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Session: 2018-19



Dr. Praveen Kumar Rai VISHAL KUMAR
Associate Professor PGDRRS & GIS
Department of Geography Department of Geography
Institute of Science Institute of Science

Post graduate Diploma in Remote Sensing and

Geographical Information System
Department of Geography
Institute of Science

Spatial analysis or spatial statistics includes any of the formal
techniques which study entities using their topological, geometric,
or geographic properties. Spatial analysis includes a variety of
techniques, many still in their early development, using different
analytic approaches and applied in fields as diverse as astronomy,
with its studies of the placement of galaxies in the cosmos, to chip
fabrication engineering, with its use of "place and route" algorithms to
build complex wiring structures. In a more restricted sense, spatial
analysis is the technique applied to structures at the human scale,
most notably in the analysis of geographic data.
Spatial analysis is a type of geographical analysis which seeks to
explain patterns of human behaviour and its spatial expression in
terms of mathematics and geometry, that is, location analysis.
Examples include nearest neighbour analysis and Thiessen polygons.
Many of the models are grounded in micro-economics and predict the
spatial patterns which should occur, in, for example, the growth of
networks and urban systems, given a number of preconditions such as
the isotropic plain, movement minimization, and profit maximization.
It is based on the tenet that economic man is responsible for the
development of the landscape, and is therefore subject to the usual
criticisms of that concept, such as the lack of free will.
New methodologies of spatial analysis include geo
computation and spatial statistical theory.

Spatial analysis as a subject term is not used in the online
catalogue. Instead, spatial analysis (statistics) is used. The term
"statistics" is used to qualify or narrow the scope of the term. From
the online catalogue, you will find a over 70 resources that have to do
with spatial analysis (statistics). Some of these volumes are more
technical in nature and concentrate more on the mathematics involved
in spatial analysis.
Spatial analysis is the vital part of GIS. It can be done in two
1.Vector based analysis.
2.Raster based analysis.
Since the advent of GIS in the 1960’s many Government
agencies have invested heavily in GIS installations, including the
purchase of hardware and software and the construction of mammoth
In addition to basic functions related to automated cartography
and database management system, the most important uses of GIS are
spatial analysis capabilities

Using GIS for spatial Analysis

Spatial analysis in GIS involves three types of operations –
 Attribute query also known as non spatial ( 0r spatial query)
 Spatial query
 Generation of new dataset from the original database.
GIS can interrogate geographic features and retrieve associated
attribute information called identification. It can generate new set of
maps by query and analysis. It also involves new information by
spatial operations.

Here are described some analytical procedure applied with a GIS

 Single layer operations
 Multilayer operations/ Topological overlay
 Spatial modelling
 Geometric modelling
 Calculating the distance between geographic
 Calculating area, length, and perimeter
 Geometric buffer
 Point pattern analysis
 Network analysis
 Surface analysis
 Raster/Grid analysis
 Fuzzy spatial analysis
 Geo-statistical tool for spatial analysis

Overlay analysis is multiple layer of datasets that representing
different theme together for analysis or identifying relationship of
each layer.

One layer put over another layer to prepare a final a overlay.

Overlay is the operations of comparing variables among multiple
coverage. In the overlay analysis new spatial data sets are created by
merging data from two or more input data overlay is used
in both model overlay of vector data and overlay of raster data.
Overlay operation present many type of analysis:

 Dominance of popular ethnic population in a region.
 Age and sex composition of particular region.
 Physical landforms of the surface etc.
For overlay operator in common use:
 Point-in-area ( also known as point in polygon)
 Line-in-area ( also known as line on polygon)
 Weighted overlay
Vector map overlay relies heavily on the on the associated
disciplines of geometry and topography. The data layers n beings
overlaid need to topologically correct so that the line meet at nodes
and all polygon boundaries are closed. To create topology for a new
data layer produced as a results of the overlay process, the
intersections of lines and polygons form the input layers need to be
calculated geometry.
Overlay of vector data combined point lines, and polygons
features. In this data model operation rely on geometry and topology
of surface. Vector based overlay is time consuming complex and
computationally expensive. For example taking the ordering network
layer of Ganga watershed and laying over it with the layer of village.
The result would be which order of stream of Ganga flow in which
Operation will also generate combinative properties of point
attributes of point attributes of one layer and the polygon attribute of
the analysis layer

It is a spatial operation in which one point coverage v is overlaid
with polygon coverage to determine which the points falls within
polygon boundaries.
After overlay operation point assume the attributes of the
polygons within with they fall.
It helps in formulating hypothesis about the spatial relationship
between the occurance of points and the attributes of the polygons.this
part of operation determines the number of points located in particular




Point ID Land use

1 Forest
2 Forest
3 Non Forest


There are two task to perform that working with a vector data
 Create a new set of Geometries for the entire area.
 Compute a new set of attribute for those Geometries.
The arc of the input layer are spilt at their intersection with arc of
the union layer. Thus the number of polygons in the output layer will
be larger than the input layer. It is Boolean operation that uses or

therefore the output map correspondence to the area extant of input
layer or analysis layer or both. Union requires both the input and
analysis layer be polygon. This operator is generally used for
querying and analysis of urban sprawl.
 Intersect operations during overlay analysis :

Input coverage

Input layer may be point, line but analysis layer always in form
of polygon because output is a form of map, and map is a form of
area. Polygon overlay is used for site selection and suitability
Silver polygon due inconsistency and inaccuracy in the digitize
data. It should be corrected.


Overlay of raster datasets combine pixel-based calculation or
map algebra. It is quick straight forward and efficient datasets for
operations. It is known as cell by cell combination or operation. It is
computationally less demanding.
Overlay in raster datasets includes two or more different sets of
data that derive form of common grid. Each separate sets of data are
usually specified numerical values. In the raster these values are
mathematically merged together to create a new set of a value for a
single output layer. Basic arithmetic operation in raster overlay
operation are addition, subtraction, division and multiplication. All
these operations are explain here with same self exploratory diagram

3 3 1 11 12 10 1 15 11
1 12 10 4
4 2 2 1 1 1
3 1 1 6 4 2
1 12 11
4 1 1 1
9 7 3 2
Most sophisticated spatial modelling undertaken within the raster
domain and each point can be addressed by a part of neighbourhood
of surrounding values. If all the neighbouring point having same
attribute value other good together is termed as region. raster map
overlay introduce the idea of map algebra.
Raster data value can be classified in following categories:
 Local operation
 Neighbourhood operation
 Regional operations

Neither forest nor resort = 0

Forest or resort =1
Forest and resort =2

Forest = 1 Resort Area = 1 Forest & resort = 1

Other areas = 0 Other areas = 0 Other areas = 0

 Local operation :

 Point by Point / Cell by Cell analysis.

It is either in logical or Arithmetic analysis. The most
operation analysis in the raster is coding of appropriate
features in the input layer. It’s affected by resolution and
scale. Basic arithmetic operators in raster overlay
operations are addition, subtraction, division, and
All these operators here with the self exploratory diagrams :

Each operation would be perform cell by cell.

Raster based location specific overlay:
The cell by cell operations are termed as location specific overlay.
But, assuming value to the entire thematic regions create a new layer
and termed as category wide overlay.
Local neighbourhood operations:
Local neighbourhood operations are also known as focal
operation. It is used for the topological relationship of adjacent
between cell in the input raster layer to create a new layer. This
operation assumes that the value of particular cell is affected by the
value of the neighbouring cell.
Operators on regions (Regional operators):
Regional operators are also known as zonal operations.
Generally a region is defined as the area with homogeneous
characteristics. In raster model it has been defined as the collection of
cells that exhibits the some attributes characteristics. There is no
certainty in the location of the boundary because they in the perfect
registration. Registration is so very important otherwise it’s very
Reclassification is a method of changing the attribute values
without altering the geometry of the map. Infect it is a database
simplification process that aims at reducing the number of categories
of attribute data layer. It is an attribute generalisation technique
typically this function makes to use of polygon pattering techniques
such as crosshatching and/or colour shading for graphic
representation. It usually uses either logical or operator for vector
After reclassification the common boundary with identical
attribute are dissolved. Consequently the topology will be relevant.

Important overlay operation-

Clip create a new map that includes only those features of the
input layer that falls within area extract of the clip Map. The input
layer may be points, lines, or polygon but the analysis layer (clip
layer) must be polygon layer.

Uses a cut-paste operation to replace the input coverage and its
map features. Replaced by analysis layer by generated output layer.
These types of operation can be done by comparing data. For example
I have a land use data of 1990 and compared with the built land data
from 2018.then I will extract built-up land from 1990 data and
compare with each other to show the how many areas be will changes
during 28years.
Operation overlays polygons and keeps all input layer features
and only those features from the analysis layer that overlap the input

Line in polygon

All be done in the boolean operation.

Applications of overlay operation:

 For the site suitability overlay following points should be kept
in mind.
 Selection of criteria
 Reclassification the data as per the criteria
 Overlay ( Boolean or map projection )
 Extraction and representation of suitability
For example criteria of nuclear waste repository site should be an area
of suitable geology, site must not easily accessible, Site must be away
from high population and site must be outside the area of population.

 Unwin, J. David. & David, O’Sullivan; geographic
information analysis: pub. John wiley and Sons, Inc.
 Lo, C.P. & Yeung, K.W; Concept and techniques of
geographic information system: PHI private limited New
 Heywood, Ian. Cornelius, Sarah. & Carver Steve; An
Introduction to geographic information system( 3rdedition):
Pearson publication.
 E-learning pathshala on spatial analysis of GIS on youtube.
 Wikipedia on free encyclopaedia.


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