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Movie Review

K.F. Bailey, Publisher

Melanie Bailey, Assistant Editor
P O Box 207 September 1, 2018 FREE
Lakewood, WI 54138
Phone; 715-276-6087

Page 2 The Timber News Volume 3, Issue 1 Page 19 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

From the Editor-news and notes

So many wonderful people have passed away in recent weeks, John McCain, Arthrea Franklin, and now Burt Reynolds and, one of
my favorite locals, Ms Elfrieda F. Sigmund. She was also so happy and full of interesting bits of history of the area. She will be
missed by so many of our local friends.
We’re still keeping busy helping my brother-in-law Jack Bailey. He’s been out and about and keeping up with some home chores as For details see: http://
he can. He loves his old movies and talking about classic cars. If you have some time, stop down and visit with him.

The kids are back to school!!!! The backpack were full, the outfits and new shirts were set out and made ready for their first -
day. Let the hours and hours of homework commence!! Hang in there parents, they only have those few years left maybe and those Several Special Programs to be held at
who are just starting out, well, they will be asking for your help for the next X number of years. Start saving for those college tuitions NARA: Highlight
now!. National Archives Records in Washing-
ton, DC. For details go to
In passing; America, and here at home, we have lost many wonderful friends and family. Our thoughts and prayers to you all. And,
to those whose lives were lost in the recent accidents, snowstorm’s, tornado’s, fires and floods. **Lakewood Area Chamber of Com-
Get Well Wishes to all of our friends, neighbors and family members. Please remember them in all of your prayers. . merce: See
UPCOMING EVENTS; See our pages for the wonderful events that are scheduled during the month. Be sure to ck page 19 for the **Forest County:
events for the summer, church fairs, family reunions, and holiday dinners.
**Langlade County: langlade-
Birthday Wishes to all of our friends and neighbors; …
Gas prices have gone down actually but not as much as they were a year ago. They’ve gone from $4.15 plus down to $2.49 and a px
penny or two of more or less. To find out where the best price for gas is locally and regionally, go to www.Gasbuddy.com7 **Vilas County– For more events and
Go to our website and just click to read at for updated news and photo’s. And, be sure to stop by our page on Fa- details go to Vilas County website
cebook. The Timber News. You can also find us in — Lakewood. Join in or start a new discussion. *
Brown County GREEN BAY—

St. Mary's of the Lake Parish in Lakewood is celebrating its

centennial this year. The parish, which was founded on Feb- Northern Perks Coffee Shop
ruary 18, 1918 has been holding special events to celebrate Alas, as the time of year changes, so
100 years. In October the special event will be an ecumenical does other things. Northern Perks is
concert featuring the choirs and musicians from St. Mary's in still open 7 days a week, but with
Lakewood, St. John Lu- slightly reduced hours. Monday thru
theran in Townsend and
the Forest Larger Par- Friday hours are 8am to 4pm. Satur-
ish Presbyterian Praise day, 8am to 5pm and Sunday 8am to
Band. The concert will be 2pm. Still plenty of time to shop for Coffee, gifts and
held on Saturday, October dare I say it, Xmas items!!!!!
13, beginning at 7 p.m. at Lakewood Super Value is in their fall hours, Open 7
St. Mary's church locat-
ed on County Hwy F in am to 8 p.m.
Lakewood. The concert Lakewood Library will be closed Sept 15th for roof Send Press Release’s to:
will feature popular hymns work. The Timber News, P O Box 207
and songs of the past 100 Lakewood Chamber of Commerce Hope your summer was a Lakewood, WI 54138
years. There will be an great one! We will be resuming our regular Chamber month- Phone: 715-276-6087
intermission with refreshments served. There is no cost for ly meetings beginning Monday, Sept. 17th at 6pm at Animal’s
the concert and the public is invited to attend. So please mark Bear Trail No material in this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part without the
your calendar and join us for an evening of great music. If you have any questions please feel free to call Kathy Rank at consent of KFB Enterprises. The advertisers and publisher have introduced the
715-276-6500. information in the publication in good faith, however, they, are not responsible for
or liable for errors, misinformation, misprints or typographical errors.
Join today!
Hope to see you there!

If you have an event that you would like listed, send it in 4 weeks in advance of the event. Send it to
The Timber News at P O Box 207, Lakewood, WI 54138; Phone: 715-276-6087; by email to , or take it to Timberline Restaurant, or Lakewood Super Valu.
Page 18 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Every now and then I am asked if I recognize varies places and people.
Today I received another request. From what I have been told these
fella’s were at the Carter Inn located on County Hwy 32. in Carter, WI
From looking at the building and the vehicle this photo may have been
taken sometime after 1940 into the 1950-60’s .

If you recognize these fella’s please contact our office at

715-276-6087 or at

Whiskey Jack’s Deer Camp Musical Comedy October 6 in (Pat Lowery), Leander (Lee Gerndt), and Ivo (Scott Wych-
Townsend erley), the village butcher who innocently brings
The Holt & Balcom Logging Camp Museum proudly pre- “professional” dancing girls Marcie (Marcia Wahoske) and
sents Whiskey Jack’s Deer Camp, a knee-slapping musical Merry (Mary Benson) onto the scene.
comedy to be staged Saturday, October 6, 2018, at the The show features loads of laughs and fun songs performed
Townsend Town Hall. There’s a mat- by this talented cast. Sure to be unforget-
inee at 2:00 and evening performance at table hits are Pat Lowery’s Second
7:00. Admission is $8; doors open one Week of Deer Camp; Lee Gerndt’s Day-
hour before show time. O, (Eight point, ten point, twelve point
Written and directed by Kathleen buck…daylight come and we’re gonna
Marsh, Whiskey Jack’s Deer Camp is go hunt!); Al Benson’s Redneck, Wool
set in November 1918. Cate (Kathleen Socks, and Whiskey Jack’s Beer; Don
Marsh) and Jack (Jon Marsh), former Franzen’s I’m Gonna Miss Her; and
proprietors of the Red Light Saloon, Scott Wycherley’s I Like Beer, plus lots
have moved to a cabin in the woods more. Making her stage debut in Town-
where Jack is hosting friends at his annual deer hunting send is Marcia Wahoske whose rendition of Hey, Big
camp. The United States is at war with Germany, and mil- Spender is sure to rock the house.
lions of American soldiers are serving overseas, including So mark your calendar. You don’t want to miss this show!
Cate and Jack’s nephew Chance (Cameron O’Connor), Special Note: Not suitable for children. Pre-arranged seat-
who is missing deer camp for the first time since he was ing is available for those with disabilities (Call 715-276-
ten. 6515).
Joining Jack’s hunting party are his brother Deacon (Al
Benson) and saloon buddies Spike (Don Franzen), Irish
Page 4 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 17 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

We see it on TV almost everyday. Fires, heavy rains,

Woodland owners from across the state will gather in Wabeno, The meeting closes with the Sunday field day, held at Thunder flash flooding, hurricanes and other disasters. We
WI this September for the Wisconsin Woodland Owners Associa- Mountain Ranch. Here, attendees will have their choice of educa- can’t predict some of these things that happen. But
tion’s (WWOA) 39th Annual Meeting. The meeting is being held tional stations to visit and explore. More details on the Annual
at Potawatomi Carter Casino and Conference Center from Sep- Meeting can be found at sometimes we have the opportunity to pack the essen-
tember 20-23. meeting. tials and leave the safety of our home because it is in
This year’s keynote speaker will be John Rajala Jr., owner and The Annual Meeting is only open to WWOA members and guests
the path of one of these disasters. But, what about our
CEO of Rajala Companies- a forest products company in north- to attend. If not a member, but interested in learning more about pets? Do you have a disaster plan for them.
ern Minnesota, who will share an inspirational story about his WWOA, visit to become a has many tips for pet evacuation kits.
family, their woodlands, and the family business. Other topic member before registering for the event. Contact the WWOA Some of them are simple : food and water. Others are
highlights include the legalities around boundaries, easements, office with any questions at 715-346-4798 or things to think about. Vet records, Vet phone number,
and wood roads; Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases;
Emerald Ash Borer silvicultural management; and the history of
If interesting seeing what WWOA is all about consider participat- edications your pet takes. A carrier, toy, blanket are
ing in a local chapter field day. The Phoenix Falls Chapter will be other things to consider. A current picture. Why? You
logging railroads in northern Wisconsin. having their spring field day in Middle Inlet on Saturday, June 16
Attendees will have numerous opportunities to socialize with from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The day will include a hay wagon
may have to be separated from your pet at a shelter for
fellow woodland owners across the state, while visiting the silent ride through 2 miles of wood roads while discussing the property, some time. The picture identifies them. Include your-
auction, photo contest, annual raffle, WWOA gift shop, and guest timber sales, invasives, wildlife, and habitat. Local chapter field self in that picture holding your pet or kneeling by
exhibitors. First time meeting attendees are invited to a special days are open to anyone to attend. To learn more visit them. A leash, extra collar with ID on it. Pooper
reception on Friday evening with the WWOA board and chapter or contact Tom scooper, plastic bags, cat litter are other things to con-
chairs. Jacobs at (715) 856-6340. sider. A complete list is on the site. Type in the key-
Guided tours are available for attendees on Thursday and Friday. The Wisconsin Woodland Owners Association, Inc. (WWOA) is words, “ pet toolkit” in the search area. Better to be
A few of the options include a visit to Governor Thompson State a non-profit organization providing continuous educational op- prepared ahead of time.
Park, Peshtigo Fire Museum, local tree farms, Good Neighbor portunities to Wisconsin’s private woodland owners and others
Authority timber sales, Blaser’s Acres, and more. on sustainable forest management.

Dressed in the 50’s era em-

ployees of Laona State Bank
celebrated their annual Cus-
tomer Appreciation with a
cookout. Serving hot dogs,
brats and all the trimmings.
Page 16 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 5 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

Finding the Right Order?

As the school year begins, I can’t help but remember how I felt for 35 consecutive first-weeks of school. My emotions were a mix-
ture of mild melancholy, wishing the fun and freedom of summer vacation would never end. But in equal measure was the excite-
ment of meeting my new “kids” and the comfort of following a school year schedule that seemed more productive and meaningful in
the grand scheme of things.
Truth is I have always liked order. One of my favorite sayings is that “Failing to Plan Is Planning to
Fail.” And if I am anything at all, it’s a planner. That’s why for all those years I spent teaching, by
Opening Day I had already put in a ton of unpaid hours getting my classroom ready.
My favorite part of the back-to-school routine was fitting new novels into my bookcases stuffed
with age-appropriate paperbacks purchased at Conkey’s Book Store in Appleton. They were all
gently used because I had spent my summer reading them. While my friends were enjoying steamy
romance novels at the beach, I was home immersed in juvenile fiction chosen in search of the per-
fect classroom read-aloud or to be used as a last ditch effort to persuade a reluctant reader to at least
give it a try. I was sad when I heard Conkey’s was closing. Their service was amazing, and I always
left the store with novels my students loved.
I used the honor system for accessing my private collection of books bought with my own money. I
certainly didn’t like the kids filching my stuff so I would give the standard “return what you bor-
row” admonition. But I never got that upset when a book went MIA. If a kid borrowed a book, I
assumed he/she had the best intentions of returning it. But occasionally, someone liked one so much
he/she just couldn’t part with it. What the heck. If they were going to take something, better it be a
book than my wallet or car keys.
If loading up my bookcase with the latest fab fiction was a job I enjoyed, my least favorite task was bulletin boards. In fact, I was
downright green with envy of other teachers’ bulletin boards. I would tell myself that mine were lousy because I am not at all artsy-
craftsy. Too bad, I had to put up something on the bare walls. I would hang huge posters of my favorite authors, put a pretty border
around an empty-for-now display labeled “Student Work”, and tack up cutsie cookie cutter stuff I bought at the Learning Shop. Then
I happened upon the perfect solution: invite the students to do it. Now why didn’t I think of that sooner? The artsy-craftsy kids loved
doing it; I loved their displays; and I really loved them for doing it for me.
The last job I did each year was arranging the desks. I always made sure mine was situated where I could see every corner of the
classroom in the rare moments I actually sat there. But it couldn’t be too obvious because the students were the center of attention,
not me. That part was relatively easy; the challenge was creating a seating pattern that established a business-like setting and fed my
need for order.
Over the years I worked with great teachers who flourished in organized chaos. I did not, and neither did a lot of my students. Sure,
some kids thrive with a hubbub of activity going on all around them, but most just cannot learn amid noise and constant commotion.
Since I was the one setting the stage, this is a place where I learned to put my needs first. If I was going to turn out confident young
adults in charge of their own learning, I needed a classroom where I felt confident and in charge. For me, that meant beginning the
year with traditional straight rows and assigned seating.
As we settled into orderly classroom procedures, I varied the arrangement based on the lesson, always changing seats at the start of a
new quarter. I was delighted when I found this system not only worked for me but served as a “Mixer.” Students became friends with
other kids they would never have sat by on their own.
I'm retired so I’m not going back to school this fall or ever again. But I want to send a message to educators who are. I envy you.
You don’t make A difference. You make THE difference. Our success as a people begins and ends with you. Please persevere. We
need you now more than ever.
Page 6 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 15 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

“The Wall that Heals” visited Crivitz over the

Labor Day weekend. Those that attended re-
membered a lost love one during the Viet
Nam War, and for those unfamiliar with its
history, got a glimpse of the Wall history.

Several people of all ages were there watching

the video’s and many traced the names of
someone they knew.

Local volunteers were able to direct visitors to

the index of where lost Vets were located on
the moving wall.
Page 7 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

A Word or Two From Dr. Adam

Study: Use of Chiropractic in the VA Rising Steeply
Arlington, Va. --The use of chiropractic services in the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system has seen a steep rise
over more than a decade, according to research published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics(JMPT), the
official scientific journal of the American Chiropractic Association (ACA).
The study’s authors, who analyzed VA national data collected between 2004 and 2015, discovered an increase of more than 800 per-
cent in the number of patients receiving the services of doctors of chiropractic. While authors attribute the increase to a natural
growth of the chiropractic service, which was only implemented on-site at the VA in 2004, they also suggest it may be attributed to
the successful performance of VA chiropractors and the perceived value of their care, among other factors.
“The fact that these services have expanded consistently and substantially beyond the minimum mandated level may suggest that
some VA decision-makers perceive value in providing chiropractic care,” the study notes.
Key findings from the study show that:
the annual number of patients seen in VA chiropractic clinics increased by 821 percent;
the annual number of chiropractic visits increased by 694 percent;
the total number of chiropractic clinics grew from 27 to 65 (9 percent annually);
the number of chiropractor employees rose from 13 to 86 (21 percent annually); and
female and younger patients received chiropractic care at VA clinics at a greater rate than the national VA outpatient popula-
tion. “This demographic tendency is consistent
with the cohort of veterans from the recent con-
flicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, which is known
to have a high prevalence of musculoskeletal
conditions,” the study authors note.

The Steering Committee for Leadership Oconto "ACA commends the VA for its important work to expand
County [LOC] announces that its 2018-2019 pro- access to chiropractic services to the nation’s veterans,” said
gram is NOW ready to receive applica- ACA President David Herd, DC. “It’s vitally important that
tions. Similar to programs in neighboring all of our veterans have access to non-drug approaches to
Shawano and Brown counties, LOC consists of pain management such as those offered by chiropractic phy-
nine all-day sessions meeting monthly September sicians, particularly in light of the opioid epidemic that is
thru May. Each day’s events, meeting around the gripping our country. Many veterans returning from over-
county, will focus on one or more topics includ- seas suffer from musculoskeletal ailments, which respond
well to chiropractic’s patient-centered and drug-free ap-
ing personality assessment, public speaking,
health and wellness, education, economic devel-
opment, local and state government, diversity in Doctors of chiropractic – often referred to as chiropractors
county population, natural resources, tourism, or chiropractic physicians – practice a hands-on, drug-free
approach to health care that includes patient examination,
and community engagement among others. Par-
diagnosis and treatment primarily of disorders of the muscu-
ticipants will complete a group project that ad- loskeletal system and the nervous system, and the effects of
dresses a community need. these disorders on general health. Chiropractors have broad
Businesses and organizations are encouraged to diagnostic skills and are also trained to recommend thera-
sponsor an individual at a cost of $600 per person peutic and rehabilitative exercises, as well as to provide nu-
which covers all expenses [registration, materi- tritional, dietary and lifestyle counseling.
als, meals, bus transportation]. A limited number Read the full study in JMPT.
of scholarships are available.
the OCEDC office at [920]834-6969.
Page 8 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

New at the Lakes Country Public Library Maxine Rose Schmoeck-

el, age 79 of Suring,
and the family in their time of need.
In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund
Logan was born on November 26th,
1995 to Paul and Melissa Widucki.
passed away on Tuesday, has been established. He graduated from Laona High
September 4, 2018. Max- School in 2014 and went on to work
Book Club: Sept 6 at 11 am Blackout by Ragnar Jonasson ine was born on March 17, 1939 to Elfrieda F. Sigmund, 89, at the local mill and a forest manage-
Knitters: Sept 12 & 26 at 1 pm The Dutch Wife by Ellen Keith the late Orville and Emma Hatfield of Lakewood, WI passed ment company. Logan was a hard
Origami: Sept 19 at 3:30 & 5:30 pm If You Leave Me by Crystal Hana Kim in Mountain, WI. On September 29, away Wednesday, August worker, responsible and dependable.
1984, Maxine married Robert 29, 2018 at the Aspirus He loved working hard so he could
Everything She Didn’t Say by Jane Kirkpatrick Schmoeckel in Merrill, WI. Max- Langlade Hospital, Antigo. Elfrieda play hard. He was constantly active,
New Books When the Lights Go Out by Mary Kubica ine’s passion was to sew, making was born June 11, 1929 in Milwau- riding or working on his toys, hang-
Tip of the Iceberg by Mark Adams The Incendiaries by R. O. kwon many wedding and bridal party kee, WI the daughter of Max and ing out with his friends, fishing or
Instant One-Pot Meals by Laura Arnold These Truths by Jill Lepore dresses over the years. She enjoyed Elsie (Will) Diessner. She was unit- hunting, or just getting dirty in the
Transcription by Kate Atkinson The First Love by Beverly Lewis cooking, fishing, camping, and ed in marriage to Vernon Clement woods. He was always the person to
spending time with her grandchil- Sigmund on May 13, 1948. She was count on, helping anyone who asked.
How Do We Look by Mary Beard I Know You Know by Gilly Macmillan dren. a proud member of the VFW Ladies He took care of his family and
Sunrise Highway by Peter Blauner Why Not Tonight by Susan Mallery Maxine is survived by her husband, Auxiliary. friends always. He is a beloved son
The Road Not Taken by Max Boot Bury the Lead by Archer Mayor Robert of Suring; 5 children, Pam Surviving Elfrieda are: daughter, and brother, special "Un'kin" to his
A Deadly Habit by Brett Simon Where the Bullets Fly by Terrence Mccauley (Junior) Nelson of Suring, Julia Laura (James) Kirkley, Medford, nieces, and phenomenal friend. He
In Want of a Knife by Elizabeth Kane Buzzelli Hitting the Books by Jenn McKinlay (Martin) Timm of Suring, Lisa OR; son, Jerald (Sandra) Sigmund, will be deeply missed.
(Robert) Yakel of Suring, Kevin Canon City, CO; grandchildren, He is survived by his parents, his
Our House by Louise Candlish The Secrets We Carried by Mary McNear (Shelly) Schulz of Suring, and Dale James Robert Kirkley VI, Darcie sister, Jade (Leif) Widucki, his niec-
Marigolds for Malice by Bailey Cattrell Silver Anniversary Murder by Leslie Meier (Becky) Schulz of Hill City, KS; 2 Sigmund; and great grandchild, es, Pyper and Remie Gunderson,
Wildfire by Ann Cleeves The Tattooist of Auschwitz by Heather Morris step-sons, Paul and Aaron; 15 grand- Chance Sigmund. grandparents, Lynn and Deb Bella-
Robert B. Parker’s Colorblind by Reed Farrel Cole- Killing the SS by Bill O’Reilly children; 28 great-grandchildren; 8 She was preceded in death by her my, Huck (Ed) and Rita Widucki,
man Juror 3 by James Patterson siblings, Charlotte (Glenn) Sher- parents; husband, Vernon; brothers, great-grandmother, June Bellomy;
wood, John Hatfield, Marilu Alfred; Heintz; and Max Jr. aunts, Ann Britten, Crystal (Curt)
Country Living: Tiny Homes The Air You Breath by Frances De Pontes Peebles McDonald, Nellie (Bernard) Lenz, Elfrieda enjoyed a happy and loving Cooper, uncles Matthew (Amber)
Shadow Tyrants by Clive Cussler The Man Who Came Uptown by George P. Pelecanos Jim (Ann) Hatfield, Wayne (Cindy) life. She had four favorite pastimes. Bellamy, Peter Widucki and many
My Kind of Christmas by Janet Dailey Dark Tide Rising by Anne Perry Hatfield, Arthur Hatfield, and Car- Cooking, which she learned at Girl’s great aunts, uncles, cousins, and
A Willing Murder by Jude Deveraux Liars,Leakers,and Liberals by Jeanine Pirro lotta (Richard) Schulz; brothers and Trades and Technical High School friends. He is preceded in death by
Tear Me Apart by J. T. Ellison Leverage in Death by J.D. Robb sisters-in-law, John Schmoeckel, during the 2nd World War. Travel his uncle, Jesse Bellamy, great-
Mary (Steven) Raatz, Shirley the height of her travels being a grandparents ,Biggy (Eunice) and
In Pieces by Sally Field Hot Winters Nights by Jill Shalvis (Charles) Degner, Val month crossing Australia in 1996. Capone (George) Collins, Victor
Christmas Cake Murder by Joanne Fluke The Ancient Nine by Ian K. Smith Slewitzski. She is further survived The company and companionship of Bellomy and lifelong friend, Paulie
Red War by Vince Flynn In His Father’s Footsteps by Danielle Steel by many nieces, nephews, other rela- her dear friends. And last, but not Cleereman who passed a few weeks
The Mermaid and Mrs. Hancock by Imogen Hermes A Forgotten Place by Charles Todd tives, and friends. least, dancing. She said the Jitterbug prior. There is comfort in knowing
Gowar The Guilty Dead by P. J. Tracy She was preceded in death by her was her favorite, but when she the two boys are reunited and have
parents; step-father, Nels Stromberg; waltzed people said she looked like more fun and freedom than ever be-
Echoes of Evil by Heather Graham The Glass Ocean by Beatriz Williams infant son, Henry; siblings, Julia and an angel. fore. They are likely getting into
Button Man by Andrew Gross The Dinosaur Artist by Paige Williams Lloyd; brother-in-law, George; sister Celebration of Life for Elfrieda will mischief and smiling down on us.
Times Convert by Deborah Harkness -in-law, Chris; mother-in-law, Irene be held on September 12, 2018 at Visitation will be held on September
Dead Firefly by Victoria Houston Schmoeckel. Waubee Lake Lodge from 10:00 6th, 2018 from 10:00 am - 12:00pm
Field of Bones by Judith A. Jance Visitation will be held at Emmanuel a.m. to 11:30 a.m. with Services to with services to follow at the Weber
Lutheran Church in Breed on Friday, follow at 11:30 a.m. with Pastor Hill Funeral Home of Crandon, Wis-
The Russia Hoax by Gregg Jarrett September 7, 2018 from 9 am until Dick Kendell officiating. consin. Online condolences may be
Depth of Winter by Craig Johnson the funeral service at 12 pm with Weber-Hill Funeral Home is assist- left for the family at
Right Between the Eyes by William W. Johnstone Pastor Paul Scheunemann officiat- ing the family with the arrange-
Sawbones by William W. Johnstone ing. Maxine will be interred in ments. .
Breed Union Cemetery at a later
date. Gruetzmacher Funeral Home Logan D. Widucki (22)
in Suring is assisting the family with of Crandon, Wisconsin,
arrangements. The family would passed away unexpect-
Hours: like to give a special thank you to the edly on September 3rd,
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. P O Box 220 staffs of Mountain Ambulance, 2018 following a UTV
Wednesday and Friday 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. Lakewood, WI 54138 HSHS Hospital, Bellin Hospital, accident. He spent his
Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Ph: 715-276-9020 County Rescue and Unity Hospice final day with us doing some of the
Sunday Closed Fax: 715-276-7151 for the care and compassion showed things he loved most- riding any-
to Maxine and her family. Further thing with a motor and wheels, being
thanks to all those who brought food, outdoors, and spending time with his
snacks, and kind words to Maxine friends.
Our Friends at Church Page 9 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

St. John Lutheran Church, Townsend Services are held: Service times Sat. 5:30 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 a.m.. .
The Christian Food Pantry is always in need of food and/or cash donations. Right now we are short on canned meats like stew or lunch meat,
canned spaghetti, varieties of soups, canned fruit like fruit cocktail and pineapple, peas, carrots, potato flakes, pasta noodles, macaroni, and rice.
Please bring these offerings and place them in the shopping cart in the church entryway. Thank you.
St. Mary’s of the Lake Catholic Church Students who wish to participate in the Youth Group, call for details. 276-7364.
Church of Christ, 14299 Cty Rd W, Mountain, WI; Sunday Service; 8:30 a.m. Lois Trever, Church Secretary, 715-276-7112

Upper Room Family Church, Service Time: 6:00PM Sunday, 715-276-3255; Pastor: Wm. Shane Wheeler, Hwy 32, Townsend Children’s Sun-
day School and Adult Bible Studies

Service Times
Laona---Sun. 11:30 a.m.
Lakewood ---Sunday 8:00 a.m.
Wabeno---Sunday 10:00 a.m.
Church School During Service
Lakewood & Wabeno & Laona
Parish Office-4347 N. Branch St., Wabeno 715-473-3603
Lakewood 1552 Hwy 32
Rev. R. Lee Jennings, Jr

Stephen Mueller, Pastor Scott P. Wycherley, Music Director

Call for details: 715-276-7214

PO Box 78, 17963 State Hwy 32, Townsend WI 54175
Page 10 The Timber News Volume 1, Issue 1

The Pine Needle Quilters met August 20 with 31 sweatshirts and wool socks, all in good condition
members present. please. You may bring them to the Sept. Mtg. They
will be taken to the Hands Foundation.
Quilt show was discussed. There will be a boutique
for members to sell items again this year. Items you This year at the Nov. Mtg. there will a monetary col-
have made, books, patterns, magazines, bags of scrap lection take for the food pantry.
new material, etc. are things that you can bring. Sheila Barb Strohschine gave an interesting presentation on
Hixon is in charge, and she would like you to bring "Quilt As You Go".
your items Fri. night, or very early Sat. morning.
Baskets for the basket raffle should also be brought We meet at the Breed Community Bldg. Sewing ses-
Fri. night or to the next meeting. Deb Budd is in sions August 6th and September 10th, beginning at 9
charge . The proceeds this year will go to The Cran- A.M. and our regular mtg. is the the third Mon. of the
don Homeless Shelter. month at 7 P.M.

Our "At the Lake Quilt Show" and raffle will we held
Oct 6th from 10 A.M.-4 P.M. at Suring High School.
Deb Budd will be collecting things for homeless
vets. Such items as winter coats, winter boots, heavy

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