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Government of India

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Government of India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre
Scientific Information Resource Division
September 26, 2018

Subject: E-publishing Minor Fabrication/Limited tender at BARC website

Guidelines for Hosting at BARC website

Ref: IFA circular BARC/Accts/IFA/2014/144 dated 29.4.2014 and

BTS Broadcast dated 21.8.2017 on above subject

In order to streamline the procedure for e-publishing / uploading minor fabrication / limited
tender information on BARC website, following procedure should be followed for requesting
e-publishing the minor fabrication / limited tender information on BARC website

1. File 1: Complete enquiry/technical details should be in a SINGLE FILE preferably in

Microsoft Word or editable PDF format for English. Also content in Hindi, if any, must
be in Unicode fonts in Microsoft Word only.

Note: Do not include pages of any sanction form, internals approvals and Statement
of Case (SOC) etc. pages and also do not mention any vendor name or vendor list. This
file should not have any classified /restricted information.

2. File 2: Web hosting approval letter duly signed by Head of the Division or higher
authority (Scanned in PDF/image format) as per enclosed Appendix A.

3. Soft copies of both the files should be forwarded through OFFICIAL EMAIL ONLY at
least two working days before from the date of issue of the tender to

To save paper, it is advisable not to send the hard copy of above two documents to
SIRD. Appendix-A format is also available at SIRD Divisional website at BTS.

4. Any corrigendum/re-tender for above minor fabrication / tender should be emailed

with revised content & web hosting approval in Appendix A.

5. Multiple files (Word or editable PDF) of enquiry/technical details will not be accepted.

This issue with the approval of Director, BARC.

(Dr. G. Ravi Kumar)

Head, Scientific Information Resource Division

Encl: Appendix A
Government of India
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre

Appendix A

Ref. No.: Date:

Sub: Approval letter for uploading of tender/MF information at BARC website

Kindly upload the following attached tender enquiry in editable pdf/doc file for
e-publishing/display at BARC website.

1. Tender/MF Ref. No. :

2. Title of the tender/MF :

3. Opening date of the tender :

Due date of the tender :

4. Indenter’s details :
(Name, contact & email)
5. Single File Tender/MF Specifications Enclosed: Yes / No

6. Subject classification : (Mark √ only at one of the appropriate subject)

Annual Contracts and Services (AMC, Transport, Printing etc)

Computer, Electrical and Electronics
Consultancy, R&D and HR
Furniture and Fixtures
Mechanical and Industrial
I hereby certify that the above information in tender/MF is NOT classified /restricted in

Signature of the indenter

Through: Head of the Division or Higher authority, BARC

Email to: Scanned this signed page in pdf/image format and email

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