PLTW 1 Syallabus

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Ashley Park Academy

Project Lead the Way – Gateway Computer Science

PLTW – App Creators (7th Grade)

App Creators introduces students to the field of computer science and the concepts of computational 
thinking, through the creation of mobile apps. Students are challenged to be creative and innovative, as 
they collaboratively design and develop mobile solutions to engaging, authentic problems. Students 
experience the positive impact of the application of computer science to society as well as to other 
disciplines, particularly biomedical science.

PLTW – Computer Science of Innovators and Makers (8​th​ Grade)

Computer Science for Innovators and Makers (IM) teaches students that programming goes beyond the 
virtual world into the physical world. Students are challenged to creatively use sensors and actuators to 
develop systems that interact with their environment. While designing algorithms and using computational 
thinking practices, students will code and upload programs to microcontrollers that perform a variety of 
authentic tasks.

Course Expectations:
Students in PLTW - Gateway are expected to successfully complete training modules and activities and projects
in computer programing.

Grading Plan:
Grades are based on the point system.
● Weekly work up to ​20 points weekly​- These points are given based on progress of work ​and ​behavior.
● Weekly Quizzes up to ​20 points each -​ They are simple checks for understanding of vocabulary and
basic concepts.
● Activities up to ​15 points each​- These are points given for correctly completing activity​ by deadlines
● Projects and papers up to ​50 points​- These points are earned via rubric scoring.
● Grading Scale:

A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 60-69
F 59 or Below

Class Requirements
● Portfolios: Each student is required to create and maintain a portfolio consisting of the following items:
1) daily work assignments, 2) class notes, 3) activities and worksheets, and 4) journal entries. All student
work must be added to the portfolio unless otherwise noted by the teacher. Portfolios will be checked on
a regular basis.

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Ashley Park Academy

Course Expectations:

Student Work:​ Students will be expected to complete assignments during class time on a regular basis. All
students are expected to ​read​ class material, ​think​ critically and ​write​ effectively. Students are expected to use
complete sentences, proper grammar and correct spelling all written assignments.
Group Activities​:​ You will be working in groups. Your group will be given cooperative learning activities to
complete. You will be expected to be an active member of your group and participation points will be assessed
accordingly. You will always be graded as an individual; however your group may earn points together that
will lead to a reward.
Partner Activities:​ ​ We will use ​paired partners​ and group activities expectations will be followed.
Assigned Materials:​ In PLTW classes, ​students will be held responsible for maintaining equipment
assigned​. These materials include: Tablets, microprocessors, wires and other materials.
Extra Credit: ​Opportunities for extra credit will be offered from time to time. Extra credit is extra ​work above
and beyond​ the usual classwork.
Absences:​ If a student is absent, it is HIS/HER responsibility to get all late work from the teacher and
return it in a timely manner.
Class Rules:

● The student is expected to treat the teacher and other students with respect at all times. ​Offensive
language and hatefulness will not be tolerated.
● Students are ​expected​ to be in their seats and prepared for class 3 minutes after entering class. Being
prepared for class means having portfolio ready, pens/pencils out and ready
● Pay attention. Talking while the teacher is instructing or while other students are presenting will not be
permitted. Listen the first time directions are given.
● Students will stay in their assigned seats at all times unless otherwise directed by the teacher.
● There is to be no eating or drinking in this computer lab unless directed by the teacher.
● Students must follow ​ALL Ashley Park Academy Expectations​.

Class Materials:
● Composition Notebook
● Jump Drive (Flash drive) 8 gigs
● pencils/pens

Extra Credit will be given for the following items (limit 1 of each per student): Kleenex, pens or pencils. ​If you
bring any extra credit items make sure your name and class period are written on them.

Statement for Academic Dishonesty:

Academic honesty is expected in this class. Cheating will not be tolerated. Consequences may include: reduction in grade
on assignment or no grade on assignment. Academic dishonesty will be reported to a school counselor and a parent will be

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Ashley Park Academy



If completed and returned within 2 days an extra credit grade of 100 will be given.

● I have read and understand the expectations for Mrs. Yorn’s PLTW class.
● I understand that I am responsible for any electronic equipment assigned to me.

Student Name: ____________________________________________ Grade_______________

Student Signature: ________________________________ Date:__________________


● I have read and understand the expectations of this class.

● I understand that my child will be using other electronic equipment and that if mishandled we
will be responsible for replacement.

Parent/Guardian Name: ______________________________________________________(Print)

Parent/Guardian Signature: _____________________________ Date:__________________

Parent/Guardian’s Email Address: ______________________________________________________

Home Phone Number _____________________________ Cell Phone:__________________________

Which is the best point of contact: phone call _____ text message_________ email ____________.

Is there any information I need to know about your child?


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