Guidelines of The Different Activities

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Cutting tools
I.Contest Title : STEP TECHNO QUIZ Carving tools
II. Area : Other Contest Chopping board
III. Specific Instructions: Bowls
Work table
1. Only one contestant (1) per section is allowed to join the Plates
contest. Trays
2. Questions are focused on health education Saucers
3. Each contestant shall bring 1/8 illustration board and cut them Fresh fruits
into 4 strips to write A, B, C & D letters. Barbecue sticks/toothpick
4. The questions shall be read twice.
5. Contestants must show their answer using a strip of illustration VI. Specific Instructions:
board after the second reading of the question. 1. Only two contestants are needed on the contest.
6. The contestant shall be given only 10 sec. to think their answer. 2. Preparation of materials, tools, and equipments needed.
7. Once the bill rings, the contestants must raise the strip of 3. Inspection of contest materials.
illustration board and show their answer. 4. Briefing with the contest administrators.
8. A proctor shall check the answers of the contestants. 5. Contest Proper
9. The contest shall consist of three rounds for a total of 20
questions. VII. Criteria for judging:
There will be 10 questions in round 1 – 1 point each per A Workmanship 70%
question. 1. Craftsmanship 35%
There will be 7 questions in round 2 - 2 points each per Was able to skillfully carve either fruit with ease and confidence
question. all the time. (35%)
There will be 3 questions in round 3 – 5 points each per Was able to skillfully carve either fruit with ease and confidence
question. most the time. (28%)
10. If there is a tie scores, the proctor will read another question to Was able to skillfully carve either fruit but was observed slightly
break the tie. trembling while performing the task (21%).
11. The top three contestants with the highest number of correct Was able to skillfully carve either fruit but was trembling all
answers shall be declared the first, second, third place winners. throughout (15%).
2. Creativity 20%
Was able to produce an original design on the given fruit (20%)
I Contest Title : Fruits Arrangement – Edible Type Was able to produce an innovative design on the given fruit
II. Area : Home Economics (17%)
III. Time Allotted : 4 hours Was able to produce a design which is a replica from
IV. Objectives : Fresh fruits arranged as centerpiece for a buffet commercial ones. (14%)
table. Was able to produce a design on the given fruit which is very
V. Tools, Equipments and materials needed common (11%).
3. Appropriateness of design 15%
The design was appropriate for both the given material and the V. Specific Instructions:
occasion. (15%) Only one contestant is needed for the contest.
The design was slightly appropriate for the given material but Preparation of materials needed.
was appropriate for the occasion. (12%) Briefing of the contest administrator.
The design was inappropriate for both given material but Contest proper, nonparticipants are not allowed to enter the
appropriate for the occasion (9%). contest room while the contest is on.
The design was inappropriate for both given material and for VI. Criteria for judging.
the occasion. (6%) A Originality 35%
B. Use of tools and materials 10% B. Relevance to the Theme 45%
Appropriate tools were properly used in each task. Tools were C. Neatness 15%
arranged properly all the time(10%). D. Impact 5%
Appropriate tools were used most of the time in each task. Tools
were arranged properly and orderly (8%).
Appropriate tools were properly used sometimes. Tools were not I Contest Title : Slogan Making Contest (Filipino)
arranged properly (6%). II. Area : Other contest
Inappropriate tool were used most of the time. Tools were place III. Time Allotment : 1 hour
any were. (4%) IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed
C. Safety work habits (10%) Ruler
Safety gadgets were used always. (10%) Pencil
Safety gadgets were used most of the time (8%) Pen Touch
Safety gadgets were used sometimes. (6%) ⅛ size illustration board
Was not able to use safety gadgets. (4%) Eraser
D Speed 10% Other materials needed
Was able to finish the output 10 min before the given time. (10%) V. Specific Instructions:
Was able to finish the output 5 min before the given time. (8%) Only one contestant is needed for the contest.
Was able to finish the output within the given time. (6%) Preparation of materials needed.
Was not able to finish the output within the given time. (4%) Briefing of the contest administrator.
Contest proper, non participants are not allowed to enter the
contest room while the contest is on.
I Contest Title : Poster Making Contest
II. Area : Other contest VI. Criteria for judging.
III. Time Allotment : 2 hours A Originality 30%
IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed B. Relevance/content 40%
Ruler C. Neatness 15%
Pencil D. Rhyme 10%
Oil Pastel D. Impact 5%
⅛ size illustration board
Other materials needed
I Contest Title : Essay Writing Contest ( Filipino) Poor (10%)
II. Area : Other contest D. Appropriateness of materials 15%
III. Time Allotment : 1 hour E. Speed 5%
IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed Before the allotted time (5%)
Black ballpen Within the time allotted (3%)
Eraser Beyond the time allotted (1%)
Yellow pad paper
V. Specific Instructions:
Only one contestant is needed for the contest. I Contest Title : Food Festival/Presentation
Preparation of materials needed. II. Area : Nutri contest
Briefing of the contest administrator. III. Tools, Equipments and materials needed
Contest proper, non participants are not allowed to enter the Table
contest room while the contest is on. Fruits, Vegetable, others
VI. Criteria for judging. Booth
A Originality 35% V. Specific Instructions:
B. Relevance/content 45% All sections are contestants.
C. Neatness 15% The leader of each section shall arrange the fruits, vegetables and
D. Presentation 5% other foods on their stall.
Preparation of materials needed.
Briefing of the contest administrator.
I Contest Title : Cooking Contest/Preparation VI. Criteria for judging.
II. Area : Other contest A Presence of Basic food groups 45%
III. Allotted Time : 2 hours B. Presentation/creativity 35%
IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed C. Appearance 15%
Kitchen & cooking Utensils D. Impact 5%
Other materials & ingredients needed
V. Specific Instructions:
Two contestants are needed for the contest. I Contest Title : Jingle Writing Contest
Preparation of materials needed. II. Area : Nutri contest
Inspection of materials needed in the contest III. Allotted Time : 1 hour
Briefing of the contest administrator. IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed
Contest proper, non participants are not allowed to enter the Black ball pen
contest room while the contest is on. Intermediate pad
VI. Criteria for judging. eraser
A. Workmanship 25%
B. General Appearance 25% V. Specific Instructions:
C. Taste 30% Only one contestant is needed for the contest.
Good (30%) Preparation of materials needed.
Fair (20%)
Briefing of the contest administrator. All sections are contestants.
Contest Proper. Preparation of materials needed.
Planting vegetables in their assigned area
VI. Criteria for judging. VI. Criteria for judging.
A Originality 30% 1. Most productive 35%
B. Relevance/content 40% 2. Well Maintained 25%
C. Neatness 15% 3. Most Varied 30%
D. Rhyme 10% 4. Most Malunggay Planted 10%
D. Impact 5% Total 100%

I Contest Title : Poem Writing (Filipino)

I Contest Title : Jingle Presentation II Area : Nutri Contest
II. Area : Nutri contest III Time Allotment : 1 Hour
III. Time Allotted : 5 mins maximum excluding entrance and IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed
Exit Black ball pen
IV. Specific Instructions: Intermediate pad
Minimum of 15 contestants are needed for the contest. eraser
Preparation of jingles.
Briefing of the contest administrator. V. Specific Instructions:
Contest Proper. Only one contestant is needed for the contest.
VI. Criteria for judging. Preparation of materials needed.
A Originality 30% Entries must only have 4-6 stanzas, and there is no word limit in
B. Relevance/content 40% each line
C. Coordination 15% Contest Proper.
D. Readiness 10%
D. Impact 5% VI. Criteria for judging.
A Relevance to the theme 30%
B. Grammar and style 30%
C. Organization 25%
I Contest Title : Gardening D. Originality 5%
II. Area : Other Contest
III. Allotted Time : Whole month of July I Contest Title : Spoken Poetry
II Area : Nutri Contest
IV. Tools, Equipments and materials needed III Mechanics
Garden tools Only 1 contestant per section
Seeds/planting Materials The spoken poetry must be an original composition and it is related
Other materials to the theme.
V. Specific Instructions:
Each contestant is given a maximum of three to five minutes to Best in School Uniform
deliver his/her piece. No deduction shall be made if the contestant Best in Sports Attire
finishes the delivery in less than the maximum time frame. Best in Casual
The spoken poetry must delivered from memory and any Best in Ramp Modeling
movement is confine onstage. 2nd Runner Up
Attire appropriate for the spoken piece should be worn during the 1st Runner Up
contest. Mr & Ms Fit & Fab 2018
Sounds, instrumental or musical background are allowed to
complement the delivery. No deduction shall be made if the
contestants opt not to have a musical background. I Contest Title : Wellness Campus Competition
II Area : Other Contest
IV Criteria for judging III Mechanics
Message/Content 50% Year Level competition
Delivery and Performance 25% Each Competing year level composed of 80% total population
Voice variation and projection 20% The dance piece shall composed the Nestle Fitness Dance. The last
Attire 5% part for the dance could be choreographed and may use
appropriate steps provided that steps are decent. The whole dance
could also be choreographed (Ex. Position of the members,) but the
I Contest Title : Search for Mr & Ms BSIHS Fit & Fab 2018 steps must composed the Nestle Fitness Wellness.
II Area : Other Contest Each group will be given 1 minute to assemble the area where they
III Mechanics need to start.
1 pair of contestant per section Use of props will be allowed for as long it will not cause any
The search involves beauty and money changes in the steps.
The contestants must ready in Production Number, School Uniform All participants should conduct a manner of sportsmanship through
Attire, Sports Attire and Casual Outfit the competition of unsports like manner will result to
The contest divided into two parts: Money and Ramp Modelling. disqualification.
Groups may wear PE T-shirts and PE Jogging Pants.
IV Criteria
Popularity (Money) 40% IV Criteria
Fit & Fab 60% Choreography and Style 50%
 Production Number 20% Execution 25%
 School Uniform 10% Concept 15%
 Sports Attire 10% Costume 10%
 Casual Attire 20%
V. Awards V. Awards

People's Choice Award 2nd, 1st Runner Ups & Champion Trophy, Certificate
Best in Production Number Participation Certificate
Best in Production Outfit

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