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GUIDE FOR IDENTIFYING DISABILITIES |GNS PRESENT AT OR SOON AFTER BIRTH FR aS slow to begin wit [AND ALSO THIS. 3 daioyon breatning 2 brborn Before 9 months and very small 3 thick tonaue eos HE MAY HAVE 1 T 2 Gevolopmental delay Down syedrame (mongol! chokes or milk comes out nase ‘cereurat palsy ‘2 possibly severe retardation ‘one oF both G3 © hand weak, ect tar « Smerommatt, noone Sf, 8 ‘tay'or et haime ‘on back clubbed toot 3 Greer bene oF fort lk movernant and festing Cas bnafor physical disbiliey hydrocephalus (water on the brain) Brain, ar brain tumor Upper tip andor eat of mouth 2 ditticulty foding = loft tip (hare tie) Coometo Sep Feta GaN a ee a somsoragenmmtos Foon = oe er {© Muscle tighten more in cortain Note: musca tighiness {spastichy) usually does hildren t9 a things show intarest. wal, talk) IE THE CHILD Has THiS ANO ALSO THIS HEMAY HAVE fone arm. does not move the arm much (>) Erb's paley (weakness Fetes © fom damdge tenons iss a ; hose keane, 7 shoulder guing inn) a YE sid eendioesi tenn erp ores islocated nip Gllccated nip fom bie sor % A, Snceminateat pay Cotten boty hia fs ‘pops intoplace SEES with spats \ ED wea iicriee SS | aro gre wi aitereny, i * © sina bite Senet ey f ° ethos TAN ia Also se 0,188 dow soresond —\\y heck for sign of spsounder te SY bay ceo ‘© drvotopmantal delay LESS Stainton secon © copiers free eae SIGNS IN CHILDREN “loner than other a tca la te Developmental delay, check for signs of © round face 1 sinate deep) ‘ease in hand own syndrome (mongolismn) ‘movements and response slow skin dry and coc! poe hair often low on forehead G5 putty evel nas continuous cxrebral pay pesiiors anlar € Pie also check for does not respond to sounds, door nat begin to speak by ago 3 (Check for: costnass severe developmental olay (with or without deafness) (© severe cerebral palsy ‘may respond to some sounds but net others CCheck for ear infection (nu dows not turn head to foak at thingo, or reach for thinge ur ‘they touch her blindness anc/or Eyes mey or may nat look normal ne ‘© Severe cerebral palsy IE THE CHILD HAS THIS % = [AND ALSO THIS ening suadeny. lis {hil ie normal (or mare norms) between HE MAY HAVE T {Pattern varioe a it in Siterantenicrenor ren i the some chi) slow, sudden, or rhysnenic® Smtinvaus (except in seen) ‘athetoid cerebral palsy Wot: Fite and corebal See cn) ‘Sisters hon in sortin bestions: poor control tf some ora movements Body may sitfen Secor and loos PARTS OF BODY WEAK OR PARALYZED “oppy oF limp woaknose Irreart oral of body Mected oar {tmascie hastgtten without contrat) onal en (Gttan one or bath lags—aometines ‘agin ete by tle Both ais of body loag Cares Forays warts n age and moves Guinin-Bar poraiysis (Gavally temporary) emia, roads ath) Tome on beck (Seep. 57.) berculore of spine ‘loppy or timp wesknast ‘eating hit. Gate worse ond worse ‘born with bog an Beck Took tor sear) est weok, often without Lunally from back or neck injury Sans art etng baw Trower boay) cuacipiegia ‘peer and omer body) Injury #9 nerves going to hand weakness sometimes couse Dy using crutches wronaly

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