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Boyne City Public Schools


Location: Room A104 Office Hours: 10:33-11:33am

Drama Class Syllabus


This course helps students develop acting skills and learn the fundamentals of theatre. In exploring dimensions of theatrical self-expression, this
course will employ lecture, discussion and classroom activities to raise issues that stretch self-awareness through dramatic interaction involving
imagination and creativity. Students in this class will be given a working knowledge of the theatre and film as it pertains to the world at large; as well
as the ability to hone their public speaking and communication skills. Each participant works at his or her own level with no comparison to other
members. Group cooperation, relation to others and self-awareness will be enhanced by speaking and performing before an audience.

The purpose of this course is to enable students to develop fundamental skills in the multiple elements of theatre as a collaborative art. Students will
have exposure to the following:
• acting and characterization • reader’s theatre activities • film study as it applies to
• movement and vocal production • technical theatre and design bringing the stage to screen
• pantomime and improvisation • playwriting/script elements • roles and careers in theatre arts
• theatre terminology • audience etiquette • relationships between theatre
• theatre history and influences arts and other subject areas

Composition Notebook for Journaling (with name on it)
Pen or Pencil

1. Arrive to class on time each day, be prepared, and actively participate in assignments and performances.
2. Raise your hand to speak or leave your seat.
3. Stage work should never contain vulgarity or offensive materials.
4. Absolutely NO food, drink, gum or candy is allowed in the drama room. (Water in a clear, plastic bottle is encouraged however.)
5. Use class time appropriately. When working individually, or in groups, use time as designated. No technology allowed unless asked to do so for a
specific assignment.
6. Use appropriate and respectful audience etiquette and behavior. Encourage others by applauding when appropriate, and save comments for the
end of the performance. Interaction with others should be positive and polite at all times.

1 Warning: Verbal Warning.
2 Warning: Removal of Activity/ -5 points from grade on assignment.
3 Warning: Phone call/ Email to parent.
4 Warning: Detention/ Referral (depending on violation of rules)

Assignment due dates and details will be posted online using our Google Classroom. Students will receive course calendars with due dates.

Students will be evaluated on the following:
a. Class Activities
b. Participation/ Extra Credit
c. Tests/Quizzes
d. Projects/ Performances
All stage work is evaluated on personal achievements in areas of physical and vocal growth as well as character development. Students will work
individually and in groups in the areas of pantomime, improvisation, script writing, scene work, and technical theatre. The majority of the
assignments given in this class are class activities and participation grades, when students are absent some assignments cannot be made up and they
will receive an “X” meaning that the assignment is excused. If the students are given the opportunity to make up the assignment then they will be
given a “Z” or a zero until the due date which will in turn become an “F” if not made up. All scores are based on total points with those assignments
“weighted or given more points” based on overall technique, time devoted to them, and if they are the culmination of a unit of study.
a. CLASS ACTIVITIES -Classwork/Homework can include but is not limited to, memorizing lines, script writing, book work, play reading and analysis,
chapter work, and other forms of student activities.
b. PARTICIPATION POINTS -Students are awarded ten (10) participation points weekly. Students will lose 5 points for each violation of classroom
expectations (including eating, drinking or gum chewing in class, profanity, or causing disruptions).
c. TESTS/QUIZZES Although typically announced ahead of time, the teacher does reserve the right to give unscheduled quizzes.

A: 90 – 100% X: excused
B: 80 – 89% Z: Zero to be made up or will become an “F” by due date of
C: 70 – 79% assignment.
D: 60 – 69%
F: 59% or below
d. PROJECTS/PERFORMANCES -Projects included in this class will be: Reader’s Theatre, Monologue Work, Film Study Essay, and a Silent Movie
project. Students will be given assignments and due dates well ahead of time and will have dedicated time during class to work on their craft and
Students will be given a copy of all assignment guidelines and rubrics for grading information at the time a new project is presented. Please refer to
Mrs. Seymour’s rubrics and guidelines to help you understand what will be expected for any given assignment.
The grading for performances and design projects are as follows:
A: Superior Rating
B: Excellent Rating
C: Good Rating
D: Fair Rating
F: Poor Rating

In addition to the above-mentioned requirements, students are expected to demonstrate good theatre etiquette at all times during class sessions. -5
points will be deducted from class assignments if these rules are not followed, or referrals will be given if the rules below are disrespectful to the
performer, show or teacher.

• Arrive to the theater (class) on time.

• Visit the restroom before the performance begins.

• Don't speak during fellow classmate’s performances...whispering is still speaking, so only in an emergency.

• Remember that the Overture (introductory music) in Musical Theater is part of the performance, so be quiet when it begins.

• Do not take pictures during the performance. It can be very distracting to the actors and can cause a mishap.

• Remain in your seat for the entire performance. If you must leave, exit during intermission. In an emergency, wait for an appropriate break in the
show. It is rude to get up in the middle of a quiet moment...rude to the actors and your fellow audience members.

• Do laugh when the performance is funny.

• Do applaud when it is appropriate during the performance.

• Do applaud when the performance is over...this tells the performers and crew that you appreciate their work.

• Stand and applaud if you really thought the show was great.

• Do not whistle or scream out to the performers except for a Bravo or Brava.

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