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Supermarket vs.

Public Market
We compared the prices of some products in supermarket and public market if
where the consumers or the buyers will save money more. The first product we
compared is rice. In the public market, the dinurado is worth P54.00 per kilo while
in the supermarket it is only P53.00. If you’re using dinurado as rice, buy it in
supermarket even though it is just one peso per kilo you can save is still important.
The next one is the sinandomeng where in the public market it cost P42.00 only
while in the supermarket it is P47.00. Obviously if the rice you want is
sinandomeng, much better if you buy it in the public market. The last one in the
rice we are comparing is the malagkit. It cost P72.00 in the supermarket and in the
public market it is P70.00. So if you need that rice, buy it also in the public market.
The second product we compared is the oil. In the supermarket, we only saw the
golden fiesta which cost P107.00 per bottle while in the public market the oil is
P31.00 per bottle. The last one is the vegetables. The potato is P100.00, the onion
is P135.00, the garlic is P100.00, the onion white is P118.00, the ginger is P160.00,
the camote white is P80.00, the gabe is P60.00, and the laing is P380.00. In the
public market, the potato is P80.00, the onion is P60.00, the garlic is P60.00, the
onion white is P70.00, the ginger is P50.00, the camote is P50.00, the gabe is
P60.00, and the laing is P100.00. In short, if we are the consumer we will buy in
the supermarket because there is still the advantage if you will buy there because
it’s safe and all the products are checked and clean before they sell it. But don’t
underestimate the products in the market just because the place is not that clean.


Khamill Manabat

Sofia Arciaga

Francine Lucenara

Eric Guanzaon

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