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ADO.NET is more than just a thin layer over some existing API.

The similarity to ADO

is fairly minimal- the classes and methods of accessing data are completely different.

ADO is a library of COM components. ADO consists primarily of the connection,

command, Recordset and field ohjects. Using ADO a connection is opened to the
database, some data is selected into a recordset consisting of fields, that data is then
manipulated and updated on the server and the connection is close. ADO also
introduced a so-called disconnected recordset, which is used when keeping the
connection open for long periods of time is not desirable.

There were several problems that aDO did not address satisfactorily, most notabley
the unwieldiness(in physical size) of a disconnected recordset. There are number of
similarities between ADO.NET and ADO.

ADO.NET ships with four database client namespaces: one for SQL server, another for
Oracle, the third for ODBC datasources, and the fourth for any database exposed
through OLEDB. If your database of choice is not SQL server or oracle then OLEDB
route should be taken unless you have no other choice than to use ODBC.


System.Data - All Generic data access classes

System.Data.Common – Classes shared (or overridden) by individual data providers
System.Data.Odbc – ODBC provider classes
System.Data.Oledb – OLEDB provider classes
System.Data.Oracle – Oracle provider classes
System.Data.SqlClient – SQL Server provider classes
System.Data.SqlTypes – SQL server data types.

Shared Classes:
ADO.NET contains a number of classes that are used regardless of whether you are
using the SQL server classes or OLEDB classes.
The following classes are contained in the System.Data namespace

Dataset – This object is designed for disconnected use and can contain a set of
DataTables and include relationships between these tables.

DataTable – A container of data that consists of one or more DataColumns and, when
populated will have one or more DataRows containing data.

DataRow – A number of values mapped to a row from a database table, or a row from
a spreadsheet

DataColumn – This object contains the definition of a column, such as the name and
data type.

DataRelation – A link between two Data Table classes within a Dataset class. Used for
foreign key and master/detail relationship

Constraint – This class defines a rule for a Datacolumn class(or set of data columns)
such as unique values.

The following classes can be found in System.Data.Common namespace

DataColumnMapping – Maps the name of a column from the database with the name
of a column within a DataTable

DataTableMapping – Maps a table name from the database to a DataTable within a


Database Specific Classes:

These classes implement a set of standard interfaces defined within the System.Data
namespace, allowing the classes to be used in a generic manner if necessary. For ex,
SqlConnection and OleDbconnection classes implement the IdbConnection interface.

SqlCommand, OledbCommand, OracleCommand and ODBCCommand – used as

wrappers for SQL statements or stored procedure calls.

SqlCommandBuilder, OleDbCommandBuilder, OracleCommandBuilder, and

ODBCCommandBuilder – used to generate SQL Commands (such as insert, update,
and delete statements) from a select statement

SqlConnection, OleDBConnection, OracleConnection, ODBCConnection – used to

connect to the database. Similar to ADO connection.

SqlDataAdapter, OleDbDataAdapter, OracleDataAdapter, ODBCDataAdapter – used to

hold select, insert, update and delete commands which are then used to populated a
dataset and update the database.

SqlDataReader, OleDbDataReader, OracleDataReader, ODBCDataReader – used as

forward only connected data provider

SqlParameter, OleDbParameter, OracleParameter, ODBCParameter – Used to define a

parameter to a stored procedure

SqlTransaction, OldDbTransaction, OracleTransaction, ODBCTransaction – used for a

database transaction, wrapped in an object.

As seen above one for each of the providers that are part of .NET ver 1.1.

The most important new feature of the ADO.NET classes is that they are designed to
work in a disconnected manner, which is important in today’s highly web-centric

Using Database Connections:

In order to access the database, you need to provide connection parameters, such as
the machine that the database is running on, and possibly you login credentials.

System.Data.IdbConnection O----------------------System.Data.Odbc.OdbcConnection

System.Data.IdbConnection O----------------------System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection

System.Data.IdbConnection O----------------------

System.Data.IdbConnection O----------------------System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection

Using System.Data.SqlClient;

String source = “server = (local)\\NetSDK; “ +

“integrated security = SSPI; “
“database = Northwind”;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source);
// do something

Server = (local)\\NETSDK – This denotes the database server to connect to SQL

server permits a number of separate database server processes to be running on the
same machine, so here we are connecting to NetSDK process on local machine.

Intergrated Security == SSPI - This used windows authentication to connect to the

database which is highly recommended over using a username and password within
the source code

1. string connectionString; connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;

" + "Data Source=C:\\BegASPNet11\\data\\Northwind.mdb";
2. OleDbConnection dbConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
3. System.Data.IDataReader GetProductsReader() { string connectionString =
"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Ole DB Services=-4; Data
Source=C:\\BEGASPNET11\\" + "data\\Northwind.mdb";
System.Data.IDbConnection dbConnection = new
Using Connection Efficiently
When using scarce resources in .NET such as database connections, it is good
practice to ensure that each resource is closed after use. Keeping a connection open
for slightly longer than necessary can affect other sessions. They are two options to
ensure the closing of connection

Option one : try .. catch .. finally. – ensure that resources are cleaned up and open
connections within the finally block.

open the connection
// do something useful
catch (Exception ex)
Do something
// ensure that the connection is freed

// within the finally block you can release any resources you have used. The
only trouble with this method is that you have to ensure that you close the

Option Two: The using block statement

With C# and other managed languages, there is no concept of automatic,

deterministic destruction. Instead there is the garbage collector, which disposes of
resources at some point in the future. Fogetting to close a database connection
could cause all sorts of problems for a .NET executable. To over come this

Using ( SqlConneciton conn = new SqlConnection (source) )


// open the connection
// do something

The using clause ensures that the database connection is closed regardless of how
block is exited

Often when there is more than one update to be made to the database, these
updates must be performed within the scope of a transaction. A transaction in
ADO.NET is initiated by calling one of the BeginTransaction() methods on the
database connection object. These methods return an object that implements the
IdbTransaction Interface, define within System.Data.

String source = “server=(local)\\NetSDK;” +

“integrated security = SSPI;” +
“database = Northwind”;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source)
SqlTransaction tx = conn.BeginTransaction();
// execute some commands , then commit the transaction


String source = “server=(local)\\NetSDK;” +

“integrated security = SSPI;” +
“database = Northwind”;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(“select * from emp”,conn);
<provider> command classes have a property called commandtype, which is used to
define whether the command is a sql clause, a call to stored procedure, or a full table

CommandType Example

Text(default) String select =m “select contactname from Customers”;

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(Select, conn);

StoredProcedure Sqlcommand cmd = new sqlcommand(“CustOrderHist”,conn);

cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

TableDirect OleDbCommand cmd = new


Executing Commands:
After you have defined the command, you need to execute it. There are no. of ways
to issue the statement, depending on what you expect to be returned from that
command. <provider> command classes provide the following execute methods:

ExecuteNonQuery() – Executes the command but does not return any output
ExecuteReader() – Executes the command and returns a typed IdataReader
ExecuteScalar() – Executes the command and returns a single value.

In additon to the above, SqlCommand class also exposes

ExecuteXmlReader() – Executes the command and returns XmlReader object


String source = “server=(local)\\NetSDK;” +

“integrated security = SSPI;” +
“database = Northwind”;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source)

String select =”Update customers set contact name =’Bob’ where contactname =
‘Bill’ “
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);
Int rowsReturned= cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
Console.writeline (“{0} rows returned.” , rowsReturned);


On many occasion it is necessary to return a single result from a SQL statement, such
as the count of records in a given table, or the current date/time on the server. The
ExecuteScalar method can be used in such situations:

String source = “server=(local)\\NetSDK;” +

“integrated security = SSPI;” +
“database = Northwind”;
SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(source)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(select, conn);
Object o – cmd.ExecuteScalar();
Console.WriteLine (o);

The method returns an object, which you can cast in the appropriate type if required.

Calling Stored procedures that returns nothing

Record Update:


@RegionDescription NCHAR(50)) AS
Update Region
SET RegionDescription = @RegionDescription
WHERE RegionID = @RegionID

SqlCommand acommand = new SqlCommand(“RegionUpdate”,conn);

aCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
aCommand.Parameters.Add (new SqlParameter (“@RegionID”,

aCommand.UpdatedRowSource = UpdateRowSource.None;

aCommand.Parameters[0].Value = 999;
aCommand.Parameters[1].Value = “South Western England”;


Calling a stored procedure that returns output parameters

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