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Carly Dye April 6, 2017

Shoals Elementary School Second Grade

Language Arts
 Students will be able to identify and use correct irregular verbs.
 Students will correctly define weekly vocabulary words.
 ELA.2.L.C15.1- Form and use the past tense of frequently occurring irregular
National Standards
 CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.D- Form and use the past tense of frequently
occurring irregular verbs.
Management Time Frame
Overall Time- 45 minutes
Times Frame- 15 minutes- Introduce and discuss irregular verbs
10 minutes- Students complete irregular verb activity and ask any
questions about irregular verbs
20 minutes- Vocabulary bingo
Teacher/Student led discussion, independent practice, and teacher
Differentiated Instruction/Adaptations/Interventions
Learning Differences Sensory Differences
I will be writing on the board while
introducing and demonstrating how to use
irregular verbs. I will ask students
questions aloud. I will be giving a written
Attention Difference Behavior Differences
I will be walking around as students
complete the written assignment. I will
circle three of the questions for him to have
done by the time I get back to his side of
the room to give him a goal and help keep
him on task.
Motivational Differences Ability Differences

Physical Differences Cultural Differences

Communication Differences Enrichment

I will have one hearing impaired student.
She has an interpreter in the room that
signs what the teacher says for her.

Introduction/Lesson Set
I will be asking questions about irregular verbs as I explain them to gage students’
previous knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Questions: What are irregular verbs?
When do you use irregular verbs?
How do irregular verbs help people understand what we mean?
Body and Transitions
 Demonstrate the use and need for irregular verbs
 Question students as a group about irregular verbs
Questions: What are irregular verbs?
When do you use irregular verbs?
How do irregular verbs help people understand what we mean?
 Ask individual students to fill in the verb in the sentence I say aloud
Questions: I ______ a cute puppy.
You had already ______ dinner by the time your sister got home.
We _______ to the playground after lunch.
 Pass out irregular verb activity to one student in each group to hand to the rest of
their group (See attached)
 Walk around the room and gage students’ understanding of material as they
complete the activity
 Collect student activity as they complete it.
 Have students who finish early get out their weekly vocabulary words to study
before bingo
 Introduce vocabulary bingo and explain how the activity will work
 Pass out bingo cards to each student individually so there is no fighting about who
gets what card (See attached)
 Call out vocabulary definitions and let students cross out corresponding word
 Continue until someone gets bingo, repeat as many times as time permits
 When a student gets bingo, have them tell me the word and definition of each
word they crossed out
 Collect bingo cards from all students
I will go over the objectives one more time with the students after they finish their
irregular verb activity. I will discuss any questions the students may have about irregular
Diagnostic: When introducing the lesson and irregular verbs, I will ask the class
questions as a whole. I will ask what they know about irregular verbs, what they are, also
how they are used. (ELA.2.L.C15.1 and CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.D)
Formative: My formative assessment will be after I hand out the written assignment. I
will walk around while the students are working on that assignment and notice how they
are doing on it as they are working. (ELA.2.L.C15.1 and CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.D)
Summative: My summative assessment will be the actual written assignment I give out
on irregular verbs. (See attached) (ELA.2.L.C15.1 and CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.2.D)
 Irregular verb activity (See attached)
 Bingo sheets (See attached)
 White board
 Pencils
Extended Activities
If Student Finishes Early
If a student finishes the irregular verb activity early I will have him or her take out his or
her vocabulary words and study for bingo.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If the lesson finishes early, I would have the students play “Sparkle” using their spelling
words for the week to review for their spelling test the following day. I will also do this if
there are a lot of questions after the activity and we don’t have time to play bingo.
Sparkle will take less time.
If Technology Fails
No technology used in this lesson.
Reference Information
Designed by Carly Dye for Education 316 April 6, 2017

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