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Give The Devil His Due

Chapter 6
Ezekiel 28 Son of man, take up a lamentation
upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto
We haven't given the devil very much him, Thus saith the Lord God: Thou
“due,” thus far. However, you will soon see sealest up the sum, full of wisdom,
that he does have some credit coming for and perfect in beauty.
something. The problem is not so much as Ezekiel 28:12
to what “due” the devil has, but to what
the devil is. I intend to identify a scriptur- This addresses a king of an historical
al devil that God has given us. city named, Tyrus (the Latin spelling of
Tyre). God is using taunting sarcasm as
The following passage is used to sup-
He did when speaking to the king of
port the doctrine of a great fallen angel,
Babylon, in Isaiah 14. God is saying to the
who was perfect in heaven until he
king of Tyrus: “You think you are some
became full of iniquity and was cast out:
great one, full of beauty and wisdom and
Thou hast been in Eden the garden of precious stones.” We recognize that when
God; every precious stone was thy cov- He talks of “the multitude of thy merchan-
ering, the sardius, topaz, and the dia- dise,” He is talking about a great, mercan-
mond, the beryl, the onyx, and the tile city. From history we know that Tyre
jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and was, literally, the New York of the Eastern
the carbuncle, and gold: thy work- Mediterranean. It traded with all the
manship of thy tabrets and of thy nations in that part of the world and had
pipes was prepared in thee in the day become very wealthy.
that thou wast created. Thou art the
anointed cherub that covereth; and I God even calls this king of Tyre an
have set thee so: thou wast upon the “anointed cherub.” It is not necessarily
holy mountain of God; thou hast wrong to call a man that. In Isaiah 45,
walked up and down in the midst of God calls king Cyrus of Persia “the Lord's
the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in anointed.” That doesn't make Cyrus into
thy ways from the day that thou wast an angelic being. We recognize that God,
created, till iniquity was found in according to Daniel, is the One who puts
thee. By the multitude of thy merchan- men in positions of power. God makes men
dise they have filled the midst of thee kings or rulers, so the king of Tyre was
with violence, and thou hast sinned: anointed of God just like Saul and David
therefore I will cast thee as profane were. That does not make any king an
out of the mountain of God: and I will archangel or Satan. If we read the begin-
destroy thee, O covering cherub, from ning of the prophecy, we will find this is
the midst of the stones of fire. true.
Ezekiel 28:13-16
The word of the Lord came again unto
At this point, many people have con- me, saying, Now, thou son of man,
verted this creature into a super natural take up a lamentation for Tyrus (or
archangel. They fail to read and under- Tyre); And say unto Tyrus, O thou
stand verse 12: that art situated at the entry of the

sea, which art a merchant of the peo- in Ezekiel 27 and 28. He is not talking of
ple for many isles, Thus saith the Lord some angelic being and yet, Ezekiel 28,
God; O Tyrus, thou hast said, I am of verses 13 through 19, are used to teach
perfect beauty. that doctrine. The phrase, which is found
Ezekiel 27:1-3 in Ezekiel 28:13 (“thou hast been in Eden
the garden of God”), is part of the prob-
Notice, at the very beginning God says lem. Those who teach of a supernatural
that it is Tyre which says that it is beauti- angelic being called Satan say that this
ful. So, when He gets to the final part of verse is speaking of the serpent of
the prophecy, it makes sense that God is Genesis, chapter three.
using satire, or taunting, as He did in
Isaiah 14. In Isaiah, we found that Lucifer In 2 Kings 19, Assyria is attacking
wasn't really an angelic being but, Israel. “Then we read that God ended the
instead, he was the king of a great city. armies of Assyria. But, in verse 11, the
king of Assyria taunts Hezekiah, the king
Thy borders are in the midst of the
of Israel:
seas, thy builders have perfected thy
Behold, thou hast heard what the
Ezekiel 27:4
kings of Assyria have done to all
Tyre was built on an island, which lands, by destroying them utterly: and
would make it “in the midst of the sea.” It shalt thou be delivered? Have the gods
was well known as a great and beautiful of the nations delivered them which
city. my fathers have destroyed; as Gozan,
and Haran, and Rezeph, and the chil-
The ships of Tarshish did sing of thee dren of Eden which were in Thelasar?
in thy market: and thou wast re- 2 Kings 19:11-12
plenished, and made very glorious in
the midst of the seas. Thy rowers have What is Eden here? It is a city in
brought thee into great waters: the Mesopotamia, which had been captured
east wind hath broken thee in the by Assyria. Archaeologists have dug up
midst of the seas. Thy riches, and thy ancient tablets where the Assyrian king
fairs, thy merchandise, thy mariners, kept his records, and they have found
and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the there was a city called Betadene by the
occupiers of thy merchandise, and all Assyrians. In Hebrew, the name would be
thy men of war, that are in thee, and Betheden or the House of Eden.
in all thy company which is in the
midst of thee, shall fall into the midst Let's go back to Ezekiel 27:
of the seas in the day of thy ruin.
Ezekiel 27:25-27 The merchants of Sheba and
Raamah, they were thy merchants:
Part of the destruction of Tyre came they occupied in thy fairs with chief of
from the east. Tyre was destroyed by all spices, and with all precious
Alexander the Great. He and his men took stones, and gold. Haran, and Canneh,
the city apart stone by stone — and threw and Eden, the merchants of Sheba,
those stones into the sea. Tyre's remains Asshur, and Chilmad, were thy mer-
are still there for man to see. chants.
Ezekiel 27:22-23
God is speaking of Tyre and its rulers

The merchants, of the city called Eden, Can you imagine men or nations com-
traded in the city of Tyre. So, when we ing against Satan, this great archangel,
read of this king of Tyre as having been and killing him with swords? However,
“in Eden, the garden of God,” it doesn't Alexander the Great, bringing men of
necessarily-mean that a mortal king many different nations, did come against
(whom God prophesied would die in Tyre) the city of Tyre with swords and destroyed
was formerly in the garden of Eden, where it. This entire prophecy, described in
Adam and Eve were. It could have been a somewhat allegorical terms, is of the
city or an area still called Eden, which destruction of a mortal king and a tempo-
was, possibly, named after the ancient ral city.
We have now lost our last passage in
Some years ago I did a study on the the Old Testament where we might have
location of the garden of Eden. I came to salvaged the Satan of the churches. He
the conclusion that the garden of Eden simply does not exist in the pages of the
comprised all of what we know today as Old Testament.
Saudi Arabia and all of the area as far
north as Turkey (where they claim Noah's What Tempted Jesus?
Ark may be); and from, almost, the coast
of the Mediterranean to the far eastern Now comes the challenge. We have
part of the valley of the Euphrates. That examined 800 of the 1,000 pages of my
is a tremendously large area compared to Bible and we've not found the Satan of the
what many people think of Eden. Most of churches. How about the last 200 pages?
the trading that the city of Tyre, or the We will be skipping quite a few of the
king of Tyre, would have been in what passages in the New Testament where the
was, anciently, the garden of Eden. word “devil” or “Satan” is used, because
there are many more passages than there
By reading verse two of Ezekiel 28, we are in the Old Testament. But, we will
find that God is speaking of a mortal man: read enough so that we can establish what
the Bible devil really is.
Son of man, say unto the prince of
Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord God; Be- Let's begin with a very hard passage.
cause thine heart is lifted up, and It is the first place in the New Testament
thou hast said, I am a god, I sit in the where the word “devil” is found:
seat of God, in the midst of the seas;
yet thou art a man, and not God, Then was Jesus led up of the spirit
though thou set thine heart as the into the wilderness to be tempted of
heart of God: the devil. And when he had fasted
Ezekiel 28:2 forty days and forty nights, he was af-
terward an hungred. And when the
Behold, therefore I will bring tempter came to him, he said, If thou
strangers upon thee, the terrible of be the Son of God, command that
the nations: and they shall draw their these stones be made bread. But he
swords against the beauty of thy wis- answered and said, It is written, Man
dom, and they shall defile thy bright- shall not live by bread alone, but by
ness. every word that proceedeth out of the
Ezekiel 28:7 mouth of God. Then the devil taketh
him up into the holy city, and setteth
him on a pinnacle of the temple, And things pertaining to God, to make rec-
saith unto him, If thou be the Son of onciliation for the sins of the people.
God, cast thyself down: for it is writ- Hebrews 2:16-17
ten, He shall give his angels charge
concerning thee: and in their hands So, Jesus was made a man, made like
they shall bear thee up, lest at any His Israelite brethren. Paul tells us Jesus
time thou dash thy foot against a was made a man, so that He could carry
stone. Jesus said unto him, It is writ- out the work He was supposed to carry
ten again, Thou shalt not tempt the out.
Lord thy God. Again, the devil taketh
For in that he himself hath suffered
him up into an exceeding high moun-
being tempted, he is able to succour
tain, and sheweth him all the king-
them that are tempted.
doms of the world, and the glory of
Hebrews 2:18
them; And saith unto him, All these
things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall It was necessary that Jesus be tempt-
down and worship me. Then saith ed so He could, in turn, give comfort to
Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan man who, was, also, tempted.
(adversary) for it is written, Thou
shalt worship the Lord thy God, and Seeing then that we have a great high
him only shalt thou serve. Then the priest that passed into the heavens,
devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast
came and ministered unto him. our profession. For we have not an
Matthew 4:1-11 high priest which cannot be touched
with the feeling of our infirmities;
but was in all points tempted like as
Every place in the New Testament
we are, yet without sin. Let us there-
where you read the word “Satan,” it comes
fore come boldly unto the throne of
from the Greek word “satanas,” which
grace, that we may obtain mercy, and
comes from the Chaldean word
find grace to help in time of need.
“sawtawn.” It is not a new word, it is a
Hebrews 4:14-16
transliteration. We have seen in the Old
Testament that the Chaldean word Paul says that Jesus Christ came in
“sawtawn” meant “adversary.” It was not the form of the seed of Abraham, literally.
really a name. So in verse nine God must He came as a man so that He could be,
be saying, “Get thee hence, adversary.” and was, tempted in all points as we are.
Let's reread James as to how man is
In order to understand what this devil tempted:
was, perhaps we had better refresh our
memories as to what Jesus actually is. If Let no man say when he is tempted, I
we can understand the nature of Jesus, am tempted of God: for God cannot be
perhaps, we can understand this devil. tempted with evil, neither tempteth he
any man: But every man is tempted,
when he is drawn away of his own
For verily he took not on him the
lust, and enticed. Then when lust
nature of angels; but he took on him
hath conceived (when he gives in to
the seed of Abraham. Wherefore in all
the lust, or the desire), it bringeth
things it behooved him to be made like
forth sin: and sin, when it is finished,
unto his brethren, that he might be a
bringeth forth death.
merciful and faithful high priest in
James 1:13-15

What was Jesus tempted by? If Christ what glory would there be that Jesus
was made like unto a man then He was could resist the temptation and we could
tempted by the same feelings and desires read in the Bible that He sinned not?
that men have. James uses the term These thoughts and desires had to come to
“lust.” Our problem with understanding Jesus in order that He would fulfill that
this is that the modern meaning of the which was written. So this devil that
word is “sexual lust.” However, that was tempted Jesus in the wilderness was
not true 300 years ago. Lust and desire exactly what James says tempts us: the
are, literally, synonyms. The hunger that lusts of the flesh.
we have is a “lust,” which we then fulfill
by eating. If it is a lust that leads us into Devils In The New Testament
sin then it is wrong. But lust itself, in the
meaning of the word 300 years ago, is not Let's read more passages which con-
necessarily sin. tain the word “devil.” We will have to
read them interspersed with the passages
Jesus was hungry. Hunger or appetite about Satan because they are hard to sep-
is a desire, a lust, in the meaning of the arate in the New Testament.
word 300 years ago. He wanted food.
Therefore, it was the temptation of The word “devil” in the New Testament
hunger that said: “make these stones comes from two Greek words. One word is
bread.” “diabolos” and the other is “daimonion,”
from which we get our word “demon” —
Jesus, also, knew that God would pro- although it is translated “devil” in the
tect Him. He could have taken physical English of 300 years ago. These words are
risk of injury, but instead, He said that He translated “devil” or “devils” in the New
would not tempt God. Men often give in Testament.
and take physical risks because they say:
“Oh, I'm a Christian and God will protect Matthew, chapter four, said that Jesus
me.” Then something happens. Why did it was tempted by “diabolos,” and He called
happen? Because they gave in and tempt- him “Satan,” or, literally, His “adversary.”
ed God by taking a risk they should not The lusts and desires of our flesh are an
have taken. adversary to us. They are the opponents
that try to lead us in the wrong way, while
Jesus, knowing who He was, and what we try to read God's Word and follow
He was, knew that He could obtain power God's Spirit to be led in the right way.
over men with His intelligence. We recog-
nize in other men a lust, a desire for A Doctrine Of The Pharisees
power. We have politicians and world
leaders who have given in to this lust or Let's turn to Matthew four, after Jesus'
desire for power and they have become being tempted by the “devil,” and His vic-
sinners. I don't think I am stretching the tory over that temptation:
scriptures when I say that Jesus had
these feelings and knowledge in His body And Jesus went about all Galilee,
because Paul says in Hebrews that “He teaching in their synagogues, and
was tempted like we are.” The lusts or the preaching the gospel of the kingdom,
desires or the thoughts of the flesh came and healing all manner of sickness
to Him just like they do to us. Otherwise, and all manner of disease among the
if His flesh offered Him no temptation

people. And his fame went throughout Luke eleven tells this same story, but it
all Syria: and they brought unto him is a little longer version.
all sick people that were taken with
divers diseases and torments, and And he was casting out a devil, and it
those which were possessed with dev- was dumb. And it came to pass, when
ils, and those which were lunatick, the devil was gone out, the dumb
and those that had the palsy; and he spake; and the people wondered. But
healed them. some of them said, He casteth out dev-
Matthew 4:23-24 ils through Beelzebub the chief of the
The following passage is telling of an Luke 11:14-15
affliction that was caused by “a devil”:
We have seen, in other accounts, that
As they went out, behold, they brought it was the scribes and the Pharisees who
to him a dumb man possessed with a brought up this theory or doctrine that
devil. And when the devil was cast Jesus was operating through some chief,
out, the dumb spake: and the multi- or top, devil.
tudes marvelled, saying, It was never
so seen in Israel. And others, tempting him, sought of
Matthew 9:32-33 him a sign from heaven. But he, know-
ing their thoughts, said unto them,
But the Pharisees said, He casteth out Every kingdom divided against itself
devils through the prince of the devils. is brought to desolation; and a house
Matthew 9:34 divided against a house fal/eth. If
Satan also be divided against him-
Who is it who brings up the doctrine self, how shall his kingdom stand? be-
that there is a chief devil? This doctrine cause ye say that I cast out devils
comes from the Pharisees. This occur- through Beelzebub. And if I by Beelze-
rence is, also, recorded in chapter three of bub cast out devils, by whom do your
Mark: sons cast them out? therefore shall
they be your judges. But if I with the
And the scribes which came down finger of God cast out devils, no doubt
from Jerusalem said, He hath the kingdom of God is come upon you.
Beelzebub, and by the prince of the Luke 11: 16-20
devils casteth he out devils.
Mark 3:22 Jesus identifies what power it is that
takes away the afflictions of these people.
Here the scribes are accusing Jesus of It is God's power, which ends the power of
acting under the power of what they the “devils” over each person. But if you
called a “prince of the devils.” This is that will read the other references to this you
doctrine, again, that there is a great chief will see that the only people in the New
supernatural devil. Jesus answers: Testament who come up with the theory
or the doctrine that there is a chief, or
And he called them unto him, and prince, of devils are the scribes and
said unto them in parables, How can Pharisees or the people who were opposed
Satan cast out Satan? to Jesus Christ.
Mark 3:23

Temptation: Natural — would save Him. Even Jesus, with the
Not Supernatural power He had from God, because He was
a man, did not take physical risks and
There are many more references to the tempt God. So you be careful about the
casting out of “diabolos,” or these devils. meaning of these verses. We are not
We won't read all of them because there studying literal poisonous snakes or the
are so many. They follow a general pattem drinking of deadly things here, but rather
of someone being afflicted by something figures of these things. So let's use com-
and then Jesus or one of the disciples mon, ordinary sense. Let us be careful
comes along and casts away, or casts out, that we do not succumb to the lusts of the
this affliction. This is called “casting out flesh, the desires, the strange things that
the devils.” come to our minds that are not necessari-
ly sin. But if we give in to them, as James
Now when Jesus was risen early the says, then it does bring sin.
first day of the week, he appeared first
to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he In the first ten verses of 1 Corinthians,
had cast seven devils. chapter ten, Paul recounts Israelite histo-
Mark 16:9 ry. Then he reminds the Israelites:

Next, Jesus appeared to the disciples Now all these things happened unto
and told them: them for ensamples: and they are
written for our admonition, upon
And these signs shall follow them that whom the ends of the world are come.
believe; In my name shall they cast out Wherefore let him that thinketh he
devils; they shall speak with new standeth take heed lest he fall. There
tongues; They shall take up serpents; hath no temptation taken you but
and if they drink any deadly thing, it such as is common to man: but God is
shall not hurt them; they shall lay faithful, who will not suffer you to be
hands on the sick, and they shall tempted above that ye are able; but
recover. will with the temptation also make a
Mark 16:17-18 way to escape, that ye may be able to
bear it.
So, the casting out of devils, or “diabo- 1 Corinthians 10:11-13
los,” would be a sign following the preach-
ing of all them that believe. Be a little After giving the history of Israel, being
careful about taking some of these things tempted in the wilderness and succumb-
absolutely-literally. It says: “they shall ing to that temptation, Paul is warning us
take up serpents.” There are some people not to do that. He points out that we will
who believe you can actually pick up rat- be tempted, as all men are, but God gives
tlesnakes without injury because it says us a way out.
that here. But the serpent here is an
adversary. You will be able to oppose, vic- Wherefore, my dearly beloved, flee
toriously, your adversaries. Do not tempt from idolatry. I speak as to wise men;
God by picking up poisonous snakes or by judge ye what I say. The cup of bless-
drinking carbolic acid or some poison. You ing which we bless, is it not the com-
would be falling for what Jesus did not fall munion of the blood of Christ? The
for — casting Himself down because God bread which we break, is it not the
communion of the body of Christ? For

we being many are one bread, and one to give to him that needeth.
body: for we are all partakers of that Ephesians 4:25-28
one bread. Behold Israel after the
flesh: are not they which eat of the Notice that Paul was saying they
sacrifices partakers of the altar? should quit sinning. Neither give place to
What say I then? that the idol is any the devil or to the lusts of the flesh — to
thing, or that which is offered in sin.
sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I
say, that the things which the Gentiles And the servant of the Lord must not
sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt
not to God: and I would not that ye to teach, patient. In meekness
should have fellowship with devils. Ye instructing those that oppose them-
cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and selves; if God peradventure will give
the cup of devils: ye cannot be partak- them repentance to the acknowledg-
ers of the Lord's table, and of the table ing of the truth; And that they may
of devils. recover themselves out of the snare of
Corinthians 10:14-21 the devil, who are taken captive by
him at his will.
I quoted that long passage to demon- 2 Timothy 2:24-26
strate that Paul was speaking of tempta-
tion, and he referred to it as “worshipping Could it have read, as well, that they
idols.” Here, as in the Old Testament, dev- are taken captive by giving in to the lusts
ils are made synonymous with idols. They of the flesh, the snare of the devil?
are something one worships which is not
of God. Forasmuch then as the children are
partakers of flesh and blood, he also
Think Again On These Verses himself likewise took part of the same;
that through death he might destroy
Now, I am going to requote those pas- him that had the power of death, that
sages that we read at the beginning of this is, the devil; And deliver them who
study and make some comments along through fear of death were all their
with them. Perhaps you will better see lifetime subject to bondage.
what that devil is, now, than you did when Hebrews 2:14-15
we read them the first time.
This devil has the power of death, or
In chapter four of Ephesians, Paul is brings death. In the New Testament it is
telling Christians how they are supposed sin which has the power to bring death.
to act: Could Hebrews 2:14 have read that
through death Jesus destroyed the lusts of
Wherefore putting away lying, speak the flesh? It is the lusts of the flesh, or the
every man truth with his neighbour: desire to sin, that causes death.
for we are members one of another. Be
ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun In chapter four of James we read:
go down upon your wrath: Neither
give place to the devil. Let him that Submit yourselves therefore to God.
stole steal no more: but rather let him Resist the devil, and he will flee from
labour, working with his hands the you. Draw nigh to God, and he will
thing which is good, that he may have draw nigh to you. Cleanse your hands,

ye sinners; and purify your hearts, ye What is the prince of the world? What. is
double minded. that thing which rules over men in the
James 4:7-8 world? It is the lust of the flesh — a devil,
or THE devil in them.
We are to resist the devil, or the lusts
or desires of the flesh that lead to sin. The Source Of Evil:
Supernatural Devil,
Humble yourselves therefore under Or Man’s Heart?
the mighty hand of God, that he may
exalt you in due time: Casting all your Chapter seven of Mark contains anoth-
care upon him; for he careth for you. er long passage which will make it plain
Be sober, be vigilant; because your what the devil is that tempts us. The
adversary [or your “Satan”] the devil, scribes and the Pharisees are talking to
as a roaring lion, walketh about, Jesus:
seeking whom he may devour: Whom Then the Pharisees and scribes asked
resist stedfast in the faith, knowing him, Why walk not thy disciples
that the same afflictions are ac- according to the tradition of the eld-
complished in your brethren that are ers, but eat bread with unwashen
in the world. hands? He answered and said unto
1 Peter 5:6-9 them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of
you hypocrites, as it is written, This
We read in Paul that all men are people honoureth me with their lips,
tempted. We have the same afflictions. but their heart is far from me.
What are these afflictions? They are the Howbeit in vain do they worship me,
devil: the lusts of the flesh. teaching for doctrines the command-
ments of men. For laying aside the
He that committeth sin is of the devil; commandment of God, ye hold the tra-
for the devil sinneth from the be- dition of men, as the washing of pots
ginning. For this purpose the Son of and cups: and many other such like
God was manifested, that he might things ye do. And he said unto them,
destroy the works of the devil. Full well ye reject the commandment
1 John 3:8 of God, that ye may keep your own tra-
dition. For Moses said, Honour thy
In other words, he that committeth sin father and thy mother; and, Whoso
gives place to the lusts which bringeth curseth father or mother, let him die
forth sin. Christ was manifested to put an the death: But ye say, If a man shall
end to sin. He came to destroy the lusts of say to his father or mother, It is
the flesh. Further proof of this is found in Corban, that is to say, a gift [or a
the gospel of John: release] by whatsoever thou mightest
be profited by me; he shall be free.
The next day John seeth Jesus coming Mark 7:5-11
unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb
of God, which taketh away the sin of Jesus was accusing the scribes and
the world. Pharisees of teaching a false doctrine,
John 1:29 that if you sinned, all you had to do was
give a gift to the temple and you were free.
It is the Lamb of God which takes There are some religions like that today.
away the devil, or the prince of the world.

And ye suffer him no more to do ought And he saith unto them, Are ye so
for his father or his mother; without understanding also? Do ye
Mark 7:12 not perceive, that whatsoever thing
from without entereth into the man, it
In other words, a gift to the temple cannot defile him; Because it entereth
freed you from obeying God. not into his heart, but into the belly,
and goeth out into the draught, purg-
Making the word of God of none effect ing all meats?
through your tradition, which ye have Mark 7:18-19
delivered: and many such like things
do ye. And when he had called all the And he said, That which cometh out of
people unto him, he said unto them, the man, that defileth the man. For
Hearken unto me everyone of you, and from within, out of the heart of men,
understand: There is nothing from proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, for-
without a man, that entering into him nications, murders, thefts, covetous-
can defile him: but the things which ness, wickedness, deceit, lascivi-
come out of him, those are they that ousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride,
defile the man. If any man have ears foolishness: All these evil things come
to hear, let him hear. from within, and defile the man.
Mark 7:13-16 Mark 7:20-23

Isn't this passage strange at first read- Where do these evil things come from?
ing? Jesus has just finished rebuking the They come from the devil which is in
scribes and Pharisees and crediting them every man: the lusts of the flesh. If we
with being the corrupters of men by teach- were free from these lusts, then none of
ing false doctrine. He then turns right the things that we see in the world, which
around and says that there is nothing we claim are the defilers and the cor-
from without a man that can corrupt him. rupters, would have any effect on us.
What is it that reigns in our mortal bod-
Is this a contradiction? No! ies? Diabolos, the devil! Daimonion, the
lust to sin! What is the tempter? Diabolos,
And when he was entered into the daimonion, the lust to sin! Where is it? It
house from the people, his disciples is in our heart! What are we to resist?
asked him concerning the parable. Diabolos, the devil, or the lust to sin!
Mark 7:17 What causes death? Diabolos, or the lust
to sin. What is cast out by the Word of
The disciples didn't quite understand God? Diabolos, the devil, daimonion, or
what Jesus said. Jesus was giving an the lust to sin! What will be destroyed in
answer to what He had accused the the Resurrection when we are made per-
Pharisees of: that by their traditions they fect? It will be the devil, diabolos, the lust
had made the Word of God of no effect. to sin, which will be destroyed. When we
Let's read on and we will see that even come through the fire of the resurrection,
though an outside force (the scribes and the devil (or the lust to sin) will be cast
Pharisees) could destroy the word of God, into that fire and destroyed.
they had to work on something that was
within a man in order to turn that man
away from God.

This lust is in the heart of every mor- that came down here from God's abode
tal human being. This is what Jesus is and is tempting us separately. Jesus
talking about in Mark seven. That is why makes it plain, in Mark seven (you might
the devil (plural) is so often used in the want to read the companion of this in
New Testament. It is speaking of the Matthew 15), that there is nothing from
many temptations, lusts and sins that without which can defile a man. That
befall all men. This explains how this dia- which defiles is already in every man's
bolos, this devil, can be in all of the world heart. It is the “devil” or the lusts of the
at once, tempting every man. This is not flesh.
speaking of some separate angelic being

There is no such thing as a “chief” ture. Would to God we would get that
devil. That is a doctrine, as we have seen, through our minds. You can understand
of the scribes and the Pharisees. That doc- why the great men of the Reformation
trine is now being taught by practically wrote and spoke so much about the sinful
every church in America, including much and corrupted nature of man, our own car-
of what passes for Christianity. nal, devilish nature. You can, also, under-
stand, when we have that kind of preach-
We would better understand our own ing, how we have genuine conversions
nature, our own sin, and our need to where people see their own sins, repent,
repent. It is the heart in ourselves that is and turn and then feed on the Word of
desperately wicked above all things. We God and listen to the call of His Spirit.
are in need of God's Word because of what _______________
WE are, not because of some other crea-


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