamina is different in different places. This is
especially true of the helical windings. Typical thickness variation in
a helical winding can be as high as 6 to 1. The thickness is
significantly higher in the turnaround region near the pole
openings. It is caused by two effects: the decrease in the winding
diameter and the increase in the winding angle; both tending to
increase the thickness near the poles. Because of actual physical
effects, primarily slipping of the roving band when winding, it is
very difficult to model this thickness change. ComposicaD uses an empirical model to accurately model this
thickness buildup.

Normally in ComposicaD we just add the calculated thickness for each layer to the previous mandrel shape to
get the new mandrel shape. For special applications we can also specify no change to the mandrel shape, add a
constant thickness radially and axially or load a new mandrel shape from a file.

This ability to accurately model the thickness buildup is one

of the key features of ComposicaD. it allows for the very
simple creation of very thick laminates.

The diagram on the left shows the thickness build up of the

part shown in the laminate table above. Notice the increased
thickness around the poles due to the large helical lamina
thickness at the poles. This thickness buildup is the reason
that many pressure vessels step the helical windings back
from the pole for each layer put on the part. This tends to
keep the thickness more uniform in the dome area. Also
notice the increased thickness in the cylindrical section due
to the circumferential windings.

Composicad has several options for the Next Mandrel

generation that can be used to optimize winding or FEA

Delivery Envelope
When winding, we do not normally want to contact the
mandrels surface. ComposicaD allows us to specify an
offset from the mandrel surface, both axially and
radially, which will specify an envelope (contour) that the
delivery eye will follow. Normally ComposicaD uses a
smooth envelope shape that is specified by the Elliptical
Radio button and an elliptical radius. This radius is used
to smooth the corners of the delivery envelope. The axial
and radial offsets and a minimum radial position can be
specified. A delivery envelop can also be imported from a file or generated from the mandrel shape.

This diagram
shows the
mandrel and an
elliptical delivery
envelope. The
color of the
envelope signifies
if it has been
shifted one way or
the other (blue for
shift to headstock;
yellow for shift to
tailstock) and if
the closest approach has been limited (red). Different minimum radial positions can be specified for the
headstock and tailstock allowing for non-symmetrical mandrels or for mandrels that are cantilever mounted in
the winding machine.

The shape of this delivery envelope can significantly increase winding speeds for low angle helical winding,
because of the rounded contours.

Controlling the Motion Output

The Motion tab of the Output Options dialog lets us
control how the machine output is being generated. We
have several options for a time base, but normally in
filament winding we like to run as fast as we can to
minimize production time. This is accomplished in
ComposicaD by use of a special algorithm called “Time
optimal fixed trajectory path generation”. Essentially the
algorithm moves all of the axes at the fastest rate it can,
without exceeding the maximum velocity or acceleration
on any axis.

One of the great features of ComposicaD is that it also

includes the fiber payout rate as one of the controlled
axes. This is especially important for wet winding, when
the maximum payout rate should not be exceeded to
produce good fiber band wet out.

ComposicaD also has an extensive set of output filters

which can be used to minimize the number of output
points generated and other options that optimize the output for the specific machine controller.

Accelerations and velocities can be controlled on an
individual axis basis. The acceleration and velocities are
specified as a percentage of the maximum machine

Before / After Commands

ComposicaD allows the programmer to include other
commands before or after a lamina. Commands that
affect the winding, such as Tension control, Mandrel
pressure, Resin Bath temperature or other process
paramaters, can be included if the machine controller
supports these commands.
Path Display Options - button & Display button
ComposicaD has numerous options for display of the winding paths. Mandrel options, band options, colors,
delivery envelope, coordinate axes, and a path color display for
thickness and winding angle are all options.

The figure above shows the winding pattern with the color display set to show the winding thickness. The red
color indicates the much thicker section around the poles.

The figure on the left shows a complete

laminate. The colors denote which
laminate layer. You can see the
progression of helical windings, each
moving out slightly from the pole opening
(blue, green, yellow, light orange). You can
also see one of the transition windings
(orange) and the final circumferential layer
Graph Display Options - button & Graph - button
ComposicaD has an extensive set of options to
display the machine outputs – positions,
velocities and accelerations.

Axis information can be plotted against time, spindle position,

carriage position or for each point. Scale can be set as a
percentage of machine range or of pattern range or to absolute

The figure on the right shows the axis

positions plotted against the carriage
position. It displays the typical shape for
the rotating eye motion and also shows the
envelope shape for the radial carriage.
Parametric Calculations – A huge time saver
Many pressure vessels are members of a family – a certain diameter of tank has several different
models in different lengths. In ComposicaD it is extraordinarily easy to make these families of vessels.
Here is an example:

18 inch diameter

12 inch cylinder section

24 inch long cylinder section

36 inch long cylinder

The laminate table is the same for each of these vessels. The only thing that is changed is the cylinder
length in the Part menu:

When the menu is exited then ComposicaD

asks if you want to recalculate. Click, “Yes”

and all of the winding paths are recalculated

based on the new liner length. This feature
can save many hours of programming time
necessary with other filament winding

The part diameter can also be changed. This

works best when the pole opening size stays
the same.

Support for multiple machines of any type –

Menu: Machine / Select & Menu: Machine / Controller

Just select the desired machine from the list.

ComposicaD comes standard with one machine /
controller type, but can be easily upgraded to up
to eight machines.
Supported controllers include all of the commercial winding machine manufacturers. Any kind of CNC
controlled winding machine can be supported.

Composite Pressure Vessel Design

ComposicaD CPV now includes a very useful preliminary design feature that allows us to calculate a
first approximation of the required laminate
thickness for a specified burst pressure using
netting analysis. Using the Design Tab we
can specify a desired operating pressure and
the safety factor to get the desired burst
pressure. Typical safety factors can be
specified or a custom factor used. Pressures
are given in MPa, bar and psi.

The Winding Angle can be specified or the

geodesic angle from the mandrel geometry
can be used. Material properties - the fiber
volume fraction, Ultimate Fiber Stress and
Elongation [strain] - from the material data
base are utilized or can be entered.
ComposicaD then calculates the required
thickness of Helical and Circumferential
layers using the well-known Netting Analysis
theory. The required number of layers is
also calculated.

Mandrel dimensions and liner properties are

calculated or entered to get approximate
vessel volume and size at room and
operating pressure.

This tool combined with the Laminate Burst tool

(on the Laminate Table) gives a good first
approximation of the actual vessel burst pressures
(assuming the domes and laminate are designed
correctly). The laminate Burst tool uses the actual laminate
structure to calculate the burst pressure based on the
Netting Analysis method. Burst pressure is given as an actual
pressure and as a percentage of the design pressure.
Other Analysis Options –Export to FEA… / Export to ESAComp… / Export to WCM…

ComposicaD has several other Analysis capabilities. Included in the base ComposicaD package are
Export to ESAComp. The ComposicaD FEA Output option gives ComposicaD the capability to produce
data for use by other commercial FEA programs and Export to WCM (the Abaqus Wound Composite
Module). ComposicaD can produce data formats compatible with ABAQUS, ANSYS, NISA, and other FEA
packages. Both shell and 3D elements can be supported.

Above, a display showing the 3D Elements for import into Abaqus (or other 3D model).
The display on the
left is from
ESAComp a low
cost tool for
composite design
See more on the web at:

ComposicaD™ is available exclusively through Seifert and Skinner & Associates and leading winding machinery manufacturers

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