By The End of The Year Students Should Be Able To: Reading Skills

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Learning Objectives
By the end of the year students should be able to
• Handle books and turn the pages correctly (orientation).
• Identify parts of a book.
• Distinguish print from drawings
• Notice that print carries a message
Print Awareness
• Notice that print has different functions (menus list food choices, a
book tells a story, a sign can announce a favorite restaurant or warn of
• Notice that text is read from left to write and top to bottom.
• Hear the rhythm of language
• Notice that words are made of sounds

• Participate in rhyming games

• Participate in alliteration tasks
• Identify syllables in words
Phonemic Awareness
• Identify the first sound in a word
• Identify the last sound in a word
• Identify medial sounds (short vowels)
• Blend sounds into words(VC - CVC) c – a – t = cat
• Segment words into sounds (VC - CVC) cat = c – a – t
• Identify letters of the alphabet (lower case)
Alphabet Recognition • Match upper case to lower case letters
• Shape letters (ABC centre, air writing, etc.)

• Blend and segment with letters (magnetic or on cards). (CV & CVC
Phonics Instruction
• Hear, read, and write initial letter sounds and short vowels. (See
Appendix A)
• Name and label objects in the environment.
• Use new vocabulary in speech.
• Extend vocabulary from reading alouds. Reinforcing vocabulary from
selected stories.
• Learn vocabulary from appropriate core sets. (See Appendix B)

• Make predictions about stories.

• Answer basic questions about stories read aloud.

Reading • Answer open-ended questions about stories such as Why? How?

Comprehension What? (Mother tongue is allowed. Teacher models language)

(Read by teacher) • Relate stories to personal experiences.

• Identify characters, setting and conflict in a story.
• Identify sequence of main events in stories.
Appendix A

Letter groups
1. s a t i p n

2. ck e h r m d

3. g o u l f b

4. ai j oa ie ee or

5. z w ng v little oo long oo

6. y x ch sh voiced th unvoiced th

7. qu ou oi ue er ar

(See list of model words for the letters of the 42 Sounds of English)
Appendix B
Core Vocabulary
Appendix B
Core Vocabulary

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