BLK 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave., Fairview Quezon City

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Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.

Fairview Quezon City


On the job training also abbreviated as OJT also called hands on training. It is
a one-on-one training located at the job site, where someone who knows how to
do a task shows another how to perform it. In antiquity, the work performed by
most people did not rely on abstract thinking or academic education. Parents or
community members, who knew the skills necessary for survival, passed their
knowledge on to the children through direct instruction.

The goal of the OJT program is to place participants in occupations that will
enhance their prospects for long-term employment and will intimately permit
them to become self-sufficient. OJT involves the acquisition of specific skills and
employment competencies, though exposure in an actual work setting, to the
processes, work task, tools and methods of a specific job or group of jobs.

It is the responsibility of supervisor and managers to utilize available

resources to train, qualify, and develop their employees. On the job training is
one of the best methods the way of it is planned, organized, and conducted at
the employee's worksite. OJT will generally be the primary method used for
broadening employee skills and increasing productivity. It is particularly
appropriate for developing proficiency skills unique to an employee's job,
especially jobs that are relatively easy to learn and require locally-owned
equipment and facilities.

Students who take the training are expected to follow the company rules,
regulations and guidelines. They are expected to respect the brand service and
brand values of the company. Also should follow the prepared programme of
work with appropriate intervals in consultation ensuring that any deviation from
the allotted programme / schedule is reported without delay to the immediate
supervisor or to Institute Director. And most important completing the required
training hours as indicated in the schools endorsement.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City


Company Profile and Mission, Vision of National Housing Authority (NHA)

The National Housing Authority (NHA) is the sole national agency mandated
to engage in housing production for low income families. It traces its roots to the
People's Homesite Corporation (PHC), the first government housing agency
established on 14 October 1938 and to the National Housing Commission (NHC)
which was created seven years later, on 17 September 1945. These two
agencies, the PHC and the NHC, were eventually merged on 4 October 1947
into the People's Homesite and Housing Corporation (PHHC).

In the years that followed, six(6) more housing agencies were created to
respond to separate and distinct shelter requirements, namely: the Presidential
Assistant on Housing and Resettlement Agency (PAHRA); the Tondo Foreshore
Development Authority (TFDA); the Central Institute for the Training and
Relocation of Urban Squatters (CITRUS); the Presidential Committee for
Housing and Urban Resettlement (PRECHUR); the Sapang Palay Development
Committee (SPDC); the Inter-Agency task Force to Undertake the Relocation of
Families in Barrio Nabacaan, Villanueva, Misamis Oriental. Eventually, on 15
October 1975, the National Housing Authority was organized as a government-
owned and-controlled corporation, by virtue of Presidential Decree No. 757 dated
31 July 1975. All other housing agencies were abolished by the said decree. The
NHA took over and integrated the functions of the abolished agencies - the
PHHC and the six (6) other housing agencies. The creation of the NHA is the
second attempt of the government to integrate all housing efforts under a single
agency, twenty-eight years after the merger under the PHHC.

Three years later, the Ministry of Human Settlements (MHS) was created in
1978. The Ministry adopted the holistic approach to housing. The NHA was
placed as an attached agency to the MHS.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

On 26 March 1986, Executive Order No. 10 was issued placing the NHA as well
as the other agencies attached to the abolished MHS, under the administrative
supervision of the office of the President. Subsequently, Executive Order No. 90
was issued on 17 December 1986, rationalizing the housing structure in the
government along lines of specialization and concentration.

EO 90 identified the key housing agencies to implement the National Shelter

Program and defined their respective mandates. The NHA was mandated to be
the sole government agency to engage in housing production. Under the said
Executive Order, NHA was placed under the policy and program supervision of
the Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council (HUDCC), the
umbrella agency for shelter charged with the main function of coordinating the
activities of various government housing agencies engaged in production,
finance and regulation.

Executive Order No. 20 on 28 May 2001 reaffirmed mass housing as a

centrepiece program in the poverty alleviation efforts of government. Said EO
likewise reaffirmed HUDCC's administrative supervision over the housing
agencies including the NHA.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City


“To provide decent, adequate and affordable housing to low-income families

and ensure the provision of community facilities and utilities, social services and
economic opportunities.”


“Building Homes, Building Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Communities.”

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City


History of AMA University

As stated in Google, AMA Institute of Computer Studies; AMA University and

its sister school AMA Computer College (AMACC) were founded by Dr. Amable
R. Aguiluz V, who named them after the initials of his father's name, Amable
Mendoza Aguiluz, Sr. Dr. Aguiluz saw the demand for fully trained computer
professionals in the country. However, no institution in the country offered
computer education to professionals.

Aguiluz founded the AMA Institute of Computer Studies with the first computer
school located along Shaw Boulevard on 20 October 1980. At that time, AMA
Institute of Computer Studies offered only short-term courses in Electronic Data
Processing Fundamentals, Basic Programming, and Technology Career. Three
students enrolled at the AMA Institute of Computer Studies during the first

AMA University Online Education; AMA University, the Asia's first and largest
network of Schools and Universities has finally launched the very first and only
full online platform offering full degree programs in the Philippines. As a dominant
provider of holistic, relevant, and quality IT-based education, AMA University
Online Education aims to educate every Filipino and anyone in the world who
needs access to education in any region, in different timezone hence producing
professionals and leaders that will be responsive to the developments of
technology and the international community.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

With two of the flagship which AMA University is known for and has pioneered
also in the Philippines, Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Bachelor of
Science in Information Technology, these CHEd and Level 3 PACUCOA

Accredited Programs are now accessible without the hassle of flying to the
Philippines or going to school. The advancement of technology opened AMA an
opportunity to provide access and finish a degree through smartphone, tablet,
laptop, or desktop making it very convenient for every student to learn and
master lectures at their own pace, through their own ways.

Every trimester in AMA University Online lasts for 14 weeks (eq. to approx. 3
months) but with no definite start date. Which means once enrolled, the student
may start right away and finish the degree within a 14-week duration. The
student will no longer be late as they could access the lessons and even take
assessments on their most convenient time, at their most convenient place.

With the overwhelming response of the Philippines market especially by the

Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), AMA University Online Education has
partnered with the world's leading content and training providers such as (a Linkedin Company), McGraw Hill Education, Microsoft Virtual
Academy, among others.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Mission and Vision of AMA University

AMA University shall provide a holistic, relevant, quality and globally
recognized IT-based education in all levels and disciplines with the objective of
producing professionals and leaders responsive to the needs of Science and the
international community cognizant of the welfare and benefits of its men and
women thereby realizing their potential as productive members of the society for
the honor and glory of God Almighty.


AMA will be the leader and dominant provider of relevant globally recognized
information technology-based education and related services in the global

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City


Week 1, Day 1 February 26, 2018

Every Monday the agency-practice a flag ceremony and task all immersion
trainees and office workers. After, everyone back to their assigned office and
continue the daily office work. Ms’ Novita Baraobidan guide us into conference
room, where orient us tl what National Housing Authority (NHA) is, what is all
about etc.

After lunch break we meet the department head of NHA - Resettlement

Development Service Department (RDSD) Head Ms’ Elsie Trinidad. She also
give us a brief knowledge about NHA. After that we join at the House listing
Meeting. There we observe, listen and learn to what social service is.

Week 1, Day 2 February 27, 2018

We begin our second day by compiling and organize the socio economic
profile and master list of census in their steel cabinet of NHA complete and
ongoing project in every year.

And in the middle of Tuesday lunch break hour the RDSD NHA department
come up with a short afternoon prayer. After of lunch break we continue our
compiling of NHA project records. And have a little coffee break at 3'o clock
afternoon and continue till office out.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Week 1, Day 3 February 28, 2018

As the office hour start the National Housing Authority (NHA) Resettlement
Development Service Department (RDSD), getting ready to the upcoming after
lunch meeting of Local Inter-Agency Committee (LIAC).

After lunch us Intern task to join at the meeting to listen while observing. And
with all of the personnel who’s necessarily attending the meeting from our
department Resettlement Development Service Department (RDSD) goes into
the meeting venue.

At the meeting we learn that Local Inter-Agency Committee (LIAC) is a group

up of Local Government Unit (LGU) and some Government Agencies. Namely
National Housing Authority (NHA), Manila North Tollways Corporation also
known as NLEX, Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH),
Presidential Commission for The Urban Poor (PCUP), Philippine National
Railways (PNR). The meeting last up to the end of the office hour. Also it talks
about the North Luzon Expressway (NLEx) and South Luzon Expressway (SLEx)
Connecting Project. They discussed to how the project will be a possible solution
to the alarming traffic issue in the metro manila and for the country.

Week 1, Day 4 March 1, 2018

Our task today is to attend to NLEX and SLEX Connector Project: Tagging
and Census Orientation. And it start as all of the people inside the venue are
introducing themselves to everyone. But we interns call in the front as a group
and introduce by the host.

In the orientation discusses how important and how to do the Tagging and
Census is, what is role of the data gathering and know the numbers of families
whose might affect in the project in the area.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Also, the infrastructure plan discusses by DPWH's Engineers. And talk how
the project benefit the country's economy and transportation problem. At 12'o
clock of afternoon the orientation production produce a little lunch feast for the
participants of orientation.

As lunch break ends, the orientation continue, and discussed how to dividing
people to form a six team whose go to the project area to conduct tagging and
census. At 3'o clock of afternoon their short "meryenda" break while still continue Commented [c1]:

the discussion.

Week 1, Day 5 March 2, 2018

National Housing Authority (NHA) (full name RDSD) (RDSD) department

meeting about Status Report on the Profiling of Applicants Request government
housing assistance as of November. As I observe they talk about how many they
can entertain in the approximately 55,000 applicants. They brainstorming of
ideas and strategies to how properly manage the situation. As the meeting goes
by it decided to final the decision in the next meeting. And after another topic
open this time it’s about planning assessment to the upcoming march 20 but as
we interns got a permission to get our lunch break early.

We got the invitation to be at Ms’ Elsie Trinidad Interview with the Far Eastern
University (FEU) students to talk about the issue of National Housing Authority
(NHA) about to "Kadamay" Organized Militant group. Where "Kadamay"
unauthorized invasion to 7 housing projects of NHA.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Week 2, Day 6 March 5 2018

As always every Monday Flag ceremony practice occur at 8'o clock at the
morning. And all of office worker must attend. Around 10'o clock we got
permission to take coffee break at the cafeteria.

And another meeting occurs. Most of the employee are in the meeting. About
the strategic plan for their worship. They need to identify the weakness and
strengths of their plan. So we interns take a little early lunch break than to other

As the lunch break over the employees continue the meeting to talk about the
structure of their plan, the strategy their must uses, the system they must applied
and etc. Every category was discussed earnestly to reduce the prone of their

Week 2, Day 7 March 7, 2018

Many of the employee of National Housing Authority (NHA) - Resettlement

Development Service Department (RDSD) began pack their things to be ready
for tagging and census around Manila. And the rest are continue their usual
office work.

The manager of National Housing Authority (NHA)'s - Resettlement

Development Service Department (RDSD) Ms’ Elsie Trinidad got an interview
from University of Philippines (UP) student Ms’ Pamella Adriano a Philippine
Studies major. They talk about the issue of N.H.A. about “Kadamay”, the
Organized Militant Group who unauthorized enter the 7 housing projects of NHA
in Bulacan. The interview takes its time until the end of office hour.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Week 2, Day 8 March 13, 2018

We assign to record the gathered data census of project in area of Southville,

Tanay. Where organize and check the data if it's correct and note if there will be
difference from the existing record. From the other personnel.

After lunch, we continue our task. And while at the middle of work, one of our
supervisor, invite us to come and join to practice their administrating morning
exercise on next March 18, 2018 (Monday)

Week 2, Day 9 March 14, 2018

As every census team assemble, we intern entrusted to Team 6 whose assign

to the Barangay 579, Sampaloc Manila. Our team consist of mapper, tagger,
house “lister” and interviewer. As we hit the road, the team leader made a little
instruction of do's and don’ts in the project area. Also have little fun chit-chat
about random stuff.

As we go to the place Barangay 579 and follow the Pre-Census. Coordinate

to the barangay officials or municipalities to be inform, guide to the area. In a
minute, the team began to tag the door of qualified awardee, and interview the
personnel on it.

In total 24 Structure are being tagged and most of it are waiting for interview.
After lunch, our team move and continue the work to the Barangay 570 Sta.
Mesa Manila. And do the pre-census again. By the help again of Barangay 570
captain, our team proceed to the actual census.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Week 2, Day 10 March 15, 2018

For out last day our task is give an insight to what our experience yesterday in
the project area of Sampaloc Manila. Also what we think and what we learn
about the National Housing Authority (NHA) after of 80 hours of internship.

Around afternoon we help to finish the editors to log everything data that
gathered from census forms. And were attend in Membership committee short
meeting. And help to present the statistics of housing applicants.

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City


Actual Area Observation

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Daily Office Work

Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City

Orientation and Meeting


Blk 61 Lot 28-31 Regalado Ave.,
Fairview Quezon City



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