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Pre-Primary/ Primary


Unit of work: Me and My Body Salvation topic: Jesus Human person Topic: Our
Year Level: Pre- primary Students’ Prior Knowledge: (include faith
situations/previous lessons/Units)
Key Understanding: This is one of the introductory lessons for this RE Unit
A1 Wondering about our bodies and has the aim to allow students to wonder and
explore their understanding of how they use their
Learning Point(s): senses. The lesson prior to this focused on how they
A1.2 Names ways they can use their senses may use their bodies and how their bodies move.
- This will be revised in the first portion of the
lesson before moving on to the focus of senses
As students are in pre-primary, they have had no
exposure to formal religious education. Due to varying
backgrounds of students they also will have varying
degrees of exposure to faith which will be considered
when approaching this unit

Spiritual and Religious Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance Faith Hope Charity
eg Right eg Right eg Inner eg eg Prayer eg eg Service
choices relationships strength Moderation Reconciliation
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and Ethical Personal and Intercultural
competence creative behaviour Social understandi
thinking competence ng

Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Asia and Australia’s Sustainability
Islander histories and cultures engagement with Asia
Lesson Objectives
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
 Name the five (5) senses
 Identify the ways our senses can help us learn about our world
Teacher’s Prior Preparation/Organisation: Preparation includes
- Connect the iPad to the interactive whiteboard
Lesson focus: the focus of this lesson is to prior to the commencement of the lesson
assist the development of children’s religious - Create the cards to go into the mystery bag for
awareness. It aims to help them understand the prayer
the religious meaning of significant - Spray air freshener or turn on a diffuser prior to
experiences and wonder at God, the creator, the lesson so children are prompted in what they
as it is He who has created our bodies which are smelling
allow us to explore the world. Play calming music quietly if there is no external
noise that can be heard from within the
classroom- alternatively open doors and
Provision for student diversity:
• Enabling: while students are moving around the room investigating with their senses, the teacher
will scaffold the weaker students and guide them to work with a stronger student to keep them
focused on the task at hand and empowered through a deeper understanding
• Physical disability: the student with a physical disability will not be required to move around the
room, the EA or parent helper will be able to bring sensory experiences to them when
investigating with their senses

LESSON DELIVERY attaches worksheets, examples, marking keys, etc. as relevant

Time Motivation and Introduction: Resources/References
5 minutes
- Gather students on the mat in a circle- the teacher will be
seated on the floor with the children
- Invite the students to look at their peers and observe
differences and similarities between their bodies and their
own, the teacher will use the following to explain to
children some features that people may be looking for:
o Some may have curly hair and you have straight
o Some may have no freckles and you have many
o You might be short and others may be tall
- The teacher will invite children to contribute their thoughts
and what they have found the same or different to their
own bodies compared to a friend

Lesson Steps:
5 minutes
- The teacher will facilitate discussion guided by the
following points revising the what had been covered in the
previous lesson:
o Everyone has a body which is made up of many
o Our bodies can do many things
o Everyone’s bodies are different and are good at
doing different things
o We must make sure we are using our bodies to do
what is right and carrying out what God intended
- The teacher will highlight that even though we use parts of
our bodies to do different things, our bodies also use
senses to learn about the world around us so we know
when to jump or what to eat
o God has given us five senses to learn about the
world we live in
- The teacher will propose the following wonder questions to
the students:
o I wonder how we learn with our eyes? (seeing the
world around us)
o I wonder how we learn with our nose? (smell things
in the world)
o I wonder how we learn with our ears? (hear and
listen what is around us)
o I wonder how we learn with our tongue? (taste the
foods in our world)
o I wonder how we learn with our hands? (touch/ feel
the world around us)
10 minutes
- After students have answered these questions, the
teacher will invite the students to explore the classroom
using their senses- students will be given iPads to record
what they find around the room by taking a photo
o Move around the room and find what you can learn
about what is around you by using your senses
o Can you use your friends to help you?
- The teacher will move around the room while children are
investigating to assess their understanding regarding the 5
senses and their ability to name them
- Students will return to the circle to take part in a think-pair-
share discussing what they discovered about their world
and which senses they used to do so by sharing the
photos they have taken with other partners
o As students share what they have discussed iPad connected to the
through showing their photos to the class, the interactive whiteboard
teacher will be creating an answer garden via an
iPad connected to the interactive whiteboard
o This will allow students to be exposed to the
language that accompanies each sense
o The teacher will ensure that the students names
will be recorded with their answers
o When children answer the teacher will ensure that
both students understand their answer they have
given in order to inform their assessment

5 minutes - The teacher will identify that we can do so much with all
our senses and will lead use what the students have found
in the class to create a song
- The teacher will sing the first verse of the song for the
children to hear using a chosen sense as an example
- The song will follow the tune of here we go round the
mulberry bush:
o ‘We can do so much with our nose,
With our nose,
With our nose,
We can do so much with our nose,
this is what we do
We can use our nose to smell the flowers
(insert action)
- The teacher will choose students to contribute ideas of
what we can do with each sense and will continue the
song until all senses have been covered

5 minutes Lesson Closure:

- The teacher will guide students through a prayer to thank
God for their bodies
- The teacher will have a mystery bag with 5 cards placed Mystery bags and picture
inside- each card will have a picture of a different sense cards
(see appendix 3)
- Students will be selected to come up and choose a card
from the bag
- Students will be invited to tell the group their favourite
fragrance, food, texture, sound or colour, is and the body
part/ sense that enables them to experience it. After
stating After each contribution, the class prays:
o Thank you, God, for (insert the sense).
Thank you for our wonderful bodies.
o Example-
My favourite ‘smell’ is the smell of bacon,
I can smell this because I use my nose.
Thank you, God, that I can smell.
Thank you for our wonderful bodies.

Further involvement within the classroom:

- Throughout the week, there will be a new sensory station
set up every day focusing on one sense
o Whichever sense is in the room on a day, students
will be challenged to think of as many things they
can do with their sense (these will be shared at one
point throughout the day)
- Students will be given a ‘senses book’ (see appendix 1)
that they will be able to fill out independently throughout
the week by pasting items reflecting each sense into each
- The stations will be:
o Variety of fragrances with eyedroppers for children
to sample and choose which they would like to put
on their page
o Variety of different materials and other textured
things that students will cut and paste into their
o Variety of different materials that make sounds
when rubbed or touched that they will glue into
their books
o Drawing/ painting their favourite foods
o Choosing their favourite colour that they like to look
at and painting onto the page
- After each day, materials for the activity will be placed on a
sensory table- by the end of the week, students will have
created a sensory table to permanently stay in the
classroom in which they collect items to contribute
(see appendix 2 for possible sensory table items)

- Students will be commencing the next lessons seated at
their desks
- Students will be directed back to their desks according to
what their favourite senses are as the teacher goes
through each one
Objective 1:
- The teacher will move around the room, while students are
investigating their surroundings using their senses, to ask
students to name the five (5) senses
This will be marked off on a checklist (see appendix 4)
- The teacher will choose to:
o Input how many senses they were able to recite (0-
o Simply state their level of understanding as
indicated by the key
Objective 2:
- The teacher will be using the following methods to gather
data to inform their checklist when assessing objective 2
(see appendix 4):
o Refer to contribution to the discussion after the
investigation via the answer garden that has been
o Observation throughout class discussions such as
the answers students give when naming actions
that use our senses for the class song
- The student’s level of understanding will be stated
according to the key

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:

Appendix 4:


Name the five (5) Identify the ways our
senses senses can help us
learn about our world

Undeveloped (lack of understanding) /
Developing (required prompting) /-
Developed (objective achieved) /-\

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