Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific

Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal
ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | www.ijtsrd.com | Volume - 2 | Issue – 5

Mixed Nodular Liver Cirrhosis:A Case Report

Dr. Jyoti Umarji1, Dr. Shobha G2, Dr. Vislavath Srikanth1
Scholar, 2Assistant Professor
Post Graduate Scholar
Department of Rachana Sharir, Sri Dharmasthala Manjunatheshwara College of Ayurveda and Hospital,
Hassan, Karnataka, India

Cirrhosis of the liver is a diffuse disease
disease, involves separated individually by fibrous bands and produce
entire liver. The prevalence of Cirrhosis increasing scaring of liver. The size of nodules was often varying
globally. Every year approximately 10 lack patients from micro to macro depending on underlying cause. cause
are newly diagnosed in India. The common causes are This type of mixed nodular lar cirrhosis is often seen in
Chronic Hepatitis C and Alcohol-related
related liver disease
disease. alcoholic liver disease. [2]The prevalence of cirrhosis
Patients with compensated cirrhosis may present with is increasing worldwide. According to WHO reports, reports
non-specific symptoms or may be asymptomatic
asymptomatic. It is cirrhosis of liver is the 10thmost common cause of
associated with the several complications
complications, which have death in India. [3]It has many causes; the common
serious effect on health and prognosis of the disease
disease. cause is Chronic Hepatitis C and Alcohol-related
Alcohol liver
The end-stage
stage of cirrhosis is irreversible and liver disease. Portal hypertension is a common
transplantation is the only definitive management
management. cirrhosis [4]In advanced stages it
complication in liver cirrhosis.
This is a case of liver cirrhosis observed in a 70 years is irreversible, but early diagnosis allows a chance for
old male cadaver during routine dissection in the complete recovery. Liver transplantation is the only
department of Anatomy. It highlights about a mixed definitive treatment for end-stage cirrhosis [5]The
stage of cirrhosis.
nodular cirrhosis of liver. The Knowledge of liver present case describes the mixed nodular cirrhosis of
cirrhosis is important for General physicians physicians, liver in a male cadaver found during routine
Radiologist and Surgeons. dissection.

Keywords: Liver, Cirrhosis, Mixed nodular cirrhosis

cirrhosis, CASE REPORT
Alcoholic liver disease This is a case of liver cirrhosis observed in a 70 years
old male cadaver during uring routine dissection for
INTRODUCTION undergraduate students in the department of Anatomy
Liver is a wedge shaped, largest organ in the body and at SDM college of Ayurveda and Hospital,
Hospital Hassan.
is essential for metabolism, digestion
digestion, synthesis of The Cadaver belongs to south India,
India Karnataka region
proteins, detoxification and storage of glucose
glucose. It is obtain through voluntary body donation programme
located in right upper quadrant of the abdominal and was formalin fixed for or routine dissection for
cavity. It is vulnerable to a wide variety of metabolic
metabolic, teaching. While doing dissection of abdomen after
toxic, microbial, circulatory and neoplastic injuries
injuries. removing peritoneum, noted mixed nodular growths
Liver diseases such as Alcoholic, Non--alcoholic fatty on the surface of liver and photographs were taken.
liver diseases and Hepatitis A, B, C damages the The normal architecture of the liver parenchyma has
function. [1]Liver
normal hepatocytes and impairs its function been destroyed by this nodularlar formation.
formation The size of
cirrhosis is a diffuse disease, involves entire liver with nodules was varying from 1mm to 5mm. 5mm
disorganised normal lobular architecture
architecture. Liver can
regenerate most of its own cells when damaged
damaged. The
chronic injury to liver cellss produces incomplete
regeneration and forms nodules. These nodules are

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Aug 2018 Page: 1825
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Photographs showing Mixed nodular cirrhosis of response to chronic liver injury. [7]It is difficult to
liver. estimate the prevalence because many people with
Figure 1: cirrhosis have no symptoms in the early stages of the
disease. [8]The global prevalence of cirrhosis from
autopsy studies ranges from 4. 5%to 9. 5% of the
general population. Hence it is estimated that more
than 50million people in the world would be affected.
According to WHO reports, liver disease deaths in
India is 2. 95%, and death rate is 22. 93 per 100, 000
of general population. Around 10 lacks patients of
liver cirrhosis are newly diagnosed every year in
India. [10]The incidence of cirrhosis is more common
in men than in women. [11] Cirrhosis has many
possible causes; sometimes more than one cause is
present in the same person. Globally, 57% of cirrhosis
is attributable to either hepatitis B (30%) or hepatitis
(a) Superiorsurface
C (27%). Alcohol consumption is another major
cause, accounting for about 20% of the cases.
These causative factors divided into three groups:
hepatocellular, cholestatic, and hepatic venous
outflow obstruction. [13]

Table. 1 : Classification of cirrhosis according to

Hepatocellular Cholestatic outflow
Viral Veno –
hepatitis(B, C, occlusion
(b) Anterior surface D) disease
Budd –
Primary biliary
Alcohol Chiari
Primarysclerosing Congestive
cholangitis heart failure
Metabolic Drugs /toxins
Drugs /toxins*
*Drugs and toxins can cause all 3 forms of liver
(c) Posteriorsurface
Irrespective of aetiology, Cirrhosis is initiated by
DISCUSSION hepatocellular necrosis. Continued destruction of
Liver is the largest internal organ in human body, hepatocytes causes collapse of normal lobular hepatic
which is responsible for synthesis of all circulating parenchyma followed by fibrosis around necrotic liver
proteins. [6]It is vulnerable to a wide variety of cells. That causes formation of compensatory
metabolic, toxic, microbial, circulatory and neoplastic regenerative nodules separated by individual fibrous
injuries. Cirrhosis of the liver is a diffuse disease, bands. Morphologically, Cirrhosis divided on the
defined as the histological development of basis of nodule size. The Micro nodular cirrhosis
regenerative nodules surrounded by fibrous bands in contains regular and small nodules with less than

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1826
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
3mm in diameter, often caused by alcoholic liver or Table. 3 : Classification of liver cirrhosis.
biliary tract disease. The Macro-nodular is S.
characterized by large irregular nodules with broad NO
bands of connective tissue, most commonly occurs in Macro nodular, micro
viral hepatitis. Due to cessation of alcohol use, the 1 Morphological nodular, mixed nodular
larger nodules may form resulting in mixed nodular cirrhosis.
cirrhosis. [14] 2 Histologic Post hepatic, Post necrotic
Viral, Alcoholic-related
liver cirrhosis
The range of clinical features in cirrhosis varies Compensated,
widely, from an asymptomatic state to progressive 4 Clinical
Decompensated cirrhosis.
liver failure and death. The general symptoms of
compensated cirrhosis are weakness, fatigue, muscle- DIAGNOSIS
cramps, weight loss and other non-specific digestive Cirrhosis of liver is diagnosed on the basis of
symptoms. When decomposition develops, patient symptoms, Physical examination, Medical history,
may present with symptoms due to hepatic laboratory tests and radiological findings. Laboratory
insufficiency and portal hypertension. These tests are performed to determine the presence and
symptoms are summarized in table no:2. [15] severity of the liver disease and to establish the
aetiology. [17]Aspartate aminotransferase, Alanine
Table. 2 : Clinical features of hepatic cirrhosis transaminase, Alkaline phosphatase, bilirubin,
S. Clinical prothrombin time, Gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase,
No features Albumin, immune-globulins mainly IgG, Creatinine
Swelling over right side level, sodium level, Low sodium indicates severe liver
1 Hepatomegaly
of the abdomen disease. A predominant increase in serum
2 Jaundice Icterus , itching aminotransferases (ALT and AST) suggests
3 Ascites Distension of abdomen hepatocellular disease, while a predominant increase
Spider telangiectasia, in alkaline phosphatase indicates biliary tract
4 palmar erythemia, abnormality. In hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis
cyanosis C virus (HCV) infections, ALT is greater than AST;
Loss of libido, hair loss while in alcoholic liver disease, AST is greater than
Men:Testicular atrophy, ALT. Abnormalities of serum albumin and
5 impotence prothrombin time indicate severity of disease and
changes [18]
Women:Amenorrhea, poor prognosis. Ultrasonography provides
breast atrophy important information on hepatic architecture,
Haemorrhagic changes in Liver volume, size and oftena nodular
6 Bruise, purpura, epistaxis
tendency deformation of the liver. Endoscopy and Doppler
Portal Splenomegaly, collateral imaging are the most useful tools in diagnosis and
7 management of portal hypertension and its
hypertension vessels, variceal bleeding
Hepatic complication. The nodular lesions should be
8 - confirmed by helical CT or MRI. Computed
Pigmentation, digital Tomography (CT) scan shows hepatosplenomegaly
9 Other features and dilated collaterals with good intensity. Magnetic
clubbing, low grade fever
Resonance Imaging (MRI) has shown effective in
Several classifications have been proposed to estimate diagnosis of benign tumours, vascular anatomy,
severity of liver damage, which includes biliary tree and hepatic iron and fat content in
Morphological, Histological, Etiological and Clinical hemochromatosis. [19]The scaring of liver can estimate
features. The most useful classification incorporates with some reliability by Elastography. Liver biopsy
the latter two categories (table03). [16] considered as gold standard for diagnosis and
sequential histological grading of fibrosis. [20]

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1827
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www. ijtsrd. com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2018 Page: 1829

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