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Sleep Problems Predict and Are Predicted by

Generalized Anxiety/Depression and
Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Lilly Shanahan, PhD, William E. Copeland, PhD, Adrian Angold, MRCPsych,
Carmen L. Bondy, BA, E. Jane Costello, PhD

Objective: We tested whether sleep problems co-occur with, precede, and/or follow common
psychiatric disorders during childhood and adolescence. We also clarified the role of comor-
bidity and tested for specificity of associations among sleep problems and psychiatric dis-
orders. Method: Data came from the Great Smoky Mountains Study, a representative
population sample of 1,420 children, assessed 4 to 7 times per person between ages 9 and 16
years for major Diagnostic and Statistical Manual-Fourth Edition (DSM-IV) disorders and sleep
problems. Sleep-related symptoms were removed from diagnostic criteria when applica-
ble. Results: Sleep problems during childhood and adolescence were common, with restless
sleep and difficulty falling asleep being the most common symptoms. Cross-sectional analyses
showed that sleep problems co-occurred with many psychiatric disorders. Longitudinal ana-
lyses revealed that sleep problems predicted increases in the prevalence of later generalized
anxiety disorder (GAD) and high GAD/depression symptoms, and oppositional defiant dis-
order (ODD). In turn, GAD and/or depression and ODD predicted increases in sleep problems
over time. Conclusions: Sleep problems both predict and are predicted by a diagnostic
cluster that includes ODD, GAD, and depression. Screening children for sleep problems could
offer promising opportunities for reducing the burden of mental illness during the early life
course. J. Am. Acad. Child Adolesc. Psychiatry, 2014;53(5):550–558. Key Words: sleep
problems, GAD, depression, ODD, adolescence

he relationship between psychiatric disorders (SAD) all list sleep problems among their core
and sleep problems is complex. The DSM-IV symptoms; panic disorder includes sleep prob-
describes 4 groups of sleep-related disorders: lems as concomitants but not core criteria.
primary sleep disorders “presumed to arise from Consequently, research on sleep problems and
endogenous abnormalities in sleep-wake gener- psychopathology in the early life course has pri-
ating or timing mechanisms” (p. 551); sleep marily focused on internalizing disorders, with a
disturbance that results from a diagnosable mental special emphasis on depression.3 Sleep problems
disorder; sleep disorder due to a general medical are not currently part of the diagnostic criteria of
condition; and substance-induced sleep disorder.1 externalizing disorders but have been linked to
Here, we use a prospective, longitudinal sample aggression, attention problems, and substance use
of children and adolescents from the community to in youth (reviewed by Gregory and Sadeh4). Little
test the validity of the DSM assumption that the is currently known about associations among
causal arrow runs from psychiatric disorders to sleep problems and oppositional defiant disorder
sleep problems.2 We also test 2 additional possi- (ODD), although this disorder is at the intersection
bilities: that sleep problems have only concurrent of internalizing and externalizing disorders and
but no longitudinal associations with mental dis- also tends to precede depression and GAD.5,6
orders; and that sleep disturbances predict later For testing the assumption of directionality
psychiatric illness. from psychiatric disorders to sleep problems dur-
Depressive disorders, generalized anxiety dis- ing adolescence, prospective-longitudinal data are
order (GAD), and separation anxiety disorder needed. Findings of depression7,8 and anxiety8,9


550 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014

predicting later insomnia have been reported. scoring above a predetermined cutoff point (the top
However, generally, the evidence for the DSM’s 25% of the total score) on the externalizing scale of the
assumed direction of effect during the adolescent Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL),20 plus a 1-in-10
period is limited4— in part, because studies were random sample of the remaining 75% of the total
scores, were recruited for detailed interviews. All
unable to test this prediction,10 but also because
subjects were assigned a weight inversely proportional
they did not find significant predictions.3,11 More
to their probability of selection, and all results pre-
support has been reported for the reverse direction sented here are weighted for the sampling procedure;
of prediction. In observational community sam- thus results are representative of the population from
ples, childhood sleep problems predicted later which the sample was drawn, and not biased by the
depression/anxiety,3,7,8,10,12 and also externalizing oversampling procedure. Approximately 8% of the
problems and substance use.13-15 In clinical sam- area residents and the sample are African American,
ples, sleep abnormalities predicted later depres- less than 1% are Hispanic, and 3% are American In-
sion recurrence.16 dian. Of all subjects selected, 80% (N ¼ 1,420) agreed to
Thus, few studies have tested predictions from participate. Here, we analyzed all assessments from
psychiatric disorder to sleep problems during participants aged 9 to 16 years (n ¼ 7, n ¼ 6, and n ¼ 4
assessments for cohorts 1, 2, and 3, respectively).19
adolescence, and additional challenges limit the
Across annual assessments, participation rates ranged
conclusions that can be drawn. First, longitudinal
between 74% and 94%.
studies on sleep problems that include diagnostic
measures of both different internalizing and
externalizing disorders are rare. Indeed, comor-
A parent (biological mother for 83% of interviews) and
bidity among disorders is often not controlled, thus the subject were interviewed by trained interviewers
limiting possible conclusions about specificity of separately. Before the interviews began, parent and
associations. Linkages between sleep problems and child signed informed consent forms approved by the
a disorder (e.g., depression) could partially or fully Duke University Medical Center Institutional Review
be accounted for by their joint association with Board. Each parent and child received an honorarium
another comorbid disorder (e.g., ODD). Second, for his or her participation.
associations between sleep problems and select
disorders (e.g., depression, GAD) could be an Measures
artifact of dual measurement of the same sleep Psychiatric and substance use disorders were assessed
problem in both predictor and outcome. Therefore, using the Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assess-
sleep symptoms must be excluded from the diag- ment.21-23 This structured interview enables interviewers
nostic criteria for the disorder.17 Third, studies to determine whether symptoms, defined in an extensive
identifying predictions from childhood/adoles- glossary, are clinically significant, and to code their fre-
quency, duration, severity, and onset. Scoring algorithms
cence to sleep problems decades later have docu-
generate either symptom scales or diagnoses made using
mented the long-term importance of sleep for the DSM-IV.1 The time frame of the Child and Adoles-
mental health, but more work is needed to under- cent Psychiatric Assessment for assessing psychiatric
stand whether sleep problems already manifest disorders and also sleep problems is the 3 months pre-
themselves in a range of psychiatric disorders and ceding each interview. Symptoms were coded as present
vice versa over shorter time frames during the early if parent, child, or both reported it, as is standard practice
life course. The present study uses parent- and for clinical symptoms. Major depressive disorder (MDD),
child-reports of 11 DSM-IV sleep problems and dysthymia, minor depression, GAD, and SAD have sleep
common psychiatric disorders of childhood and problems listed among the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria.
adolescence to address these challenges. Thus, new algorithms were written to exclude these sleep
problems from these disorders (depressive disorders:
insomnia or hypersomnia, fatigue; GAD: easy fatiga-
METHOD bility, trouble falling or staying asleep; SAD: difficulty
Participants falling asleep, nightmares). Disorders with a prevalence
The Great Smoky Mountains Study is a longitudinal of less than 1% (i.e., post-traumatic stress disorder, panic
study of the development of psychiatric disorders in disorder, agoraphobia, specific phobia, bipolar disorder)
rural and urban youth.18,19 A representative sample of were not analyzed separately but are included in the
3 cohorts of children, aged 9, 11, and 13 at intake, was “any diagnosis” category.
recruited from 11 counties in western North Carolina.
Potential participants were selected from the popula- Depression and GAD
tion of some 12,000 children using a household equal Some have recommended combining depression
probability, accelerated cohort design. All children and generalized anxiety into 1 “distress disorders”


VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014 551

category.24,25 Genetic commonalities between these 2 Sleep Symptoms

disorders have also been identified.26 Studies of sleep The Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assessment asks
and internalizing disorders are inconsistent in their use about 11 sleep problems identified in the DSM-IV as
of anxiety/depression variables. Some combine symp- associated with psychiatric disorders. Table 1 shows
toms of both depression and anxiety disorders into a the sleep problems covered, including sample ques-
single category3,27,28; others use 2 separate categories for tions (see also
depression and anxiety disorders,10 but do not neces- html). Parent and child both reported on 9 sleep
sarily distinguish among the different anxiety disorders. problems covering insomnia, hypersomnia, night-
Consequently, the separate versus joint associations mares, restless sleep, tiredness, exhaustion, and failure
between sleep and depression and generalized anxiety to feel refreshed after adequate time asleep. Parents
need to be clarified. Therefore, we created several vari- reported on only 2 additional symptoms: whether the
ables reflecting both “pure” GAD or depression and child walked in his/her sleep or had night terrors. We
also comorbidity between the 2 syndromes. “Any used factor analytic techniques to explore the structure
GAD” and “any depressive disorder” refer to a diag- of sleep problems. These analyses revealed that a single
nosis regardless of comorbidity status. “GAD without sleep problems factor best represented all sleep problems
depression” and “depression without GAD” refer to assessed. Although the parent-child correlation on the
“pure” disorders. “Depression and/or GAD” is a com- overall number of sleep problems was not high (r ¼ 0.15,
bined category referring to all cases with either diag- p < .0001), the same sleep problems factor emerged
nosis. Finally, children can be highly symptomatic/ whether parent-only, child-only, or joint (either/or) re-
impaired on the distress dimension, but not meet cri- ports of sleep problems were used. Therefore, we summed
teria for either disorder individually.29 Therefore, a final the joint (either/or) reports of sleep problems to create the
variable combined the symptoms of both diagnoses sleep problems scale. However, in order to understand
into a single scale (excluding sleep-related symptoms). whether there were predictions from specific sleep prob-
Youth with 3 or more symptoms (4.5% of observations) lems to specific disorders, we also conducted exploratory
were treated as high in depression/GAD symptoms. follow-up analyses with individual sleep items.

TABLE 1 Sleep Problems, With Sample Questions, 3-Month Prevalence Rates

No. of Weighted
Sleep Problems Sample Questions Observations Prevalence, % 95% CI
Difficulty falling asleep “Is it hard to fall asleep when you want to? 468 7.0 6.4, 9.3
How long does it take?”
Waking in the middle of the “Once you’re off to sleep, do you wake up 145 2.2 1.4, 2.9
night again in the night? Can you get back to
sleep again easily?”
Early morning awakening “Do you wake up early in the morning and 201 2.9 2.2, 3.6
can’t go back to sleep?”
Hypersomnia “Do you feel sleepy during the day? More 163 2.1 1.5, 2.6
than most people?”
Nightmares “Do you have bad dreams or nightmares? 396 5.6 4.5, 6.7
Do they wake you?”
Restless sleep “Do you sleep soundly/Do you toss and turn?” 714 10.8 9.2, 12.5
Inadequately rested by sleep “Are you fairly well rested when you get up?” 123 2.6 1.8, 3.4
Tiredness “Have you been feeling especially tired or 135 2.6 1.8, 3.4
weary? How much of the time have you felt
like that?”
Fatigability, exhaustion “Do you feel exhausted by things that would 118 2.0 1.3, 2.6
have been no problem before?”
Somnambulism (parent report) “Does s/he ever walk in his/her sleep?” 236 2.9 2.0, 3.7
Night terrors (parent report) “Does s/he ever seem to be having a terrible 156 1.8 1.2, 2.4
dream, but doesn’t wake up?”
No sleep problems in past 3 months 4,669 73.9 71.6, 76.2
1 Sleep problems 1,864 26.1 23.8, 28.4
2 Sleep problems 906 12.4 11.1, 14.5
Note: Number of observations: N ¼ 6,533 (participants aged ¼ 9 to 16 years). Missing sleep data: n ¼ 139.


552 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014

Covariates terrors, and somnambulism) were more common

Sex, race (American Indian, African American, other), in children (aged 9–12 years), whereas feeling
and age (9–16 years) were included in all models. Pu- inadequately rested even after sleep was more
bertal status may affect sleep patterns30; therefore, pu- common in adolescents (aged 13–16 years).
bertal stage assessed via Tanner stage self-reports was
also included in all models.31 The designation Tanner Concurrent Associations Among Sleep Problems
stage refers to the 5 developmental stages derived from
and Psychiatric Disorders
this measure, with I ¼ no pubertal development to V ¼
Table 2 shows the mean number of sleep symp-
fully developed. At each assessment, youth marked
drawings of pubertal indicators (e.g., pubic hair) ac- toms for youth with and without psychiatric dis-
cording to their current developmental stage. orders. The mean number of sleep problems in
youth with a current diagnosis was 3 times that of
youth with no diagnosis (means ratio ¼ 3.7, 95%
Analytic Strategy
CI ¼ 1.6, 8.3, p < .0001). In model 1 (which ad-
Models predicting the number of sleep problems used
Poisson regression. Models predicting dichotomous
justed for sex, age, Tanner stage, and race), all
diagnostic variables used logistic regression. These diagnoses except social phobia, attention-deficit/
weighted regression models were implemented in a hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and abuse/
generalized estimating equations framework using SAS dependence of individual substances (alcohol, to-
PROC GENMOD, specifying the covariance matrix as bacco, cannabis) were associated with significantly
exchangeable. In both the cross-sectional and longitu- higher levels of concurrent sleep problems. Once
dinal analyses, 2 models were tested: model 1 comorbidity was taken into account (model 2),
controlled for age, sex, race, and Tanner stage (and the conduct disorder (CD) and the overall substance
outcome at the previous assessment in longitudinal use disorders variable were no longer significantly
models). Model 2 also controlled for comorbidity. associated with sleep problems. Depression, GAD,
In the longitudinal analyses, psychopathology (and
separation anxiety, and ODD continued to show
sleep) variables at the current assessment were pre-
dicted with sleep (and psychopathology) variables at
strong concurrent associations with sleep problems.
the previous assessment. For example, current depres- In logistic regression analyses linking individual
sion was predicted with sleep problems and depression sleep symptoms to individual diagnoses (results not
at the previous assessment. In these lagged assessment- shown; details available from first author), diffi-
to-assessment analyses, subjects with more than 2 as- culty falling asleep was associated with all variants
sessments contributed multiple observations. For of GAD/depression, social phobia, and ODD.
example, if a subject had 4 assessments, then they Exhaustion was also associated with GAD/depres-
contributed 3 observations to the lagged longitudinal sion and ODD. Hypersomnia was associated with
analyses (assessment 1 predicting assessment 2, asses- GAD but not depression, and tiredness during the
sment 2 predicting assessment 3, and assessment 3 day was associated with depression but not with
predicting assessment 4). In all analyses, the general-
GAD. Restless sleep was more common in youth
ized estimating framework allowed us to capitalize on
multiple observations from each subject while also ac-
with social phobia, ODD, and ADHD, and night-
counting for both the sampling design and within- mares were more common in youth with separation
person correlations among observations.19 anxiety or ADHD. Taken together, GAD and ODD
were associated with the most individual sleep
symptoms (3 symptoms each), but distinct patterns
RESULTS of specificity between sleep symptoms and psychi-
Prevalence of Sleep Problems atric disorders did not emerge.
Sleep problems were fairly common (Table 1). In
all, 26.1% of observations had 1 or more sleep Longitudinal Predictions From and to Sleep
problems in the past 3 months, 12.4% had 2 or Problems
more sleep problems. The most common problems Sleep Problems Predicting Psychiatric Disorders. The
were restless sleep and difficulty falling asleep. left half of Table 3 shows results from models
There was only 1 individual symptom for which predicting current psychiatric disorder from sleep
there was a sex difference: girls were more than problems at the previous assessment, controlling
3 times more likely than boys to report feeling for past history of psychiatric disorder. In other
“tired or weary at least half the time” (girls, 4.1%; words, these models assessed whether sleep
95% CI ¼ 2.7%, 5.5%; boys, 1.2%; 95% CI ¼ 0.4%, problems predicted increases in the likelihood of
2.0%; p < .0001). Analysis by age showed that meeting criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis over
select sleep problems (insomnia, nightmares, night time. Model 1 controlled for previous psychiatric


VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014 553

disorder, sex, race, age, and Tanner stage. Model 2 time. Follow-up analyses by individual sleep prob-
added other diagnoses to control for comorbidity. lems showed that both difficulty falling asleep and
Sleep problems predicted increases in anxiety (any nightmares were predicted by GAD/depression, as
GAD, high GAD/depression symptoms), and also was early morning awakening.
ODD. When comorbidity had been taken into
account, sleep problems no longer predicted in-
creases in the likelihood of CD, ADHD, or sub- DISCUSSION
stance use disorders. Sleep problems have been identified as correlates
Follow-up analyses by individual sleep prob- of common psychiatric disorders of childhood
lems showed that difficulty falling asleep, early and adolescence.4 DSM-IV criteria specify that
morning awakening, and exhaustion significantly sleep disturbance can be the result of a mental
predicted increases in GAD/depression. Diffi- disorder, but longitudinal research during the
culty falling asleep and waking in the middle early life course currently provides more evi-
of the night significantly predicted increases dence for predictions from sleep problems to
in ODD. psychiatric disorders.4 The current study tested
Psychiatric Disorders Predicting Sleep Problems. The predictions from sleep problems to psychiatric
right half of Table 3 shows results from longitudinal disorder and vice versa during adolescence while
analyses predicting from past psychiatric disorders addressing several methodological challenges.
to current sleep problems, controlling for past his- Specifically, the study did the following: con-
tory of sleep problems, without (model 1) and with ducted full psychiatric interviews with both par-
(model 2) controls for comorbidity. Results for ents and adolescents to generate diagnostic data
model 2 revealed that a diagnosis of GAD and/or on a range of psychiatric disorders and sleep
depression, high GAD/depression symptoms, and problems; used repeated measures to assess the
ODD predicted increases in sleep problems over direction of effect; dealt with comorbidity in

TABLE 2 Mean Number of Sleep Problems in Youth With Psychiatric Disorders: Cross-sectional Analyses
Model 1a Model 2b
No. of Mean No. of Sleep
Observations Problems (SD) Means Ratio CI Means Ratio CI
No current diagnosis 5,682 0.4 (0.9) NA NA NA NA
Any current diagnosisc 990 1.1 (1.3) 3.7 1.6, 8.3 NA NA
Any depressive disorderc 126 2.3 (1.9) 4.1 2.8, 5.9 3.0 1.8, 4.9
Any anxiety disorderc 196 2.1 (1.6) 3.7 2.8, 4.9 2.8 1.8, 4.2
Any GADc 74 2.4 (1.7) 4.0 3.0, 5.3 2.1 1.3, 3.6
GAD w/o depressionc 35 2.2 (1.3) 3.2 2.0, 5.2 2.0 1.0, 4.0
Depression w/o GADc 101 2.3 (1.8) 3.4 2.1, 5.7 3.2 2.0, 5.2
Depression or GAD diagnosisc 136 2.3 (1.6) 3.5 2.9, 5.3 2.9 1.9, 4.6
3 symptoms (depression, GAD) 402 1.7 (1.3) 4.9 3.3, 7.2 3.9 2.2, 7.0
SADc 91 2.0 (1.5) 3.5 2.2, 5.6 2.7 1.8, 4.1
Social phobia 35 2.9 (1.7) 1.7 0.6, 2.8 —d —d
CD 285 0.9 (1.1) 1.7 1.2, 2.4 1.2 0.8, 1.9
ODD 466 1.2 (1.2) 1.9 1.4, 2.6 1.5 1.1, 2.0
ADHD 113 1.1 (1.0) 1.4 0.9, 2.1 — —
Any substance abuse or dependence 255 0.7 (1.0) 1.5 1.1, 2.1 1.2 0.8, 1.8
Nicotine dependence 167 0.8 (1.0) 1.5 1.0, 2.3 — —
Alcohol abuse/dependence 64 0.7 (0.8) 1.7 1.0, 3.0 — —
Cannabis abuse/dependence 98 0.7 (0.9) 1.7 1.0, 2.9 — —
Note: ADHD ¼ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CD ¼ conduct disorder; GAD ¼ generalized anxiety disorder; NA ¼ not applicable; ODD ¼
oppositional defiant disorder; SAD ¼ separation anxiety disorder. Results for specific phobia, agoraphobia, and panic disorder individually are not
shown because of their low prevalence, but preliminary analyses suggested that no associations of sleep problems with these disorders would have
been identified in model 2. Boldface data indicate that the means ratio is significant at p < .05
Model 1: Means ratios adjusted for sex, age, race, Tanner stage.
Model 2: Means ratios adjusted for sex, age, race, Tanner stage, and other psychiatric diagnoses.
Diagnoses or symptoms scales exclude DSM-IV sleep-related symptoms.
Model 2 was not run because results from model 1 were not significant.


554 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014

TABLE 3 Results from Longitudinal Logistic and Poisson Regression Analyses

Sleep Problems / Psychiatric Disorder Psychiatric Disorder / Sleep Problems
a b
Model 1 Model 2 Model 1a Model 2b

Odds Odds Means Means

Psychiatric Disorder Ratio CI Ratio CI Ratio CI Ratio CI
Any diagnosis 2.0 1.3, 3.1 NA NA 1.3 0.6, 2.7 NA NA
Depressive disorderc 2.6 0.9, 7.1 —d —d 1.9 0.4, 8.6 — —
Anxiety disorderc 3.3 1.5, 7.3 3.5 1.3, 9.6 2.0 0.7, 5.9 — —
Any GADc 11.7 2.1, 64.4 6.4 1.6, 25.9 16.3 2.9, 93.2 3.6 0.6, 22.8
GAD w/o depressionc 1.3 0.3, 5.8 — — 12.7 2.9, 56.7 4.0 0.8, 19.3
Depression w/o GADc 1.9 0.5, 7.3 — — 2.0 0.4, 3.0 — —
Depression or GAD 1.6 0.4, 6.2 — — 6.5 1.8, 24.0 4.0 1.6, 10.0
3 symptoms (depression, 2.9 1.4, 5.7 2.2 1.1, 4.3 4.0 1.5, 10.6 3.6 2.2, 5.8
SADc 1.4 0.5, 4.3 — — 1.0 0.4, 2.5 — —
CD 2.0 1.0, 4.1 1.4 0.6, 3.2 1.3 0.6, 2.7 — —
ODD 2.5 1.4, 4.3 2.2 1.2, 4.1 1.6 1.0, 2.7 1.9 1.1, 3.2
ADHD 3.3 1.3, 8.7 1.1 0.4, 2.7 1.7 0.4, 6.7 — —
Any substance abuse or 2.1 1.0, 4.2 1.6 0.7, 3.5 0.7 0.2, 1.9 — —
Nicotine dependence 1.9 0.8, 4.6 — — 0.4 0.1, 1.4 — —
Alcohol abuse/dependence 4.8 1.6, 14.5 1.4 0.2, 11.0 1.2 0.4, 3.8 — —
Cannabis abuse/dependence 3.8 1.4, 10.3 2.5 0.7, 8.9 2.7 0.9, 8.3 — —
Note: Left Side: Results from longitudinal logistic regression analyses predicting increases in the likelihood of meeting DSM-IV diagnostic criteria with sleep
problems. Right Side: Results from longitudinal Poisson regression analyses predicting increases in sleep problems with psychiatric diagnoses. Social
phobia was not included in longitudinal analyses because of its low prevalence and non-significant associations with sleep problems in the cross-
sectional model 1. ADHD ¼ attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CD ¼ conduct disorder; GAD ¼ generalized anxiety disorder; NA ¼ not
applicable; ODD ¼ oppositional defiant disorder; SAD ¼ separation anxiety disorder; SE ¼ standard error. Boldface data indicate odds/means ratios
were significant at p < .05.
Model 1: Means/odds ratios adjusted for sex, age, race, and Tanner stage, controlling for past history of the outcome variable.
Model 2: Means/odds ratio adjusted for sex, age, race, and Tanner stage, controlling for past history of the outcome variable and also comorbidity.
Excluding sleep symptoms.
Model 2 was not run because results from model 1 were not significant.

testing which psychiatric disorders were most anxiety variables. Predictions from sleep prob-
consistently associated with sleep problems; and lems to anxiety (including generalized anxiety)
removed sleep symptoms from DSM-IV diagnoses. had been identified in 1 previous long-term lon-
Findings suggested that sleep problems are not gitudinal study,10 and linkages between sleep
only predicted by, but also co-occur with and disturbance and GAD have also been highlighted
predict later psychiatric disorders. Once comor- in work with clinical samples of adolescents.32,33
bidity was accounted for, most bidirectional lon- Overall, these findings lend support to the no-
gitudinal associations among sleep problems and tion that good sleep requires (and perhaps pro-
psychiatric disorders concentrated around a cluster motes) feelings of security and safety2—which
of disorders involving GAD, depression, and ODD. may not be sufficiently present in children with
Sleep problems were within the prevalence GAD. Furthermore, these findings also support
range reported by other studies of children.28 the notion that GAD and depression may be
Difficulty falling asleep and restless sleep were biologically similar.26,34,35 Analyses of individual
the most common problems. Sleep problems had sleep symptoms suggested that difficulty falling
been identified as correlates of depression and asleep may be mostly responsible for longitu-
anxiety in previous research.22 In our study, ge- dinal links with GAD/depression in both direc-
neralized anxiety appeared to be the “necessary tions. Successful treatments for sleep problems,
ingredient” for longitudinal associations between including difficulty falling asleep, have been
the internalizing distress disorders25 and sleep dis- identified36-38; our findings suggest that the
turbance. Indeed, all predictions to or from de- application of such methods in older children
pression involved the joint depression/generalized could help reduce the risk for GAD/depression.


VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014 555

This study also identified bidirectional longi- The sleep problems assessed here were consistent
tudinal associations between ODD and sleep with DSM-IV specifications, but it is possible that
problems, even when adjusting for comorbidity some sleep problems (e.g., tiredness, exhaustion)
with GAD/depression and other externalizing could have been consequences of other sleep
disorders. The literature makes it difficult to problems (e.g., difficulty falling asleep). Future
disentangle ODD from ADHD39 or other disor- work should examine changes in sleep patterns
ders.40 However, it is possible that some associa- over development; genetics of sleep, depression/
tions between externalizing disorders and sleep GAD, and ODD and circadian rhythms and psy-
disturbance identified in previous research are, in chopathology. Moreover, although it is outside of
fact, due to comorbidity with ODD. Past research the scope of the present paper, more work is
has reported that GAD/depression and ODD are needed to test whether and how psychosocial
often comorbid with one another,5 share patterns risk configurations (e.g., poverty, family chaos)
of comorbidity with other disorders,41 and that underlie the sleep–psychiatric disorder associations
ODD is, in fact, a developmental precursor of identified here.49 Finally, although only 1 sleep
depression and GAD.6,42 Our study adds to the problems factor emerged in our study, future work
growing body of work identifying joint correlates should keep in mind the possibility of different
for this cluster of disorders. One core feature of underlying sleep problems and their specific asso-
these 3 disorders is significant irritability, which ciations with psychiatric problems.
may be driven by the child’s difficulty in success- Despite these limitations, our analyses suggest
fully regulating negative emotions,43 and previous that the DSM-IV assumption that the causal arrow
work had reported that children with tempera- runs from psychiatric disorder to sleep problems is
mental tendencies toward being “intense,” “tou- not the whole story. In many cases, sleep problems
chy,” and “easily upset” were more likely to have are a risk marker for psychiatric distress 1 year
sleep problems.44 More work is needed to clarify later, especially for GAD, depression, and ODD.
whether it is indeed irritability that accounts for Sleep problems are not subject to the same stigma
joint associations of this cluster of psychiatric dis- to which psychiatric illnesses are subject. Indeed,
orders with sleep problems, what role shared sleep problems are asked about in primary care
biological and psychosocial underpinnings play examinations, and also in contexts in which chil-
in these associations, and also how depression/ dren spend most of their time, including home and
generalized anxiety versus ODD uniquely con- school. Screening children and adolescents for
tribute to sleep problems and vice versa. sleep problems could offer promising opportu-
Limitations of this study include a geographi- nities for identifying risk for mental illness, refer-
cally circumscribed sampling frame (western ring children to appropriate services, and reducing
North Carolina), no children less than 9 years of the burden of mental illness during the early life
age, a limited number of racial/ethnic groups, and course. &
only 2 informants. We also had no objective,
laboratory-based sleep measures, although find- Accepted February 18, 2014.
ings from such studies have also supported both Dr. Shanahan and Ms. Bondy are with the University of North Car-
directions of effect identified here.2,4 We also had olina, Chapel Hill. Drs. Copeland, Angold, and Costello are with
Duke University.
limited numbers in some diagnostic groups that are
The work presented here was supported by the National Institute on
likely linked with sleep problems, including bipo- Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute of Mental Health
lar disorder,45 and no data on select sleep problems (NIMH) (DA/MH011301, MH63970, MH48085, MH080230,
(e.g., obstructive sleep apnea) that could play a role MH094605, DA023026), National Alliance for Research on
Schizophrenia and Depression (NARSAD), and the William T. Grant
in some of the associations observed (e.g., ODD Foundation.
sleep problems).46 Alaattin Erkanli, PhD, of Duke University Medical School, serves as the
Furthermore, we did not collect information statistical advisor for the Great Smoky Mountains Study.
about the number of hours slept; thus, we cannot Disclosure: Dr. Shanahan has received research support from NIMH
and NIDA. Dr. Copeland has received research support from NIMH,
contribute directly to the literature on the impor- NIDA, the National Institute on Alcohol and Alcohol Abuse, and
tance of adequate sleep duration.47,48 We therefore NARSAD. Dr. Angold has received research support from NIMH and
draw no conclusions about the role of inadequate NIDA. Dr. Angold co-authored the following assessment tool: Pre-
school Age Psychiatric Assessment (PAPA). No personal income is
sleep duration in psychiatric disorders, while re- derived from this measure. Dr. Costello has received research support
cognizing that sleep duration may have been in- from NIMH and NIDA. Drs. Costello and Angold are co-recipients of
the 2009 NARSAD Ruane Prize for Outstanding Child and Adoles-
directly assessed with symptoms such as difficulty cent Psychiatric Research. Drs. Angold and Costello co-authored the
falling asleep or waking in the middle of the night.


556 VOLUME 53 NUMBER 5 MAY 2014

following assessment tools: Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Assess- Correspondence to Lilly Shanahan, University of North Carolina at
ment (CAPA), Young Adult Psychiatric Assessment (YAPA), Child and Chapel Hill, Department of Psychology CB #3270, Davie Hall,
Adolescent Impact Assessment (CAIA), Child and Adolescent Services Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3270; e-mail:
Assessment (CASA), and Mood and Feelings Questionnaire (MFQ).
0890-8567/$36.00/ª2014 American Academy of Child and
No personal income is derived from any of these measures. Ms. Adolescent Psychiatry
Bondy reports no biomedical financial interests or potential conflicts
of interest.

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