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West Virginia State University

College of Professional Studies: Department of Education


Teacher Candidate _____________________ Date_________________________

School _______________________________ Grade/Subject __________________
Lesson Topic __________________________


 Students will be able to find an adjective in a sentence.

WV CCRs- ELA.1.36 Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when
writing or speaking.
 Use frequently occurring adjectives

NATIONAL STANDARDS- CCSS.ELA.Literacy.L.1.1.F Use frequently occurring adjectives.


 Class Discussion about “describing words” and what we already know about them.

Formative Assessment
 Ask students to give me examples of “describing words” they came up with to use for items in
their bags.

Summative Assessment
 Teacher made assessment (Attachment 1)

Overall Time - 35 Minutes
Time Frame –
 5 minutes- Introduce “describing words” and discuss what students already know about them.
 5 minutes- Explain activity and procedures.
 5 minutes- Students look through their group’s bag of items for activity and talk about
describing words in the group.
 10 minutes- Ask students to give me some of the examples they came up with, write them on
the board, and discuss what they may have in common. Introduce that these words are called
adjectives and that they are used to describe a noun.
 10 minutes- Hand out and go through teacher made assessment with students.


Learning Difference Sensory Differences
This lesson can be appropriate for different types of
learners, as I will be talking about the words, as well as
writing them, and giving manipulatives.
Attention Differences Behavioral Differences
Students will be working at the same pace and
together. I will be walking around to make sure all
students are on task.
Motivational Differences Ability Differences
Students will be working in collaborative groups to
decide what words to use, which will help all students
with high or low ability.
Physical Differences Cultural Differences

Communication Differences Enrichment

I will be having a discussion with students about “describing words” and what they previously
know about them starting with the question, “What are some words we can use to tell others
what something looks or feels like?

I will continue off the anticipatory set for the introduction and continue the discussion by
introducing the activity we will be doing and telling them about the procedures for this lesson
and group work.


 Hand out bags of items to each group of students (students seated in groups already).
 Tell students they have 5 minutes to discuss the items and what words they could use to
describe them.
 Take bags back up at the end of the 5 minutes.
 Ask students to tell me what some of their items were and what words they used to
describe them.
 As students tell me what words they used I will write them down on the board.

I will close the lesson by discussing what all the words they gave me may have in common or
different. If extra time is left, we may sort them into categories. I will introduce that these words
have a special name, adjectives, and we use them every day to describe nouns. I will use some
of their examples in sentences on the board and discuss where they adjective is in each
5. Assessment
I will be using a teacher made assessment (See Attachment 1). I will have a copy of this
assessment to put on the elmo so students can see mine as well. I will not write anything on my
copy but tell the students we are going to go through it together. I will point to the words and
read them aloud since there are several struggling readers in the class. Students will need to
circle the adjective in each sentence. I will read each sentence aloud pointing to the words three
times each.

Teacher Modeling, Teacher lead discussion, Independent/group practice
 3 Baggies Containing:
o A colored pencil
o A printed picture of an animal
o A fake leaf
o A printed picture of a physical activity
o A pipe cleaner

If Student Finishes Early
As we will be doing the final assessment together, if a student moves ahead and finishes early I will have them go
back and check their answers as they follow along with the rest of their class.
If Lesson Finishes Early
If the lesson finishes early I will have students come up with their own sentences containing an adjective (similar to
the assessment) and write them on the board. I will have another student come circle the adjective and continue
this for a few minutes.

If Technology Fails
The only technology being used in this lesson will be the elmo hooked to the smart board. If either of these things
stop working I will use the white board in the room instead.

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