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Tuberculous meningitis: many questions, too few answers

Lancet Neurol 2005; 4: 160–70 Guy E Thwaites, Tran Tinh Hien
Centre for Tropical Medicine,
Nuffield Department of Clinical Tuberculous meningitis (TM) is difficult to diagnose and treat; clinical features are non-specific, conventional
Medicine, Oxford University,
UK (G E Thwaites PhD);
bacteriology is widely regarded as insensitive, and assessment of newer diagnostic methods is not complete.
and Oxford University Treatment includes four drugs, which were developed more than 30 years ago, and prevents death or disability in
Clinical Research Unit less than half of patients. Mycobacterium tuberculosis resistant to these drugs threatens a return to the
(G E Thwaites PhD), Hospital for prechemotherapeutic era in which all patients with TM died. Research findings suggest that adjunctive treatment
Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh
City, Vietnam (T T Hien MD)
with corticosteroids improve survival but probably do not prevent severe disability, although how or why is not
known. There are many important unanswered questions about the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of
Correspondence to:
Dr Guy Thwaites, Brighton and TM. Here we review the available evidence to answer some of these questions, particularly those on the diagnosis
Sussex University Hospital, and treatment of TM.
Department of Infectious
Diseases and Microbiology,
Eastern Road, Brighton, Sussex,
The diagnosis and management of tuberculous “an inflammation of the meninges, with the deposit of
BN2 5BE, UK meningitis (TM) challenges physicians throughout the tubercular matter in the form of granulations, or cheesy world (panel 1). Unlike pulmonary tuberculosis, which matter”. The author’s conclusion was controversial:
has been the subject of many clinical trials, the these findings represented “tubercular meningitis”, a
pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of TM have new diagnosis, and one to join the growing number of
received little attention. How the disease kills or disables diseases marked by the presence of “tubercles”.
more than half of those it infects is not understood; the The unitary theory of tuberculosis was not widely
best diagnostic tests are controversial; the optimum accepted until 1882, when Robert Koch stained and
choice, dose, and treatment duration of antituberculosis cultured Mycobacterium tuberculosis for the first time and
drugs are not known; and the outcome from adjunctive showed it was the bacterium transmitted in
corticosteroids and neurosurgical intervention has been tuberculosis.2 Thereafter, controversy turned to whether
difficult to study. TM resulted from direct haematogenous invasion of the
meninges by the bacilli, or by inoculation from
Clinical features and pathogenesis of TM contiguous lesions resulting from earlier bacillaemia. In
Historical perspective 1933, Rich and McCordock3 reported a series of elegant
Controversy has dogged TM since 1836, when The experiments in rabbits and children post-mortem; they
Lancet published a description of six children with fatal found the disease developed after the release of bacilli
“acute hydrocephalus”.1 Assessment post-mortem found from old focal lesions in communication with the
meninges. These lesions, called Rich foci, were typically
subpial or subependymal and most commonly situated
Panel 1: TM in clinical practice
in the sylvian fissure.3
Associated with TM
Recent exposure to tuberculosis (especially in children) Clinical features
Evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere (especially miliary Understanding of the events that happen after the
tuberculosis on chest radiograph) release of bacilli from Rich foci has advanced little since
HIV infection Rich and McCordock’s studies, and although the
presenting clinical features of TM have been described
extensively (panel 2)4–9 the mechanisms that cause them
are poorly understood. These mechanisms are
Meticulous microscopy (and then culture) of "5 ml of CSF
important for clinicians who need to understand the
After treatment commencement consequences of the disease, and may lead to new
PCR of CSF treatments.
First 2 months Molecular and cellular pathogenesis
Four drugs: isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide and either An overview of the pathogenesis of TM and the variables
streptomycin, or ethambutol that might be associated with disease progression and
outcome is given in figure 1. The conflicting evidence on
Next 7–10 months
the role of tumour necrosis factor ! (TNF !) in
Isoniazid and rifampicin
pathogenesis shows the complexity of this process. The
Patients without HIV release of M tuberculosis into the subarachnoid space
Give dexamethasone, regardless of patient’s age or disease results in a local T-lymphocyte-dependent response,
severity characterised macroscopically as caseating granulo-
matous inflammation.10 In pulmonary tuberculosis,

160 Vol 4 March 2005


glucose ratio. However, total CSF white-cell count can be

Panel 2: TM symptoms on presentation4–9 normal in those with TM and depressed cell-mediated
immunity, such as the elderly and people with HIV;19,20
Symptom (proportion of patients affected)
low counts have been associated with poor outcome.15
Headache (50–80%)
Neutrophils can dominate, especially early in the
Fever (60–95%)
disease,21 and high proportions of neutrophils in the cell
Vomiting (30–60%)
count have been associated with an increased likelihood
Photophobia (5–10%)
of a bacteriological diagnosis and improved survival.
Anorexia (60–80%)
Hence, neutrophils could have a role in pathogenesis.15,22
Clinical sign (proportion of patients affected) The kinetics of the lymphocyte response are probably
Neck stiffness (40–80%) also important, particularly the roles of different
Confusion (10–30%) lymphocyte subsets,23 but more data on these cells are
Coma (30–60%) needed.
Any cranial nerve palsy (30–50%)
Cranial nerve III palsy (5–15%) Pathological and clinical consequences of infection
Cranial nerve VI palsy (30–40%) The macroscopic consequences of infection have been
Cranial nerve VII palsy (10–20%) researched post mortem and, more recently, through CT
Hemiparesis (10–20%) and MRI (figure 2) of the brain. Neurological
Paraparesis (5–10%) abnormalities occur with the development of an
Seizures (children: 50%; adults: 5%) inflammatory exudate that affects mostly the sylvian
fissures, basal cisterns, brainstem, and cerebellum.10
CSF (proportion or range)
Three processes cause most of the common neurological
Appearance (80–90% clear)
deficits: the adhesive exudate can obstruct CSF causing
Opening pressure (50% #25 cm H20)
hydrocephalus and compromise efferent cranial nerves;
Total leucocyte count (5–1000$103/ml)
granulomas can coalesce to form tuberculomas (or an
Neutrophils (10–70%)
abscess in patients with uncharacteristic disease) which,
Lymphocyte (30–90%)
depending on their location, cause diverse clinical
Protein (45–250 mg/dL)*
consequences; and an obliterative vasculitis can cause
Lactate (5–10 mmol/L)
infarction and stroke syndromes.10 The severity of these
CSF glucose to blood glucose ratio (%0·5 in 95%)
complications may be dependent on the intracerebral
*CSF protein can be #1000 mg/dL in patients with spinal block inflammatory response and strongly predicts outcome.15
Indeed, the severity of TM at presentation is classified
into three grades according to the patient’s Glasgow
TNF ! is thought to be crucial for granuloma coma score and the presence or absence of focal
formation,11 but is also cited as a main factor in host- neurological signs (panel 3),24 variables shown to be
mediated destruction of infected tissue.12 Studies of strongly predictive of death.26
pyogenic bacterial meningitis showed CSF Unusual clinical and pathological features of TM have
concentrations of TNF ! correlated with disease been well described in previous research papers and can
severity13 and study of rabbit models of TM found high cause diagnostic uncertainty.27,28 Movement disorders
CSF concentrations were associated with a worse can present after basal ganglia infarction; tremor is the
outcome,14 although TNF ! concentrations have not most common, but chorea, ballismus, and myoclonus
been correlated with disease severity or outcome in are all reported.29 Less common, and more controversial,
human beings.15 Treatment with antibiotics and than patients who present with movement disorders are
thalidomide, an anti TNF ! drug, improved survival and those who present with evidence of diffuse cerebral
neurological outcome in rabbits16 and suggested a novel involvement but without clinical or CSF signs of
therapeutic approach in people. Preliminary research meningitis. Dastur and Udani30 were the first to describe
found that thalidomide was safe and well-tolerated17 and this variant of cerebral tuberculosis, which they called
led to a controlled trial to assess the efficacy of adjunctive “tuberculous encephalopathy”, in Indian children with
thalidomide in children with TM. Sadly, this trial was disseminated tuberculosis. These children had a diffuse
stopped early because there were many adverse events in cerebral disorder with coma, convulsions, involuntary
the thalidomide arm and there did not seem to be any movements, and pyramidal signs but with normal CSF
benefit from treatment.18 measurements. Dastur31 has argued subsequently that
The numbers and types of white cells in the CSF help the pathogenesis of tuberculous encephalopathy may
differentiate TM from other meningitides, but little is differ from TM: post-mortem assessment of those with
known of their role in disease pathogenesis. Typically tuberculous encephalopathy found diffuse cerebral
the CSF shows a high CSF white-cell count, which is oedema, demyelination, and sometimes haemorrhage—
predominantly lymphocytic, with a high protein and low features that may be more typical of a post-infectious Vol 4 March 2005 161


Pretreatment Treatment Post-treatment

HIV Pulmonary infection Coma

Death or
with M tuberculosis Cranial-nerve palsies

Host Meningeal/subcortical M tuberculosis strain ↑ CSF lactate

genotype “Rich” focus ↑ CSF glucose

Rupture of Rich focus

Meningitis ↑ CSF IL8 Infarctions and tuberculomas

↑ CSF TNF ! Hydrocephulus
↑ CSF IFN " Oedema
↑ Intracranial pressure

↑ Bacillary replication Vasculitis ↑ CSF lactate Coma

Encephalitis ↑ CSF protein Infarction Time to treatment
Meningitis ↑ BBB breakdown Hydrocephalus Drug resistance
↓ CSF glucose Oedema CSG drug levels
↑ Intracranial pressure HIV infection

↑ CSF WCC ↑ CSF matrix metalloproteinases ↓ Basal inflammation

(neutrophils and ↑ CSF tissue inhibitors of matrix ↓ Vasculitis
lymphocytes) metalloproteinases ↓ Intracranial pressure
↑ CSF IL10

↓ CSF lactate
↓ CSF glucose

Figure 1: Overview of the pathophysiology of TM

IL8=interleukin 8; IL10=interleukin 10; IFN &=interferon &; WCC=total white cell count; BBB=blood–brain barrier.

allergic encephalomyelitis.31,32 Anecdotal reports suggest hyponatraemia associated originally with bronchial
the disease is responsive to treatment with carcinoma38 led some to think a similar mechanism
corticosteroids, but there are few recent reports and no causes TM-associated hyponatraemia.39 However, many
data from controlled trials. Tuberculous encephalopathy patients with TM-associated hyponatraemia have low
has not been reported in adults. plasma volumes and persistent natriuresis despite
TM with spinal involvement (figure 3), which normal concentrations of antidiuretic hormone;40 there
commonly presents as paraplegia, occurs in less than is a stronger correlation between concentrations of
10% of cases.33 Vertebral tuberculosis (Pott’s disease) plasma atrial natriuretic peptide and sodium. Although a
accounts for about a quarter of patients with TM with role for antidiuretic hormone has not been excluded,
spinal involvement and may be associated with fusiform “hyponatraemic natriuretic syndrome” is probably a
para-vertebral abscesses or a gibbus. Extradural cord better descriptive term for this common complication of
tuberculomas cause more than 60% of cases of non- TM.40 Despite these investigations, the best method of
osseous paraplegia,34 although tuberculomas can occur correcting the sodium concentration in the plasma is not
in any part of the cord. Tuberculous radiculomyelitis known; sodium and fluid replacement is probably
rarely occurs with tuberculous meningitis35 and is indicated in hypovolaemic hyponatraemia,41 whereas
characterised by a subacute paraparesis, radicular pain, fluid restriction may be more appropriate in those who
and bladder dysfunction. MRI reveals loculation and are euvolaemic.42 There is anecdotal evidence to suggest
obliteration of the spinal subarachnoid space with fludrocortisone replacement therapy43 and demeclo-
nodular intradural enhancement. cycline44 may be useful.
TM can also cause metabolic complications, the
commonest of which, hyponatraemia, affects more than Co-infection with HIV
50% of patients with the disease.9 A “cerebral salt Research findings suggest HIV does not alter the clinical
wasting syndrome” associated with TM and attributed to presentation of TM,45 but may affect the number and
a renal tubular defect36,37 was described more than nature of complications. In patients with HIV, basal
50Ref number
years ago. The discovery of a syndrome Special
TLN_MAR_10003_Thwaites_1.eps meningeal
of instructions enhancement
(PLEASE MARK WITH RED SPOT IF and hydrocephalus on CT
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone as a cause Lancet might
of journal colours be less common andcolours
Specialty there could be more bacilli
Editor GC 100% 10% 35% 100% 10% 35%
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162 Vol 4 March 2005
Created by Steve

in the meninges than in patients without HIV.46 Active

extrameningeal tuberculosis is more common in people
infected with HIV than in uninfected people.20 More
importantly, case fatality from TM is greater in people
infected with HIV than in those who are uninfected,33
although the role of other opportunistic infections upon
case fatality is not known and there are no data from
people taking antiretroviral drugs.

Diagnosis of TM
The diagnosis and treatment of TM before the onset of
coma is without question the greatest contribution a
physician can make to improved outcome,47,48 but three
factors make this difficult. First, the presenting clinical
features of the disease are non-specific. Second, small
numbers of bacilli in the CSF reduce the sensitivity of
conventional bacteriology. Third, alternative diagnostic
methods are incompletely assessed.

Clinical diagnosis
TM cannot be diagnosed on the history and clinical
assessment alone, although recall of recent exposure to
tuberculosis can be helpful, particularly in children,6 as
can signs of active extrameningeal tuberculosis on
clinical assessment.20 Chest radiography finds active or
previous tuberculosis infection in about 50% of those
with TM,4 but these findings lack specificity in settings
with a high prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis.
However, miliary tuberculosis strongly suggests
multiorgan involvement; therefore it is very helpful
when it is shown by chest radiograph.49 Skin testing with
purified protein derivative of M tuberculosis is probably of
limited value, except in infants.50
Two studies have tried to identify the clinical and CSF Figure 2: MRI showing the cerebral pathology of TM
findings predictive of TM.51,52 The first compared the Post-contrast scan showing intense basal meningeal enhancement (top left); severe hydrocephalus secondary to
TM (top right); multiple basal tuberculomas and hydrocephalus (bottom left); intense basal enhancement and
clinical findings at presentation of 110 Indian children
infarction (bottom right).
with TM with 94 with meningitis who either had
pyogenic bacteria isolated from the CSF or who
recovered without antituberculosis treatment. Five Panel 3: The modified British Medical Research Council
clinical variables were predictive of TM: report of clinical criteria for TM severity grades24
symptoms for longer than 6 days, optic atrophy, focal
Grade I
neurological deficit, abnormal movements, and
Alert and orientated without focal neurological deficit
neutrophils forming less than half the total CSF
leucocytes.51 From these findings a diagnostic rule was Grade II
developed and tested on a further 128 patients: Glasgow coma score* 14–10 with or without focal neurological
diagnostic sensitivity was 98%, specificity was 44% when deficit or Glasgow coma score 15 with focal neurological deficit
at least one feature was present; sensitivity was 55%, and
Grade III
specificity was 98% if three or more features were
Glasgow coma score less than 10 with or without focal
present. A second study compared the clinical outcomes
neurological deficit
of 143 Vietnamese adults with TM with 108 who had
either a pathogenic bacteria isolated from the CSF or a *The Glasgow coma score is between 3 and 15, where 3 is the worst and 15 the
CSF glucose to blood glucose ratio less than 0·5 and best. Three factors are assessed: best eye response (1=no eye opening, 2=eye
opening to pain, 3=eye opening to verbal command, 4=eyes open spontaneously),
recovered without antituberculosis treatment.52 Thwaites best verbal response (1=no verbal response, 2=incomprehensible sounds,
and colleagues identified five variables predictive of TM 3=inappropriate words, 4=confused, 5=orientated), and best motor response
(1=no motor response, 2=extension to pain, 3=flexion to pain, 4=withdrawal from
and developed a diagnostic rule (table 1) that had a
pain, 5=localising pain, 6=obeys commands).25
sensitivity of 86% and a specificity of 79% when it was
tested on a further 75 adults. Vol 4 March 2005 163


The results of these two diagnostic rules are affected by there are few data to indicate whether findings can help
tuberculosis and HIV infection prevalence. Co-infection discriminate between TM and other cerebral disorders.
with HIV may alter the presenting features of TM, and Kumar and colleagues54 compared the CT scans of 94
changes the spectrum of disorders that present with children with TM with those of 52 children with
similar clinical syndromes. These studies were not pyogenic meningitis and found basal enhancement,
designed to differentiate between tuberculous and hydrocephalus, tuberculoma, and infarction were all
cryptococcal meningitis, a common disease of people with substantially more common in those with TM, whereas
HIV, and further studies of these patients must be done. subdural collections were more common in those with
In summary, a high index of clinical suspicion is pyogenic meningitis. They suggested basal meningeal
needed to diagnose TM. In some patients, commonly in enhancement, tuberculoma, or both, were 89% sensitive
children, the onset can be subtle behavioural changes and 100% specific for the diagnosis of TM.54 A recent
that do not immediately suggest the diagnosis; in others, report suggested that precontrast hyperdensity in the
the disease can present as pyogenic bacterial meningitis, basal cisterns might be the most specific radiological
with a sudden onset and polymorphonuclear cell sign of TM in children.55 Cranial MRI is better than CT
predominance in the CSF. Given the fatal consequences for showing brain stem and cerebellum pathology,
of delayed treatment, clinicians should be encouraged to tuberculomas, infarcts, and the extent of inflammatory
initiate “empirical” therapy in the setting of compatible exudates,56,57 but this might not be true in discrimination
clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory findings. In the of TM from other disorders. Cryptococcal meningitis,
UK, the local public health authority must be notified of viral encephalitis, sarcoidosis, meningeal metastases,
suspected or proven cases of tuberculous meningitis. and lymphoma may be similar to TM on radiographic
assessments (figure 4).
Radiological diagnosis
CT and MRI of the brain show the pathological changes Bacteriological diagnosis
of TM (figure 2) and provide diagnostic information at The comparative role of bacteriological and molecular
presentation and when complications occur.53 However, techniques for the diagnosis of TM has been a source of
much controversy. Old reports suggested the acid-fast
bacilli of M tuberculosis could be seen in the CSF after
Zeihl-Neelsen staining in nearly every case, if the
microscopist was prepared to look hard,58 but this is
rarely the experience in contemporary laboratories.59
Kennedy and Fallon60 showed that repeated CSF
sampling improved the sensitivity of a Ziehl-Neelsen
stain to over 80%, but the factors responsible for the
large reported variation in the sensitivity of bacteriology
have received little attention. A recent study reported a
bacteriological diagnosis of TM in 107 (81%) of 132
adults with the disease; acid-fast bacilli were seen in 77
(58%) patients, and cultured from 94 (71%) patients.22
The likelihood of seeing or culturing M tuberculosis from
the CSF was dependent upon meticulous microscopy
and culture of a large volume (>5 mL) of CSF.22 These
data suggest simple changes made at the bedside and
in the laboratory can substantially improve the
performance of conventional bacteriology.

Molecular diagnosis
Whether molecular techniques can improve upon
conventional bacteriology is unclear. In theory, nucleic-
acid-amplification assays, such as those developed from
the PCR, should improve with bacteriology; but attempts
to clarify their diagnostic role have failed because of few
cases and inadequate bacteriological diagnostic
comparison. A recent systematic review and meta-
Figure 3: MRI showing spinal tuberculosis associated with TM analysis calculated that the sensitivity and specificity of
Vertebral tuberculosis causing impingement on the spinal cord (top left); extensive vertebral tuberculosis with
bilateral fusiform tuberculous paravertebral abscesses (top right); cervical-cord tuberculoma causing quadriplegia
commercial nucleic-acid-amplification assays for the
(bottom left); tuberculous radiculomyelitis showing loculation and obliteration of the spinal subarachnoid space diagnosis of TM was 56% (95% CI 46–66) and 98%
with nodular intradural enhancement (bottom right). (97–99) respectively.61 According to these data, the

164 Vol 4 March 2005


start of treatment careful bacteriology is as good as, or

Variable Score better than, the commercial nucleic-acid-amplification
Age (years) assays, but molecular methods may be more useful
#36 2
when antituberculosis drugs have started. However, the
#36 0
Blood WCC (103/ml) diagnosis of TM cannot be excluded by these tests, even
#15000 4 if both are negative.
%15000 0
History of illness (days)
"6 –5
Treatment of TM
%6 0 The optimum treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis has
CSF total WCC (103/ml) been developed from the results of many controlled
"750 3 trials.64 The same is not true of TM—choice of drugs,
%750 0
CSF % neutrophils
doses, and duration of treatment are unknown and there
"90 4 are few data to guide the clinician. Nevertheless, there
%90 0 are common principles of treatment, derived from the
roles of the different antituberculosis drugs in the
WCC=white cell count. Suggested rule for diagnosis: total score '4=TM; total
score #4=non-TM. treatment of pulmonary disease.65 Isoniazid kills most of
the rapidly replicating bacilli in the first 2 weeks of
Table 1: Maximum score of four for the diagnosis of TM on
treatment, with some additional help from streptomycin
and ethambutol. Thereafter, rifampicin and
pyrazinamide become important because they “sterilise”
sensitivity of these assays is too low (about half those lesions by killing organisms; these two drugs are crucial
with a negative test will have the disease) and may not be for successful 6-month treatment regimens. Rifampicin
better than bacteriology. A study published after the kills low or non-replicating organisms and pyrazinamide
meta-analysis supports this conclusion: the performance kills those in sites hostile to the penetration and action of
of bacteriology was compared with a commercial assay the other drugs.
(the amplified mycobacterium tuberculosis direct test) in
79 adults with TM before and after starting Antituberculosis chemotherapy
antituberculosis drugs.62 Before the start of treatment the The British Thoracic Society (BTS), the Infectious
sensitivities of a Ziehl-Neelsen stain and the amplified Diseases Society of America and the American Thoracic
mycobacterium tuberculosis direct test was 52% and 38%, Society (IDSA/ATS) recommend that the treatment of
respectively (p=0·150); this fell to 2% and 28% (0·013) TM follow the model of short course chemotherapy of
after 5–15 days of treatment. Similar findings have been pulmonary tuberculosis: an “intensive phase” of
reported63 and indicate molecular methods are sensitive treatment with four drugs, followed by treatment with
for longer when there is antituberculosis chemotherapy. two drugs during a prolonged “continuation phase”
Together, these data strongly suggest that before the (table 2).66,67

Figure 4: Similar appearance of cryptococcal meningitis and TM on MRI

Dilated ventricles with periventricular enhancement in TM (left) and in cryptococcal meningitis (right). Vol 4 March 2005 165


be given throughout treatment,72 despite no supporting

Drug Daily dose Route Duration evidence from controlled trials. Indeed, data from
Children Adults studies in pulmonary tuberculosis indicate
British Thoracic Society guidelines, 1998 pyrazinamide has little effect on outcome after the first
Isoniazid 5 mg/kg 300 mg Oral 9–12 months 2 months of therapy,65 except when there is initial
Rifampicin 10 mg/kg 450 mg (%50 kg)
isoniazid resistance.73
600 mg (#50 kg) Oral 9–12 months
Pyrazinamide 35 mg/kg 1·5 g (%50 kg)
2·0 g (#50 kg) Oral 2 months Adjunctive corticosteroids
Ethambutol 15 mg/kg 15 mg/kg Oral 2 months The use of adjunctive corticosteroids has been
or streptomycin 15 mg/kg 15 mg/kg (maximum 1 g) Intramuscular 2 months
controversial since they were suggested for the
Guidelines of the joint committee of the ATS, IDSA, and CDC, 2003
Isoniazid 10–15 mg/kg (MD 300 mg) 5 mg/kg (MD 300 mg) Oral 9–12 months
management of TM more than 50 years ago.74 Early
Rifampicin 10–20 mg/kg (MD 600 mg) 10 mg/kg (MD 600 mg) Oral 9–12 months studies were too small to show an effect on survival, but
Pyrazinamide 15–30 mg/kg (MD 2000 mg) 40–55 kg person: 1000 mg Oral 2 months suggested corticosteroids reduced CSF inflammation,
56–75 kg person: 1500 mg the incidence of neurological complications, and the
76–90 kg: 2000 mg
Ethambutol 15–20 mg/kg (MD 1000 mg) 40–55 kg person: 800 mg Oral 2 months
time to recovery.75–78 Later controlled trials from Egypt
56–75 kg person: 1200 mg and South Africa indicated corticosteroids reduced case
76–90 kg person: 1600 mg fatality in children with more severe disease, but the
MD=maximum dose. ATS=American Thoracic Society; IDSA=Infectious Diseases Society of America; CDC=Centers for
effect on morbidity was not elucidated.79,80 Prasad and
Disease Control. co-workers81 did a meta-analysis and systematic review
of all controlled trials published before 2000 and
Table 2: British and American guidelines for the treatment of TM66,67
concluded that corticosteroids probably improved
survival in children, but small trial sizes, poor
These guidelines acknowledge the scarcity of evidence treatment allocation concealment, and possible
from controlled trials and show the main areas of publication bias did not enable clear treatment
uncertainty: the choice of the fourth drug in the intensive recommendations. There was no evidence of beneficial
phase and the composition and duration of the effect in adults or those co-infected with HIV, and
continuation phase. Many of the recommendations for the further controlled trials were needed that included
treatment of TM combine the principles of pulmonary- HIV-infected individuals and were large enough to
tuberculosis treatment with pharmacokinetic data that show a clear effect on case fatality and morbidity in
predict the intracerebral concentrations of the survivors. Our controlled trial of adjunctive
antituberculosis drugs. dexamethasone in 545 Vietnamese adults with TM
The first 2 months of treatment should be with addressed some of these trial shortcomings.33 Analysis
isoniazid, rifampicin, pyrazinamide, and either by intention-to-treat found that treatment with
streptomycin, ethambutol, or ethionamide. The BTS dexamethasone for was strongly associated with a
recommend streptomycin or ethambutol, although reduced risk of death (relative risk 0·69, 95% CI
neither penetrates the blood–brain barrier well in the 0·52–0·92, p=0·01), but did not prevent severe
absence of inflammation68,69 and both have substantial disability in the survivors. Two facets of the study
adverse effects. The IDSA/ATS favour ethambutol, and design warrant cautious interpretation of the poor
increasing prevalence of streptomycin resistance effect on disability.82 First, only 34% of patients’
supports this recommendation. Some researchers diagnosis of TM was confirmed by bacteriological
advocate ethionamide, particularly in South Africa. analysis; the inclusion of patients with probable or
Ethionamide penetrates healthy and inflamed possible TM may have affected the observed effect on
meninges, but can cause severe nausea and vomiting.70 disability. Second, the scores used in assessment of
Pyridoxine should be given with isoniazid therapy. disability were developed to assess outcome from
Both guidelines recommend 9–12 months total stroke in the more developed world, not TM in
antituberculosis treatment; although a recent systematic Vietnam, and may not have had the discriminatory
review concluded 6 months might be sufficient if the power to detect a true treatment effect.
likelihood of drug resistance is low.71 Isoniazid and Subgroup analysis of our trial in Vietnam confirmed
rifampicin are thought mandatory in the continuation that the effect of dexamethasone on survival was
phase, although the role of rifampicin is uncertain consistent across all severity grades of disease, dispelling
because concentrations in CSF do not exceed 10% of a previously held belief that corticosteroids only
those in plasma.69 In contrast, isoniazid and benefited those with more severe disease, but did not
pyrazinamide pass freely into the CSF and some believe find a significant effect on death or disability in those
their use is crucial to a successful outcome. The BTS infected with HIV. The study also found that treatment
suggests therapy should be extended to 18 months in with dexamethasone was associated with less severe
people who are unable to tolerate pyrazinamide in the adverse events, in particular hepatitis. This finding is
intensive phase, and others recommend pyrazinamide interesting and suggests that the affect of

166 Vol 4 March 2005


dexamethasone on outcome may be more diverse than M tuberculosis resistant to antituberculosis drugs
previously thought. TM caused by M tuberculosis resistant to one or more
In conclusion, study findings suggest that all patients first-line-antituberculosis drugs is an increasingly
with TM who are not infected with HIV should be given common clinical problem, but the affect on outcome
dexamethasone, regardless of age or disease severity. and implications for treatment are not clear. Multidrug
The regimens used in recent controlled trials are shown resistant TM, caused by organisms resistant to at least
in table 3. However, several questions are unanswered. isoniazid and rifampicin, has a far worse outcome than
First, should patients with TM and HIV infection be disease caused by susceptible organisms.90 The effect
given adjunctive dexamethasone? The trial in of resistance to one or both of isoniazid and
Vietnamese adults did not find any clear benefit of streptomycin on outcome is more controversial.
treatment with dexamethasone in patients infected with Isoniazid has potent early bactericidal activity65 and
HIV but did suggest it was safe and might improve passes freely into the CSF,69 properties that suggest
survival.33 Controlled trials including patients taking resistance might be detrimental to treatment.
antiretroviral treatment are needed, but until then Resistance to isoniazid has been associated with longer
dexamethasone should probably be used in such times to CSF sterility,62 which suggests an attenuated
patients. Second, why do corticosteroids improve bactericidal response. However, there are no reliable
survival but not reduce morbidity? How corticosteroids data to support or reject an effect of isoniazid
exert their effect in TM is very poorly understood. An resistance on outcome from TM. A small prospective
anti-inflammatory effect has been difficult to prove83 and study failed to show a detrimental effect of isoniazid or
corticosteroids might antagonise vascular endothelial streptomycin resistance on in-hospital survival,91 but
growth factor ( and thereby reduce vasogenic cerebral the series was under-powered (16/56 isoniazid
oedema.84 Understanding how dexamethasone exerts its resistant), and did not report longer follow-up or
substantial clinical effects could lead to more specific morbidity in survivors. Until larger studies are done,
and potentially more effective adjunctive therapy. current evidence suggests only multidrug resistant TM
needs treatment with second-line-antituberculosis
Neurosurgical intervention drugs. In the absence of data, we suggest the duration
Hydrocephalus is a common complication of TM and of treatment for TM caused by isoniazid-resistant
can be treated with drugs that have a diuretic effect,85 organisms may need to be extended and should
serial lumbar punctures, or ventriculoperitoneal or atrial include pyrazinamide throughout.
shunting.86 There are no data from controlled trials The diagnosis and treatment of multidrug resistant
about which method of treatment is best. Some advocate TM is challenging. A history of previously treated
early shunting in all patients with hydrocephalus,87 tuberculosis or recent exposure to a known case of
whereas others only recommend shunting for patients multidrug resistant pulmonary disease may identify
with non-communicable hydrocephalus.88 External those at high risk of multidrug resistant TM, but timely
ventricular drainage has been used to predict response confirmation of the diagnosis is problematic. Patients
to ventriculoperitoneal shunting but without success,89 with multidrug resistant TM treated with first-line
other research suggests monitoring of lumbar CSF drugs are likely to be dead before the results of
pressure can predict response to medical treatment.88 conventional susceptibility tests (which take 6–8 weeks)
Without clear evidence, physicians must balance are available.92 Nucleic acid amplification assays that
possible benefit with the resources and experience of detect mutations in M tuberculosis rpoB gene93 have
their surgical unit and the substantial complications of been used to rapidly diagnose multidrug resistant
shunt surgery. pulmonary tuberculosis.94 Whether these assays can

Girgis et al79 Schoeman et al80 Thwaites et al33 Thwaites et al33

Age of patients 60% <14 years (median 8 years) %14 years #14 years
MRC Grade All grades Grade II and III Grade I Grade II and III
Drug Dexamethasone Prednisolone Dexamethasone Dexamethasone
Week 1 12 mg/kg/day im (8 mg/kg/day if %25 kg) 4 mg/kg/day* 0·3 mg/kg/day iv 0·4 mg/kg/day iv
Week 2 12 mg/kg/day im (8 mg/kg/day if %25 kg) 4 mg/kg/day 0·2 mg/kg/day iv 0·3 mg/kg/day iv
Week 3 12 mg/kg/day im (8 mg/kg/day if %25 kg) 4 mg/kg/day 0·1 mg/kg/day oral 0·2 mg/kg/day iv
Week 4 Reducing over 3 weeks to stop† 4 mg/kg/day 3 mg total/day oral 0·1 mg/kg/day iv
Week 5 Reducing dose to stop‡ Reducing by 1 mg each week 4 mg total/day oral
Week 6 Reducing by 1 mg each week

*Route of administration not published; †dexamethasone tapered to stop over 3 weeks: exact regimen not published; ‡ prednisolone tapered to stop over unspecified time:
regimen not published. im=into muscle; iv=into vein.

Table 3: Corticosteroid regimens associated with substantial improvements in survival in controlled trials Vol 4 March 2005 167


Conflicts of interest
Search strategy and selection criteria We have no conflicts of interest.

References for this review published between 1969 and Role of the funding source
September 2004 were identified by searches of MEDLINE and The Wellcome Trust, UK has funded our research into TM but was not
involved in the writing of this review or the decision to submit it for
PubMed and from references from relevant papers; those publication.
published before 1969 were identified through searches of
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