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Non-Directional Beacon (NDB)

Introduction  Enroute NDBs (used to mark

An NDB or Non-Directional Beacon is a
ground-based, low or medium frequency  Approach NDBs (approach
radio transmitter used as an instrument  Localizer beacons (used in
approach for airports. As the name conjunction with an Instrument
Landing System (ILS).
implies, the signal transmitted does not
 Locator beacons (used in
include inherent directional information, in conjunction with an Instrument
contrast to other navigational aids. NDBs Landing System (ILS).
transmit a signal of equal strength in all Function:
directions. The signal contains a coded
element which is used for station  Transmit a continuous three-letter
identification in code.
identification (normally 1-3 letters in Morse
 NDB frequency and identification
code). NDB signals follow the curvature of
information is found on aeronautical
the Earth, so they can be received at charts and in the Airport/Facility
much greater distances at lower altitudes. Directory (A/FD).
However, NDB signals are also affected  These signals can be used to either
more by atmospheric conditions, home or intercept and track a course
particularly at long range. ICAO, Annex 10 for navigation.
which specifies that NDB be operated on a
Antenna and signal characteristics:
frequency between 190 to 1800 kHz. The
main components of an NDB ground NDBs typically operate in the frequency
station are the Beacon transmitter, range from 190 kHz to 535 kHz and
transmit a carrier modulated by either 400
Antenna Tuning Unit and Antenna. Range
or 1020 Hz. NDBs can also be collocated
of NDB depends on a number of factors with a DME in a similar installation for the
such as output power, antenna, ground ILS as the outer marker, only in this case,
conductivity, frequency, site conditions, they function as the inner marker.
NDB radiators are vertically polarized.
latitude, and the condition of the ADF
NDB antennas are usually too short for
receiver. NDBs are highly reliable and are resonance at the frequency they operate –
extremely low cost to install and operate. typically perhaps 20m length compared to
a wavelength around 1000m. Therefore,
they require a suitable matching network
Types of NDBs that may consist of an inductor and a
capacitor to "tune" the antenna. Vertical
NDBs can be classified based upon NDB antennas may also have a 'top hat',
different parameters i.e. operating Which is an umbrella-like structure
Frequency, Morse code, power output etc. designed to add loading at the end and
For drawing attention on aeronautical
improve its radiating efficiency. Usually a
engineering, there are four types of non-
directional beacons in the aeronautical ground plane or counterpoise is
navigation service: connected underneath the antenna.
Three types of antenna:
monitoring where NDBs are sited in
 Loop Antenna remote areas. In the latter case pilots
 Sense Antenna
 Bearing Indicator should report the failure of an NDB to the
appropriate communications station so
Determining distance form an NDB that action may be taken to rectify the
To measure the distance covered by an Use of NDB:
aircraft in relation to NDB station in terms
of nautical miles, Pilot normally uses four Airways: A bearing is a line passing
steps. They are described below: through the station that points in a specific
direction. NDB bearings provide a charted,
Step 1: Pilot turns the aircraft in such a
way so that NDB station is directly off one consistent method for defining paths
of the wingtips. aircraft can fly. In this fashion, NDBs can,
like VORs, define "airways" in the sky.
Step 2: Flies towards the heading,
calculate the time required to cross a Airways are numbered and standardized
specific no. of NDB bearings. on charts; colored airways are used for
low to medium frequency stations like the
Step 3: Formula: Time to station = 60 x
number of minutes flown / degrees of NDB and are charted in brown on
bearing change. sectional charts. Green and red airways
are plotted east and west while amber and
Step 4: Finally pilot uses the aircraft
computer to determine the distance from blue airways are plotted north and south.
the station using the known equation: Most airways in the United States are
based on VORs, NDB airways are
Distance = Time * speed
common elsewhere, especially in the
Verification & Monitoring NDBs: developing world and in lightly populated
areas of developed countries, like the
Because NDBs are generally low-power Canadian Arctic, since they can have a
(usually 25 watts, some can be up to 5 long range and are much less expensive
kW), they normally cannot be heard over to operate than VORs.
long distances.
Fixes: NDBs have long been used by
NDBs have automatic monitoring of aircraft navigators, and previously
certain parameters which cause the NDB mariners, to help obtain a fix of their
to be turned off if outside tolerance and geographic location on the surface of the
the standby activated. If the same out-of- Earth. Fixes are computed by extending
tolerance condition is also present on the lines through known navigational
standby transmitter, the complete reference points until they intersect. For
installation is deactivated until the fault is visual reference points, the angles of
rectified. Faults which are automatically these lines can be determined by
monitored include: compass. The bearings of NDB radio
signals are found using RDF equipment.
 Excessive hum level
 Reduction of carrier power
 Failure or reduction in level of
identification code.
Further monitoring is arranged to ensure
the installation is radiating either by a
monitoring post at a manned aerodrome
within range of the NDB or by pilot
Instrument landing systems: NDBs are towards the coast.[citation needed]
most commonly used as markers or Refraction is negligible at 90 to the coast
"locators" for an instrument landing but increases as the angle of incidence
system (ILS) approach or standard increases. The effect can be minimized
approach. NDBs may designate the by: flying higher and/or using NDB’s near
starting area for an ILS approach or a path the coast.
to follow for a standard terminal arrival Station interference: Due to congestion
procedure, or STAR. In the United States, of stations in the LF and MF bands, the
an NDB is often combined with the outer possibility of interference from stations on
marker beacon in the ILS approach (called or near the same frequency exists. This
a locator outer marker, or LOM); in will cause bearing errors. By day, the use
Canada, low-powered NDBs have of an NDB within the DOC will normally
replaced marker beacons entirely. Marker afford protection from interference.
beacons on ILS approaches are now However, at night, one can expect
being phased out worldwide with DME
interference even within the DOC because
ranges used instead to delineate the
of sky-wave contamination from stations
different segments of the approach.
out of range by day. Therefore, positive
Common adverse effects identification of the NDB at night should
Navigation using an ADF to track NDBs is always be carried out.
subject to several common effects:
Dip (bank) angle: during turns, the
Night effect: radio waves reflected back horizontal part of the loop aerial will no
by the ionosphere can cause signal longer be horizontal and detect a signal.
strength fluctuations 30 to 60 nautical This causes displacement of the null in a
miles (54 to 108 km) from the transmitter, way similar to the night effect giving an
especially just before sunrise and just after erroneous reading on the indicator which
sunset (more common on frequencies means that the pilot should not obtain a
bearing unless the aircraft is wings level.
above 350 kHz) because the returning sky
waves travel over a different path, they
have a different phase from the ground
wave. This has the effect of suppressing NDB is the one of the oldest radio
or displacing the aerial signal, in a random navigation system that still in use today
manner. The needle on the indicator will due to its simplicity. It can serve a
start wandering. The indication will be particular task when I.L.S (Instrument
most erratic during twilight at dusk and Landing System) stopped working or
dawn. somehow damaged.
Terrain effect: high terrain like mountains
and cliffs can reflect radio waves, giving  Accuracy is suitable for navigation but
erroneous readings; magnetic deposits subject to numerous limitations
can also cause erroneous readings
 Not limited by line of sight which
Thunderstorm effect: water droplets and
permits reception at low altitudes over
ice crystals circulating within a storm
cloud, generates wideband noise, this high great distances due to ground waves
power noise may affect the accuracy of  provide decades of uninterrupted
the ADF bearing. Lightning, due to the
high power output will cause the needle of
the RMI/RBI to point for a moment to the But NDB retarded its requirement day by
bearing of the lightning. day because of the absence of directional
Shoreline effect: Radio waves speed up
over water causing the wave front to bend
away from its normal path and pull it

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