Movie Review: T N Y C U

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Movie Review

K.F. Bailey, Publisher

Melanie Bailey, Assistant Editor
P O Box 207 August 1, 2018 FREE
Lakewood, WI 54138
Phone; 715-276-6087

Page 2 The Timber News Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 19 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

From the Editor-news and notes

Family needs come first in my book. With that in mind, the reason for the delay in getting this issue out, is that my bro-in-law, Jack
Bailey, was diagnosed with lung cancer earlier this summer. We, members of the Bailey family, have been
caring for him through this with love and care. Members of the family from around the country have come
OCONTO COUNTY children's games, adult games, face paint-
to visit as have many of Jack’s local friends and neighbors on a daily basis. Your visits are quite welcom-
ing. He enjoys telling his favorite stories about Lakewood and hearing those you have to share. Stop in For details see: http:// ing, fire department demo and a raffle
and say hello, share a cup a coffee and few of your memories with him. You may find him working in his ranging from $200 to $1000. Proceeds
are used to support the Silver Cliff Fire
garage or up in the house watching one of his favorite tv shows.
- Department and Rescue Squad.
Please enjoy our front page photo this month. It was taken by one of my ‘adopted’ daughters, Dawn Delp.
She grew up in IL through most of her youth before moving to Denver, CO with her parents. Every now Several Special Programs to be held at
and then she sees something that catches her eye while out delivering precious cargo for the company she NARA: Highlight
National Archives Records in Washing-
works for in Denver. She is an avid PACKER fan living in Bronco territory. ton, DC. For details go to
In passing; America, and here at home, we have lost many wonderful friends and family. Our thoughts **Lakewood Area Chamber of Com-
and prayers to you all. And, to those whose lives were lost in the recent accidents, snowstorm’s, tornado’s, fires and floods. merce: See
Get Well Wishes to all of our friends, neighbors and family members. Please remember them in all of your prayers. .
**Forest County:
UPCOMING EVENTS; See our pages for the wonderful events that are scheduled during the month. Be sure to ck page 19 for the
events for the summer, church fairs, family reunions, and holiday dinners. **Langlade County: langlade-
Birthday Wishes to all of our friends and neighbors; … px
Gas prices have gone down actually but not as much as they were a year ago. They’ve gone from $4.15 plus down to $2.49 and a **Vilas County– For more events and
penny or two of more or less. To find out where the best price for gas is locally and regionally, go to www.Gasbuddy.com7 details go to Vilas County website
Go to our website and just click to read at for updated news and photo’s. And, be sure to stop by our page on Fa- *
cebook. The Timber News. You can also find us in — Lakewood. Join in or start a new discussion. Brown County GREEN BAY—

August 11: The 40th annual fund raising

MADISON, Wis., Aug. 2, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Wisconsin erized process that's a cross between woodcutting and 3-D print- picnic, sponsored by the Silver Cliff Fire
makes un-brie-lievable history by creating the World's Largest ing—by Better Block Foundation, a nonprofit that uses urban and Rescue Auxiliary from 11 AM to 5
Cheeseboard, officially setting a new GUINNESS WORLD design to foster community. The ultimate cheese lover's fantasy PM at the Memorial picnic grounds on the
RECORDS® title. The show stopper took over an entire street in was a true team effort- taking over 60 people to prep, transport, corner of Hywy C and I, sixteen miles
downtown Madison, displaying over two tons of Wisconsin's house, style and weigh all of the cheeses. east of Lakewood and 28 miles west of
finest cheeses from across the state, topping the previous Europe- Following the official judging ceremony by a GUINNESS Crivitz. It will be preceded by a parade,
an record holder by over 1,000 pounds! WORLD RECORDS adjudicator, a crowd of over 45,000 enam- along Hywy C, starting at 10:00 AM.
Spanning 35 feet long and 7 feet wide, the custom board was offi- ored attendees got to check out the mouth-watering board and the There will be music, food (including
cially adorned with 4,437 pounds and 145 different first 2,000 guests in line, received a curated cheese brats, hamburgers, Italian sausage, French
varieties, types and styles of Wisconsin's unique plate to-go. In addition, no cheese went to waste. fries, chicken booyah, corn on the cob and
specialty and artisan cheeses- including national and Spectators entered a raffle to win full wheels of cheese ice cream), refreshments, country store,
international award-winners. An enormous Hen- with 100% of the proceeds going to the Great Ameri-
ning's 2,000 pound mammoth cheddar wheel was the can Milk Drive and the remaining cheese was donated
grand centerpiece, surrounded by blue-veined and to the Second Harvest Foodbank of Southern Wiscon-
cave aged cheddars to fresh feta, squeaky curds and sin, both benefiting families in need. Send Press Release’s to:
hand-rubbed wheels to pungent Brick and the 2017 About Wisconsin Cheese The Timber News, P O Box 207
U.S. Cheese Champion, Sartori Black Pepper BellaVitano®, to Wisconsin produces 48 percent of the specialty cheese in the U.S. Lakewood, WI 54138
name just a few. and currently holds the title for 2017 U.S. Champion Cheese. For Phone: 715-276-6087
"We wanted to showcase the amazing breadth of the award win- more information, visit or connect on Fa-
ning cheeses in Wisconsin and we thought- what better way to do cebook. No material in this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
that than to create the world's largest cheeseboard," says Suzanne About Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin: Funded by Wisconsin dairy consent of KFB Enterprises. The advertisers and publisher have introduced the
Fanning, Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin VP of Marketing Commu- farmers, DFW is a non-profit organization that focuses on mar- information in the publication in good faith, however, they, are not responsible for
or liable for errors, misinformation, misprints or typographical errors.
nications. "Wisconsin's licensed cheesemakers put the art in arti- keting and promoting Wisconsin's world-class dairy products.
san, drawing from their rich European heritage, cheese making For more information, visit our website at
traditions and impressive innovations, and we're thrilled to share
their masterful creations with the world in a unique and fun way." SOURCE Dairy Farmers of Wisconsin
The gigantic cheeseboard was custom made to fit inside a life- If you have an event that you would like listed, send it in 4 weeks in advance of the event. Send it to
size, digitally fabricated barn, using CNC technology—a comput- The Timber News at P O Box 207, Lakewood, WI 54138; Phone: 715-276-6087; by email to , or take it to Timberline Restaurant, or Lakewood Super Valu.
Page 18 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3
Page 4 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 17 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

Woodland owners from across the state will gather in Wabeno, The meeting closes with the Sunday field day, held at Thunder
WI this September for the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Associa- Mountain Ranch. Here, attendees will have their choice of educa-
tion’s (WWOA) 39th Annual Meeting. The meeting is being held tional stations to visit and explore. More details on the Annual
at Potawatomi Carter Casino and Conference Center from Sep- Meeting can be found at
tember 20-23. meeting.
This year’s keynote speaker will be John Rajala Jr., owner and The Annual Meeting is only open to WWOA members and guests
CEO of Rajala Companies- a forest products company in north- to attend. If not a member, but interested in learning more about
ern Minnesota, who will share an inspirational story about his WWOA, visit to become a
family, their woodlands, and the family business. Other topic member before registering for the event. Contact the WWOA
highlights include the legalities around boundaries, easements, office with any questions at 715-346-4798 or
and wood roads; Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases; If interesting seeing what WWOA is all about consider participat-
Emerald Ash Borer silvicultural management; and the history of ing in a local chapter field day. The Phoenix Falls Chapter will be
logging railroads in northern Wisconsin. having their spring field day in Middle Inlet on Saturday, June 16
Attendees will have numerous opportunities to socialize with from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The day will include a hay wagon
fellow woodland owners across the state, while visiting the silent ride through 2 miles of wood roads while discussing the property,
auction, photo contest, annual raffle, WWOA gift shop, and guest timber sales, invasives, wildlife, and habitat. Local chapter field
exhibitors. First time meeting attendees are invited to a special days are open to anyone to attend. To learn more visit
reception on Friday evening with the WWOA board and chapter or contact Tom
chairs. Jacobs at (715) 856-6340.
Guided tours are available for attendees on Thursday and Friday. The Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, Inc. (WWOA) is
A few of the options include a visit to Governor Thompson State a non-profit organization providing continuous educational op-
Park, Peshtigo Fire Museum, local tree farms, Good Neighbor portunities to Wisconsin’s private woodland owners and others
Authority timber sales, Blaser’s Acres, and more. on sustainable forest management.

At the Town of Townsend June meeting, the Townsend Fire De-

partment presented a check to the Town Board for $15,500.00 to
complete the payment of the Mini Pumper and Fire Department
building loan.
These funds are generated from the annual events the Fire De-
partment sponsors during the year…the Sweetheart Dance in
February and the 4th of July Celebration.
Page 16 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

When we bought our place in Townsend in 1993, there stumps, the empty spaces where once tall trees had stood…
weren’t all that many animals in our woods. The forest had it seemed almost like a sacrilege. What had I done? I called
been basically left to fend for itself for a very long time, Dave. He quietly reassured me and said that within three to
and the old growth canopy prevented much of an understo- five years the brush would rot away, new growth and the
ry from taking root. Sure, we saw a lot of beavers, musk- trees left standing would fill in the spaces, and there would
rats, and otters, and occasionally a bear, but it was rare to be an abundance of wildlife. Who knew?
see a deer unless they were travel- We now routinely see, smell and/
ing through. When I mentioned or hear bear, wolves, coyotes,
that to Jon, he said it was because deer, turkeys, foxes, bobcats,
there was nothing for them to eat. fishers, eagles, owls, sandhill
Really? Still, I wasn’t all that upset cranes, squirrels, mink, opossum,
because I loved the woods just as it several species of snakes, and
was. less welcome lately, skunks.
During the winter of 1994, Jon Jackpot! A couple of weeks ago,
suggested we place a major part of Jon saw a pine marten, once ex-
our property, a 40 acre wooded tirpated from Wisconsin. About
parcel, into the MFL (Managed two decades ago, the DNR rein-
Forest Lands) Program. I asked troduced the species and pine
what that meant. Jon said we martens are now found in and
would get a break on property tax- around the Chequemagon-
es, but we had to work with a DNR Nicolet National Forest, which is
forester to study, design and im- all around us. Martens are listed
plement a plan to improve the as endangered furbearing mam-
health and viability of the acre- mals and may not be harvested in
age. In other words, harvest trees, Wisconsin. In fact, special
perhaps even do some clear-cutting. I was against it, but "marten protection zones" exist with limited trapping of any
when I researched the subject, I found it might not be such species to avoid incidental capture. Seeing one is a rate
a bad thing. treat indeed.
The required study found a major cut was required. Like Jon and Kathie Marsh, pine martens are perfectly
Many of our trees, especially the white birch, were fast ap- suited for life at Otter Run. Members of the weasel family,
proaching or had already reached climax stage. They would pine martens weigh from one to four pounds, and mother
begin dying and falling, decaying instead of being used as martens give birth to three or four babies between March
part of what I had learned was called sustainable forestry. and May. They prefer large areas of upland conifer and
Then I remembered the ugly clear-cut mountaintops we had northern hardwood forests, especially with a lot of fallen
seen when we camped in Wyoming and Montana. I got sick timber and downed woody debris. They usually den in
just thinking about the irreparable damage such a cut might trees, which may be due to the fact that they are very adept
do to the woods. climbers. In a pinch they’ll use fallen logs, rocks, squirrel
However, I had signed the MFL Agreement and had no nests, or woodpecker holes as home sweet home.
choice. We chose McCauslin Logging, a local firm owned I’ll admit now I didn’t really believe Dave and Jon
by Pete and Dave Christianson, to do the job. When Dave when they told me we were doing the right thing. But I’m
met with us, he patiently explained that trees are a renewa- glad I did what I almost always do. I put my faith in Dave
ble resource, that a woods needs to be tended, just like a because he's the expert. I know how to edit a paragraph to
garden. I felt better when we left his office. We gave him make it stronger; he knows how to select-cut a woods to do
the okay, and McCauslin Logging did a select cut in 1996. the same. In retrospect, Dave and Jon were right, and I was
Since we were still living in Appleton, we communicated wrong. I’m so happy I listened to them.
by phone as Dave kept me updated on the project.
I don’t remember what I expected to see the first time
we came up north after the cut, but I was not prepared. In
fact, I was shocked at the scene. I made Jon stop in the
driveway. I stumbled out of the pickup, got down on my
knees, and begged the Goddess of the Forest for for-
giveness. The discarded branches, the bleeding birch
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Page 7 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

A Word or Two From Dr. Adam

Study: Use of Chiropractic in the VA Rising Steeply
Arlington, Va. --The use of chiropractic services in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system has seen a steep rise
over more than a decade, according to research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics(JMPT), the
official scientific journal of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).
The study’s authors, who analyzed VA national data collected between 2004 and 2015, discovered an increase of more than 800 per-
cent in the number of patients receiving the services of doctors of chiropractic. While authors attribute the increase to a natural
growth of the chiropractic service, which was only implemented on-site at the VA in 2004, they also suggest it may be attributed to
the successful performance of VA chiropractors and the perceived value of their care, among other factors.
“The fact that these services have expanded consistently and substantially beyond the minimum mandated level may suggest that
some VA decision-makers perceive value in providing chiropractic care,” the study notes.
Key findings from the study show that:
the annual number of patients seen in VA chiropractic clinics increased by 821 percent;
the annual number of chiropractic visits increased by 694 percent;
the total number of chiropractic clinics grew from 27 to 65 (9 percent annually);
the number of chiropractor employees rose from 13 to 86 (21 percent annually); and
female and younger patients received chiropractic care at VA clinics at a greater rate than the national VA outpatient popula-
tion. “This demographic tendency is consistent
with the cohort of veterans from the recent con-
flicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is known
to have a high prevalence of musculoskeletal
conditions,” the study authors note.
The Steering Committee for Leadership Oconto "ACA commends the VA for its important work to expand
County [LOC] announces that its 2018-2019 pro- access to chiropractic services to the nation’s veterans,” said
gram is NOW ready to receive applica-
ACA President David Herd, DC. “It’s vitally important that
tions. Similar to programs in neighboring
Shawano and Brown counties, LOC consists of all of our veterans have access to non-drug approaches to
nine all-day sessions meeting monthly September pain management such as those offered by chiropractic phy-
thru May. Each day’s events, meeting around the sicians, particularly in light of the opioid epidemic that is
county, will focus on one or more topics includ- gripping our country. Many veterans returning from over-
ing personality assessment, public speaking, seas suffer from musculoskeletal ailments, which respond
health and wellness, education, economic devel- well to chiropractic’s patient-centered and drug-free ap-
opment, local and state government, diversity in proach.”
county population, natural resources, tourism,
Doctors of chiropractic – often referred to as chiropractors
and community engagement among others. Par-
ticipants will complete a group project that ad- or chiropractic physicians – practice a hands-on, drug-free
dresses a community need. approach to health care that includes patient examination,
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to diagnosis and treatment primarily of disorders of the muscu-
sponsor an individual at a cost of $600 per person loskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of
which covers all expenses [registration, materi- these disorders on general health. Chiropractors have broad
als, meals, bus transportation]. A limited number diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend thera-
of scholarships are available. peutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nu-
tritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.
Applications are available at CLICK GROW HERE Read the full study in JMPT.
the OCEDC office at [920]834-6969.
Page 8 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

New at the Lakes Country Public Library Jean Evelyn Jarvais, age
71, of Lakewood, passed
Brent T. Ader-
holdt, age 31 of Gil-
Union Cemetery next to his grandfa-
ther Paul at a later date. Gruetz-
away on Thursday, July 5, lett, passed away on macher Funeral Home in Suring is
2018 at her home. Jean Friday, July 20, assisting the family with arrange-
Calendar: Texas Ranger by James Patterson was born in Stafford 2018. Brent was born ments. Online condolences can be
August 1 at 4:00 pm - Children's Origami Another Woman’s Husband by Gill Paul Springs, CT on October 15, 1946, on July 12, 1987 to expressed at
August 2 at 11:00 pm - Book Club Christmas Party at Waubee Bibliomysteries by Otto Penzler the daughter of the late Leo and El- Tammie Szalewski and Steve Ader-
August 8 & 22 at 1:00 pm - Knitters Group In Dreams Forgotten by Tracie Peterson len (Wright) Michaud. When she holdt. He graduated from Pulaski .
August 8 at 5:00 pm - Up North Authors Circle Under a Dark Sky by Lori Rader-Day was 17, she moved to Town- High School with the Class of The family would like to thank Jason
August 15 at 3:30 & 5:30 pm - Origami What Remains of Her by Eric Rickstad send. On October 31, 1964 in Cran- 2006. Brent worked numerous other Kepler of the NEW Paramedic Res-
August 31 & September 1 - Friends Book Sale Rules of Prey by John Sandford don, WI, she was united in marriage jobs before working at Northeast cue from Pulaski for reaching out to
Feared by Lisa Scottoline to Eugene Jarvais. Eugene preceded Asphalt for the past 5 years. He was the family with his kind words, as
New Fiction Something in the Water by Catherine Steadman her in death on September 28, a proud member of the Operating well as the rest of the NEW Para-
Toucan Keep a Secret by Donna Andrews The Middleman by Olen Steinhauer 2015. Jean was a faithful member of Engineers Local 139 Union. On medic Rescue, Tri County Fire De-
Somebody's Daughter by David Bell Baby’s First Felony by John Straley St. Mary of the Lakes Catholic January 23, 2016, Brent married partment, and the Brown County
A Double Life by Flynn Berry The Money Shot by Stuart Woods Church, where she enjoyed volun- Jessica Van Gheem in Krakow. A Sheriff’s Department for their ef-
Suffer the Children by Lisa Black teering and attending trips through little over a year later, Brent and forts.
Four Funerals and Maybe a Wedding by Rhys Bowen New Nonfiction the church. She enjoyed trips to the Jessica renewed their vows on June
Stagecoach to Purgatory by Peter Brandvold The Great American Read by PBS library and reading. More than any- 10, 2017. Brent enjoyed his work, Anja R. (Rammel)
Abandoned by Allison Brennan 100 Days of Real Food by Lisa Leake thing, Jean loved spending time with ice fishing, hunting, spending time Kruger, 91, of
Tailspin by Sandra Brown her grandchildren. outdoors, and spending time with his Green Bay, WI, for-
The Hope Jar by Wanda E. Brunsetter Audiobook on CD Jean is survived by: her children, family and friends. He was very merly of Lakewood/
Scarface and the Untouchable by Max Allan Collins Toucan Keep a Secret by Donna Andrews Kim Palka of Mountain, Kris (Fred) proud of his 1949 John Deere B Townsend passed
The Phantom Tree by Nicola Cornick Feared by Lisa Scottoline Mason of Lakewood and Joe Tractor. Brent’s children were the away Friday, July
The Masterpiece by Fiona Davis The Money Shot by Stuart Woods (Sunshine) Jarvais of Carter; daugh- pride of his life and he loved every 20, 2018 at the Wyndemere Assisted
The Iceman by Peter T. Deutermann ter-in-law, Diana Jarvais of Laona; moment he had with his children. Living, Green Bay. Anja was born
Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear grandchildren, Ryann, Shane and Brent is survived by his wife, Jessica July 20, 1927 in Racine, WI the
The Daisy Children by Sophia Grant Jake Mason, Mark, Jr. and Emily and their two kids, Bowen and un- daughter of Arthur and Ella (Plank)
Desperate Girls by Laura Griffin Palka and Chloe and Jennifer Jar- born daughter, McKenna; his daugh- Rammel.
The Plant Paradox by Steven R. Gundry vais; her sister, Barbara Kurth of ter, Madysen; his parents, Tammie She was united in marriage to Hil-
Dead Man Running by Steve Hamilton MN; her brother, Alex (Joan) (Ric) Szalewski and Steve Ader- bert Kruger on June 30, 1946 in Co-
The Mystery of Three Quarters by Sophie Hannah Michaud of AZ. She is further sur- holdt; brother, Clayton Aderholdt; loma, WI and he preceded her in
Lands of Lost Borders by Kate Harris vived by her nieces, nephews, other step-brother and sister, Alec Szalew- death. Anja was a mother, house-
Good Luck With That by Kristan Higgins relatives and friends. ski and Hailey Szalewski; maternal wife, bookkeeper and laborer for a
Her Sister’s Lie by Debbie Howells grandmother, Marie Wolf; paternal family owned business “Kruger’s”
Paid in Blood by William W. Johnstone She was preceded in death by: her
husband, Eugene; her son, John Jar- grandparents, Clifford and Karen Plumbing & Septic’s since 1952. She
A Reason to Die by William W. Johnstone Aderholdt; father and mother-in-law, was a member of Lakewood Presby-
Walking Shadows by Faye Kellerman vais; son-in-law, Mark Palka, Sr.;
and a grandson, Anthony. Howard and Nancy Van Gheem; terian church. Anja enjoyed horse-
Another Side of Paradise by Sally Koslow sister-in-laws, Jamie (Travis) Athey back riding, annually leading the
Desolation Mountain by William Kent Krueger Funeral services for Jean will be
held at 11:00 am on Tuesday, July and Mindy (Michael) Athey; godpar- Marti Gras Parade in Lakewood with
An Unwanted Guest by Shari Lapena ents, Amy Wolf and Russell Wolf; her painted horse Chico. Anja and
The Prisoner in the Castle by Susan Elia Macneal 10, 2018 at St. Mary of the Lake
Catholic Church in Lakewood with special friend, Larry (Virginia) Zim- Hilbert loved driving their twin Har-
The Lost Vintage by Ann Mah merman. He is further survived by ley Davidson Hogs (she especially
Murder at Ochre Court by Alyssa Maxwell Father Philip Dinh-Van-Thiep offici-
ating. Inurnment will be in St. Am- many aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces, liked her candy apple red one), she
Safe and Sound by Fern Michaels nephews, other relatives and friends. enjoyed knitting, crocheting, garden-
The Secret of the Irish Castle by Santa Montefiore brose Catholic Cemetery in Wabe-
no. Visitation will be held St. Mary He was preceded in death by his ing, hunting and fishing along with
The Breakers by Marcia Muller grandfather, Paul Wolf; uncle, Char- cake decorating. She loved spending
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik of the Lake Catholic Church on
Monday, July 9, 2018 from 4:00 – lie Aderholdt; great-grandparents. time with family and friends when-
Swift Vengeance by Jefferson T. Parker Visitation will be held on Thursday, ever she could, she was the type of
7:00 pm and again on Tuesday from
10:00 am until the time of the ser- July 26, 2018 at Gruetzmacher Fu- person who would give you the shirt
vice. Swedberg Funeral Home in neral Home in Suring (116 South off her back.
Shawano is assisting the family with Krueger Street, Suring, WI 54174) Surviving Anja are her daughter,
Hours: the arrangements. from 4 pm to 8 pm. Visitation will Deanna (David) Mathys, Green Bay;
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. P O Box 220 continue on Friday, July 27, 2018 at son, Martin (Debra) Kruger, Town-
Wednesday and Friday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Lakewood, WI 54138 The family wishes to extend a spe-
cial thank you to the Unity Hospice Emmanuel Lutheran Church in send; grandchildren, Yvonne Evrard,
Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ph: 715-276-9020 Breed (13346 County Road AA, Yvette (Dustin) Harrington, Josh
Sunday Closed Fax: 715-276-7151 staff who helped take care of Jean
and to Mark, Jr. for being her gopher Suring, WI 54174) from 9 am until Kruger (friend Christi), Kyle
and taking care of her when we the funeral service at 12 pm with (Heather) Kruger, Kaylyn (Jason)
couldn’t. Pastor Paul Scheunemann officiat- Halverson; great-grandchildren, Gid-
ing. Brent will be interred in Breed eon, Collin, Lacy, Kaylee, Addison,
Our Friends at Church Page 9 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

St. John Lutheran Church, Townsend Services are held: Service times Sat. 5:30 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m.. .
The Christian Food Pantry is always in need of food and/or cash donations. Right now we are short on canned meats like stew or lunch meat,
canned spaghetti, varieties of soups, canned fruit like fruit cocktail and pineapple, peas, carrots, potato flakes, pasta noodles, macaroni, and rice.
Please bring these offerings and place them in the shopping cart in the church entryway. Thank you.
St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church Students who wish to participate in the Youth Group, call for details. 276-7364.
Church of Christ, 14299 Cty Rd W, Mountain, WI; Sunday Service; 8:30 a.m. Lois Trever, Church Secretary, 715-276-7112

Upper Room Family Church, Service Time: 6:00PM Sunday, 715-276-3255; Pastor: Wm. Shane Wheeler, Hwy 32, Townsend Children’s Sun-
day School and Adult Bible Studies

Service Times
Laona---Sun. 11:30 a.m.
Lakewood ---Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Wabeno---Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Church School During Service
Lakewood & Wabeno & Laona
Parish Office-4347 N. Branch St., Wabeno 715-473-3603
Lakewood 1552 Hwy 32
Rev. R. Lee Jennings, Jr

Stephen Mueller, Pastor Scott P. Wycherley, Music Director

Call for details: 715-276-7214

PO Box 78, 17963 State Hwy 32, Townsend WI 54175
Page 10 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

Over the past 7 years, local businesses have come together to Mulligan’s (Mountain)
raise funds for the Wabeno -Laona School District. This year is Old Town Hall (Townsend)
no different. In fact, the list of participating businesses has Pour Judgement (Formerly Backhaus in Wabeno)
grown and the enthusiasm is growing. Well over $55,000 has Shelli-B’s (formerly Pichotta’s Pub & Grub in Wabeno)
been raised in the past. Pour Haus Bar & Grill (Lakewood)
This year Raffle tickets are now on sale for the annual Wabeno-
Laona School District Athletic, Arts, Music & Special Needs R-Place (Carter)
Programs. This year’s three main prizes are: Randall’s Resort (Crooked Lake)
School House Bar (Mountain)
Grand Prize: 2018 Polaris Ranger UTV Senolihn’s Bar (Laona)
2nd Prize: 2018 Polaris Sportsman Youth Model Sunset Bar & Grill (Townsend)
(Tax, Title & Licensing sole responsibility of the winner) Tom Kaster Construction (Crooked Lake)
3rd Prize: Generac Generator Waters Edge on Anderson Lake (Suring)
Tickets are $10 for one or $25 for three. Weatherwood Supper Club (Mountain)
Drawing held on September 2nd 5 PM at the Pour Haus Bar &
Grill 15297 Hwy 32 in Lakewood, WI during the end of summer
Also, join us for the Annual Northern Wisconsin Rebel Ride evet
Celebration during the Labor Day Weekend. JERRY LAKES
on August 24th, leaving the Pour Haus Bar & Grill in Lakewood
will be the featured entertainment during this event. You do not
at 11:30 AM. The ride will cover 100 plus miles with stops along
have to be present to win.
the way. The ride will culminate at the Golden Eagle Restaurant
Tickets sold at the following supporting business: in Townsend with a Roast Pork event and live entertainment.
Anderson’s Club 32 (Lakewood) There is a $15 per vehicle charge and an additional $5 for each
Animal’s Bear Trail (Mountain) rider. This fee includes the meal. Organizers are inviting people
Arrowhead Saloon (Breed) who do not wish to ride to come and enjoy the roasted pork for a
Birch Hill’s Resort (Townsend) nominal charge and enjoy the live entertainment. Swetty Betty
C-US-4 Wireless, Cellcom (Townsend) will be the featured entertainment and there is no cover charge for
Cozzy’s Polaris (Marinette) the music.
Golden Eagle Restaurant (Townsend)
Half-Way Bar & Grill (Riverview) Additional Information Available by contacting the Pour Haus
Hillcrest Supper Club (Townsend) Bar & Grill 715-276-6637 or Golden Eagle Restaurant 715-850-
Jungle Jim’s (Athelstane) 0837
Kaster’s Northside Homes (Lakewood)
Lakeshore Financial Group – ES Jeziorny (Lakewood & Omro)
Long Branch Saloon (Townsend)

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