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Pre service Teacher’s Name: Jacqui Bladier

Mentor Teacher’s Name: Katherine Gordon School: Woodleigh Penbank

Year level: 6

Lesson Focus: Properties of Plastic.

Lesson Time and Date: Friday 31 August Lesson Duration: 1hr

Learning Outcomes

To identify chemical compounds that make up various plastics.

Links to curriculum

Evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions against comprehensive criteria for success recognising the
need for sustainability (VCDSCD063)

AITSL Standards:
4.1 – Support student participation
2.1 – Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area
2.6 – Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Students’ Prior Learning (What has already been taught/learned about this content/skill?)

- Periodic table
- Atoms and atomic mass
- Chemicals
- Sustainability
- Isotopes

Teaching and Learning Preparation

- Learning resources for students

- YouTube video
- Butchers paper and textas for brainstorming

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Teaching and Learning plan

Lesson Phase

Learning Intention: To identify chemical compounds that make up

various plastics.

1. Discuss prior knowledge:

- What do you know about the periodic table
- What do you know about chemical compounds?
- What are monomers and polymers?
- What do you know about plastic and its’ production?
Orientation /Introduction
2. Watch video - Why does plastic last ‘forever’?

3. Complete mind maps (may use google for ideas) for the following
- Monomer
- Polymer
- Chemical Compound
- Atom
- Atomic Mass

1. Share ideas and discuss concepts. Then research:

- How many kinds of plastic are there?
- What are the differences between the types of plastic?
- What are the properties of plastic?
- How are plastics made?

2. Research which chemical compounds are found in plastic, and if they

differ between the types of plastics:
- Identify the chemical compounds on the periodic table and
atomic mass of each chemical

Teaching strategies/ Resources:

Learning Activities
The science of plastics:

Types of Plastic:

The Case of Plastics:

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Students are to share ideas and discuss new concepts.

Discuss how plastic production impacts the environment:

Conclusion /Closure - Burning Crude Oil
- Chemical use
- Breakdown of monomers and polymers

Students were given extra questions to research at home. These are to

Also consider: be discussed at beginning of Lesson 2.

Formative Assessment: Observations, discussions, anecdotal notes.

Summative Assessment: Inquiry question at completion of lesson 3.

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