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214 ROBUST PARAMETER ESTIMATION Robust Frameworks for Estimation

Incorporating Uncertainty in the Inputs Into the tionally more efficient than the Monte Carlo approach. This develop-
Portfolio Allocation Process ment in optimization technology allows for efficiently solving the robust
In the classical mean-variance optimization problem, the expected returns version of the mean-variance optimization problem in about the same
and che covariance matrix of returns are uncertain and have to be estimated. time as the classical mean-variance optimization problem. The technique
After che estimation at these quantities, the portfolio optimisation problem explicitly uses the distribution from the estimation process to iind a
is solved as a deterministic problem—completely ignoring the uncertainty in robust portfolio in one single optimization. It thereby incorporates
the inputs. However, it makes sense for the uncertainty of expected returns uncertainties of inputs into a deterministic framework. The classical
and risk to enter into the optimization process, thus creating a more realistic portfolio optimization formulations such as the mean-variance portfolio
model. Using point estimates of the expected returns and the covariance selection problem, rhe maximum Sharpe ratio portfolio problem, and the
matrix of returns, and treating them as error-free in portfolio allocation, value-at-risk (VaR) portfolio problem all have robust counterparts that
does not necessarily correspond to prudent investor behavior. can be solved in roaghly the same amount of time as the original prob-
The investor would probably be more comfortable choosing a portfo- lem. 14 We describe Monte Carlo simulation techniques in Chapter 12,
lio that would perform well under a number of different scenarios, and the robust optimization frameworks in Chapters 10, 12, and 13.
thereby also attaining some protection from estimation risk and model
risk. Obviously, to have some insurance in the event of less likely but- Large Data RequiremRnts
more extreme cases (e.g., scenarios that are highly unlikely under the In classical mean-variance optimization, we need to provide estimates of"
assumption that returns are normally distributed), the investor must be the expected returns and covariances of all the securities in the invest-
willing to give up some of the upside that would result under the more ment universe considered. Typically, however, portfolio managers have
likely scenarios. Such an investor seeks a "robust" portfolio, that is, a reliable return forecasts for only a small subset of these assets. This is
portfolio that is assured against some worst-case model misspecification. probably one of the major reasons why the mean-variance framework
The estimation process can be improved through robust statistical tech- has not been adopted by practitioners in general. It is simply unreason-
niques such as shrinkage and Bayesian estimators discussed later in this able for the portfolio manager to produce good estimates of all the
chapter. However, jointly considering estimation tisk and model risk in inputs required in classical portfolio theory.
the financial decision-making process is becoming more important. We will see later in this chapter that the Black-Litterman model pro-
The estimation process frequently does not deliver a point forecast
(that is, one single number), but a full distribution of expected returns. vides a remedy in that it "blends" any views (this could be a forecast on
Recent approaches attempt to integrate estimation risk into the mean-vari- just one or a few securities, or ail them) the investor might have with the
ance framework by using the expected return distribution in the optimiza- market equilibrium. When no views are present, the resulting Black-Litter-
tion. A simple approach is to sample from the return distribution and man expected returns are just the expected returns consistent with the
average the resulting portfolios (Monte Carlo approach). However, as a market equilibrium. Conversely, when the investor has views on some of
mean-variance problem has to be solved for each draw, this is computa- the assets, the resulting expected returns deviate from market equilibrium.
tionally intensive for larger portfolios. In addition, the averaging does not
guarantee that che resulting portfolio weights will satisfy all constraints.
Introduced in the late 1990s by Ben-Tal and Nemirovski 12 and El SHRINKAGE ESTIMATION
Ghaoui and Lebret, 1 3 the robust optimization framework is computa-
It is well known since Stein's seminal work that biased estimators often
Aharon Ben-Tal and Arkadi S. Nemirovski, "Robust Convex Optimization," yield better parameter estimates than their generally preferred unbiased
Mathematics of Operations Research 23, no. 4 (1998), pp. 769-805; and Aharon counterparts. 1 5 In particular, it can be shown that if we consider the
Ben-Tal and Arkadi S. Nemirovski, "Robust Solutions to Uncertain Linear Pro 14
grams," Operations Research Letters 25, no. 1 (1999), pp. 1-13. See, for example, Donald Goidfarb and Garud Iyengar, "Robust Portfolio Selection
Laurent El Ghaoui and Herve Lebret, "Robust Solutions to Least-Squares Prob Problems," Mathematics of Operations Research 28, no.. 1 (February 2003), pp. 1-38.
lems with Uncertain Data," SI AM Journal Matrix Analysis with Applications 18, no. Charles Stein, "Inadmissibility of the Usual Estimator for the Mean of Multivan-
4 (1997), pp. 1035-1064. ate Normal Distribution," Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Math
ematical Statistics and Probability 1 (1956), pp. 197-206.

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