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Table of Content

1 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR WORKSHOP II ........................................................... 4

1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Pre-requisite .................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Duration .......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Learning Outcomes......................................................................................................... 4
1.5 Lab and equipment ......................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Supervision ..................................................................................................................... 4
1.7 Assessment ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.7.1 Pass .......................................................................................................................... 5
1.7.2 Re-present................................................................................................................ 5
1.7.3 Fail ........................................................................................................................... 5
1.8 Final Submission ............................................................................................................ 5
2 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKSHOP II FOR BITC AND BITZ ................................... 5
2.1 Learning Outcomes......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Other Related Subjects ................................................................................................... 6
2.3 Project Implementation................................................................................................... 6
2.4 Project Scope .................................................................................................................. 6
2.5 Implementation Process Flowchart ................................................................................ 8
2.6 Project Requirements ...................................................................................................... 9
2.7 Project Deliverables ........................................................................................................ 9
2.7.1 Project Proposal....................................................................................................... 9
2.7.2 Log Book ................................................................................................................. 9
2.7.3 Progress Report I ................................................................................................... 10
2.7.4 Progress Report II.................................................................................................. 10
2.7.5 Progress Report III ................................................................................................ 10
2.7.6 Poster and Video ................................................................................................... 10
2.7.7 Exhibition .............................................................................................................. 10
2.7.8 Final Report ........................................................................................................... 11
2.8 Project Activities .......................................................................................................... 12
2.9 Evaluation ..................................................................................................................... 13
3 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKSHOP II BITD ............................................................. 14
3.1 Learning Outcomes....................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Other Related Subjects ................................................................................................. 14
3.3 Project Implementation................................................................................................. 14
3.4 Project Scope ................................................................................................................ 15
3.5 Flow Chart of Implementation Process ........................................................................ 16
3.6 Project Deliverables ...................................................................................................... 17
3.6.1 Project Proposal..................................................................................................... 17
3.6.2 Log Book ............................................................................................................... 17
3.6.3 Progress Report I .................................................................................................. 18
3.6.4 Progress Report II................................................................................................. 18
3.6.5 Progress Report III ................................................................................................ 18
3.6.6 Poster ..................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.7 Exhibition .............................................................................................................. 19
3.6.8 Final Report ........................................................................................................... 20
3.7 Project Activities .......................................................................................................... 21
3.8 Assessment ................................................................................................................... 22
4 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKSHOP II BITI ............................................................... 23
4.1 Learning Outcomes....................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Project Implementation................................................................................................. 23
4.3 Project Scope ................................................................................................................ 23
4.4 Implementation Process Flowchart .............................................................................. 25
4.5 Project Requirements .................................................................................................... 27
4.6 Project Deliverables ...................................................................................................... 27
4.6.1 Project Proposal..................................................................................................... 27
4.6.2 Log Book ............................................................................................................... 27
4.6.3 Progress Report I ................................................................................................... 28
4.6.4 Progress Report II.................................................................................................. 28
4.6.5 Progress Report III ................................................................................................ 28
4.6.6 Poster and Video ................................................................................................... 28
4.6.7 Exhibition .............................................................................................................. 28
4.6.8 Final Report ........................................................................................................... 28
4.7 Project Activity ............................................................................................................. 30
5 IMPLEMENTATION OF WORKSHOP II BITS .............................................................. 31
5.1 Learning Outcomes....................................................................................................... 31
5.2 Project Implementation................................................................................................. 31
5.3 Project Scope ................................................................................................................ 32
5.4 Implementation Process Flowchart .............................................................................. 33
5.5 Project Requirements .................................................................................................... 35
5.6 Project Deliverables ...................................................................................................... 35
5.6.1 Project Proposal..................................................................................................... 35
5.6.2 Log Book ............................................................................................................... 35
5.6.3 Progress Report I ................................................................................................... 35
5.6.4 Progress Report II.................................................................................................. 36
5.6.5 Progress Report III ................................................................................................ 36
5.6.6 Poster and Video ................................................................................................... 36
5.6.7 Exhibition .............................................................................................................. 36
5.6.8 Final Report ........................................................................................................... 36
5.7 Project Activity ............................................................................................................. 38
5.8 Assessment ................................................................................................................... 39
7 APPENDIX B: SAMPLE FORMAT FOR INDIVIDUAL LOG BOOK ........................... 41
8 APPENDIX C: PANDUAN UMUM MENULIS LAPORAN ............................................... 42
9 APPENDIX D: PANDUAN MENULIS RUJUKAN ............................................................ 47
1.1 Introduction
Workshop II is introduced to all 3rd year Bachelor Degree students as a platform to prepare
students before undergo their Final Year Project and Industrial Training. During Workshop II
students will work in group and they are required to develop a project based on their majoring.
Workshop II provides an opportunity to students to practice their knowledge and experience
gained from previous subjects. Students also able to develop their understanding of problem
solving techniques to solve a particular problem based on their respective project.

1.2 Pre-requisite
Workshop II is only open to student who already passed their Workshop I (BITU2913)

1.3 Duration
Duration for Workshop II is ONE SEMESTER (14 weeks).

1.4 Learning Outcomes

i. Analyze project scopes based on student’s majoring
ii. Construct the project by applying the concept of system design and development learnt
in the previous subjects
iii. Organize the group project properly and able to present the project output

Soft skills that will be gained by students:

i) Group work
ii) Communication skill
iii) Critical thinking
iv) Leadership
v) Project management
vi) Moral and ethic

1.5 Lab and equipment

Every group is allowed to loan equipment and software from the Faculty and the student must
follow the procedures to loan Equipment from FTMK Lab Management.

1.6 Supervision
One lecturer will be assigned to each group as Supervisor. Following are some specific
responsibilities of a supervisor:
 assists the student with the selection and planning of a suitable and manageable project
 when necessary, assists the student in gaining access to facilities or equipment
 materials
 help in term of advice, interest and encouragement in regard to fulfill the project

Formal supervisory meetings for students should be held at least 7 times for the whole semester.
Formal supervisory meetings are an opportunity for students to discuss their progress, describe
findings, and alert the supervisor to any problems. In every meeting Supervisor has to sign
Individual Log Book for each student. If the meeting is less than 5 times (until Week 12)
students will be considered as FAIL their Workshop II.
1.7 Assessment
Student will be assessed based the project outcomes in the form of reports and presentation as

Table 1: Marks Distribution

No. Outcome Marks

Individual Group
1 Proposal 5% -
2 Progress Report I 10%
3 Progress Report II 10%
4 Progress Report III 10% 10%
5 Showcase, poster and/or video 25%
6 Final Report - 20%
7 Log Book 5% -
8 Peer Evaluation 5% -
Total Marks 45% 55 %

1.7.1 Pass
i) Project outcomes fulfill most (60%) of the project objectives.
ii) Total marks for student is more than 40%.

1.7.2 Re-present
i) Supervisor or Judge is not satisfied with any of the student performance during
presentation session.
ii) Outcome from the project does not fulfill the project objectives.
iii) System design does not complete i.e. the not fulfill the scope, objectives or represent
actual situation.

1.7.3 Fail
i) Do not make any presentation.
ii) Project outcomes do not meet the specification and objectives
iii) Only attend 5 times of formal supervisory meeting.
iv) Total marks less than 40%
v) Plagiarism

1.8 Final Submission

The following are what should be submitted for final submission.
i) Final report in PDF format and hard-bound copy.
ii) Complete project source codes and configuration notes (if any)
*the final report in PDF, source codes and configuration notes should be submitted in a CD.
2.1 Learning Outcomes
i) Student should be able to design the network infrastructure by using the available tools.
ii) Student should be able to implement designated network services.
iii) Student should be able to install and integrate network services infrastructure to suit the
network environment.
iv) Student should be able to maintain and control the network services infrastructure.
2.2 Other Related Subjects
The scope of the project for BITC program is related to the following subjects:

 BITS 1123 – Computer Organization and Architecture

 BITS 1213 – Operating System
 BITS 2313 – Local Area Network
 BITS 2513 – Internet Technology
 BITS 2323 – Network Analysis and Design
 BITS 2323 – Wide Area Network
 BITS 3323 – Network Project Management

2.3 Project Implementation

1. Each group consists of 8 or 7 BITC students , 3 or 2 BITZ students

2. Each group of BITC students need to develop the network infrastructure with a
minimum of 20 services (14 of which have been determined).
3. Each group of BITZ students must perform 16 security services / configurations and
draft the Security Policy.
4. Each group is required to fairly distribute tasks to each member of the group.
a. Each BITC student in the group must be responsible for at least THREE (3)
services in developing the required network environment.
b. Each BITZ student in the group must be responsible for SIX (6) security service
/ configurations / security policies.
c. Each student must also be responsible for all services performed by the group

2.4 Project Scope

1. Each group is required to design a secure network infrastructure by using the
available tools.
2. Each group is free to develop its own network design.
3. Each group MUST install the following services/applications in their network

Services for BITC Students

1. DNS (IPv4 & IPv6)

2. Linux Email Server
4. Secured FTP
5. Routing & NAT
6. Access Control List (ACL)
7. Streaming Server
8. VLAN, IPv6 Transition Mechanism
9. IPv6 Web (IPv6 Web test run from neighbouring group)
10. Proxy Server
11. Web, SSL & Virtual Hosting
12. Samba
13. Radius Server for Network Accounting
14. Network Management System
Services / Configuration for BITZ Students

Design Phase
1. Security Policy

Router Security
2. Authentication using radius server - aaa
3. User authentication and authorization – different user
4. Site-to site VPN
5. Firewall for router (ACL/Zone based Firewall)
6. Remote login using ssh

Server hardening
7. Harden Linux server
8. Harden Solaris server
9. Harden Windows server
10. Harden webserver

Security Service
11. Authentication user by integrating AD with linux
12. Wireless user authentication using Radius server (AD user account/Mac
13. Installation IDS (port mirror)
14. IPsec between server and user

Layer 2 security
15. Port Security
16. STP Security
17. VLAN security

4. Each group MUST propose and implement its own network services (including the
above-mentioned services) until adequate to 20 + 17 BITC and BITZ services /
5. Each group will need to install and integrate network services infrastructure to suit
the network environment and security policies that have been set.
6. Each group must use different operating systems such as Windows 2012 and Linux.
7. The additional host (server and client) can be added as a physical host (hardware) or
virtual host using software such as VirtualBox and Zen.
8. Each server must have a client with at least FIVE (5) services from the services
mentioned above.
9. Configuration and test must be carried out using the CLI (Command Line Interface) via
Telnet and SSH
10. Evaluation version software IS NOT PERMITTED.
11. Each group should ensure their domain can communicate with other group’s domain.
2.5 Implementation Process Flowchart


Students propose the title and scope of the project to the supervisor

Project title and scope

agreed by the


Students begin to develop the network infrastructure

Progress Report I: Evaluation involves 5 services

Progress Report II: Evaluation involves 15 services

Progress Report III: Evaluation involves 20 services

Demonstration to the Supervisor

Students prepare poster and video

Students submit poster to Workshop II Committee

Students prepare for the Exhibition

Students present their project, video and poster to be

assessed by the Judge during the Exhibition

Students perform post-mortem after the event and prepare Final

Report of the project

Students submit the Final Report (1 copy) and CD (containing the Final
Report and other related files) to supervisor

2.6 Project Requirements
Each group is provided with the following equipment:
a. Three Servers (including 1 Solaris)
b. One NIC
c. One Router (2 FastEthernet)
d. One Manageable Switch
e. UTP cable – length 15 meters
f. 12 RJ-45
g. 1 Set Crimping Tool
h. Addressing:
 IP v4 addresses: “/29” public IPs
 IPv6 addresses: “/48” IPs

By using the equipment provided, each group is required to design, install, maintain and secure
the network environment with stated basic client applications and services.

2.7 Project Deliverables

2.7.1 Project Proposal

Each groups must submit their plan and project proposal and at the beginning of the semester.
Project proposal must include these item
i) Executive Summary
ii) Network Design (Logikal)
iii) Network Design (Fizikal)
iv) Project Plan based on Gantt Chart
v) Task distribution

Proposal Content

1.0 Introduction
2.0 Problem Statement – problem that needs to be solved in this project
3.0 Objective – objectives that need to be achieved in this project
4.0 Requirements Analysis
4.1 Platform and equipment analysis – justification
4.2 Application and services analysis – justification
5.0 Network Design
6.0 Draft Security Policy
7.0 Project Planning based on Gantt Chart
8.0 Individual tasks
9.0 Conclusion
10.0 References
11.0 Appendices – Gantt Chart (required), etc…

2.7.2 Log Book

Each group is requred to bring along a log book each time meeting with supervisor.
Marks are based on individual log book which the student must report to supervisor on the
progress for each task. Supervisor will monitor the project and signing the log book as a

The content of the log book should include:

 Summary of the project.

 Problems encountered during the Workshop 2.
 Supervisor comment and result of the discussion with the supervisor.

Please refer to Appendix B: Example of Log Book Format

2.7.3 Progress Report I

Progress report I covers the development of the project where each group is required to
complete 5 services (VLAN, IPV6, DNS, DHCP, service for video).

2.7.4 Progress Report II

Progress report II covers the development of the project where each group is required to
complete 15 services for BITC students and 10 sevices for BITZ student.

2.7.5 Progress Report III

Progress report III covers the development of the project where each group is required to
complete all configuration, services and network environment.

Each group is required to hold a demonstration to supervisor and evaluator respectively. Each
member of the group is required to present at least 3 services that has been setup.

2.7.6 Poster and Video

Each group is required to prepare a poster and video that explain ONE servis that has been set.

The content of the poster and video should include the following items:
 A brief introduction about the collection and segregation of duties.
 The introduction of such services include the usability, advantages and disadvantages.
 Background theory of the services
 The method for configuring the service.
 Method to test the service.
 The total duration of the video should not exceed 15 minutes.

Video and poster (softcopy) should be presented during project demonstration to

supervisor/evaluator for the purpose of updates for final exhibition. The actual asessment will
be conducted during the exhibition day.

2.7.7 Exhibition
During the exhibition, at least ONE (1) services should be displayed for the evaluation by the
supervisor and evaluator.

Each student must be prepared to answered questions from the evaluator which is not just about
the services on displayed, but also for all the services carried out during the Workshop 2
2.7.8 Final Report
Each group should provide TWO (2) copies of the final report for submission to the supervisor
and evaluator. The format of the final report can be found in Appendix C.

Example : Content of Final Report

Table of contents
List of figures
List of tables
1.0 Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objective
1.3 Project Plan / Schedule
1.4 Conclusion
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of Operating System use in the project
2.3 Operating system background
2.4 Operating system justification
2.5 Hardware requirement
2.6 Hardware justification
2.7 Conclusion
3.0 Chapter 3: DESIGN
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Security Policy
3.3 Physical Design
3.4 Logical (including Security) Design
3.5 Conclusion
4.0 Chapter 4: SERVICES
4.1 Introduction
4.2 List of services
4.3 Brief overview for services
4.3.1 DNS
4.3.2 DHCP
4.3.3 ...
4.4 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Services testing and individual who responsible for the testing
5.2.1 DNS Testing
5.2.2 SMTP Testing
5.2.3 …
5.3 Conclusion
6.0 Chapter 6: TESTING
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Services testing
6.2.1 DNS Testing
6.2.2 SMTP Testing
6.2.3 …….
6.3 Conclusion
7.0 Chapter 7 : CONCLUSION
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Project advantages
7.3 Project disadvantages
7.4 Project limitation
7.5 Conclusion

2.8 Project Activities


1-2 Project Proposal Bring along log
Including the Executive Summary, Network book for review
Design (Logical and Physical), Gantt charts and
project distribution.
2-5 Progress Report I Submit Progress
Including project progress, setup 5 services Report I
(VLAN, IPV6, DNS, DHCP, service for video) Bring along log
book for review
6-10 Progress Report II Submit Progress
Including project progress, setup 15+10 services Report II
Bring along log
book for review
11-12 Progress Report III Present Progress
Including project progress, setup all services, Report III
Teamwork, and setup network 100 % Each individual in
Demo individual with the supervisor/evaluator the group is
Video & Poster: required to demo
Video and poster preparation involves ONE (1) their task
services that has been set. Video and poster respectively.
(softcopy) should be presented during project
demonstration to supervisor/evaluator for the Bring along log
purpose of updates for final exhibition at week 14 book for review

13 Revision Final Report & Log Book Bring along log

book for review
Revision by
14 Video & Poster Exhibition Workshop II
Final Presentation marks are part of students Exhibition
marks for Workshop II. r Poster and Video
Video and Poster evaluation by supervisor and Exhibition
StudyWeek r Final Report and Log Book Submission Submit Final
Report and Log
2.9 Evaluation
Students will be evaluated based on the results of work in terms of commitment, reports and
presentations of development of network infrastructure and network services implemented.
Distribution of marks is based on Table 1.
3.1 Learning Outcomes

i) The student is able to apply knowledge and skills to design and develop database
involving more than one Database Management System ( DBMS ).
ii) The student is able to produce a system that contains multiple sub-systems which each
sub-system is developed in the different environment of DBMS.
iii) The student is able to develop and implement the data backup and recovery procedures
based on system requirements in an environment containing various different DBMS.
iv) The student is able to develop and implement data migration and synchronization
procedures between various different DBMS based on system requirements.
v) The student is able to develop an interface that can access data from multiple database
systems to generate reports according to user requirements.

3.2 Other Related Subjects

The project scope for BITD program is related to the following subjects:

• BITP 1323 - Database

• BITP 2303 - Database Programming
• BITP 2313 - Database Design
• BITS 3433 –Information Technology Security and Database Security

3.3 Project Implementation

1. Duration of the project is ONE (1) semester.

2. Students will be divided into groups of FOUR (4) or FIVE(5) members, including
project leader.
3. Determination of group members and supervisors are made by the Workshop II
Committee. Any changes or additions or reductions of group members or changes of a
supervisor is strictly not permitted.
4. Each group should identify a system title that is appropriate with the number of
members in carrying out the development of DBMS activities. An example of system
title is "Product Sales Management System".
5. Based on the identified system title, each group must identify sub-systems that can be
created in order to develop a system as a whole.
6. Then, sub-systems that have been identified should be distributed to each member of the
group fairly.
a. Each team member will be responsible towards the sub-system that he/she has
developed for demonstration and final presentation where it will affect the
evaluation of each individual.
b. The group leader must ensure that all members perform their tasks properly so
that the entire system is not affected by any sub-system problems. The problems
can affect the evaluation of the whole group.
7. Each group is required to meet the supervisor at least FIVE (5) times during the
semester, including demonstration week at week 12.
8. Each student must be present at the meeting together with their respective groups.
Students must provide reasonable cause to the supervisor if he/she is unable to attend the
9. Students who fail to meet their supervisor for more than TWO (2) times before week 9,
will get a warning letter and can not participate in the final presentation with their
respective group.

3.4 Project Scope

1. Database system to be developed must contain at least SIX (6) major entities (excluding
bridge entities) and can be divided into several sub-systems, depending on the number
of group members.
2. Each student in the group should use a different DBMS and involve with at least TWO
(2) tables.
3. The project should involve the use of Windows and Linux operating systems. Make sure
there are members of the group who uses Windows and some Linux.
4. Determination of the DBMS and operating systems to be used must be agreed among
the group members as well as supervisors.
5. The installation process of operating system and DBMS must be done by the students
6. Each member of the group must develop and implement the data backup and recovery
procedures based on system requirements in an environment containing various
different DBMS.
7. Each member of the group should also develop and implement data migration and
synchronization procedures between various different DBMS based on system
8. Students also need to develop interfaces that can access data from multiple database
systems to generate reports according to user requirements. The system interfaces may
be written in Malay language or English language.
3.5 Flow Chart of Implementation Process
3.6 Project Deliverables

3.6.1 Project Proposal

Each group is required to submit a project proposal and project planning at the beginning of the
semester. Project Proposal must include the following:

1. Introduction
 Briefly describe project background and problem statement, the importance of the
project to the end user, method of solution used and the expected output from the
implementation of the project.
2. Problem Statement
 Describe problems of the current system.
3. Project Objective
 Objectives must be clear and logic.
 Stated objectives must be interrelated to the identified problem statements.
4. Project Scope
 State the scope of the sub-systems clearly and logically.
 Specify students who are involved with the sub-systems that have been identified.
 State the software and hardware requirements. Justify the selection of DBMS and
operating system. Next, explain the combination of operating system and DBMS
used for each sub-system.
5. Significant of Database Project
 Explain the importance of database systems to be developed.
6. Conclusion
7. References
8. Appendix
 Gantt Chart and other related documents.

3.6.2 Log Book

Each team member is required to bring their own logbook during the meeting with the
supervisor. The log book will be assessed individually where the students must report to their
respective supervisor on their work progress. Supervisors will monitor the project execution and
verify the log book with her/his signature.

The log book must contain:

• Summary of the project

• Problems encountered during the project implementation process
• Comment and discussions outcome with supervisors.

Refer Appendix B: Sample of Log Book Format.

3.6.3 Progress Report I
Progress Report I covers the progress of project whereby each group has undertaken the

1. Database Development Methodology.

a) Determination of database development methodology based on Database Life Cycle
(DBLC) approach.
b) Determine of hardware and software to be used.
c) Determination of project planning and milestone / Gantt chart and task distributions.
2. Database Analysis
a) Analyse current system.
i) Explain the current situation and illustrates the current process using a suitable
diagram (eg. flowcharts).
ii) Identify data from the current system (eg based on related documents).
b) Analyse database system to be developed.
i) Illustrate the database system analysis using:
 Context Diagram.
 Data Flow Diagram (DFD).
ii) Identify the data requirements for the database system to be developed.

3.6.4 Progress Report II

Progress Report II covers the progress of project whereby each group has undertaken the

1. Conceptual Design
a) Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).
b) Business rules – Explanation of the created ERD.
2. Logical Design
a) Data Normalization – Validation of the created ERD.
b) Data Dictionary – For the validated ERD.
3. Physical Design
a) Generate Data Definition Language (DDL) Schema.

3.6.5 Progress Report III

Progress Report III covers the progress of project whereby each group has undertaken the

1. Database Implementation
a) Installation of the Operating System and Database Software
i) Installation of database software in the different preferred platform (Windows /
ii) Ensure Service / Instance Up and log in for the Database Administrator (DBA)
is successful.
b) Development of Database
i) Data Definition Language (DDL) – create tables dan constraints.
ii) Data Manipulation Language (DML)
 Entry, update and deletion of data. With an understanding of the use of
Commit and Rollback.
 Access data, which includes restricting and sorting, display data from
multiple tables, aggregating data, grouping, and Subquery.

2. Database Integration and Testing

a) Method of Testing
 Testing a database with the interface.
Example: Link between Oracle Database and SQL-Server with Visual Basic
 Manipulation of data from multiple databases through an interface.
Example: Each record sales are realized in the Oracle database will trigger
changes in the records of workers involved in the SQL-Server database.
 Testing the integrity of the process data backup and data recovery based on
backup and data recovery procedures.
Example: Total number of sales after recovery database must be equal to the
number of sales at the time of the database to a failure.
 Testing the integrity of data migration and data synchronization based on the
coordination of procedures and data migration.
Example: The number of records in a table in Oracle database staff revised the
number of records in a replica table staff in SQL-Server database.

b) Analysis of the test results and database integration. Explaining the result of
database integration and testing, whether successful or not.

3.6.6 Poster

Each group is required to prepare a poster. Posters must be in the:

a) Format: JPG
b) Resolution: 100%.

The poster should be reviewed by the supervisor for the purpose of improvement. However, the
actual assessment will be conducted on exhibition. The soft-copy poster must be submitted to
the committee for the printing process.

The content of the poster should include the following items:

 The title of the project
 Matric number and names
 Supervisor name
 Description or brief introduction about the project
 The objective of the project
 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
 Database Link Diagram

3.6.7 Exhibition

Students are required to display their works during the exhibition (showcase). The exhibition is
the result of group works in the form of posters and demonstration systems. Students will be
evaluated by two assessors. Students will also be evaluated in terms of soft skills such as
communication skills while making a presentation.
3.6.8 Final Report

Each group of students need to provide TWO (2) copies of the English version of the final
report for submission to supervisor(s) and workshop 2 committees. The format of the final
report can be found in Appendix C.

All contents of the Final Report as follows:

Table of contents
List of figures
List of tables
1.0 Chapter 1 : INTRODUCTION
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Objective
1.4 Scope
1.5 Project Significant
1.6 Conclusion
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Database development methodology
2.3 Database development project requirement
2.4 Project management
2.5 Conclusion
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Current system analysis
3.3 To-be system analysis
3.4 Conclusion
4.0 Chapter 4 : DATABASE DESIGN
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Conceptual database design
4.3 Logical database design
4.4 Physical database design
4.5 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Database software installation
5.3 Database development
5.4 Database access
5.5 Database maintenance
5.6 Database management and administration
5.7 Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Database integration and testing approach
6.3 Database integration and testing result analysis
6.4 Conclusion
7.0 Chapter 7 : CONCLUSION
7.1 Introduction
7.2 Achievement
7.3 Project limitation
7.4 Suggestions for Improvement
7.5 PotentialCommercialization
7.6 Conclusion

3.7 Project Activities

Week Item Action

1-2 Proposal Prepare and submit proposal
Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
2-3 Progress Report I Prepare and submit Progress
Report I
Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
3-5 Progress Report II Prepare and submit Progress
Report II
Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
Progress Report III Prepare and submit Progress
Report III

5-7 Database Implementation Demo individuals with a

Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
7-12 Database Integration and
Testing Demo individuals with a
Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
11-12 Poster Prepare and Submit Poster (soft-
copy) to committee
12-13 Final Report Draft Prepare and submit final report
Bring your individual log book to
be verified.
14 Exhibition and Poster System and poster presentation
(2 assessors)
14-16 Final Report, Log Book and 2 Prepare and submit final report,
copies of CD log book and 2 copies of CD
3.8 Assessment

Students will be evaluated based on the results of work in terms of commitment, reports and
presentations of the project. The marks are based on Table 1.
4.1 Learning Outcomes
(i) Students can identify and analyze the robot requirements.
(ii) Students are able to design a robot appropriate with the task.
(iii) Student are able to develop a robot application by applying the concept of
artificial intelligence learnt in previous subjects.
(iv) Students are able to work in a group, present the project output and provide a
relevant report.

The scope of the project for BITI program is related to the following subjects :

 BITP 1113 – Programming Techniques

 BITI 1113 – Artificial Intelligence
 BITP 1123 – Data Structures and Algorithms
 BITP 3113 – Object Oriented Programming
 BITI 2113 – Logic Programming
 BITI 2223 – Machine Learning
 BITI 3123 – Fuzzy Logic
 BITI 3133 – Neural Networks

4.2 Project Implementation

5. Students are divided into groups of not more than 5 MEMBERS, including the Leader.
6. Determination of the group members are made by the Workshop II committee.
7. Each group is headed by a Leader (Project Manager).
8. Each group should perform the Workshop II in 3 phases:
a. Proposal Phase / Project Proposal
i. Submitting proposals to the Committee and supervisor
b. Progress Phase
i. Progress Report I (PR I) : Assessment of the Requirements and Analysis
Phase (individual + group)
ii. Progress Report II (PR II) : Assessment of the Design & Implementation
Phase (group)
iii. Progress Report III (PR III) : Assessment of the Testing Phase and
Demonstration of System (individual + group)
 Week 14 is to prepare the Workshop II Final Report. Each group
is required to develop a robot and poster for display at the
exhibition. All students should be responsible for the
implementation and development of robot and the poster.

c. Exhibition Phase
i. A phase where students will demo the robot and posters produced during
Development Phase.

4.3 Project Scope

12. Each group needs to develop a robot performed during week-1 to week-12.
13. Each robot must able to move, detect and response (using sensors) and embeded with
AT LEAST a artificial intelligence technique.
14. Each of the robot to be developed must represent a concept of real application.
15. Each member MUST able to analyze, design and program the robot to be evaluated
16. Each group should test the robot to ensure it can do the given task.
4.4 Implementation Process Flowchart


Students suggest a project title and

its scope to the Supervisor

Project title and scope agreed by
the Supervisor?

Identify problems, opportunities and objectives and make
the analysis needs.

Students send the Project Proposal

Conduct analysis for each task of the robot and design the
robot based on the selected application

Students submit a Progress Report 1 –

Methodology & Analysis

Develop the moving, detect and response, and intelligent

modules to the robot

Students submit Progress Report 2 – Design

& Implementation. Student present the robot
to be assessed by the supervisor

Students update and make improvements to the robot


Students perform testing

Students prepare the poster

Students send Poster to the

Bengkel II committee

Students do Robot Demonstration to the Supervisor

Students submit Progress Report 3 – Robot

Testing and individual Log Book

Students prepare for the Exhibition

Students demo their developed Robot & Poster to

be reviewed by the judges during the exhibition

Students perform a post-mortem after the event and

prepare Final Report Project

Students submit the Final Report (1 copy) and CD

(containing softcopies of Final Report and also
Coding) to the Supervisor

4.5 Project Requirements
a) Each group shall be permitted to use the robot and software that has been
approved by the supervisor.
b) Equipment that needs to be borrowed from the faculty is subject to the existing
lending policies.

4.6 Project Deliverables

4.6.1 Project Proposal

Each group is required to submit a project proposal and project planning at the beginning of the
semester. Project Proposal must include:
vi) Introduction / Executive Summary
vii) Business Process & Statement of the Problem
viii) Objectives, Scope and Importance of Research
ix) Hardware / Software
x) Conclusion

The contents of the Project Proposal:

1. Introduction
2. Business Processes
3. Problem Statement
4. Project Objectives
5. Project Scope
6. Importance of Project
7. Software and Hardware
8. Conclusion

4.6.2 Log Book

a) Each group member is required to bring his / her log book during the meeting with the
supervisor. Log book mark is treated individually depending on the progress of his / her
tasks. Supervisors will monitor the group project and confirm the log book by signing
the log book .

b) Log book must contain:

a. Summary of the project journey.

b. Problems encountered.
c. Supervisor's comments and the results of discussions with the supervisor.

Please refer to the Appendix B: Sample Format for Individual Log Book
4.6.3 Progress Report I
Progress Report I covers project development whereby every group has completed
methodology selection, analysis of the robot and the design of the robot based on the tasks.

4.6.4 Progress Report II

Progress Report II covers project development whereby every group has completed the design
and development including moving, detect and response, and intelligent modules.

4.6.5 Progress Report III

Progress Report III covers project development whereby every group has completly develop the
robot including testing.

Each group is required to hold a demonstration session to the supervisor and respective
evaluators / judges.

4.6.6 Poster and Video

Each group is required to prepare a poster describing the developed robot.

The poster covers:

(i) at least: Project title, member’s name, project summary, robot development
methodology and application result.
(ii) only ONE poster permitted to include the project content.
(iii) creativity that produce a poster that is understandable and attractive.

4.6.7 Exhibition
During robot demo and poster exhibition session, ALL modules will be assessed by evaluators /

Each student needs to prepare to accept question from the asessors not only about the robot
demonstration, but also for industry values and marketability.

4.6.8 Final Report

Every group need to prepare TWO (2) copies of final report for submission to the supervisor
and assessors. Final report format can be referred as in Appendix C. The Final Report MUST be
written in English.
Example of Final Report Table of Content:

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Bussines Process
1.3. Problem Statement
1.4. Objectives
1.5. Project Scope
1.6. Project Significance
1.7. Hardware and Software
1.8. Conclusion
2.1 Robot Development Methodology
2.2 Robot Development Technique
2.3 Summary
3.1 Analysis of Current Application
3.2 Analysis of Proposed Robotic Application
3.3 Structure Chart of Proposed Robotic Application
3.4 Work Breakdown
3.5 Summary
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Robot Archictecture
4.3 Movement Module
4.4 Sensors (Detection and Response) Module
4.5 Intelligent Module
4.6 Summary
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Movement
5.3 Detection and Response to Environment
5.4 Completing Task via Intelligence
5.5 Summary
6.1 Testing Method
6.2 Test Result Analysis
6.3 Robot Constraints
6.4 Summary
7.1 Robot Advantages and Commercial Values
7.2 Robot Weaknesses
7.3 Suggestions for Robot Improvement
7.4 Summary


4.7 Project Activity

Week Item Action

1-2 Proposal
Includes: Bring along the log book for
(a) Introduction / Executive Summary supervisor review.
(b) Bisness Process and Problem Statement
(c) Objective, Scope and Significance of Study
(d) Hardware and Software
(e) Conclusion

2-5 Progress Report I Submit PR I

Includes: Bring along the log book for
(a) Methodology supervisor review.
(b) Analysis of Current Application
(c) Analysis of Proposed Robot Application
(d) Gantt Chart and Work Allocation

6-10 Progress Report II Submit PR II

(a) Architecture Bring along the log book for
(b) Modules Design supervisor review.
(c) Impelementation

11-12 Progress Report III : System Demo PR III

Demonstration Each team members shall demo
Includes: their work. Bring along the log
book for supervisor review.
(a) Demo: Moving, Sensor and AI
(b) Creativity
Submit PR III
(c) Testing
Includes: Report of testing result
(d) Other Progress
completed during the demo,
(e) Teamwork
together with the robot
Poster :
Group has to prepare and present the poster during
demo session to supervisor for improvement purpose
before the exhibition in week 14.

13 Review for Exhibition, Final Report & Log Evaluated by supervisor.

14 Product and Poster Exhibition Bengkel II Exhibition
Marks of the exhibition is part of the Bengkel II’s Product and Poster Exhibition
marks. Evaluation of the robot and poster by evaluator
/ judges
StudyWeek Submit Final Report & Log Book Submit Final Report & Log
5.1 Learning Outcomes
(v) Students can analyze software requirements.
(vi) Students may design solution to problem.
(vii) Students can develop applications based on the design of problem-solving.
(viii) Students are able to provide relevant reports.

The scope of the project for BITS program is related to the following subjects :

 BITP 1113 – Programming techniques

 BITP 1323 – Database
 BITP 1123 – Data Structures and Algorithms
 BITP 2313 – Database Design
 BITP 2213 – Software Engineering
 BITP 3113 – Object Oriented Programming

5.2 Project Implementation

9. Students are divided into groups of not more than 10 MEMBERS, including the Leader.
10. Determination of the group members are made by the Workshop II committee.
11. Each group is headed by a Leader (Project Manager).
12. Each group should perform the Workshop II in 3 phases:
a. Proposal Phase / Project Proposal
i. Submitting proposals to the Committee and supervisor
b. Progress Phase
i. Progress Report I (PR I) : Assessment of the Requirements and Analysis
Phase (individual + group)
ii. Progress Report II (PR II) : Assessment of the Design & Implementation
Phase (individual + group)
iii. Progress Report III (PR III) : Assessment of the Testing Phase and
Demonstration of System (group)
 Week 14 is to prepare the Workshop II Final Report. Each group
is required to produce software products and poster for display at
the exhibition. All students should be responsible for the
implementation and construction of software products and the

c. Exhibition Phase
i. A phase where students will showcase software products and posters
produced during Development Phase.
5.3 Project Scope

17. Each group needs to develop a software product performed during week-1 to week-12.
18. Each software product must have at least FOUR (4) modules.
19. Each module should have an element of entry, update, and delete data and can generate
calculations / reports.
20. Each of the products to be developed must have industrial value and marketability.
21. Each member MUST analyze, design and develop respective module to be evaluated
22. Each member is RESPONSIBLE for combining all modules into a full system before
the exhibition and evaluation for the whole.
23. DO NOT use evaluation version software.
24. Each group should ensure that testing is carried out on their systems.
5.4 Implementation Process Flowchart


Students suggest a project title and

its scope to the Supervisor

Project title and scope agreed by
the Supervisor?

Identify problems, opportunities and objectives and make
the analysis needs.

Students send the Project Proposal

Conduct analysis for the entire system and for each

module in the system

Students submit a Progress Report 1 –

Methodology & Analysis

Develop modules of the system

Perform test for each module

Students submit Progress Report 2 – Design

& Implementation. Student presents the
modules that to be assessed by the supervisor

Students perform system integration


Students update and make improvements to the system,

and also prepare the Poster

Students perform Testing

Students send Poster to the

Bengkel II committee

Students do System Demonstration to the Supervisor

Students submit Progress Report 3 – System

Testing and individual Log Book

Students prepare for the Exhibition

Students present their completed developed

Products & Poster for review by the judges during
the exhibition

Students perform a post-mortem after the event and

prepare Final Report Project

Students submit the Final Report (1 copy) and CD

(containing softcopies of Final Report and also
System) to the Supervisor

5.5 Project Requirements
c) Each group shall be permitted to use the software that has been approved by the
d) Equipment that needs to be borrowed from the faculty is subject to the existing
lending policies.

5.6 Project Deliverables

5.6.1 Project Proposal

Each group is required to submit a project proposal and project planning at the beginning of the
semester. Project Proposal must include:
xi) Introduction / Executive Summary
xii) Business Process & Statement of the Problem
xiii) Objectives, Scope and Importance of Research
xiv) Hardware / Software
xv) Conclusion

The contents of the Project Proposal:

1. Introduction
2. Business Processes
3. Problem Statement
4. Project Objectives
5. Project Scope
6. Importance of Project
7. Software and Hardware
8. Conclusion

5.6.2 Log Book

c) Each group member is required to bring his / her log book during the meeting with the
supervisor. Log book mark is treated individually depending on the progress of his / her
tasks. Supervisors will monitor the group project and confirm the log book by signing
the log book .

d) Log book must contain:

a. Summary of the project journey.

b. Problems encountered.
c. Supervisor's comments and the results of discussions with the supervisor.

Please refer to the Appendix B: Example of Log Book Format

5.6.3 Progress Report I

Progress Report I covers project development whereby every group has completed
methodology selection, analysis current system and the system developed built through
respective module.
5.6.4 Progress Report II
Progress Report II covers project development whereby every group has completed the
database design, respective module designs and system implementation.

5.6.5 Progress Report III

Progress Report III covers project development whereby every group has completed
development of all modules, demonstration and test systems.

Each group is required to hold a demonstration session to the supervisor and respective
evaluators / judges. Every team member must present his / her respective modules.

5.6.6 Poster and Video

Each group is required to prepare a poster describing the developed software product.

The poster covers:

(iv) at least: Project title, member’s name, project summary, product development
methodology and product result.
(v) only ONE poster permitted to include the project content.
(vi) creativity that produce a poster that is understandable and attractive.

5.6.7 Exhibition
During product and poster exhibition session, ALL modules will be assessed by evaluators /

Each student needs to prepare to accept question from the asessors not only about the system
displayed, but also for industry values and marketability.

5.6.8 Final Report

Every group need to prepare TWO (2) copies of final report for submission to the supervisor
and assessors. Final report format can be referred as in Appendix C. The Final Report MUST be
written in English.
Example of Final Report Table of Content:

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
1.9. Introduction
1.10. Bisness Process
1.11. Problem Statement
1.12. Objective
1.13. Project Scope
1.14. Project Significance
1.15. Hardware and Software
1.16. Conclusion
2.1 System Development Methodology
2.2 System Development Technique
2.3 Conclusion
3.1 Analysis of Current System
3.2 Analysis of Proposed System
3.3 Structure Chart of Proposed System
3.4 Work Breakdown
3.5 Conclusion
4.1 Introduction
4.2 System Archictecture
4.3 Database Design
4.4 Module Integration and Interface Design
4.5 System Design
4.6 Conclusion
5.1 Introduction
5.2 System Development Environment
5.3 System Configuration Management
5.4 Security Characteristics
5.5 Conclusion
6.1 Testing Method
6.2 Test Result Analysis
6.3 System Constraints
6.4 Conclusion
7.1 System Advantages and Commercial Values
7.2 System Weaknesses
7.3 Suggestions for System Improvement
7.4 Conclusion

5.7 Project Activity

Week Item Action

1-2 Proposal
Includes: Bring along the log book for
(f) Introduction / Executive Summary supervisor review.
(g) Bisness Process and Problem Statement
(h) Objective, Scope and Significance of Study
(i) Hardware and Software
(j) Conclusion

2-5 Progress Report I Submit PR I

Includes: Bring along the log book for
(e) Methodology supervisor review.
(f) Analysis of Current System
(g) Analysis of Proposed System
(h) Gantt Chart and Work Allocation

6-10 Progress Report II Submit PR II

(d) Database Design Bring along the log book for
(e) Module Design supervisor review.
(f) Impelementation
(g) Security Characteristics

11-12 Progress Report III : System Demo PR III

Demonstration Each team members shall demo
Includes: their work.
Bring along the log book for
(f) Demo: Interface navigation
supervisor review.
(g) Creativity
Bring along the test-cases to be
(h) Testing: With test-cases
tested and test results are recorded
(i) Other Progress
during demo.
(j) Teamwork
Submit PR III
Poster : Includes: Report of testing result
Penyediaan poster perlulah di persembahkan semasa completed during the demo,
demo kepada supervisor untuk tujuan tambahbaik bagi together with the system
pameran akhir pada minggu ke -14 constraints.
13 Review for Exhibition, Final Report & Log Evaluated by supervisor.
14 Product and Poster Exhibition Bengkel II Exhibition
Marks of the exhibition is part of the Bengkel II’s Product and Poster Exhibition
Evaluation of the product and poster by evaluator /
StudyWeek Submit Final Report & LogBook Submit Final Report &
5.8 Assessment

Students are assessed based on their work (includes commitment, reports and module/system
presentation). Table 1 show the marks distribution by student works


SEMESTER 1 2015/16









The log book should be written in English. This format is only for reference. Student may
discuss with their respective supervisor for different format.


SEMESTER 1 2015/16










Name of Activity: ____________________________________________

Week/Start Date: __________________

Week/End Date: __________________

Activity Description:

Student’s Signature Supervisor’s Signature and Stamp

___________________ ___________________________

Date: Date:



Buku panduan ini adalah sebagai bahan rujukan untuk pelajar Fakulti Teknologi Maklumat
dan Komunikasi, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. Penyediaan dokumen ini diambil
sepenuhnya daripada Jawatankuasa PSM untuk memberikan pendedahan kepada pelajar
berkenaan kaedah penulisan laporan untuk projek akhir kelak.

Garis panduan yang dimuatkan dalam buku ini adalah untuk kegunaan pelajar UTeM yang
perlu menyediakan laporan atau penulisan ilmiah/ projek kajian sebagai memenuhi keperluan
kurikulum Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Perbincangan dalam panduan ini keseluruhannya juga
menggunakan perkataan “tesis” bagi maksud penulisan ilmiah untuk Bengkel 2.


1. Kertas dan Saiz

Gunakan kertas bersaiz A4 (210 mm x 297 mm), 80 gram, berwarna putih dan bermutu

2. Jidar (margins)

Pada amnya jidar adalah sama bagi tiap-tiap muka surat, iaitu 4 cm di sebelah kiri (untuk
memudahkan penjilidan) dan 2.5 cm di sebelah atas, kanan dan bawah.
3. Penomboran Muka Surat

Nomborkan muka surat mengikut urutan. Nombor muka surat hendaklah ditulis di sudut atas
sebelah kanan, 1.25 cm dari tepi atas dan 2.5 cm dari tepi sebelah kanan digit terakhir
nombor berkenaan. Penomboran muka surat hendaklah memenuhi syarat berikut:
(i) Bahagian permulaan tesis, bermula dari halaman judul, hendaklah dinombor
dengan angka kecil Roman (i, ii, iii dsb); bahagian teks dan selepasnya
hendaklah menggunakan angka Arab (1, 2, 3 dsb).
(ii) Halaman pertamatesis ialah halaman judul, dianggap sebagai muka surat ”i”
tetapi tidak ditaip.
(iii) Halaman pertama bahagian teks dianggap sebagai halaman ”1” tetapi
nombornya tidak ditaip. Begitu juga bagi halaman setiap permulaan Bahagian
atau Bab, tidak ditulis nombor muka surat berikutnya.
(iv) Jika tesis terdiri daripada beberapa bahagian, halaman pemisah bahagian boleh
dimasukkan tetapi tidak dinomborkan dan tidak dikira dalam penomboran
muka surat.

4. Penomboran Bab dan Sub Judul Dalam Bab

Bab dan sub-judul dalam bab perlu dinomborkan. Bab dinomborkan menggunakan angka
besar Roman iaitu BAB I, BAB II, BAB III dan sebagainya dan sub-judul dalam bab
menggunakan angka Arab. Struktur penomboran sub-judul dalam bab tidak diensot tetapi
disusun mengikut urutan tahap sub-judul dan tidak melebihi empat tahap seperti berikut: BAB
II Tahap pertama (Judul Bab)
2.1 Tahap kedua (sub-judul)
2.1.1 Tahap ketiga (sub-sub-judul) Tahap keempat (sub-sub-sub-judul)

Jika judul Bab atau sub-judul pada mana-mana tahap tersebut di atas melebihi satu baris,
maka langkaunya adalah sama dengan langkau dalam teks.

Sub-judul seterusnya boleh diberi nombor dengan huruf abjad.

Sekiranya laporan mempunyai beberapa bahagian, gunakan perkataan dengan huruf besar
memisahkan masing-masing bahagian tersebut.

5. Penaipan

Penaipan tesis hendaklah menggunakan komputer dan ditaip dengan huruf biasa (tidak
dibenarkan huruf yang berbunga-bunga). Penulis dinasihatkan supaya menggunakan satu
jenis huruf yang tetap dan standard sahaja pada keseluruhan tesis (kecuali yang melibatkan
penggunaan bahasa asing ditaip menggunakan huruf condong). Saiz (tinggi) huruf yang
digunakan dalam teks tidak kurang daripada 0.2 cm bagi huruf besar dan 0.15 cm bagi huruf
kecil. Jika anda menggunakan perisian Word 6.0 atau versi yang lebih terkini, sila gunakan
jenis huruf ”Times New Roman”, bersaiz 12 atau lebih besar. Jarak di antara baris dalam teks
ialah satu setengah langkau (1.5 spacing). Teks dalam tesis hendaklah ditaip pada sebelah
muka surat sahaja.

Judul bab hendaklah ditaip dengan huruf besar dan diletak di tengah-tengah antara jidar kiri
dengan kanan. Setiap bab hendaklah dimulakan di atas muka surat yang baru. Bab dan
bahagian dalam bab hendaklah diberi judul. Judul boleh ditaip dengan huruf tebal dan tidak
perlu digariskan. Huruf pertama setiap perkataan dalam sub-judul hendaklah huruf besar.

6. Jarak dan Format

Penulis dinasihatkan supaya memenuhi panduan berikut dalam menentukan jarak dalam teks:
(i) Jarak di antara jidar atas dengan nombor bab ialah 2.5 cm;
(ii) Jarak di antara bab dengan judul bab, dan di antara judul bab dengan baris
pertama teks ialah empat(4) baris;
(iii) Jarak di antara sub-judul dengan baris terakhir teks sebelumnya ialah
empat(4) baris;
(iv) Jarak di antara sub-judul dengan baris pertama teks selepasnya ialah
dua(2) baris;
(v) Jarak di antara perenggan ialah dua(2) baris;
(vi) Mulakan sub-judul beserta nombornya dari jidar kiri;
(vii) Mulakan baris pertama perenggan dengan ensotan(indent) sebesar 1.27 cm
(atau 0.5 inci) dari jidar kiri;
(viii) Jangan mulakan baris pertama perenggan baru di bawah sebelah muka
(ix) Jarak di antara perkataan dalam barisan hendaklah sama, oleh itu format
‘justified’ dibenarkan.
(x) Jarak di antara ayat terakhir dengan Jadual, Rajah atau Ilustrasi ialah dua
(2) baris.
(xi) Jarak di antara noktah (.) dengan huruf pertama ayat berikutnya (dalam
perenggan yang sama) ialah satu (1) huruf.
(xii) Jarak selepas koma(,) ialah satu (1) huruf.

7. Naskah Cetakan Komputer

Penulis hendaklah menaip laporan dengan menggunakan komputer kerana cara ini pembetulan
dibuat dengan cepat dan mudah. Cetakan tesis hendaklah dibuat menggunakan mesin cetak
‘laser’ atau kualiti cetakan setaraf.

8. Penghurufan dan Lukisan

Penghurufan dan lukisan hendaklah jelas dan boleh dibuat salinan dengan memuaskan tanpa
kehilangan sebarang maklumat.

9. Had Maksimum

Had panjang laporan projek/disertasi/tesis adalah sepeti berikut:

Laporan Projek : tidak melebihi 120 muka surat

Had maksimum ialah tidak termasuk lampiran, jadual, gambarajah dan lain-lain illustrasi.
Penulis yang tesisnya melebihi had ini, hendaklah memohon kelulusan bertulis daripada
Penyelaras Bengkel 2 melalui Penyelia masing-masing.


Rujukan yang dinukil dalam teks sama ada sumber rujukan itu telah diterbitkan atau tidak,
hendaklah direkodkan. Nukilan dalam teks hendaklah dihubungkan dengan senarai rujukan
mengikut Sistem Pengarang dan Tahun (Sistem Harvard).

1. Sistem Pengarang dan Tahun (Sistem Harvard)

i) Kaedah Menulis Rujukan Dalam Teks

Apabila menggunakan sistem ini, rujukan dalam teks hendaklah ditulis atas nama pengarang
sahaja (tanpa nama ringkasannya) seperti berikut:

(a) Meletakkan tahun penerbitan dalam kurungan selepas nama pengarang

yang dirujuk. Contoh:

“Menurut Paredis (1993), sebilangan besar maslah utama penjadualan dalam

bidang ekonomi dan kejuruteraan tergolong ke dalam kelas masalah
pengoptimuman kekangan.”

(b) Jika nama pengarang tidak perlu ditulis dalam ayat, maka tuliskan nama dan
tahun dalam kurungan. Contoh:

“Oleh itu, penyelidikan terhadap kaedah penyelesaian yang berkesan bagi masalah
pengoptimuman kekangan ini menjadi satu bidang kajian yang popular dewasa ini
(Paredis, 1993).”
(c) Sekiranya bahan sumber yang dirujuk dihasilkan oleh dua pengarang,
tuliskan nama kedua-dua pengarang. Contoh:

“Penjadualan senggaraan telah lama dikaji, contohnya dalam penghasilan kuasa

oleh Kralj dan Petrovic (1995)....”.

(d) Bagi tiga pengarang atau lebih, tuliskan et al. Selepas nama pengarang pertama.

“Safaai Deris et al. (1997), menggunkan pendekatan tersebut ke atas jadual waktu

(e) Gunakan huruf kecil (a,b,c) untuk mengenalpasti dua atau lebih penebitan
dan pengarang yang sama dan dikeluarkan pada tahun yang sama. Contoh:

“Contoh perisian yang menggunakan bahasa pengaturcaraan kekangan ialah ILOG

Solver oleh Puget dan Albert (1994a).”

“Penggunaan objek amat meluas, terutamanya dalam pengaturcaraan kepintaran

buatan (Puget dan Albert, 1994b).”

(f) Rujukan silang (cross reference) tidak dibenarkan dalam penulisan tesis.
Penulis hendaklah merujuk kepada sumber bahan rujukan yang asal.

ii) Penduan Menulis Senarai Rujukan Mengikut Sistem Pengarang Dan Tahun (Sistem

Semua bahan yang dirujuk dalam tesis hendaklah disenarai dalam Senarai Rujukan yang
diletak di bahagian akhir teks.

Susunan rujukan dalam senarai rujukan hendaklah disusun mengikut abjad. Bagi pengarang
yang sama yang mempunyai dua penerbitan atau lebih, nyatakan secara kronologi, misalnya
penerbitan 1964 oleh Scholfield didahulukan sebelum penerbitannya pada 1967.
2. Panduan Menulis Nama Pengarang Dalam Senarai Rujukan

Nama pengarang ditulis mengikut sistem nama keluarga diikuti oleh singkatan nama lain
seperti contoh berikut:

(i) Nama Barat

nama : John Neville Palvovic
ditulis : Palvovic, J.N.

(ii) Nama Melayu

Nama : Mohd Noor B. Abdullah
Ditulis : Abdullah, M.N.

(iii) Nama Arab atau Berunsur Arab

Contoh (guna nama keluarga):

Nama : Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas
Ditulis : Al-Attas, S.M.N.

Contoh (tiada nama keluarga):

Nama : Malik
Ditulis : Malik

(iv) Nama Cina

Nama : Tan Beng Keat
Ditulis : Tan, B.K.
(v) Nama India

Contoh 1:

Nama : Srinivasan Venkataranam

Ditulis : Venkataranam, S.

Contoh 2:

Nama : S.N. Gupta

Ditulis : Gupta, S. N

3. Kandungan dan Format Menulis Rujukan

i) Kandungan Senarai Rujukan

Rujukan hendaklah mengandungi maklumat seperti berikut:

(a) Nama penulis atau editor diikuti dengan tahun dalam kurungan ( ) tanpa
dipisahkan oleh sebarang tanda baca;
(b) Tahun terbit dalam kurungan ( ) diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(c) Judul artikel digaris bawahnya atau dimulai dengan pembuka kata (“) dan
diakhiri dengan noktah dan penutup kata (“);
(d) Judul terbitan (jurnal dan sebagainya) dicetak dalam huruf condong, diikuti
dengan tanda noktah (.);
(e) Bilangan jilid, jika berkaitan, ditulis dengan huruf tebal atau dengan
singkatan “Jil.”, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(f) Bilangan edisi/cetakan, jika berkenaan, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(g) Tempat tertib diikuti dengan tanda noktah bertindih (: );
(h) Nama penerbit diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(i) Nama penterjemah, jika bahan terjemahan, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(j) Judul penerbitan berkala ditulis dengan huruf condong, jika penerbitan
berkala, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.)
(k) Kata singkatan “dlm.” dan “hlm.” atau “m.s.” (jika berkaitan);
(l) Bilangan siri, jika berkaitan, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(m) Bentuk penerbitan, jika berkaitan, diikuti dengan tanda noktah (.);
(n) Menulis rujukan hendaklah diakhiri dengan tanda noktah (.).

ii) Format Menulis Rujukan

Rujukan hendaklah ditulis dalam senarai rujukan mengikut format berikut:

Nama penulis (Tahun). “Tajuk.” Jurnal. Bil. hlm.

iii) Contoh-contoh Format Rujukan

(i) Pengarang Perseorangan dan Kumpulan

Contoh untuk satu pengarang:

Paredis, J. (1993). “Genetic State-Space Search for Constraint Optimization
Problems.” Proc. Of the 13th Int. Joint Cont. on Artificial Intelligence (IJCA193).
San Mateo, USA: Morgan Kaufaman.

Contoh untuk dua atau lebih pengarang:

Puget, J.F and Albert, P. (1994a). “SOLVER: Constraints – Objects Descriptions.”
Technical Report. ILOG S. A.

Puget, J. F. and Albert, P. (1994b). “AC++ Implementation of CLP.” Technical

Report. ILOG S.A.

Pergantis, S. A., Cullen, W.R., Chow, D.T. and Elgendor, G. K. (1997). “Liquid
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for the Speciation of Arsenic Animal
Feed Additives.” Journal of Chromatography A. 764. 211 – 222.

ATAU ditulis seperti berikut:

Pergantis, S.A., Cullen, W.R., Chow, D.T. and Elgendor, G. K. (1997). “Liquid
Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry for the Speciation of Arsenic Animal
Feed Additives.” Journal of Chromatography A. Bil. 764. m.s. 211-222.
(ii) Penyunting/Penyusun

Martin, A.M. (Ed.) (1991). “Peat As an Agent in Biological Degradation of Waste.”
London: Elsevier. 314 – 362.

Lees, R. H. and Thomos T.R., (Eds.) (1974). “Chemical Nomenclature Usage.”

Chishester: Ellis Horwood.

(iii) Penulis/Penyunting Korporat

Engineers Joint Council (1969). “Thesaurus of Engineering and Scientific terms.”
New York: Engineers Joint Council.

American Chemical Society (Ed.) (1978). “Handbook for Authors of American

Chemical Society Publications.” Washington, D.C.: American Chemical Society.

4. Jenis Bahan Rujukan

Dalam penulisan tesis, penulis akan merujuk berbagai jenis bahan sumber. Contoh
berikut adalah sebagai panduan untuk menulis bahan rujukan mengikut jenisnya ke
dalam senarai rujukan.
(vi) Buku

Nama penulis (Tahun). “Judul Buku.” Edisi. Tempat terbit: Penerbit. m.s.
Theusen, G. J. and Fabrycky, W. J. (1984). “Engineering Economy.” 6th. Ed.
Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall. 150-178.

(vii) Artikel dalam buku

Nama pengarang artikel (Tahun). “Judul Artikel.” dlm. Nama pengarang buku.
“Judul Buku.” Tempat terbit: Penerbit. hlm.
Sarmani, S. (1987). “Pencemaran Radioaktif.” Dlm. Mohamad, A.B.“Perspektif
Persekitaran.” Petaling Jaya: Fajar Bakti. 71-87.

(viii) Artikel dalam jurnal

Nama penulis (Tahun). “Judul Artikel.” Judul Jurnal. Jilid (nombor). Hlm.

Mikac, N. and Branica, M. (1994). “Complexation of Trialkyllead with
Diethyldithiocarbonate.” Electroanalysis. 6. 37-43.

(ix) Tesis

Nama Penulis (Tahun). “Judul.” Tesis, Nama Institusi.

Desa, M.I (1995). “Bus fleet maintenance modeling in a developing country.” Ph.D
Thesis, University of Salford.

(x) Perundangan

Nama negara (Tahun). “Judul Perundangan.” : Nombor perundangan.

Malaysia (1983). “Perintah Monumen Lama dan Tapak Tanah Bersejarah.”:
P.U. (A)41 1983.

(xi) Piawai

Nama institusi (Tahun). “Judul Piawai.” Tempat terbit: (Nombor piawai).

British Standards Institution (1987). “Tongued And Grooved Software Flooring.
London: (BS 1297).

(xii) Paten

Nama pemunya (Tahun). “Judul Paten.” (Nombor paten).

Lindgren, E. A. (1960). “Screen Room Air Inlet and Wave Guard.”
(U.S. Patent 2, 925, 457).

(xiii) Katalog dagang

Nama pengeluar (Tahun). “Judul.” Tempat terbit: Nota.

Howick partitioning Ltd. (1984). “Howick: Partitioning in Business.”
Redhil (U.K.): Trade brochure.

5. Rujukan Dari Internet

Walaupun Internet menyediakan sumber rujukan yang amat luas, namun maklumat
dalam Internet biasanya tidak kekal dan sentiasa mengalami pembaharuan dari
semasa ke semasa. Keadaan ini menjadikannya sumber rujukan yang tidak “reliable”
untuk jangka panjang. Oleh itu Internet hendaklah dijadikan sebagai alat bagi
mendapatkan sumber asal sesuatu rujukan.

i) Artikel dari internet

Nama pengarang artikel.(Tahun). “Judul Artikel”. Bulan terakhir dicapai dari

sumber tersedia (alamat sumber internet)
Kementerian Pendidikan Malaysia (2004). Sekolah Bestari . Retrieved
on May 2007 from

Kalawsky, R.S. (1999). Exploiting Virtual Rality Techniques in

Education and Training Technological Issues. Retrieved on January 2003 from

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