Atividade de Inglês 7° Ano1

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SÉRIE/ANO: 7º ANO TURMA(S): A, B, C, D DISCIPLINA: Inglês ____ / ____ / 2015
ALUNO (A):_____________________________________________________________________________ ATIVIDADES

1ª Questão: Leia as afirmações abaixo e decida se são verdadeiras ou falsas de acordo com o passado

I) People were swimming and dancing.

II) Paula and his family were travaling on vacation.
III) The hotel is near the beach.
IV) The weather isn’t very good.

a) v – V – f – F
b) V – V – V – V
c) F – V – F – V
d) V – F – V – F
e) V – V – V – F

2ª Questão: Para formar o gerúndio em inglês, acrescenta-se a terminação ING no final dos
verbos, porém há algumas regras e exceções. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na
forma correta do gerúndio.

a) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop – stopping / to agree – agreeing

b) to play – plaing / to love – loveing / to stop – stoping / to agree – agreeing
c) to play – plaing / to love – loving / to stop – stopping / to agree – agreing
d) to play – playing / to love – loving / to stop – stoping / to agree – agring
e) to play – playing / to love – loveing / to stop – stoping / to agree – agreing

3ª Questão: Quanto ao estudo do Present Continuous, marque a alternativa que tenha a forma
correta de uma frase nesse tempo verbal:
a) Paul is work in the garden at this moment.
b) Paul was working in the garden at this moment.
c) Paul is working in the garden at this moment.
d) Paul are working in the garden at this moment.
e) Paul are work in the garden at this moment.

4ª Questão: Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Present

I – The woman ________ (to wear) black clothes.
II – Those boys ____________ (to look) at you.
a) wearing / looking
b) is wear / are look
c) are wearing / is looking
d) is wearing / are looking
e) is wearing / is looking

5ª Questão: Qual é a forma interrogativa da frase “The cat is running around the table”?
a) Running the cat is around the table?
b) Is the cat running around the table?
c)The is cat running around the table?
d) The cat is running around the table?
d) The cat running around the table?

6ª Questão: Passe as frases abaixo para o passado continuo.

a My mother is cleaning the hause.

Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

b) They are studying for the test.
c) We are living in a small city.
d) Marcos is doing exercises every day.
7ª Questão: Passe as frases para as formas que se pede :

A were they living together? __________________________________________________________ ( neg. )

B She was not trying do her hoework. ____________________________________________________ ( int. )
C We were preparing a big party to you.________________________________________ ( neg. )
D I was talking with you.____________________________________________________ ( int. )
E Maria was not sleeping minutes ago._____________________________________________ ( afir. )

8ª Questão: Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente as frases a seguir no Passado

I – He ________ (to play) the piano.
II – My friends ____________ (to dance) rock at the party.
a) playing / dancing
b) was play / were dance
c) was playing / was dancing
d) were playing / were dancing
e) was playing / were dancing

9ª Questão: Escreva as frases abaixo na negativa e na interrogativa.

a) Angela was cleaning the bedroom.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
b) David and Max were coming home.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________
c) My dog Charlie was running to the park.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________

d) I was making breakfast now.

Neg.: ___________________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________________

10ª Questão: Complete com o passado continuo

A Maria and I _____________________ to club yesterday. ( to go )
B They ___________________a good book ( to read )
C The cat ___________________ a lot food. ( to eat )
D My family and I _________________________ to London last month. ( to travel )
E He _________________________ his car ( to fix )

Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

11ª Questão: Os anomalous verbs “shouldn’t” e “might”, presentes na tirinha acima, expressam
a) conselho e permissão formal
b) conselho e possibilidade no presente
c) conselho e capacidade no passado.
d) permissão e possibilidade no passado.
e) conselho e possibilidade no passado.

12ª Questão: De acordo com a tirinha:

a) A garota comeu um biscoito.
b) Garfield comeu um biscoito.
c) O garoto deveria ter comido um biscoito.
d) A garota poderia ter comido um biscoito.
e) Não é permitido comer os biscoitos.

13ª Questão: Leia e faça o que se pede:

Maybe someday they’ll make a movie about my life.

a) Em que tempo está a frase da tirinha?
b) Escreva essa frase na negativa.
c) Passe a frase para a interrogativa.
d) Traduza a frase

14ª Questão: Leia a charge abaixo e faça o que se pede:

a) Copie a frase que está na forma afirmativa do Past Continuous e traduza.


Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

b) Escreva a frase da letra a na negativa.
c) Passe a frase que você copiou na letra a para a forma interrogativa.

15ª Questão: Substitua as palavras sublinhadas por Subjective or Objective

a) The boys don`t know the answer.
b) Sandra and I are playing volleyball.
c) The teacher always gives the students homework.
d) My father is writing a letter to John.
e) Can you help my sister and me, please.

16ª Questão: Leia as frases abaixo:

Brian is my best friend.
Henry and Alisson are my parents.
Joe and I are good students
Os pronomes que completam as palavras sublinhadas nas frases são, respectivamente:
a) He – We – They
b) She – They – We
c) It – They – They
d) He – They – We
e) He – We – You

17ª Questão A fala do último balão pode ser substituída por:

How`s your pasta, Liz?”

“Delicious. How`s yours?”
“I have no idea”

a) I have any idea.

b) I don`t have any idea.
c) I no have idea.
d) I don`t have some idea.
e) I don`t have no idea.

18ª Questão: Complete as frases com some ou any:

a) They didn`t make ______________ mistakes.
b) I can pay. I have got ____________ money.
c) Have you got ____________ brothers or sisters?
d) I haven`t got ____________ stamps but Ann has got _____________.

19ª Questão: Escreva C para cantable e U para uncantable

a Rice ( )

Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

b Friends ( )
c People ( )
d Suggar ( )
e Money ( )
f cup of glass ( )

01ª Questão Letra A
02ª Questão Letra A
03ª Questão Letra C
04ª Questão Letra D
05ª Questão Letra B
06ª Questão

a My mother was cleaning the house.

b They were studying for the test.
c We were living together.
d Marcos was doing exercises every Day.

07ª Questão
a They were not living together.
b Was she trying do her homework?
c We were not preparinga big party to you.
d Was I talking to you?
e Maria was sleeping minutes ago .

08ª Questão Letra E

09ª Questão
a Neg. Angela was not cleaning the bedroon.
Int. Was Ângela cleaning the bedroom?

b Neg. David and Max were not coming home.

Int: Were David and Max coming home?

c Neg, My dog Charlie was not running to the park.

Int. Was my dog running to the park ?

d Neg. I was not making breakfast now.

Int. Was I making breakfast now ?

10ª Questão

a Were going
b Were reading
c was eating
d Were traveling
e Was fixing

11ª Questão Letra A

12ª Questão Letra E
13ª Questão
a Futuro simples
b They will not make a movie abaout my life.
c Will they make a movie about my life?
d Eles irão fazer um filme sobre a minha vida.

14ª Questão
a I was watching TV show in my Ipod.
b I was not watching TV show in my Ipod.
c Was I watching Tv show in my Ipod?

15ª Questão

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a They don’t know it.
b We are playing volleyball.
c She always gives them homework.
e Can you help us please?

16ª Questão Letra D

17ª Questão Letra B
18ª Questão
a any
b some
c any
d any some
19ª Questão

Seção de Recursos Didáticos - Mecanografia

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