For 2 English Paper 1

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Questions 1 – 10
For each of the questions below, read the question first and then study the
information provided to find the best answer. Then, circle the answer A, B, C or D.

Question 1 – 2
Study the table below and answer the questions that follow.



5 20 6
4 26 3
3 17 9
2 12 7
1 10 8

1. Which of the statements below is true about the table?

A. The number of truancy cases among the girls in Form Four is very low
compared to the boys.
B. SMK Jaya has a low number of discipline cases among the boys.
C. Many truancy cases are reported among the Form One students.
D. The number of truancy cases in 2004 is very low.

2. Which form in SMK Jaya has the most number of truancy cases in 2004?
A. Form One
B. Form Two
C. Form Four
D. Form Five

Question 3 – 4
Study the picture below and answer the questions that follow.

3. From the picture, we know that the man talking to Mazlan is probably
A. his father
B. his friend.
C. his teacher
D. his employer

4. How do you think Mazlan feels?

A. Sad
B. Happy
C. Excited
D. Worried

Question 5.
Read the quotation below and answer the question that follows.

5. What does the quotation mean?

A. You need to be patient in whatever you do
B. If you smash an egg, you have no patience
C. To get chickens, you must hatch the egg patiently
D. If you have the key to patience, you can hatch an egg.

Question 6

Read the message below and answer the question that follows.

6. Why did May Ling’s parents have to leave in a hurry to get to Sitiawan?
A. To visit her grandmother
B. To visit her grandfather’s friend
C. To be admitted to the hospital in Sitiawan
D. To visit her grandfather who is in hospital

Question 7
Study the sign below and answer the question that follows.

7. The sign means that you should not

A. throw rubbish anywhere you want
B. throw anything into this dustbin
C. throw rubbish into dustbins
D. throw away anything

Question 8
Study the pictures below and answer the question that follows.

8. What do you think these picture represent?

A. Ancient and modern technology
B. Men from different countries
C. Hobbies of different men
D. Ways of communication

Question 9
Study the chart below and answer the question that follows

9. According to the chart, the favourite subject of the majority of the students is
A. English
B. Science
C. Geography
D. Mathematics

Question 10
Read the notice below and answer the question that follow


Please Keep the Park Clean

Leave nothing behind but your footprints

10. The notice appeals to visitors not to leave behind their

A. litter
B. children
C. footprints
D. belongings


Question 11 – 18
Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question,
choose the best answer from the option A, B, and C or A, B, C, and D to fit the
numbered blanks.

One day, Tom went to the zoo with his friends. They were in front of the
monkeys’ _____(11). There were a few monkeys swinging on some branches. Tom
picked some pebbles from the ground _____(12) threw them at the monkeys. One of
the pebbles hit a monkey on its nose. Tom clapped his hands and laughed.
Next, he picked up a long branch and poked it _____(13) the bars of the cage.
This frightened the monkeys. They ran away.
Tom’s friend standing next to him tried to snatch the stick _____(14) him and
told him to stop teasing the monkeys. Tom pushed him away and continued poking
_____(15) them. Suddenly the largest and strongest monkey _____ (16) the stick from
Tom’s hand. It bared _____(17) teeth at Tom and started to poke the stick at him.
Tom stepped _____(18) in fright. Then, the monkey picked up some pebbles from the
floor of the cage and threw them at Tom. Tom ran away as fast as his legs could carry

11. A. den 15. A. on

B. cage B. in
C. stable C. at
D. kennel D. through

12. A. but 16. A. snatching

B. while B. snatched
C. and C. snatches
D. snatch

13. A. through
B. onto 17. A. his
C. beside B. their
D. out of C. its
D. her

14. A. for
B. from 18. A. forward
C. to B. behind
C. in front
D. back


Questions 19 – 21
Read the conversation in Situation A and choose the best meaning for the phrases
that are underlined.

Situation A : Mr and Mrs Raju are discussing the problems in their neighbourhood.

Mr. Raju : This town is getting from bad to worse

Mrs. Raju : The continuing pollution of our neighbourhood is unbearable.
Mr. Raju : The traffic jam is driving me up the wall. (19)
Mrs. Raju : Please go to the Town Council and make a formal complaint.
Don’t drag your feet (20) over this matter.
Mr. Raju : Why don’t we move to another town?
Mrs. Raju : Just what I was thinking. You have read my mind. (21)

19. driving me up the wall.

A. making me silly
B. making me bored
C. making me crazy
D. making me furious

20. Don’t drag your feet

A. Don’t walk slowly
B. Don’t give up hope
C. Don’t be slow to take action
D. Don’t pull your feet when you walk

21. have read my mind

A. Look at my head
B. Know what I want
C. Have the same thought
D. Know what I am thinking

Questions 22 – 24
Read the conversation in Situation B and choose the best meaning for the phrases
that are underlined.

Situation B : Nurul has just baked a cake.

Nurul : Come on and try this cake. I know you have a sweet tooth. (22)
Bob : Is this the first cake that you’ve baked?
Nurul : Of course not! I’ve been doing this for donkey’s years (23).
Bob : Are you sure? Are you pulling my leg? (24)
Nurul : No, I’m not. It’s good. Come on, try it!

22. a sweet tooth

A. a liking for soft things
B. a liking for fresh things
C. a liking for sweet things
D. a liking for chewy things

23. donkey’s years

A. a life time
B. a very long time
C. a difficult period
D. a very short period

24. pulling my leg

A. coaxing me
B. forcing me
C. defending me
D. joking with me


Question 25 – 30
Read the passage below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Pak Yusuf is a busy fisherman. He has a good boat. He built the boat with the
help of other fishermen who live in the same village. He used the best wood which he
obtained from the nearby jungle to make his boat. He also applied tar over the cracks
of his boat to prevent water from getting into the boat. Pak Yusuf learnt to row from
his father.
Early in the morning he sets out to sea. He carries with him a few baskets and
his nets. Sometimes, his nephew follows him. They return home after a good catch.
Pak Yusuf earns his living by selling the fish he has caught. There are always ready
Later in the morning, he carries school children living in
Kampung Perwira to their school on the other side of the river. It takes about fifteen

minutes to cross the river. His boat has an engine at the back. So, it does not take long
to cross the river.
In the afternoon, he ferries passengers across the river. The passengers pay
him fifty sen each to ferry them across the river. Pak Yusuf earns about forty ringgit a
day. He uses this extra money to buy his daily provisions.
During the fruit season, he helps passengers to carry fruits such as durians,
mangosteens, rambutans and langsats to the town across the river. It is faster and
cheaper this way. Other villagers too use his services. He is paid ten ringgit for each
trip. Pak Yusuf earns quite a lot transporting the fruit.
It is clear that the boat is a very useful possession to Pak Yusuf.

25. In order to make his boat, Pak Yusuf

A. asked his father for help
B. got help from his close relatives
C. obtained the services of some men from another village
D. collected the best wood from the jungle

26. Pak Yusuf covered the cracks of his boat with tar to
A. make the boat look attractive
B. enable it to sail smoothly and fast
C. stop water from getting into his boat
D. fervent fish from escaping from the boat

27. Pak Yusuf has no problem selling his fish mainly because
A. it is fresh
B. his fish are very cheap
C. he is a friendly fisherman
D. there are buyers prepared to buy them

28. From the 3rd and 4th paragraphs, we know that Pak Yusuf is also a
A. farmer
B. teacher
C. boatman
D. carpenter

29. Passengers prefer to use the boat to carry their fruits to the town because
A. it is faster
B. it is easier and faster
C. they can carry more fruits
D. it is only a very short distance

30. Which statement is not true about the boat?

A. It is rarely used for fishing
B. It is very useful to Pak Yusuf
C. It is made of the best wood available
D. It is used for sending children to school.
Question 31 – 34
Read the notice carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Dewan Bandaraya Ipoh
5 –18th May, 9am – 10pm daily

Bring your children here and they will find every moment exciting, interesting
and meaningful. Introduce them to the wonderful world of books and magazines.

THEME : Reading Begins with the Young

• Nursery Rhymes
• Bedtime Stories
• Adventure Stories
• Timeless Fairy Tales
• Children’s Magazines
• And many more

All those who buy four books or more are eligible to take part in the lucky dip. Win
fabulous prizes!

A special gift will be given away

for every purchase of RM100 and above.
Hurry! Hurry ! Hurry!

Organized by:
Indah Book Centre

31. The advertisement is addressed to

A. Parents
B. Teachers
C. Everybody
D. School children

32. Who can take part in the lucky dip?

A. All parents and children
B. Those who buy any story book
C. Those who buy more than three books
D. All regular customers of Indah Book Centre

33. What will those who buy books to the value of RM100 or above receive?
A. Some books
B. A special present
C. Children’s magazine
D. A special calendar

34. For how many days is the book fair held?

A. 5 days C. 14 days
B. 10 days D. 19 days

Questions 35 – 37
Read the poem below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

The Dead Crow

He saw a dead crow

in a drain
near the post office
He saw an old man
gasping for air
and a baby barely able to breath
in a crowded morning clinic
This land is so rich
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air

for my grandchildren
I want the damned fools
to leave the forest alone
I want the trees to grow,
the rivers to run free
and the earth covered with grass.
Let the politicians plan how we may live with dignity now and always

35. The tone of the poem is one of

A. anger C. suffering
B. relief

36. The persona wants better conditions specifically for his

A. Sons C. Extended family
B. Family D. Children’s children

37. The phrase now and always means

A. Past C. Future
B. Present D. Forever

Questions 38 – 40
Read the extract below carefully and answer the questions that follow

“Where are your shoes, Jamal? You couldn’t very well go up on the
“Pemanjangan” without shoes on. Ah, wait a minute… What about your nice
Bally shoes? Go and fetch them.” Jamal looked at his sister, drew a long
breath and asked, “What Bally shoes?”
Of Bunga Telur and Bally Shoes
By Che’ Husna Azahari

38. What happened to Jamal’s shoes?

A. He had lost them
B. He cannot remember
C. His brother had taken them
D. He had sold them to his cousin

39. The Bally shoes must be worn at the wedding because

A. nobody else wears them
B. only bridegrooms wear them
C. they will make him look better
D. they will show how rich Jamal is

40. Which of the following best describes Jamal’s sister’s feelings when she finds out
that Jamal has no Bally shoes?
A. keen
B. upset
C. serious
D. excited



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